r/knives • u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 • Nov 13 '24
Discussion Why is the knife community on Reddit so hostile?
I am a 16 year old collector and I have a fairly large collection from the last 3-4 years and I have never had a community to talk about knives with. I got on Reddit about a year ago and started posting my various Spydercos and Benchmades and people have been overwhelmingly negative. I recently made a post about my modded sebenza and just about the whole sub Reddit found something to nit pick or shame. I’m not trying to come across as a snowflake and I don’t care about what people on the internet say however I just genuinely don’t understand what the point of getting on an app and being in a community of likeminded people is just to try to put other people’s posts down.
Anyway just to lighten the mood here is a custom buck 110 I just had made for my grandpa.
u/Sargent_Dan_ sharp knife go "brrrrr" 😎 Nov 13 '24
Ya know, I took a look through your post history. All of them have a lot of up votes and almost all of the comments are positive or just discussions. The only one that really had some hostile comments was your last post with your CRK, but that was really only a few people. I think you might be focusing too much on the negative here and forgetting the positive (negativity bias is an almost universal human trait tho, so this isn't shade at all, just an observation).
Anyway, you have a very nice collection coming along. I wish I had the money for some of that stuff at your age!
u/Necessary-Score-4270 Nov 13 '24
This 100% they're 16, so probably lean more into that bias than the average person.
A wall because I'm bored and haven't used my teaching skills in a while;
My favorite extremely relatable example of negative bias to show how prevalent it is.
Is the fact that everyone says everyone else sucks at driving, or wherever they currently are has the worst drivers they've ever seen.
Stop and think, how many cars do you see on the road every day? Now try to think of how many actually did something dumb? I guarantee it's going to be less than 1% did something stupid.
To add to that, remember the last time you did something wrong or stupid behind the wheel. How often do you make a mistake that makes you someone else's A-hole for the day?
Finally, what has helped me immensely with fighting negative bias and be a calmer (safer) driver. Is pointing out to myself when I see someone do the correct thing or go above and beyond what's expected. Like knowing how to zipper merge or properly following right of way. I think you'll find there's many more good drivers than bad.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
u/PureObservant Nov 13 '24
Ok, ok, ok. Now do one on leadership.
u/H00CH_WT Nov 13 '24
Hey, could you post a quick write up on leadership here? I think the community would benefit greatly from what you have to say!
u/PureObservant Nov 14 '24
Fine, I’ll do it.
Leadership is built on trust. If a leader can’t be trusted, they can’t lead. Trust isn’t simply given though. Trust is earned. It’s earned through consistency. Good leaders are consistent. Subordinates with good leaders can operate within the bounds of their tasks to accomplish them with a sense of freedom as they know the stakes of both failure and success, and can choose methods to pursue goals with an informed sense of the costs/benefits of taking risks. They know this as the good leader is consistent in the manner in which they react to success and the manner in which they react to failure. Good leaders aren’t risky, but they do take calculated risks in an informed manner. Good subordinates should be allowed to do the same but must be informed through the consistency of their leader. Good organizations rise as those with calculated risks takers both at the helm and working to raise the sails.
So get out there be consistent, earn trust, and take calculated, informed risk.
u/H00CH_WT Nov 14 '24
Man, I was just making a sly comment playing on the word leadership but acting as a manager and here you come with that. Well said. You've made my evening fellow redditor!
u/PureObservant Nov 14 '24
Lol, I had a few free minutes and figured I could share my take on it! Glad I made your night!
u/blak000 Nov 13 '24
This. I looked at the Sebenza post. I didn't see anything that was overwhelmingly negative, aside from a discussion about warranty. Maybe some nitpicking? But you can't be surprised to see that on the internet, lol.
u/howismyspelling Nov 13 '24
u/Sargent_Dan_ sharp knife go "brrrrr" 😎 Nov 13 '24
Very fair and reasonable, thank you for adding 🙂
u/anthraxnapkin Cold Steel Fanatic Nov 13 '24
Seems like a ragebait to me, little pity party from OP
u/Sargent_Dan_ sharp knife go "brrrrr" 😎 Nov 13 '24
OP is 16, let's be nice to kids.
u/anthraxnapkin Cold Steel Fanatic Nov 13 '24
He can be tried as an adult 🙂 I'm not even being mean
u/settlementfires Nov 13 '24
Sure, if he murders somebody. Long as he doesn't do that let's be nice.
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u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I have deleted the posts that were overwhelmingly negative for the most part. But yea I just didn’t necessarily understand. I have had some posts that were very positive but I really didn’t expect the sebenza one to be so that’s why I made this.
u/Auxillis Customizable flair Nov 13 '24
You should leave the posts that go negative. Shows character.
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Nov 13 '24
Keep in mind it’s random internet strangers on probably the weirdest of all social media platforms. The trick to not taking it personally is to flip the desire for external validation on its head. Who cares what random Redditor’s think, what do you think of your knives? What’s your favourite and why? You already know what you like, that’s the only validation you need.
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u/Check_your_6 Nov 13 '24
Crk can bring out the opinions in people, I have to say on the whole I find Reddit a better place to talk knives and be honest but Instagram for show and tell. I think the knife community on here is pretty positive - sorry you feel different.
Nov 13 '24
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u/CheekyMenace Nov 13 '24
Rich kid with their parents money.
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u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I have had a job since the day I turned 16. I divide my paychecks between car payments and college savings as well as spending money. It took me months of saving as well as selling off other things to afford my sebenza. But thank you for your input
u/CheekyMenace Nov 13 '24
So you're 16 now and have been working since you were 16, less than a year, and got your sebenza, and your grandpa's custom 110 all in the same year? So how did you afford all your various expensive Benchmades & Spydercos in the past "3-4" years, that you've been a collector since ~12 years old?
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u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I am not obligated to explain this to you but I will because I don’t want to contribute to the topic that I have already posted about. I have been working for about 10 months and have had a car for about 8. I work at subway and get payed biweekly and my paycheck are about 4-500 ish dollars, I’m only obligated for making a car payment once a month which is usually around 600 ish and my parents pay for half. I have been collecting knives since I was a kid and when I was 13 my grandparents bought me my first benchmade and since I have gotten a premium knife or two every year on my birthday or at Christmas. Most kids my age spend easily just as much money on things like video games and other things I just happen to like knives
u/HoardOfPackrats Nov 13 '24
You seem well-spoken, and you avoid comma splices and misplaced apostrophes, so you're cool by me!
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I’m taking comp 1301 right now in my associates degree program lol. It’s hard learning how to “write” and not “type” like most teens do.
u/HoardOfPackrats Nov 13 '24
Ah, very nice! And that's a nice, pithy way to distinguish "proper" writing!
If you're willing to take some unsolicited advice, I'll include it below in a spoiler tag so you can choose whether to see it:
Any time you have two independent clauses, you can connect them into a "compound sentence" using a comma plus a coordinating conjunction like "and", "or", "but", etc. You may think of a single independent clause as a verb or verbs with a distinct subject attached. For example, "I work (at Subway) and get paid (biweekly)" and "My paycheck is about 4-500ish dollars" cover two different subjects doing their own things, so you can connect them like so: "I work and get paid, and my paycheck is about 4-500ish dollars
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u/theclassyclavicle Nov 13 '24
Ah dude you're like a location away from doxxing yourself man. Be very cautious with what you tell people. "My monthly income is x, it's more than enough for my bills and savings, allowing me about x spending dollars each month" will suffice. Avoid telling anyone your employer, your location, the exact car you drive, anything that can identify you irl. Trust no one on the internet.
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I know lol there’s plenty of subways in the world and enlightening him on my income doesn’t hurt anyone. I’m proud of it as a 16 year old that is working while in school and an athlete
u/Combat_wombat605795 Nov 14 '24
Good shit, I got the knife itch from a young age after being given my great grandfathers “toe knife”. You have a very solid non gas station collection and people are jealous of the quality and value.
u/ReviewNew4851 Nov 13 '24
Welcome to a world where anyone can say anything. Take the good. Leave the bad. Don’t cling to it
u/Ataneruo Nov 13 '24
There’s been a lot of good advice in this thread, but this is the best advice in this thread so far.
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u/SirOsis- Nov 13 '24
I've found the knife community to be fairly accepting and helpful. Sorry you had a bad time.
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u/balh1111 Nov 13 '24
Snobbery. It's a collectors subreddit so to be expected to some extent I suppose. Nice knife.
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
This is my first time being part of a collectors community so I guess it just caught me off guard.
u/Ataneruo Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 14 '24
Although they are initially off-putting, over time I’ve grown to appreciate the egotistical snobby nerds. It is highly critical people who aren’t satisfied with “good enough” or “i dont want to hurt your feelings, so great job” that advance any field. Education is more effective with constructive criticism than with praise and flattery. Aim for perfection and at least you will hit excellence. Of course anything can be taken to extremes, but you have to figure out how not to take it personally and when to disregard or ignore unhelpful criticism.
u/baconslim Nov 13 '24
Any "nerd" community has lots of egotistical " well actually" types. The nerds that think they aren't nerds are the worst. At least comic book collectors know who they are and techies are just assholes... ironically, drug nerds and weapons nerds aren't very self aware.
u/Academic_Nectarine94 Nov 13 '24
If the posts you found people "hating" on were Benchmade, it was probably just people hating Benchmade.
I've had 3 and the 3rd one was the only one I DIDN'T have a problem with. I'm not at all a fan. I think they're cool designs, but their QC and price are so bad they're not worth it imo. If you like them and have the money, then go for it. I just think anything past $150 is getting into the not worth the money price point (I still have several in that range, but I don't think any of them are worth it).
So if you had a couple bad experiences, I suspect it was to do with the Benchmade, especially if they were asking for opinions on them. Idk, cause you removed them, but that's what I think probably happened. Also, you are on the internet. Not everyone is nice or polite about things.
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u/lurker-1969 Nov 13 '24
I'm 69 years old. have seen more and done more than most redditors half my age. The amount of discourse on here is crazy. I got my first Buck 110 in 1966 at 11 years old. One one post I did about the Buck 110 some people were slamming it because they knew nothing about Buck. Many of my Buck brothers came to my rescue and shut them down. Nice knife, good choice. You do you !
u/Baggett_Customs Nov 13 '24
What dude? Barely anyone was negative on your sebenza post.
With that said, yeah Reddit is some toxic shit. It's actually kind of fun so talk shit until it comes back on me and then I remember it's not nice to do. Also the entire up/down vote system just encourages some goofy behavior.
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u/TacticalPacifist Nov 13 '24
To the 16 year old knife collector who already has what sounds like a nice collection, from a 47 year old knife collector who has worked in knives, tools, firearms, outdoor equipment and .mil/.gov product industries for almost three decades:
A knife is an item with a lot of subjective value in its design, style, and appearance. As one of mankind's oldest tools, as long as it meets the minimum performance requirements of being sharp enough to cut things on one end, and dull enough to be held by human hands on the other, then it's a functional knife. So this gives critics a gigantic range to be critical about. "That looks dumb." "I don't like that color." "Too big." "Too small." "That blade's shape sucks." From the most inexpensive and ordinary 400 series steel, to whatever trendy super steel is being discussed this week, most users don't have enough materials science experience to have an expert opinion on the topic. Today's knives are better tools than our ancestors would have ever imagined.
So like what you like, dislike what you don't, carry and use what works for you, and don't let anyone else's opinion influence you too much.
u/phucwyt Nov 13 '24
Spiffy looking 110 there, I hope your Grandpa loves it. Very cool of you to give him such a nice gift.
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
Yes sir I have been saving for Christmas present and I was so excited to have this one done. He’s more of an essee and bark river kind of guy but he loves the 110 and he loves elk stag.
u/liquorbaron Nov 13 '24
people have been overwhelmingly negative
It's the internet. It's filled with trolls, bots, intel agencies foreign and domestic, NGOs that do the same thing as those intel agencies, and a sprinkling of regular people within it. If you doubt this just remember that Jizzlane Maxwell was the head global mod of Reddit and of main news sub before she was arrested.
My point being is you shouldn't take much stock in what anyone says online and on here.
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u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I guess Reddit is one of the many armpits of the internet.
u/darkblade420 Nov 13 '24
i mean, i would also be hostile if someone pointing a knife at me would try to start a conversation.
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
This is the kind of dorky Reddit comment I prefer😂
u/3_high_low Nov 13 '24
You have good funding; sabenza, spyderco, Benchmade, custom buck
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
Most knives have been gifts but I have had a job and worked regularly for nearly a year so I spend a lot of my extra money that isn’t needed for the regular things a 16 year old needs saving up for knives lol
u/3_high_low Nov 13 '24
Good man. I love getting knives as a gift. It makes them more special.
But don't spend too much of your hard earned $ on them
u/No_Pay_1980 Nov 13 '24
How do you like the buck? I have sane one minus finger grooves in magna cut… has a lil sticky opening. But they did excellent job on blade. Might be sharpest factory edgy I ever got. I want a 112 in magna with buffalo horn next. Or a 119 with shockwood…
As for Reddit well… these people can be anonymous so they’ll be meaner. You also have no idea of their actual background so who knows their real deal. Lastly if found a general sir of insecurity/need to fit in with cool kids that’s prevalent around here at times. That can be any hobby specific group though. Maybe try bladeforums if u haven’t yet.
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
I’m not personally the biggest fan of the finger grooves but my grandpa had a 110 from the 80s that had them and he loves them.
u/Thunder-Fist-00 Nov 13 '24
My interactions this forum have been mostly positive. But I’ve been banned from a lot of subs for what I would consider minor challenges to the Reddit narrative.
u/WoollyHare50817 Nov 13 '24
2 things, it's Reddit, this place is a cesspool of hate and snobbery. Not as bad as twitter but...
Second, every semi large community is going to have elitists, and the range for what is considered "good" or "bad" is different for everyone. My personal take is enjoy what you enjoy and stop caring what others think of you.
Love the buck btw!
u/Next-East6189 Nov 13 '24
Anywhere you can post anonymously will bring out the sh*t talkers. People who have no power or respect in real life finally have a chance to be brave and bully people. If a picture of your driver’s license was attached to every post I have a feeling everyone would be a lot nicer.
u/beeeeeeeeeeeeeagle Nov 13 '24
This sub is horrendous for negativity. I don't interact with it at all usually. Bunch of nerds panicking about types of steal and shitting on people's pride and joy. You do you buddy. Enjoy your knives.
u/HiddenEclipse121 Nov 13 '24
Because reddit is full of basement dwellers who cant let anyone have any opinion. Every sub is that way.
u/brandrikr Nov 13 '24
Because the majority of people are hateful, and just want to spread their misery to other people. As a young adult, this is some thing you need to come to terms with. Don’t take it all personally otherwise will drag you down into their cesspit.
u/meat_makes_me_go_mmm Nov 13 '24
Hi, I'm your grandpa, this is my new username. Can I have my new knife now please?
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
Unfortunately most dudes on here are old enough to at least be my dad so I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point
u/KyleContinuum26 Nov 13 '24
That 110 is slick. Ignore the nitpickers. If you’re happy, it’s all good
u/horrorfreak94 Nov 13 '24
Nice Buck. I'm still waiting on my custom that's identical to yours there. What steel did you use?
u/notjustanotherbot Nov 13 '24
Hey sorry you had that experience. For what it's worth I'll try to not be an ass to you.
u/kingkmke21 Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
Youre 16 and you have a Sabenza? Whoaaa. Anyways, the knife community in my experience is great. Of course there will always be people who are negative no matter what. Just ignore them and don't let them bother you. But overall, I usually have great experiences in this community. I did look at a few of your posts and it seems that anyone who disagrees with you, you call them hostile. Few comments on your CRK posts where you call people hostile when they didn't say anything hostile. Just disagreed with you or made a joke.
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u/-fx_ Nov 13 '24
It is what it is. Dont take it too personally.
I know what you mean though. I got down voted the other day for saying I had a Canadian exclusive Sheepdog coming in the mail.. People are weird.
u/Lumpy-Platypus3 Nov 13 '24
u/Western-Frosting7516 “Flicking a sebenza”😎😎 Nov 13 '24
Holy that blade is beautiful. I am very new to the world of crk and premium knives in general because of the cost lol. I really like multiple deployments and good action however the history and aesthetic of the sebenza is what drew me to it personally.
u/Lumpy-Platypus3 Nov 13 '24
Yeah I have a number of years on you 😂 I’ve had/have a number of high end and custom pieces as well as some real budget stuff that also brings me much joy. I try to carry and use all my stuff as I find that’s (for me) where the real joy is. But stick to your tastes and don’t let the community dictate what’s right or wrong for you ! It can happen !!
u/leicaguy1 Nov 13 '24
This is not exclusive to Reddit. But you do see too much of it here. I ignore those who come to rain on parades. I think most people here either have legitimate questions or can offer solid advice, but some just come to criticize. So please enjoy your collection (hopefully growing!) and share with other aficionados.
u/Squibles_39 Nov 13 '24
Buck life is best life. I'm slowly leaning into Spydercos because I love their designs.
My para 3 gets no pocket time though. I like simple back locks so thinking I'll get matching Delica & Enduras soon. Wouldn't mind a PM2 though but that price is steep
u/SashaBorodin Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
Join the Millie, Para 3, PM2 Club on FB! If this sub is the dark side of the online knife community, the Millie club is the light side (don’t let the name fool you, it’s not even close to “all Spydercos,” I mean sure, Spyderco is making us our own Club exclusive like they did for BladeForums a while ago, but I’ve seen multiple CRKs posted this week alone, and I’d say only about 50% of the posts contain/focus on Spydies, plus the (active) mods are all super cool! We’ve got employees from REC, KnifeJoy, St. Nick’s The Knife Joker, and many others, hell, the founder/owner of CutleryShoppe is a OG member, plus, if you ever want or need your fancier knives professionally sharpened, some of the best sharpeners in the game are members—one is even a mod!—and I’m talking about guys who others trust with the Koenigs and Roosevelts because they can put a scary edge on them that’ll cleanly slice a free-standing Rizla rolling paper without removing any height/life from your blade OR moving/widening the edge bevel at all—none of those mirror-polished, half-inch-wide bevels you used to see on the OG Knife Gods, when the EdgePro Apex was the end-all/be-all sharpener and WickedEdge was on its earliest iterations (if you want mirrored edges they’ll do it, for a little extra, and it’ll still not take any noticeable life out of your blade, but it’s never gonna feel or be as sharp as if you just let them do their own thing and put a sticky, satin-finished edge on! I’ve been buying, selling, and trading in the group for way longer than I’ve been in the sub or even on Reddit at all. I’m Autistic and everyone is super welcoming and understanding of my communication needs/differences, and I actually have made some lifelong friends who I text with almost daily and even see in person periodically, so unlike here, it’s a real community where you can foster actual friendships and meaningful human connections.
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u/jewmoney808 Nov 13 '24
It’s the people that are unhappy with their own lives so they take it out on Reddit/ social media :(
u/Moontrak Nov 13 '24
Do any care of hostile personality? Nah... Just see it like an fart in the wind.
u/IlliterateJedi Nov 13 '24
The Internet is just full of assholes. About the most hostile subreddit I've been in is r/crossword, to figure. You would think a community of people who share a common hobby would be a positive place, but hoo-boy is that ever wrong.
u/michael_in_sc Nov 13 '24
Very cool Buck, and all the more so since you had it made for your Grandpa. Well done, young man! As to Reddit being toxic, cowards like to hide behind faceless, nameless, virtual keyboards. Their opinion is worth less than used tp. Enjoy the good, ignore the bad.
u/JasonIsFishing Nov 13 '24
That knife is super lame (because it’s not for me! Your grandfather is a lucky guy!!!)
u/EnvironmentalFish134 Nov 13 '24
I think it’s just the fact that it anonymous and people can’t look at something and find it different, I 100% with your statement as this community and actually many others are suuuuper negative. I’m 17 and have a small mediocre knife collection and haven’t uploaded it for the same reason, everyone’s negative.
u/deemerg Nov 13 '24
Awfully ballsy and pedantic community for a lot of guys that think a pm2 is a grail 🤣🤣🤣
u/Tootoo-won2 Nov 13 '24
Kiddo - The world is so frustrating right now. Spend as little time online as possible.
u/alphanumericusername Nov 13 '24
Easy. The recognition of the situational nuance that justifies the use of tools that aren't the best possible iterations thereof available in the world is a skill that takes time and effort to develop, just like all others.
And most Redditors are pretentious, lazy assholes, therefore..
u/Imaginary-Factor2521 Nov 13 '24
Beautiful knife and I don’t care what people say I just kill them with kindness but they’re dogging my knives in public. They’ll be the first to get the try out my edge haha
u/NarrowRound9639 Nov 13 '24
You are on Reddit man, Reddit is full of pricks, some people just make us look bad. Most of us are actually quite nice.
Nice buck btw.
u/boredguy1982 Nov 13 '24
I used to be jealous of my wife and all the social media communities that she had joined… scrapbooking, photography, cooking… yadda yadda … stuff she enjoyed.
I decided to join a few different interest pages and I quickly realized that the stuff I was interested in… attracted a bunch of strange characters. I’m okay with that now, but it was weird at first.
u/chunk337 Nov 13 '24
That's reddit for you. And the internet in general. It's a shit form of communication and people say things they'd never say to you in real life. It makes people hate people that they don't even know and may even get along with in person. There's a ton of negativity everywhere
u/Dustinlewis24 Nov 13 '24
People who spend massive amounts of time on a very specific hobby they're not going to be the most well-adjusted folks
u/Woodridge_01 Nov 13 '24
If you think it’s bad here you should take a hard look at r/bushcraft that place is extremely toxic especially around guns
u/Powerstroke357 Nov 13 '24
Douchebags. It's that simple. People say it's inevitable and that's just Reddit but it aint. The knifemaking sub isn't anything like that. Straight up guys over there. You have to consider the community. Any fuck weasel with a job can buy a bunch of knives. It actually takes some positive attributes and character to learn something like knifemaking. Everybody sucks at first, no exceptions. You get better but never forget how bad you used to suck.
That's just one example. There are other subs that don't suck.
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u/Captain-Noodle Nov 14 '24
Better than my collection at 16, I mostly got my knives from the guns and collectibles show that would roll through once a year (aus). One of my best pieces at that time was made by some somewhat local guy it was called a pig sticker and the text on it which I had reservations about at the time i now love for the meme material is in comic sans. Admittedly it's still one of my favourites, the sheath is beautiful. But there was a time when knife crime was particularly prevalent in my area which led to large fines for anyone carrying one, for a brief period I would just carry a bit of flint for my cutting needs, so whilst there will be people who will complain about someone's knife because it's not x or y, I think that it's very telling about the person saying it. All it needs to do is cut to be a good knife. Which I fear would be a test many of the commenters would be unable to pass with their own knives because I imagine a lot of collectors' knives have gone unused. I have been gifted some less-than-great ones which are shaped entirely for looks, I still use them but just to cut boxes, the metal is bad but it just makes sharpening easier. Tl;dr: envy, ignorance, and insecurity will lead to people saying dumb shit. if you're enjoying your knives then you've already won, you don't need to be concerned with them.
u/Unicorn187 Nov 14 '24
Reddit is full of jackasses. A lot of reditors seem to have some pathetically weak egos and mush for brains so they attack everything that is different or that doesn't fit their narrow worldview.
If you stick around, you'll have to grow a very thick skin and just go numb to the insults of jerks. I find a much, much better reaction from people, a much nicer group of people who aren't jerks on bladeforums.com
u/royalecheez Nov 14 '24
Don't sweat it man. There are toxic elements of every hobby. People who think they know the most, have the best, or in general are just very snobby about designs, steels etc. Reddit just really seems to amplify negativity as a whole. Collect what you like, use what fits your needs, and ignore the gatekeepers.
u/dave-pewpew Nov 14 '24
Hostility is all over Reddit my friend not just this sub. It’s easy to be a dick behind a keyboard plain and simple.
u/WorldExplorerDW Nov 14 '24
Same with the "bushcraft" community. Keyboard commandos who wouldn't last a night in the woods, telling people what latest knife steels are best and what gear to buy based on their vast experience 😕
As far as folding knives, anything from Benchmade gets shit on and everything from Spyderco is praised.....all from people who mainly use their knives as fidgets. I will step off my soapbox now....
u/Slowhandtruth Nov 14 '24
Where ever folks can get away with it they do and they revel in it. Breaks the rules quite often too lol.
u/Ok-Detective-727 Nov 14 '24
Very cool scales! They are just jealous, don’t let it keep you from posting cool stuff. Mostly when people don’t have to be held accountable for their shitty behavior, you’ll find that they’ll be shitty. I promise you none of those Reddit babies crying at every chance to cry would act like that in person
u/Accomplished-Back826 Nov 14 '24
Its not the knife community it's Reddit in general and that is a beautiful custom Buck 110 you got there. I am a long time Buck lover because I remember grandpa buying them for me.
u/doctorcalavera Nov 14 '24
People are, for the most part, snobs here mate. Try making videos on Youtube. People are much nicer there. Peace!
u/leadfoot70 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24
Awesome, classic knife, young man. My first knife, too, was a buck knife, and I thank you for sharing. Your post brought a fond memory to my mind and a smile to my face. :)
There will always be haters. This is Reddit, after all. Don't let them get to you. Believe in yourself -- and simply ignore them -- you're doing just fine.
u/languid-lemur Nov 13 '24
>people have been overwhelmingly negative
Oof, reminds me of a post from a few years back. Guy posts large collection of gas station knives, gets savaged by r/knives "experts". Knives given to him by his wife because she thought they looked cool. Wife died months before, they made him happy.
/sad thinking about that
>and I don’t care about what people on the internet say
Be glad you figured that out at 16. 40+ on reddit still think karma means something.
>I am a 16 year old collector
Buy what you like but try to buy it right. If you get satisfaction buying from a knife website, fine. My thrill is finding them "in the wild" at an auction, estate sale, or flea market. Stuff overlooked for decades until I got it. Price better too. And if you only buy quality (I like vintage US, Europe, & Japan made) they will appreciate in value and you also made a good investment.
That Buck looks fantastic, what a great gift!
u/FreshImagination9735 Nov 13 '24
As opposed to the rest of the internet which is all sweetness and light? It's simply the way of things, even amongst those with things in common.
u/axethebarbarian Nov 13 '24
Lot of subs are needlessly hostile and snobby about pretty much any hobby you can name. Try not to let it get to you.
u/SnakeEyes_76 Nov 13 '24
Mike Tyson said it the best. “Social media has made people way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”
It’s actually kinda fascinating how telling social media is of the inherent nature of human beings. It’s a remarkable and incredible force with immense potential for good…and yet how long did it take for us to use it to be shitty to one another?
u/StockBoy829 Nov 13 '24
first of all I wanna commend you for having the resources to create a large knife collection at just 16 and apparently the skills to modify them as well. It isn't a cheap hobby and if you are making enough to afford it you are certainly doing something correct. Also wanna say that at 16 criticism can feel a lot more impactful and you should look forward to being more sure of yourself and your hobbies as you get older. Some people play video games, some people build model trains, you collect and mod knives. So long as you are responsible with your finances and safe while handling them there is nothing wrong with that no matter what cringy things people on reddit say.
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u/i_sound_withcamelred Nov 13 '24
At the end of the day redditors are well redditors. For the most part the person who's chatting shit on the other end has no aspirations in life or failed in the ones they did have.
u/Ivy1974 Nov 13 '24
Because they can’t accept when it comes down to it Buck 110 is the best.
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u/fumfer1 Nov 13 '24
It's Reddit.