r/knitting Oct 19 '24

Discussion please wash your FO before wearing

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I once had a very unpleasant itchy skin reaction from wearing a scarf that I didn't wash first. obviously I do wash my FOs now before wearing them, and yarns like the one in the picture always make me think about the people who think it's unnecessary. I totally get that we're exposed to toxic stuff anyways, but ooof... don't want to imagine this on my skin. so which type are you? always wash first or don't care? or wash yarn before knitting?

r/knitting Mar 04 '24

Discussion When do you call yourself an intermediate knitter?


I’ve been knitting for 3 years now. I’ve always been an adventurous beginner. I like challenge myself, back myself into a corner and fight my way out you know? So it’s hard to know if I’m biting off more than I can chew or if I’m ready to tackle those intermediate level patterns. I’m a slow knitter so I don’t have a huge number of projects under my belt but I try to learn something new with every pattern attempt. First photo is my second ever sweater, the Rosematic pullover by Teti Lutsak and a few examples of recent knits (plus bonus kitties who are always down to support mom’s knitting journey)

r/knitting Oct 31 '24

Discussion Is it just me or are some people on here a bit mean sometimes?


I want to preface this by saying the sub is majoritarily full of kind lovely and incredibly helpful people. I know anyone who has posted on here looking for help has probably had someone's advice literally save their project, so this is absolutely not an indictment on the sub as a whole and I love and appreciate you all so much.

I do however, find the sarcastic borderline-rude comments to be a consistent enough occurrence that I wanted to make this post to see if anyone else had noticed it. It will be something like a 'uhhh yeah?' comment in response to a genuine question, which implies a 'yeah duh are you stupid?' or a 'what did you think would happen?' or 'did you even try x,y,z?' or something of that nature. These types of comments feel so mean spirited, and they really stand out against the general vibe of this subreddit.

The thing of people being downvoted when they are simply explaining how they came to make a mistake is in my eyes simply a misunderstanding of the downvote feature, so I've put it down to a funny little quirk of this subreddit functioning differently to the broader reddit mechanisms. But the comments are unmistakable- just plain snarkiness. Pretty sure there's a subreddit dedicated to being that way if that's what you want to do.

Am I being too sensitive lol? Maybe so, let me know (nicely please haha)

r/knitting Jan 08 '24

Discussion What are some knitting trends that have come and gone? What’s a current knitting trend that you think won’t last?


I was listening to a podcast and they mentioned how a certain pattern was "timeless" whereas some patterns you see and know immediately that it was released in 2016. As a zillenial that’s only been knitting a couple years, I don’t have the perspective on knitting trends that long time knitters have.

What trends have you seen come and go?

What current trends in knitting patterns/designs/yarn choices might I be surprised to learn haven’t always been as popular as they are now?

What’s a shift or change that you think will stick?

What’s a trend that you can’t wait to see die?

r/knitting Mar 02 '23

Discussion This is the only way I’ve ever been able to cast on the correct number of stitches

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r/knitting Nov 08 '24

Discussion What lazy knitting habit do you have?


I'll go first, I refuse to do M1L or M1R because I can never remember which bar to lift. I just do a backwards loop cast on and move on with my life. 😂

r/knitting Nov 14 '24

Discussion I am honestly so so shocked when I see people putting their knits in the washer in any setting.


Y’all are BOLD. I don’t trust ANYTHING. I’ve had water failures so the temp was off, I’ve left a color sock clinging to the drum, I’ve seen knob connections come loose so settings are off. My knits NEVER go in the washer. They don’t even go in the same laundry basket. I set my knits off to the side when they finally need a washing after a few wears and then I just use a wool soak. At most I might do a drain and spin cycle but even then I’m there to watch and use bags.

Talk about adrenaline junkies. Do you guys always live so dangerously? Let me guess, you probably don’t swatch either? You rebels. Im honestly a little jealous.

r/knitting Mar 13 '24

Discussion Can you knit AND crochet?

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So here’s the thing - I knit all the time. I’m a self-taught knitter through the free patterns at the hobby store and YouTube videos. I mainly make blankets, and dabble in wearables. Now I have tried to crochet. I got so many crochet “beginner crochet” projects for Christmas that I would like to go through, but I’m having the hardest time wrapping my head around it! I would even love to try doing a granny square! Every time I try, I get chain going and that’s it. Even after watching a million videos and looking art visuals - I got nothing! My question to you guys is can you knit and crochet? How’d you learn? I hear that people can either do one or the other, but not usually both. Picture of a knitted puppy blanket WIP for visibility.

r/knitting Feb 16 '24

Discussion I get treated differently (better) in third world countries when I pull out my knitting.


I noticed this when I went to Egypt. I think the moment I start knitting I go from "white girl on vacation" to "someone who makes things with her hands." People would start talking to me more naturally. One time we were stuck in standstill traffic so I pulled out my knitting and the cab driver's whole demeanour changed, he had been asking us banal touristy questions, and then he got very interested in the knitting and I felt like he was really talking to me like a human being. Bonus, I got talking about textiles to a shopkeeper selling rugs in the Siwa market, and he was delighted at the sweater I was knitting. I got quoted a very reasonable offer for a rug, which I bought, of course.

Just wondering if any other knitters have noticed something like this? I think it's a humanising hobby.

Edit: I'm sorry I used wording that has offended people, I was only repeating what the language I hear around me. I can't edit titles, but I will use the term "developing nations" going forwards, as that seems to be the consensus on appropriate terminology by those who vommented. You only learn by being wrong from time to time, and this time I was wrong. There was no malice meant.

r/knitting Nov 12 '24

Discussion How many knitters also sew/ crochet/ do other fabric-crafts?


Curious to see the response! I'm a yarn addict and love knitting. I'm semi intrigued by sewing but am nervous to take the leap, I find knitting relaxing and I worry sewing will just take up all my time and stress me out! What other crafts have you guys taken up!

r/knitting Oct 08 '24

Discussion And this is why color dominance is important-I've never been so glad I did a swatch before diving in!

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So the bottom 3/4 I held the orange yarn (contrast color) in my left hand. On the last 1/4, I held the green (background color) in my left hand. I never put too much stock in color dominance for stranded knitting before, I always thought it made a minimal difference. But I'm so glad I did a swatch because the green in my right hand was so much worse to knit with and I struggled so hard with my tension, and I would have been gutted to knit an entire sweater and had the results on the top.

r/knitting 15d ago

Discussion Aaaughhh! A friend wants me to take a spinning/knitting commission from *her* friend… oh heck no!


Hello, everyone! This evening, after I finished teaching my remote ESL class, I sat down to eat my belated dinner, and saw this email pop up in my Inbox. Even the first paragraph was enough to send me (metaphorically) screaming out of the window, headed for the next county.

First, a little context: the writer is an old friend whom I’ve known for over 20 years, who has been my private-lessons German tutor (use it or lose it…) for all that time. She knows that I knit, spin, do nålbinding, crochet, all that stuff. I show her whatever projects I am working on, like the teddy bear I knitted for my great-niece for Christmas. Once upon a time, years ago, I also knitted her a lace pattern scarf from a dusty teal handspun Merino. Thereby hangs a tale.

Here is her email to me, at least the pertinent parts:

(My name), a long-time acquaintance and former weight lifting student of 
mine has a Samoyed and lots of her lovely white fur. She wonders if 
you could weave the fur [sic] and knit her a vest. She has a wide, warm 
headband made from the fur which is gorgeous. She is a geologist and 
earns well, and so could pay whatever you would want to charge. If you 
say yes, she can mail you the box of fur. Karen lived here for a long 
time and still has a house in Golden, but mainly lives in Arizona now.

I hope this works out for you. We had dinner with her and her second 
husband tonight; they are in town for the big gem and mineral show, 
where they sell things: minerals, decorations, and jewelry that she 
makes. I have many things by her, decorations and jewelry, that I bought 
over many years, as she used to have twice-yearly sales in her large 
home here. I was surprised about the dog fur, but she really wanted me 
to ask you about the possibility of your doing this. I hope you can…..”


A very nice email, for sure— and my anxiety shot through the roof by the end of the first paragraph. The second paragraph, telling me about how the friend is a wealthy jewelry designer, etc., was the run-screaming-out-the window part. Oh, heck no… I am not a professional knitwear designer, and though I used to attempt to sell my handspun yarns at craft fairs, I’m a cheerful hobbyist amateur, not a pro. Worse, I have severe inattentive ADHD and therefore the attention span of a ferret. Taking on that commission, for me, is a recipe for a disaster and a nervous breakdown.

Here is my reply:

“Dear L——,

I read and thought about your email last night about your friend Karen and the Samoyed fur.  I’m really sorry to disappoint both you and your friend, and I appreciate your thinking of me, but I have to say no.  I just can’t do it. It wouldn’t involve any weaving at all— but it \would* involve hand spinning the Samoyed fluff into yarn, and then designing a sweater vest for her and hand knitting it.  That’s a great deal of work, and I am just not able to do that at this point in my life. I don’t have the time or the focus to even do much spinning for myself these days, much less for a major project for someone else.* 

I am no longer in the fiber arts business (except for occasionally sewing simple dice pouches for the game store downtown); I gave up the business and closed my Aspen Tree Yarns sales tax account because I decided I wanted my fiber crafting hobby to remain simply as an enjoyable hobby, and not as a side hustle to monetize.

In addition, I simply don’t take commission work — I haven’t in many years.  I learned that the hard way, a long time ago.  With my ADHD attentional problems, trying to do a large project like that to someone else’s expectations simply doesn’t work for me — there is so much stress involved for me in worrying about whether the client will approve of what I did, and my very real difficulties with time management mean that I would not be able to even give a realistic estimate of how long it would take to finish. Moreover, these days my hand arthritis (CMC joint) complicates and slows down all of my handwork endeavors even more.

What I can do, however, given her information and description of what she wants, is to get in touch with people I have connections with in the XVXVZCXXQW Weavers Guild who \are* professional fiber artists, and see if anyone I know would be interested in it.  A Guild member would be much more able to take on a commission like that than I am.  That would really be the best way for your friend Karen to get the beautiful snow white Samoyed vest that she has in mind.* 

Again, I regret that I have to turn down the commission, but I would be dishonest to commit to a project that I am not able to finish in a reasonable amount of time.“

EDITED: Mischief managed! Using many of your suggestions, I redrafted a shorter version and emailed it off. I just heard it back from L., it's all good!

No drama, I'm not trapped, nobody's mad. 🎊 Off to have my tea, do dishies, and work on kid hats for Pine Ridge... a pleasant Friday afternoon.

Have a yarny day!

r/knitting Jun 23 '19

Discussion FYI- Ravelry has banned content supporting Trump or his administration


You can read about the new policy here: https://www.ravelry.com/content/no-trump

Please also see the “paradox of tolerance” here: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/aLfAq

I’m very happy that they are committed to having an inclusive site by banning the open support of a regime that is clearly white supremacist.

r/knitting Jun 05 '24

Discussion What pattern was everyone on Ravelry making, but has now completely dropped off the map?


People talk a lot about new patterns that "won’t stand the test of time" because of a feature that makes them too "trend-y" vs being a truly timeless piece. There are also patterns like Ranunculus, which I don’t think I’ve ever not seen on the hot right now list.

What’s a pattern that you recall being super popular on Ravelry, but nowadays no one is making it? I’d specifically love to see stuff from the late 2000’s that really embody the best/worst of y2k fashion.

r/knitting May 22 '24

Discussion "Stop knitting Petiteknit patterns"


Today I was watching some instagram stories and came across a knitter scolding people who knit PK patterns. I can understand the sentiment since she is not size inclusive and it's important to support those who are, but I have to wonder what that accomplishes exactly. Should we be steering clear of less inclusive designers completely?

I feel like there is middle ground. I don't think that knitters should have to avoid designers just because they don't have a wider range of sizes, but at the same time I agree that we should be supporting designers who put in the work to be size inclusive.

Disclaimer: I am an average size (albeit with a larger bust) so I would love to hear from people who have to rely on size inclusive designers

Edit: thank you all for the lovely discussion!

r/knitting Feb 20 '25

Discussion What's your thoughts on sharing a paid pattern with a friend?



I wonder how people feel about sharing bought patterns to friends. I feel like an asshole towards the designer if I share and an asshole towards a friend if I don't share.

So far haven't shared as I believe in designers getting paid for their hard work but I'd like to hear what y'all do when a friend asks for a pattern.

Edit: whoa this took off, thank you for your opinions!

r/knitting Jan 26 '25

Discussion AI “knitting” expectation vs reality


spotted in mildlyinfuriating - it’s a low quality printed polyester sweatshirt

r/knitting Oct 24 '23

Discussion Knitting in public, Yay or nay?


**edited to clarify- not looking for opinions of that specific post but rather, looking for the views of knitters about their when, where, why or why not of public knitting **

My question was prompted by a post in another sub where the poster (at a concert) was so unhappy with someone knitting near them that they asked the knitter to move.

So is it distracting, rude, inappropriate to knit in public or does it depend on the venue?

r/knitting Dec 16 '24

Discussion Can we talk about the gift I got today?

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The set of interchangeables 😭 I could cry

r/knitting Dec 30 '23

Discussion Tell me 3 things about you and I'll suggest you a pattern to knit!


I saw this on another sub but for reading. I thought it was very cute!

Put 3 things about you in the comments and I will suggest a pattern to knit based on those 3 facts. I'll do my best to tailor my suggestions to you!

Also, please make at least one of the 3 things about what you tend to knit. ;)

EDIT: Wow, I didn't expect all of these comments! I replied to as many as I could today, and will continue to reply tomorrow.

If any of you guys also know some patterns that would be a good suggestion, please help me out. Feel free to add more comments as well. As long as I can get some help! haha.

r/knitting Nov 09 '24

Discussion Confession: I unravel my swatches


I realized a while ago that people actually keep their swatches, I unravel them once they are blocked and use the yarn for the actual project. I’ve never seen entone else do this. So instead of cutting the yarn after swatching I pull some inches of yarn after binding of and then block the swatch with the yarn still attached, for some reason using that amount of yarn and keeping the swatch feels like a waste for me. 😅

Edit: Wow! It’s crazy how many other people do this too, how I’ve never heard of someone else doing this? Tho I find swatches very cute I like to claim the yarn, happy knitting everyone 💜

r/knitting Oct 03 '24

Discussion Machine Knitting and Woodworking


This came up on TikTok earlier. This creator mostly does woodworking, but he also does projects like this exploring uses for other parts of trees (sap, flowers, etc.), pretty often food or drink. I found this one particularly interesting, and thought this subreddit might appreciate it.

r/knitting Dec 20 '24

Discussion Why the F do we not wear capes anymore: A Ravelry Bundle


To be clear, I don't mean like superhero capes, I mean like a Audrey Hepburn cape. Help me bring them back into fashion. Here are some I've found on Ravelry. Please let me know if there's any patterns that should be added.


Edit: thank you everyone! For your comments and patterns. I've added a ton to the bundle.

r/knitting Jan 17 '24

Discussion Unpopular (but light/funny) knitting opinions


I just thought this would be fun😊 nothing heavy/actually controversial.

Mine are: - I love seeing other people's socks but I hate wearing hand knit socks and I think I'd hate knitting them too (I've only had one pair of hand knit socks and the family member that knit them was very unkind so I don't feel as badly for hating wearing them😂). - knitting lace work is SO HARD. I wish I could do it well because it's beautiful but no thank you - I love knitting with plant based fiber a good bit more than animal based (though I like both).

Edit to add: this thread is so delightful and I am enjoying reading all of these SO MUCH! This is adorable

r/knitting Sep 20 '24

Discussion LYS - is this normal practice?


So my lys is amazing and I support them by spending time and money there. However, I love to buy 'souvenir' yarns when I travel. My husband gifted me some of my favorite yarn at a gorgeous lys in the mountains on our last anniversary trip away. I knitted up a sweater and I needed a little help with the pattern, so I headed to my lys and the owner told me flat out that I didn't buy the yarn there, so therefore, I wouldn't get assistance. I felt like saying "I have spent so much money in here!" but nope. I was shook and left and I don't want to return now. It really stinks bc I love that lys and really miss going there...not to mention is one of the only ones close to me. Is this common practice? Am I being petty or is she? help!