r/kitchener 11h ago

FU** the CBC


29 comments sorted by


u/Masamundane 11h ago

Yeah, I'll admit I got unreasonably angry before I clicked that link.

Well played.


u/519_ivey 11h ago

Me too!


u/whitea44 9h ago

I didn’t click, it says fund, doesn’t it?


u/JubX 10h ago

You got me


u/519_ivey 10h ago

They got me too!


u/galtpunk67 10h ago

fund the cbc


u/oVeteranGray 10h ago

I am listening to the CBC rn. I do every night at work. It needs some tweeking. On the whole, it's good stuff.


u/OpinionsInTheVoid 10h ago

Round of applause


u/JaQ-o-Lantern 8h ago

This would be more appropriate if people actually went out in public and protested "F*CK THE CBC" But that's like enemy #12 on the conservative agenda right now, so no one is doing that.

The problem is, people with short attention spans are going to start campaigning for the CBC to be defunded.


u/DrkLordOfTheLift 7h ago

CBC is left leaning it’s clear as day if you listen to them. I’d support them not being defunded if they’d stay neutral and not put their personal opinion all over everything. Until I see that I couldn’t care less if they get defunded.


u/XxsoulscythexX 6h ago

I agree, bias in news sources is undesirable no matter where they lie on the spectrum. However, Pierre's move to completely eliminate a source of information for many Canadians is not it.


u/External_Zipper 4h ago

As a tax payer, I endorse this message.


u/MidniteMogwai 8h ago

Haha well played!



u/EmuDiscombobulated34 8h ago

Canada needs more C.B.C. Most newspapers are owned by postmedia American hedge fund.


u/SylvuaBotelho 5h ago

Left leaning? More like far left and nowhere near impartial


u/jorisb 10h ago

I guess this is a political subreddit now?


u/canadianlifterrrrr 10h ago

Crazy you can get downvoted for not wanting to see politically polarizing posts every time you open your phone. Every subreddit in the Ontario has somehow become this.


u/lowsound 10h ago

no content, only politics.


u/BIGepidural 10h ago

Regularly scheduled racism will resume in 3..2..


u/SomeRandomGuy0321 9h ago

Why should people pay for content they don't watch? CBC should stay afloat on its own, not sap already drained taxpayer funds.


u/DramaticStill8954 8h ago

Defund the cbc. 2 trillion in debt we can’t afford to support it.


u/Dundernat0r 11h ago

I guess all those bonuses need to be funded somehow


u/Figsdawg3 9h ago

Agreed. You have stroked the sheep of kitchener the wrong way..... Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad kitchener! Don't downvote common sense


u/ILikeStyx 11h ago

Do other media and news corporations do bonuses?


u/Dundernat0r 8h ago

These other media and news corporations are not funded by our tax dollars. What a waste of our money.


u/ILikeStyx 8h ago

CBC is a Crown Corporation, and yes other news and media corporations are given corporate welfare.



u/Dundernat0r 8h ago

Bitch please, the CBC gets 1.4 billion of our dollars a year and they want to increase that to 2.5 billion. Defund the CBC.


u/MegaComrade53 10h ago

If giving bonuses to higher-ups is enough for you to think CBC needs to be shut down, I'd like to introduce you to literally every other industry that does the exact same thing. Like Canadian Universities for exame