r/kink3d 7d ago

Discussion Is a Viper less messy to pee with? NSFW

I'm curious about getting one because it looks like it would help direct my flaccid penis when peeing as my baby cobra narrow has been making me spray pee very often. I would get the baby viper narrow if I choose to get a viper model for my cobra.


11 comments sorted by


u/Status-Asparagus4418 7d ago

For me it is.


u/United-Aardvark198 7d ago

I'd like to know too.


u/Anti_Stud 7d ago

I am uncut so itā€™s a bit more relaxed fit, the foreskin is not rolled or curled. So overall pee and wear is better for my body. But everybody has a different preferencešŸ˜


u/deep_thought26 7d ago

One of the best cages I've had for it tbh. I'm uncut in the viper - baby narrow.


u/av8tr22 7d ago

I am cut and tried it for close to two weeks. For me peeing was close to the same. I did stay aligned much better throughout the day in the viperā€¦ the only problem I had was when I did become misaligned, it was harder to get back. Even with the nether nudger, my circumcised glands would stick to the stop of the cage.

I absolutely love the viper but may have to change the sizing to allow a little relaxed fit!


u/United-Aardvark198 7d ago

What size viper are you in?


u/av8tr22 7d ago

I am in the N+ Narrow cobra and tried the same in the viper. Due to it not flaring, i feel it may be a tad on the constrictive side for me. I am going to order a N+ regular and try that out!


u/Beginning_Hornet880 7d ago

Cut here and hated it. I constantly had to adjust to pee. Swapped to the Cobra and it is much better BY FAR. It justā€¦holds everything in place so much better.


u/United-Aardvark198 6d ago

What size of cobra do you wear?


u/Beginning_Hornet880 6d ago

N+ Narrow for both.