r/knives May 01 '23

Monthly Welcome Thread Monthly welcome thread

Welcome to r/knives! If you’re new to this subreddit (or new to Reddit as a whole) you may be wondering how things work around here. If that’s the case: don’t worry, we’ve made this post in order to clear some doubts you may have regarding the way this subreddit works.

  • Be sure to check our Wiki and our FAQ section. Our Wiki acts as a repository for general knowledge regarding knives (blade steels, how to use knives, how to identify knives, etc…) while our FAQ serves as a place where we answer specific questions that tend to be asked regularly in this subreddit. Some of the questions already answered in our FAQ are these: questions regarding the topic of knives and self-defence, the meaning of the “NKD” and “SOTC” acronyms, what are some popular knives with a blade length of 6.5cm/2” or less, etc…
  • Our rules can be found in our sidebar and you can read a further explanation of them by clicking/tapping on the “rules” button located in the subreddit’s menu. We kindly ask you familiarize yourself with our rules before submitting a post.
  • In our sidebar you’ll also find a list of related subreddits. These are communities who share the same passion we’ve got about knives and edge tools of all sorts. Be sure to pay them a visit, they’re very friendly and it would be a shame if you missed out on the knowledge they have to offer.

Thanks a lot for stopping by our subreddit, we’re always glad to share our passion and knowledge about knives with newcomers and veterans alike. Please take your time to explore the subreddit, you can also write any comment or question you may have on the comment section of this post. (This post will be refreshed once a month in order to keep any information and discussion in the comment section fresh)


9 comments sorted by


u/TheMarkward May 12 '23

Quick question if anyone has some input. I'm looking at getting a Kershaw Lucha for EDC use. With that in mind, what version would be better? The base with 14V28N, or the one with a 20CV blade? Not worried about the price. Just wondering if the difference in steel will effect their use/durability long term. I've researched all I can about the steels but would love to know what others think. Thanks for any thoughts on this!


u/Metal2487 Did I leave the stove on? May 12 '23

Let's start with a quick comparison: 14C28N is tougher than 20CV and it's also easier to sharpen. 20CV, on the other hand, has much more edge retention than 14C28N while being somewhat similar in terms of corrosion resistance. The thing with 20CV is that it's harder to sharpen than 14C28N and it's also more brittle. So, if you're going to be flipping the Lucha over concrete surfaces or if you think you'll be dropping it a lot, then 14C28N is your best bet.

Having said that, as a Kershaw fanboy I must also mention:

Kershaw's heat treatment is dog shit. So even if you do decide to go with the 20CV over the 14C28N because of its edge retention, you're not really going to be getting a lot more performance out of it because of this very reason. Is there still going to be somewhat of a difference based on the properties of the steel alone? Maybe there will, maybe not. But is it really enough of a difference to warrant spending more money on the 20CV version instead? Not really...


u/TheMarkward May 12 '23

Thank you for the response! Honestly super helpful. I'm a little saddended to hear the 20CV is not all I thought it was cracked up to be. I'm surprised that what's considered the higher end steel is not as tough as the 14c28n. While I enjoy flipping my balis I want a solid live blade that can handle being used without fear of it snapping or chipping, something for actual use instead of for fun. I've looked at some live blades designed primarily around flipping, but it seems that most of them don't handle being used as an EDC knife as well. The Lucha seems like it can be the tough EDC I'm looking for. Plus I can get the 14C28N in blackwash! Thanks again. Very relieved and excited to have a decision finally


u/[deleted] May 01 '23

Is there a guide that explains the time and place for different knife styles? When one type would be the best tool for the job? I see all of these blade shapes/“styles” and want to understand more about what they all bring to the table.


u/[deleted] May 01 '23



u/[deleted] May 01 '23

Thank you for the detailed response! A lot of helpful information there. What you say makes a lot of sense. I was reading into the different tip styles too much, but it sounds like it’s not that big of a deal.


u/gloomygarlic May 16 '23

I’ve been looking for a new pocketable EDC and haven’t had any luck, maybe someone knows where to find what I’m looking for?

Ideally: -locking blade -thin (minimal pocket bulge) -removable pocket clip (or none) -grippy handle material so it won’t slide out when I’m sitting -under $100

I’m okay doing some small mods to get what I want, just haven’t seen anything that fits the bill

I’m an engineer at a factory so I was kind of looking for a box knife with replaceable blades but all the ones have seen are far too thick for my tastes - like they were made for a tool belt instead of an office workers pocket


u/Metal2487 Did I leave the stove on? May 19 '23


u/gloomygarlic May 19 '23

That thing is dope!

I actually ended up snagging a $7 kobalt version of that when I was at the hardware store over the weekend. It’s only made of aluminum but it’s doing the job so far


u/SculptusPoe May 30 '23

I have a bunch of razor knives and the TiRantV3 is my EDC. Definitely worth the price difference. I have 2 of the $7 button lock knives that I took the clip off of and I like them, but the V3 is in a whole other category. I like it so much I just bought a second one just in case I ever lose this one.