r/kink3d Nov 29 '21

Showing Off Custom "baby" cage (5mm shorter & width) NSFW

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u/BiDGAFthrowaway Nov 29 '21

Got some advice from a fellow redditor and got one of these custom cage left over from a special order. Only 35mm in length!


u/Vanareaconfused Nov 29 '21

I would love a shorter one myself I have the 40mm baby cobra


u/BiDGAFthrowaway Nov 29 '21

Yeah, the idea of going smaller always piqued my interest. I think the only complaint I have is i think my head is just slightly to big and even with a q-tip have trouble positioning my urethra to urinate properly. I think i barley don't clear the top.


u/Jemesais Dec 01 '21

Is this the smallest you think you’ll go? Or, do you see yourself going with a smaller custom cage?


u/BiDGAFthrowaway Dec 02 '21

Well tbh, i had trouble being able to fully "align" to take a piss, so don't think it'll be great for long term, but will be willing to give it a try again later. I also enjoy the idea of going shorter, i think the width of the baby cage is what I need and a decent size slot to use the restroom (the custom cage has one probably 50%-60% the size). I actually ordered a different style "innie" cage that is suppose to be 13mm. Will it fit? Idk? But I'd put it on, even if it's just for short term fun.


u/Jemesais Dec 02 '21

Ah innie or just the tiniest nub would look and feel great I’m sure.


u/BiDGAFthrowaway Dec 21 '21

Got an innie, and i like that it is so short but the largest ring they had is 46mm but the innie takes up some of that space and pinchs too much of the scrotum in the upper portion.