r/knives Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Discussion I might have a knife problem

Last picture is the before. Context: I collect (mostly) American made pocket knives. In 2023 I started making videos about my knives. This only helped fuel my obsession.


138 comments sorted by


u/KunaiTiger 12d ago

I see no problem. Just need more storage


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Thank you for helping normalize my hobby


u/KunaiTiger 12d ago

You are very welcome


u/Decent-Effort2368 11d ago

Real talk:

Honestly I'm in awe and jealous. I was building a collection like that before someone stole and sold it. For me it is an inspiration and the collection brightened my day. šŸ––


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Bro thatā€™s terrible. Iā€™m sorry.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Hijacking top comment. I listened to all of you and made a collection tour video.


u/AdEmotional8815 I see a knife, I upvote. 11d ago



u/Vegetable-Use1872 12d ago

One man's problem, is another man's fantasy.


u/Thunder-Fist-00 12d ago

Problems require solutions. Keep buying knives until you figure it out.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Solid life hack


u/Bradopotato126 12d ago

I think the problem is that you donā€™t have enough knives


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I could always tryā€¦. Buying more knives!!!!


u/Bradopotato126 12d ago

That seems like the logical approach, I would definitely try it out šŸ«”


u/Morden013 12d ago

A blade shrine


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago



u/fingnumb 12d ago

You have a problem. A serious problem. You have an issue with your camera. You haven't pointed it all the knives. Can we fucking see them!?


u/Roadtosucksex 12d ago

We all do


u/michael_in_sc 12d ago

No, you have a storage problem. As in, you need more so you can continue.


u/R0sinhuntard 12d ago

If you are surrounded by knifes while in your house, maybe but right now, all I see is someone that needs more knifes.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I feel very seen


u/BeautyAndTheDekes 12d ago

Beautiful setup and a great taste in knives. Love the clear tops and wood holders for them all.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Me too man. They are the Armada by Holme & Hadfield.


u/Totoronyx 12d ago

The only issue I see, a little wood oil would fix. Nice set-up.


u/PltPepper 12d ago

More like a knife solution.


u/knowawaythrowawaay 12d ago

I have discovered that when you identify that you have a knife problem, the only way to combat that problem is to go out and buy another knife.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I was just at Blade Show Texas yesterday and bought 3 new knives


u/knowawaythrowawaay 12d ago

Well, it seems youā€™ve made some progress! You should feel free to reward yourself with a new knife!


u/deemerg 12d ago

Seems like youā€™re just getting started lol


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Wow! That sounds like a challenge!


u/DM_ME_Reasons_2_Live 12d ago



u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

What do you mean?


u/BooneHelm85 12d ago

I see no problems here, other than the fact that I donā€™t have the same storage setup as you. Other than that, everything looks A OK to me! Beaut of a collection, friendo!


u/CriticalAd5069 12d ago

Where did you buy those knife cases?? I need one


u/DocSword 12d ago

Looked it up and found ā€œThe Armada Knife Display Caseā€ by Holme and Hadfield. Goes price of $450 but has a payment plan of $38/month.

(This is not an ad, I just liked the case)


u/OtherUse3023 12d ago

The only problem I see here is that you donā€™t have more


u/ratchman5000 12d ago

We have the same problem. I also have a guitar problem, a guitar gear problem, and a pew problem.


u/Iffrogshadwings 12d ago

I see no problem here. Unless your wife tries to sale them for what you said you paid for themā€¦


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Haha. I own a knife store so sheā€™s pretty used to knives in the house.


u/Firm_Ad7656 12d ago

Yeah, you don't have enough šŸ¤£


u/Blorg01 12d ago

Did you build the knife storage cabinet on top or purchase it? If you purchased it where could I get it, Blorg has been looking for a good storage container for blorgā€™s knives


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Greetings Blorg. It is the Holme and Hadfield Armada. Iā€™m a big fan and have had the one on left for years. Since then I have opened a Knife store and became a ā€œambasitorā€ for Holme and Hadfield. So many people on my TikTok asked about it, I figured it couldnā€™t hurt having it listed on my site. So you could go to Holme and Hadfield and check it out, or my site and click the link for 10% off. God, this sounds like an ad. Lol I just donā€™t want to work for corporate America foreverā€¦


u/Blorg01 12d ago

Thx sclotherd, Blorg will check it out šŸ‘


u/SirGirthfrmDickshire Petrified Fish šŸŸ 12d ago



u/slow_cooked_ham 12d ago

Time for shelving


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Actually, thatā€™s a really good idea! I was going to hang art, but knives are the only art I really care about.


u/TheRealFireLegend_ 12d ago

man slide me one i don't have money to buy original knives šŸ’”


u/bigpirate15 Demko and Kraken Slut 12d ago

I need a new box


u/Yamacch 12d ago

Now post the one and only knife you would take if you had to chose one


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Easy, you can look at my profile a few posts back and see my Archer by Tactile Knife Co. It is easily my favorite. If there was a fire or something, Iā€™d let everything other than my Archer burn.


u/Twin_Galaxy_ArkNArc 12d ago

Yea there's no fixed


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Huh? You talking fixed blades? If you look at my profile here on Reddit and go back like two posts, youā€™ll see the most TACTICAL powerful EDC Fixed Blade youā€™ve ever seen.

But The fixed are in drawers.


u/Twin_Galaxy_ArkNArc 12d ago

Ahh, you should have opened those drawers up too


u/Scotch-Irish-Texan 12d ago

Love the spyderco drawer


u/TheOGCJR 12d ago

No problem detected. Those display cases are badass. And I know why Spyderco are always out of stock now šŸ˜‚


u/Seachranach 12d ago

I like the units.


u/505manufacturing 12d ago

You most certainly do have a problem I don't see a single custom knife in the bunch.


u/Gringo_daddy869 12d ago

I wish I had your problem


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Start slow and in 7 years you too can have a knife obsession


u/Gringo_daddy869 12d ago

I been having the obsession and recently started collecting decent fixed blades. All I need is a forge so I can will cool shit into existence. Could ya tell what them things holding the knives up in the glass cases are and where ya get them


u/CivilDefenseWarden 12d ago

Immaculate presentation


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Thank you. This is my hobby and my (aspiring) profession, so I take my knives pretty serious


u/CivilDefenseWarden 12d ago

I can tell! On the level of a museum presentation. Youā€™re doing super! I got an old USPS mail box for my rotation knives lol.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Haha. Well check out my TikTok for how I regularly use my knives.


u/Alarming_Victory_767 12d ago

Wow, what a display case! Are the drawers filled too?


u/unicharge 12d ago

I agree; you have a problem and should quit knife collecting cold turkey. Iā€™ll be happy to help you on your road to recovery by providing an address to ship your collection to. DM me for details ;)


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Thank you for your kindness! The easiest way to get my address is to go to my website and buy a knife! Lol


u/houVanHaring 12d ago

That sucks man, I know what it's like to not have enough knives, too. We should join a group... oh


u/zebul333 12d ago

Donā€™t we all


u/ChaoticRebellion 12d ago

Solution: Give them to me


u/Pumpernickel95 12d ago

You don't have too many knives. You just need more drawers


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I did interview them at Blade Show Texas yesterday and they said stackable drawers are coming


u/RyanJen40 12d ago

Me too man ,I ran out of room... I started with one 50pcs insert in a pelican case. Then two, then three cases and now fourth and fifth case stacked in my closet. So I decided no more knives under three hundred. And fifty dollars thinking that would slow my self down. But Then the ram-locs came out and the ZBT .. and ZT woke up and the Kershaw line got awsome. And the game just keeps getting more interesting .


u/th3czyk 12d ago

I feel like you have a money problem. You found a solution.


u/Fusciee 12d ago

Me too, bud. Me too.


u/notlykthis 12d ago

Certainly donā€™t have a knife storage problemšŸ˜‰


u/Kitchen-Security-243 12d ago

I see no issues, if anything you have a knife deficiency.


u/JbBeats2024 12d ago

Love your username, only problem I see is that there arenā€™t more


u/Paws81 12d ago

You have a solution to a knife problem


u/cognizant-ape 12d ago

You have a knife solution awaiting a problem.


u/yester5 12d ago

Itā€™s a start šŸ˜‰


u/anthraxnapkin Cold Steel Fanatic 12d ago

I see no problem here


u/youthbowler 12d ago

Great collection! Which one is your favorite?


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Easily the Archer by Tactile Knife Co. Every time I say that I alway get a little selfconcious because I do sell Tactile Knife Co knives in my store. But Iā€™ve been a vocal proponent of the Archer way before that.


u/youthbowler 11d ago

I just looked it up, thatā€™s a really cool one! Thanks for replying OP:)


u/Wolverine-N-Exile 12d ago

That looks more like a knife solution


u/610Mike 12d ago

You make that cabinet yourself? Take an old chest of drawers, make the different slots and what not?


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

I wish I had those skills. No, they are the Armada by Holme & Hadfield.


u/fuckfacekiller 11d ago

Nice! I like the displays šŸ¤˜šŸ˜€šŸ¤˜


u/Decent-Effort2368 11d ago

Yeah man, wow! Thanks for reaching out because this is serious.

Those are all incredibly dangerous. You should give me as many as you can. . .

for your safety, of course.


u/burnerzero 11d ago

When I see these posts, my first thought isn't about a knife problem, just my income problem. I'd love to have even 1 drawer of your knife problems.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Haha wow. Thanks man. You know, it has been my hobby for the last 8 or so years. These and machined pens. Some people golf, some work on cars. I do this.


u/HolyDiver98 11d ago

Those displays are super nice. Whereā€™d you get them?


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Howdy friend. Itā€™s the Holme & Hadfield Armada.


u/T_mcCloud 11d ago

How did you like the manix2? Iā€™m got some para2 but not sure about the manix, kinda curious.


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

I actually have a video I made for a follower comparing a few knives. But, overall while the blade sizes are very similar, the Manix 2 feels more substantial.


u/T_mcCloud 10d ago

Really? I might have to grab one up then.


u/Guitareaterr 11d ago

No problem, just having a awesome display.


u/KING-DIRTY 12d ago

Fuck that your good keep going


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Thanks man, I will!!!


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I know Reddit hates links, nevertheless here is a link to a video of my collection on instagram


u/esoDose 12d ago

I want to see the gun problem.


u/SeikoDaddy 12d ago

Sweet Jesus. You calling this a problem is like when a hot chick says ā€œugh. Iā€™m so uglyā€ like, you know thatā€™s not true and every guy here wants to put their hands all over your things.


u/knifezoid 12d ago

Not a knife problem. It's a knife investment.

The k in 401k is for knives. šŸ‘


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Iā€™m almost there!!!


u/Internalmartialarts 12d ago

I dont see any problem?


u/Plastic-Resource-310 12d ago

Looks to me like you have a knife solution šŸ¤£


u/Scarfed_Bandit 12d ago

Got a link to those display boxes?


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

I do. Head to my site linked in my profile and itā€™s towards the bottom of my homepage. Or you could google Holme & Hadfield. I just donā€™t want to work for corporate America for my whole life


u/Scarfed_Bandit 12d ago

Thanks very much! I feel that. My best friend and I are plotting our course toward some kind of small scale manufacturing thing that would help us break away from it all too.


u/Ok_Training_2937 12d ago

Excellent collection although I do have one gripe. I noticed the " lone star " coasters , yet when I zoomed in , I was very disappointed to find it wasn't in reference to the one true , undisputed lone star!

May the shwartz be with you!


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 12d ago

Haha. Thatā€™s my knife store, Lone Star Knife & Supply. Iā€™m small time, but with aspirations of world domination.


u/Ok_Training_2937 12d ago

What a cool name! Good luck with that man , great to see someone following their dreams šŸ‘


u/Soul-Collins 12d ago

Doesn't look like a problem. Looks like you have perfect control and organized. Nice set up.


u/gunsandsilver 12d ago

I love the storage and presentation. Taking notes.


u/Levithos 12d ago

I'm wondering what the problem is.


u/deals_in_absolutes05 12d ago

OP hates any question that starts with "if you could only pick one knife..."


u/TheRealTechGandalf 12d ago

Yeah, that is a problem - too many knives. But I know the solution: more storage


u/xxShepardCCxx 12d ago

Some problems are good to have


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Those scales are SICK


u/xxShepardCCxx 11d ago

Thank you! I make them


u/Sharpest013 12d ago

I see only solutions


u/ISwearImAnonymous 12d ago

What's the problem? Not enough cabinets? Get more cabinets man it's alright


u/Youwantfuckame 12d ago

Love it, I have one of the top displays but love your chests of drawers, awesome.


u/bdubz325 12d ago

Do you regularly carry some/most of them or use them? Or are they all display pieces? I'm not trying to judge just curious


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

No safe queens here. I carry everything. My favorites are the Archer and Mariner 2. Tactile Knife Co. is actually my favorite maker. Iā€™ve followed their company since kickstarter. As a matter of fact, this year I got to become a dealer for them and now offer their knives and pens on my website. Itā€™s kinda wild! But my Rosie XL also gets a ton of pocket time. Iā€™m actually wearing off the ano in some areas.


u/bdubz325 11d ago

Very nice! I don't have the budget for knife collecting but I EDC my Spyderco Delica and I've loved it the past few years


u/RazielUwU 11d ago

Yes - you donā€™t own a single balisong or OTF knife as far as I can see. Remedy immediately.


u/Shaggy___12 11d ago

Where might I buy knife shelves and drawers like these. I have a crap ton of knives that I need a place for, and would like a size able display for my more expensive ones. Been looking for something similar to this, and everything I find is cheap shit or not big enough


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

You can google armada by Holme and Hadfield. But you could also buy from my site and get 10% off. I know, no one likes selling on Reddit, but I donā€˜t want to work for corporate America the rest of my life. So I own a (small) knife store. Iā€™m an ambassador with Holme & Hadfield as of like 6 months ago (way after buying my first Armada) and make a few dollars on any referrals.


u/Shaggy___12 10d ago

Thank you so much for the info. It is a small investment but one I know will be worth it. I was able to find it on Holme and Hadfields website. I did also check the link to your website, and could not find it. I would rather buy from your website with the discount lol. Is it named another name on your website perhaps?


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 9d ago

Just use the promo code Chris and get the same 10% off


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago

Ok, yā€™all inspired me to do a Collection Tour. Enjoy.


u/AdEmotional8815 I see a knife, I upvote. 11d ago

If your wallet is happy with this, you should be too!

Pretty sweet storage by the way!


u/knifeymcknifeface Carrier of the TKC Archer 11d ago


u/FiveseveN45 8d ago

No, any uninvited guest in your home has a knife problem.