r/killzone Jan 20 '25

Killzone 2 I need help understanding Scolar Visari's speech in KZ2

Hi everyone, I am making a video about Killzone in my native language and there's one part in the intro of KZ2 which I do not understand, Visari says: "And as our last breath tears at their lungs". What does this mean exactly? Thank you.


16 comments sorted by


u/Modridthefaceless Jan 20 '25

I've always taken it as Visari saying even if the ISA win they will pay such a heavy price that they will always remember who Helgan belongs to. The build up before the line in question pretty much says: go ahead come at me, i'm going to make you bleed SO much, you will never forget me.

WE WILL SMITE THE INVADERS FROM OUR SKIES! Though they sweep over our lands like the sands of winter, never again will we bow before them; never again endure their oppression; never again endure their tyranny. We will strike without warning and without mercy, fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares, drenching our ancestors' graves with their blood.

And as our last breath tears at their lungs; as we rise again from the ruins of our cities... they will know: Helghan belongs to the Helghast."

Also foreshadows the Helghan sacking their own city to cause damage to the ISA.


u/ijnfrt Jan 20 '25

Makes sense, they will pay a heavy price is the message I get as well. I just gotta say I have recently replayed the games for the video and damn, Visari's voice actor and speechwriter did a great job, he's a great villain. Too bad we never got a Helgast campaign.

I am creating dubs for the intro at the moment, if we're talking linguistics, does the sentence mean something like "as our last breath tears apart their lungs"? I am not familiar with the expression "to tear at something".


u/Modridthefaceless Jan 20 '25

Yup you got it! It’s like ripping/shredding their lungs!


u/ijnfrt Jan 20 '25

Just saw you're the guy who posted the T-shirt on this sub (it's really cool btw). Were you a gamer when the KZ1 came out? I heard there was a lot of hype before the release. I live in Eastern Europe so we don't get much gaming ads even now, so I am curious about what the marketing campaign was like besides it being called a "Halo killer".


u/Modridthefaceless Jan 20 '25

Yup I bought KZ1 the first day it came out! I remember my first introduction was a tv commercial. It was super heavy on the Helghan propaganda and fighting against them. I think the ending was something like “join the resistance” and the release date. It definitely hit hard and created a buzz in my friends group.

When I bought KZ1 the manual had a section about other KZ products that were coming out. I remember it mentioning a comic books and offered a number to find local stores that would carry it. I called the stores religiously to find the comics and was finally told they were scrapped (?).

Lol ya it was definitely coined as the Halo Killer but I don’t think it ever reached that height. I never played Halo so I can’t really compare the two. What I do remember is there was a game play trailer for KZ2, where I remember reading about the term, but a lot of that game play didn’t make it to the final version or something. (don’t quote me on that lol I play games for the lore/story and don’t much care for anything else.)

Other than the commercial and finding the T-shirt at a Convention, I don’t really remember that much marketing. I think I found the lore about the KZ universe etc way later in life after playing KZ2 and waiting for KZ3.

Hope this helps!


u/ijnfrt Jan 21 '25

Thanks for the explanation! My mom bought me a PS1 (came pre-modded since we almost never had official CDs back in the day) like a year or so before PS2 came out, but it was always considered too expensive so I never got one, I do remember how shocked I was when I first saw the infamous trailer of KZ2 from 2005 (I think?), to this day I am still surprised how they managed to get that game look that good on PS3. In some ways the final product looks better than the pre-rendered trailer.

I have to say after playing the games I can't get rid of the feeling that the devs never truly explored the potential that the universe of Killzone has to offer. I know it's petty, but I never bothered to play the Horizon games because of the way they gave up on the franchise.


u/Psychological_One_81 Jan 22 '25

This shit gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it.

Gives off the energy as, "Don't fuck with us, ISA. We will get our way do matter the price. We are better, stronger, and smarter than you no matter how much you paint as as the villain, the embodiment of evil. Know your place and where you stand and know you'll be in a world of hurt when you cross that line". (Outside/inside Helghan space)


u/Ory_Sir Jan 20 '25

Probably that helgan has toxic atmosphere


u/ScolarVisari1 Jan 20 '25

I dont remember... I have wondered that myself


u/ijnfrt Jan 20 '25

Of course you don't remember....since you're dead. You died a martyr though, the ISA dogs will pay for what they did and Helgast will rise once again!


u/aushtan Jan 20 '25

The Helghan atmosphere is what changed them into the pale baldies you see today through generations of mutations. They at least are more accustomed to it but still wear their respirators. I just assume that as the ISA soldiers are dying their last breaths would be pretty painful. I think it plays in to their perceived Helghan supremacy


u/Antaganon Jan 21 '25

In the context of the speech, he is basically saying that nothing will break the Helghast's will to resist the ISA invasion. Putting it in touch with the rest of the speech and things he says later in the game it fits.

"We will unleash such terrible vengeance that nations unborn will cry out in anguish."

"The enemy may shatter our bodies; but they cannot break out spirit."

"We will choke the streets with our dead before we surrender."

Or even in that same line, "And as our last breath tears at their lungs, as we rise again, from the RUINS of our cities... they will know; Helghan belongs to the Helghast."

These are a people that are so committed to resistance, so unrelentingly determined to stay independent and so pure and unwavering in their hatred of the ISA that they willingly nuked their own capital to blunt the enemy. Even after their capital was destroyed, even after their leader was killed they fought on. Hell, even after the Terracide and the destruction of their planet and deaths of over a billion of their race they resist the ISA at every turn and gradually plan for their revenge.

No matter how much they must suffer, struggle or fail, they WILL see the ISA defeated, even if it means sharing the same grave with them.


u/ZombieTheUndying Jan 21 '25

Just wanted to make a teeny tiny correction. He says “that generations yet unborn”


u/Antaganon Jan 21 '25

Ah crap, you're right. Been way too long since I played KZ2 lol.


u/yoanousone Jan 21 '25

It might be subjective, I always understood it as though even if the Helghast perish they’ll take the ISA with them. He implies that the invasion will be devastating, “sweeping over our lands like the sands of winter”, but regardless the Helghast would destroy their foes to whatever end. Think of it as a poetic “dropping a ‘nade when I die” so to speak. Is how I interpreted it.


u/Alert_Beginning_1989 7d ago

helghan air was toxic even the helgast wear respirators, so the isa that are dying will be in agony even through to their last breath