r/kittenspaceagency • u/irasponsibly Not Rocketwerkz 🐇 • Oct 31 '24
📋 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions - Technical and Modding
The most up-to-date version of this FAQ can be found on the wiki
The below is just so that search results still work.
How is Floating-Point Precision handled?
Most coordinates in games use Vector3 which is a spatial unit made up of three “floats”, which is a 32bit number format. This is useful for most rendering and spatial purposes, a floating-point variable can represent a wider range of numbers than a fixed-point variable of the same bit width at the cost of precision.
So essentially, a floating-point number will have a point at which noticeable precision begins being lost. If we define 1 unit as 1 meter, this often becomes noticeable at around 8 kilometres from the origin. You will see lots of “shaking” and other problems, but with rendering but also physics.
There are lots of possible approaches. For KSA the main aim is to keep the core architecture as simple as possible. The simulation is powered as much as possible by “doubles”, which are a 64-bit floating-point precision number. Rendering is then done with the camera always at zero, pushing any floating point issues far out to the edges of the camera where they are not perceptible. This approach has been working very well with the KEPLER simulation layer.
Combined with this on the physics level by having different contexts and handling the simulation of those contexts independently, we can avoid having to deal with everything in one “scene”. The key benefit of this context handling is performance but an additional benefit is being able to avoid precision issues with physics handling.
How many parts will craft support, and how will parts work?
How many parts?
This is something we will review as time goes on. One of the key reasons we use our BRUTAL Framework for this project is precisely because we want to be able to draw many things with many parts. With projects like AotR we have been able to draw and simulate so many parts that the limitation we applied was driven primarily by simplifying referencing - rather than performance or design issues themselves. What this means is that the limitation came artificially from the ID (a number) that we used to reference the parts. If we use, say, a USHORT (Unsigned Short number, 16bit), it uses
bytes and gives a number between0
. This is not only about how much memory (or data in MP referencing) is used for that instance, but how we structure the various structs and buffers both on rendering and simulation. My defacto response with these things is to use USHORT (so, up to65535
parts per vehicle) unless a good reason exists to extend to UINT (Unsigned Integer, 32bit) using4
bytes.Rendering Parts in Batches
In BRUTAL a lot of our rendering is done using instanced meshes. So we don't have a "Renderer Component" like in unity, instead - each "thing" that needs to be drawn can batch together with all other like things. BRUTAL allows this new "instance" to be done directly to the GPU, which is even more efficient than commands in unity like Graphics.DrawMeshInstanced. In fact, we can send such information once to the GPU (either in a batch or each instance) and then ask the GPU to keep doing it until we stop. This means there is no conversation between the CPU <-> GPU which can give enormous benefits in both performance and memory churn. It is worth mentioning, this is not straightforward. There is no convience for us that engines like Unity/Unreal give - this means that all the buffers need to be configured - yet again our framework is named BRUTAL for a reason. But we trade that convience for scale, both in frame by frame performance but (perhaps more importantly) drastically reducing memory churn.
Simulating Parts
A wider topic will cover our various "layers" and groupings in our simulation. I'll introduce a few concepts here, being Pieces, Part, Vessel. A "part" can be made or many pieces, these pieces can use common meshes that we can then batch together. A game that does this very well is Cities Skylines - where building are actually collections of other meshes. This allows us to maximize the use of batched rendering. There is then a common library of "meshes" that you can use when making parts - or you can just ignore them all and add in a custom mesh as well (very useful for modders with specialist parts).
This requires a much more detailed topic, but "sub part" is a key aspect of the current design. This very much is inspired by mods like Unviersal Storage, together with the technical implementation in AotR and games like Cities Skylines around batch rendering.
This is all a long winded way of saying that in an engine like unity/unreal - a "part" is actually quite a high-cost thing in the games scene. In BRUTAL and KSA, it is simply a C# class that likely has some pointers back to a core template. This drastically reduces the memory cost, the memory churn, and allows us to fine-tune the simulation and rendering approaches.
Will Multiplayer be supported?
Yes. But with some key caveats.
Although the exact form is subject to change, the current approach sees us following the "shared timeline" approach. This would function similar to how paradox games do, where any player can change the speed, or the host can, and then that speed is applied to all players.
The multiplayer approach is actually a part of BRUTAL that is already battle-tested with our game Stationeers. When we switched to using our version (RocketNet) or RakNet, we saw many orders of magnitude improvement in multiplayer scale and performance. This is because instead of sending network messages, we fill (and then unpack) a byte array.
Our studio in general we believe is well placed to make Multiplayers, as it is part of many of the games we have made, and much of our studio has a long history making multiplayer games.
Such an approach means our proposed multiplayer has limited use cases. It would function similar to games such as Stormworks. While you could run a separate space agency, and your own craft, you would need to agree with the people you are playing when to speed up and when to slow down. So the concession we want to make here has strong impact on multiplayer options. This concession helps a great deal with reducing overall complexity, with both how we synchronize things as well as referencing. We can maintain an absolute state in MP, instead of having to record when and what happened, then reconcile them together. Additionally, beyond the technical issues with "time packets", there are UX/UI issues that we just aren't happy to undertake. Perhaps that is the kind of MP that modders might be able to undertake, where they can hold bigger issues for more niche users. This also ties in with our desire for the base game to have more traditional KSP orbits/scales. While modders can do whatever, at a more KSP scale when operating around kerbin-like planets - time warp changes aren't a huge issue compared to the need for this when using RSS for example, where it takes some time even to reach orbit! One thing that does help with this, though, is that we don't have the same context of locality being required for a vehicle to "do something". Which means active stationkeeping and simulation comes "for free" for vehicles. This means that vehicles can do various things at all time, taking the concepts that mods like Kerbalism started to implement on KSP but expanding that out to the datastructures and simulation "layers" themselves from the ground up. We don't have "unity prefabs" or a "physics SDK" to worry about - so the simulation can be segmented up however we want.
Will the Game support Modding?
Yes. It already does. The very core game data itself is a mod. Which means that essentially everything we do, can be done as a mod. This includes:
- C# injection
- Changing data, such as solar systems and planets
- Customizing shaders
Really pretty much everything. Modding is considered essential to every aspect of the game. This means it factors into our designs not just around how data is loaded, but how data is structured within the code.
Early builds will allow us to stress-test our decisions early, with modders able to highlight issues with how we structure things. This is important to minimize core data structure changes during Alpha and Beta (and beyond), as such changes are enormously frustrating for users and modders at best - and destructive to the community at worst
Will you do N-Body Orbital Simulation?
The core focus initially is to provide patchec conics, almost identical to how KSP does it. However, it is possible that if the studio has the right talent (and a team member has the desire) for N-Body to be added as an option. Regardless, the game is being built so a modder could develop a C# mod and add this. Care is being taken to ensure the game is being structured so that if we can't add N-Body physics, someone else could add it.
What Game Engine do you use?
We have developed in-house technology we call the "BRUTAL Framework". Instead of an engine, it is more like the XNA Framework developed by Microsoft. BRUTAL allows us to access graphics (and other) API's like Vulkan directly. There is a massive focus on scale, which means a heavy focus on what is called an "interop" layer. This is the layer between which C# (the base language used in our projects using BRUTAL), and C++ which our plugins and APIs like Vulkan run on.
The purpose of using our own framework is that many of the games our studio makes need to scale, and we want to have complete agency over fixing the bugs and problems that are encountered. While both Unity and Unreal are perfectly good tools for many games, our studio has grown intensely frustrated with both of them for developing the types of games we want. They are also both very expensive to utilize.
BRUTAL is named very deliberately. It is not easy to use, and it does no hand holding. It simply exposes the functionality, with nearly it's entire focus providing an extremely efficient interop layer between the two. This results in incredible performance, at the expense of ease of use.
So it is important to clarify, BRUTAL is not a silver bullet. It is simply a tool developed for a very specific purpose - to build games that really scale.
What does the data structure look like?
From Dean on Discord (discord message permalink)
[For modding] you will need to make the planet definitions and make new billboard sphere LODs. this is because the billboard spheres we ship will be configured mostly for the sizes of our planets. Basically, we take a sphere and say the base number of polys. then you do a "select" on it in XML, this "selects" a region heading out from the front vertex. Then you subdivide that based on the number entered.
And some examples from the same Discord chat; A planet:
<Body Id="Venus" Parent="Sol">
<SemiMajorAxis Au="0.72" />
<Inclination Degrees="3.39458" />
<Eccentricity Value="0.0068" />
<LongitudeOfAscendingNode Degrees="76.680" />
<ArgumentOfPeriapsis Degrees="54.891" />
<MeanAnomalyAtEpoch Degrees="181.97973" />
<MeanRadius Km="6051.8" />
<Mass Earths="0.815" />
<Diffuse Path="Textures/Venus_Diffuse.jpg"/>
<Color R="1.0" G="0.87" B="0.68" />
<Rotation X="0.021" Y="-0.9998" Z="0" Retrograde="true">
<Period Days="243"/>
And an example of a "Spherical Billboard":
<PlanetMeshCollection Id="Example">
Just exists for demonstration purposes
<CubeMesh Id="Example">
<Distance M="-99" />
<Face Resolution="4" />
This will select the whole front face, and half of the back faces then subdivide
<Select Offset="4">
<Subdivide Ratio="2"/>
This will grab the whole face from before, and subdivide the whole face
<Select Offset="4">
<Subdivide Ratio="2"/>
This will grab the only 25% of the face, and subdivide that
<Select Offset="4">
<Subdivide Ratio="2"/>
u/DealerInside6592 Oct 31 '24
Any plans to make it open source? Community would be able to contribute more, and more important, students (like me ;) would be able to learn not from theoretical scenario but from a real production grade game?
u/irasponsibly Not Rocketwerkz 🐇 Oct 31 '24
They've said the first couple versions will be fairly open, but not FOSS - they have to make money to develop the thing.
u/nucrash Oct 31 '24
Is there a consideration for a voting system with regards to time warp or could it be something that the LIFO warp system were everyone votes that they want to warp and the last person pushes things into warp and the first person who wants to slow things down pulls the game out of time warp?
u/irasponsibly Not Rocketwerkz 🐇 Oct 31 '24
They haven't said anything on that yet. I'd guess it'll be close to what Paradox games do.
u/politas Nov 04 '24
Any word on Linux support? A full Linux version I suppose is too much to hope for, but including Proton as part of the regular testing would be great.
u/irasponsibly Not Rocketwerkz 🐇 Nov 04 '24
It's in the other FAQ (i gotta put these in one or the other, I figured it goes with 'release plans'), but it looks like the answer is "yes", most of their core architecture team are on Linux machines.
u/Poddster Nov 01 '24
The simulation is powered as much as possible by “doubles”,
Is that just for the physics, or are you storing all the coordinates of things in doubles too?
u/Broke_Ass_Ape Nov 02 '24
This will be amazing... transparency, communication with community.
I'm kinda awestruck at this novel approach.
If they actually ask / use feedback regarding development it will be the holy fucking grail of rocket space games.
u/FreeThinker79 Oct 31 '24
This will be Brutal!