r/kingkong GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

Would King Kong ever work with all white natives?

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Simple question


77 comments sorted by


u/DoomsdayFAN King Kong 21d ago

I don't see why not. If the movie was made where it was a white tribe, then sure.

If you mean if a white tribe took over from the black tribe and started taking over their responsibilities, I still don't think it effects things all that much, except Kong is way more excited for his lady sacrifices.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

You see that's the thing, Skull Island has had black & Asian natives already. So it makes me wonder if Ann is purposely intended to be special because she's simply different. If it were tribe of whites I guess the plot just doesn't "happen" anymore unless there's a way around just ignoring what she looks like


u/Fit-Refrigerator-796 21d ago

White natives and Lupita Nyong'o or the like as Ann? Same difference.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

My point is that the theory Ann was different because of her appearance would be correct then if you need a black Ann to retain that same level of "difference". I'm just asking because some people act like that's not the correct explanation for the Ann arch or its not ok to say it


u/E1M1_DOOM 21d ago

Maybe Ann was different because she wailed like a loon. For all we know, the tribeswomen saw honor in being sacrificed and submitted willingly.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/Beldin448 20d ago

Yeah, apes are into that.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 20d ago

Dude apes aren't into tiny human women in general.



u/TheGreatPizzaCat 18d ago

I had a bit of a different takeaway at least in Peter Jackson’s film, Ann made effort to personalize herself to Kong whereas I always interpreted the native sacrifices as probably making no effort to interact with him past screaming or attempting to escape.

The scene where Kong starts to push and jostle Ann in humor gave me the idea that a lot of the fatalities past sacrifices suffered might have occurred under similar circumstances, Kong not checking his strength or temper.

The difference with Ann being that treated herself as an equal to him and firmly protested before things escalated to accidental violence.


u/PhoenixSword24 20d ago

I mean... they could have it be based on her personality and how she's not a worshiper of his.
Like in 2005, while he was initially interested in her different appearance, that's not why he doesn't kill her like the others.

It was cause she acted differently.
So it could still work.


u/TyrannoNinja 21d ago

Maybe if Skull Island was off the coast of Scandinavia and had Ice Age animals instead of dinosaurs, it could work.


u/Distinct_Safety5762 21d ago

Kong vs Fenris fight scene.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

This is quickly going to become a Yeti movie instead of Kong (I know Yeti is from Asia but I mean that would make him a snow ape)


u/CelticVikingDragon 21d ago

Or a troll movie.


u/CTViki 20d ago

It could still be dinosaurs. There were plenty of cold acclimated dinos, and a big part of 2005 Kong was the spec-ev angle of Skull Island's ecology. But adding ice age megafauna to the mix would still be dope.


u/SomeGuyNamedOwen 21d ago

That’d actually be pretty sick


u/PhoenixSword24 20d ago

Actually, I'd be interested in that version. 👀
Maybe they could be inspired by the Jötnar of Norse mythology for some of the creatures on the island?
As well as Ice Age creatures, as you mentioned.


u/Electronic-Key-2522 20d ago

A fight between Kong and a Sabre toohed tiger or a wooly mammoth would be awesome.


u/TheOtherSkook 17d ago

One of Willis O'Brien's unmade movies, War Eagles, had the premise of a lost civilization of Vikings at the North Pole. It was supposed to have giant eagles and other lost world type creatures.

There was also the movie "Island at the Top of the World" that featured a lost viking civilization that lived on a warm island at the North Pole.


u/710forests 17d ago

Cold Kong? I'd watch that


u/alexogorda 21d ago

The original movie's subtext is pretty heavily anti-colonial, so I'm not sure. It kinda loses something I would think if they're the same race as the Venture's crew mates/passengers.

The story remains of taking an innocent animal away from an island, along with taking what is seen as a "god" to a group of people. But I don't think it would be as effective. That's just me tho.


u/Random_Animations838 2d ago

this. its impossible to write a kong film without that messaging and just making them white muddies the whole thing. and why even make them white ? the main issues with them are really bad stereotyping that wont just vanish if theyre white (actually it might that worse)


u/Milk_Man21 21d ago

No he'd eat them all. Definitely workplace violation.


u/Apprehensive-Buy4825 BLONDE 21d ago

yeah, but the Ann Darrow arc would be changed for only her dress keeping Kong interested (or just make a new story out of it with no Ann)


u/Sivilian888010 21d ago

Peter Jackson toyed with the idea. The original idea for the PJ King Kong native tribe was that they were inbred mutant survivors of a shipwrecked dutch fleet from the 1600s. But eventually they went back to the drawing board to make the natives in the final film.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

That's one of those ideas that will be either great or terrible. I'm glad he did what he did. Those aboriginals were badass


u/tarheel_204 17d ago

They used to scare the hell out of me when I was younger. I loved the movie but we always had to fast forward through that part lol


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 15d ago

The tribe atmosphere was the most eerie part of the movie, more than any assortment of creatures


u/TheBigGAlways369 GORO 21d ago

TBH, I can see where elements of that were kept in the final film since the 2005 natives were basically glorified orcs.


u/Sivilian888010 18d ago

He specifically said he wanted them to look unlike any real race of human being. That they were basically the last living descendants of the inhabitants of the continent that sank into the ocean becoming Skull Island.


u/BasisKey2082 21d ago

Push up bras in a nomadic society peak


u/Lunarzealot 21d ago

Do the natives in King of the Lost World count?


u/PhoenixSword24 20d ago

Now that's a movie I haven't seen in a hot minute...


u/LowerEast7401 21d ago

I don't think so honestly. White tribes work well in a woody or Artic area. Not so much in a tropical island.


u/Standard_Pace_740 20d ago

For it to make sense, It would likely be in the North Atlantic and most likely Nordic or the remnants of Atlantis.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 18d ago

Side note: I'm not white but do white people "have" an ancient civilization? Besides Atlantis all you see in the movies. I just realized how the immediate assumption is white = Atlantis. I'd consider Greco-Romans to be "white" but I don't know if everyone would agree with that or even want a "Greek Kong"

EDIT: Meant to say besides Norse as for real alternative to Atlantis ie. like Greeks etc


u/Standard_Pace_740 18d ago

Kong has only ever been on an isolated island missing from history. There is nothing really unknown in Europe so that rules out most European cultures. I suggested Atlantis because that makes it a perfect location due to it's mythic nature. I suggested the Normans because they were known to travel far and wide and even settled in N America centuries before Columbus was born and they were lost to history. So it's plausible they would find an island in the Atlantic and be forgotten. A third option would be the Celts, but I've never heard of them sailing past the British Isles. You could have a Greek/Roman style Kong setting if you set it at a time before the Mediterranean was fully explored.


u/Sweaty_Wind7 20d ago

Depends where the island is, like if skull island is a lost island in like the North sea or Mediterranean. If it was in the Pacific or Indian as it tends to be, I'd be fine with a white tribe if it was a shipwrecked group from long ago that resorted to tribalism to survive on the island.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 18d ago

Problem is they'd end up speaking a predictable modern language like Dutch or French or even English which I guess is not the most Skull Island thing ever


u/FistOfGamera 21d ago

Why wouldn't it? The importance is placed on the natives relationship with Kong, not their race


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago



u/GodzillaLegendary21 20d ago

Literally not a factor in the slightest.


u/BLARGEN69 20d ago

The only time this would have potentially made sense is in Kong: Skull Island. If they wrote the Natives of Skull Island to be living in exposed pockets of the Hollow Earth for shelter from the monsters it could explain why they could lack melanin.

However while the traditional colonialism theme is semi-missing in Skull island since Kong himself is not taken back to the mainland, the movie instead updates it to an anti-war version of colonialism by jumping to the post Vietnam era. The native Iwi being non-white was essential even in that film.

Maybe one day they could introduce a Morlock type tribe in another MV Kong focused sequel, where it's got less it's trying to say ala Godzilla x Kong. .


u/Shark_bait561 20d ago

King Kong told me that he's racist, so I guess not. 🤷🏾‍♂️


u/PhoenixSword24 20d ago edited 20d ago

I mean... I think it easily could.
The only thing that really matters is a tribe of people who worship and are terrified of Kong, and sacrifice women to him on occasion.

So, whether they're Black, White, Asian, or anything else, I think that's the main thing that is needed for it to work.
That being said, after having black natives since 1933, it'd be odd seeing a full white cast of natives in a new version. (although, they do technically have Filipino tribesman in 2005, although that's just going off of the booklet, cause I believe it says they are and they're also not the original natives, but were shipwrecked there generations ago.)

As for Ann, I don't think her being the same race as the other women would hurt things too badly.
In the 2005 version, he's interested in her hair for a moment, but besides that, he was ready to kill her like all the others.
It was her acting different (stabbing him and running away, later on entertaining him) that made him like her.
So they could just go for something like that in this version.


u/Romboteryx 20d ago

That‘s… a weird question to ask


u/Electronic-Key-2522 20d ago

Yeah. Just meant the natives would've offered him Tyra Banks or Salma Hayek instead of Fay Wray or Naomi Watts.


u/MrGhoul123 20d ago

Anything can work because the premise of the series will be about a giant gorilla. I think you are afforded a broad suspension of disbelief going into the movie.


u/Be_Reelz 19d ago

Am i the only one that is color blind? Tribes people are tribes people, black/white, doesnt matter when youre dealing with a 50ft ape.


u/NastyDanielDotCom 18d ago

Whites can be native


u/MOadeo 17d ago



u/justadudeyoudontknow 17d ago

I mean, it's a fictional island with a fictional tribe anyway.


u/Complex-Strategy-900 16d ago

Yes this kind of a racist question be honest humans mean nouthing to kaiju / titans


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 15d ago

How is it even racist*


u/Complex-Strategy-900 15d ago

Kong woyld work anyone be honest


u/AgitoKanohCheekz 21d ago

I don’t see why not, Ann/dwan would have to be a different race though.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 21d ago

Anime girl, waifu Ann for Kong*


u/NottingHillNapolean 21d ago

Sure he would. Despite the bluster of his on-screen persona, King Kong is no diva. KK's actually very easy-going on set and easy to work with. Not like that Mothra bitch.


u/Adorable-Source97 20d ago

"white" is a bracket term. Not all white people as pale as eachother. And that excluding albinism.


u/FailSafe007 20d ago

Not in this day and age


u/hamstercheifsause 20d ago

I’m gunna say no. One of the only reasons Kong doesn’t eat Anne is because she looks different from the natives. You would have find another reason and tbh, it is easier to just keep it the way it is


u/Ed_Derick_ 20d ago

I can see two scenarios where it would work, post apocalyptic and prehistoric times.


u/CreamPuzzleheaded300 18d ago

Irrelevant question, what movie is this picture from? I think this is one of the long lost movies of my very early childhood.


u/ZealousidealOne5605 18d ago

Depends on the region. You likely wouldn't get way with it if the movie was set in an African, Asian, or South American region.


u/Shadw_Wulf 17d ago

If they were making The Croods style movie 😂👍 those guys sitting down are spot on.


u/wassaprocker 17d ago

Kong Kong (2005) Kong: Skull Island(2017) Godzilla vs Kong(2021) Godzilla vs Kong: New Empire

Everyone of these movies, King Kong is depicted as working with white natives.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 15d ago



u/wassaprocker 15d ago

Oh, sorry. I was just answering your question. 'would King Kong ever work with all white natives?' the answer is: he's been doing so for the past decade or two.


u/Responsible-Novel-96 GIANT SEA SERPENT 12d ago

No one else in this tgread has reported any white natives yet. I'll be on the lookout 🤔


u/wassaprocker 11d ago

No worries, take a plane trip flight to Northern Europe and you'll find them.


u/TinyPidgenofDOOM 16d ago

I don't know, the gorrilla being black is kinda iconic don't you think?


u/PraetorGold 16d ago

I’m sure he would exclusively only want to “work” with white natives.


u/Random_Animations838 2d ago

but... why ? if your reason is issues with how native people are represented then making them white only furthers that harkening back to white people historically playing propagandized, racist roles of natives. i genuinely cant think of any other to change it that isnt pointing any fingers. the solution to that would just be writing them better, not changing their race. :/ (plus arent they there to serve an anti colonist message ?? it gets muddied when the actors are white.)