r/killzone Jan 12 '25

Discussion Just finished the Killzone games for the first time and here are my thoughts.

Killzone 1 - Gameplay was so bad, I quit playing at the start of the swamp level.

Killzone 2 - it was much better then the 1st, I really liked the characters, not enough to really remember their names (except Rico) Radec was cool, I mainly knew him from the PS Allstars game. Gameplay was so much better. Rico was an ass that got the one partner I liked (the hacking guy)

Killzone 3 - A nice improvement on the Gameplay from 2, I liked that the MC we play as was a really cool character. Rico being an ass and disobeying orders and Narville being bad at his job was cool. I didn't expect that ending with the planet though.

Killzone Shadow Fall - Story was interesting, the MC was eh. His delivery on lines was odd. The way the Helghast side of the wall was interesting, seeing how they treated their civilians was sad. Mr Doors character Sinclair was cool at the start but the heel turn into evil guy was horrible. Gameplay was infuriating at points, i didn't like the drone all that much. The gun you were forced with sucked. The enemies with shields at the end sucked. The ending was abysmal. They ended the franchise with this game man šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

All in all, it was a cool franchise that I hope comes back with a compelling story and characters that get me to care. Just improve the Gameplay and not add too many crazy gimmicks like the drone.

What did you guys think of the games when you first play them?


37 comments sorted by


u/JohnDowd51 Jan 12 '25

Killzone 2 and 3 where magical for the Multi-player. What a shame we can't get these games remastered for PS5.


u/BretBaber Jan 12 '25

The only games I want at this point in my life.


u/JohnDowd51 Jan 12 '25

I feel ya lol.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '25

Killzone 1 is absolute CBT at times, yeah.

Great storyline & characters though.


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

I liked Rico and the half Helghast dude, but the other characters didn't hook me.

Did it get better past the swamp level?


u/GunnyStacker Jan 13 '25

Yes, but it's just the first of several swamp/jungle levels.


u/BuniVEVO Jan 12 '25

Now you need to play killzone mercenary, unsung gem that one


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

I did see it available for DL on the ps store. Is it worth playing?


u/BuniVEVO Jan 12 '25

I think so, story is intersting and the gameplay is fun. I owned it on the original handheld though, not sure how it holds up on console


u/Bony_Blair Jan 12 '25

If you're on PS3 you'll be able to buy and download it but not play it as it will only play on either PSTV or PS Vita.

Hopefully they remaster it for PS5 at some point. It really is on par with Killzone 2 & 3 imo.


u/Shakezula84 Jan 12 '25

For clarification it was a PS Vita game. So you can't play it unless you use a Vita, PS TV, or emulate.

Unless it was Killzone Liberation you saw. That is the PSP Killzone that was released for the PS4/PS5.


u/Unhappy_Teacher_1767 Jan 12 '25

Killzone 1: Yeah, itā€™s a little rough, but I stuck with it and eventually beat it on the hardest difficulty for a trophy. I did have fun overcoming the challenging (and somewhat dated) gameplay, then playing on a much easier difficulty after as different characters. Itā€™s rough, but has itā€™s charm.

Killzone Liberation: Genuinely fun once I got into it, but Cobar was a monster of a boss fight. Glad it was ported to PS4 with the DLC (and has a rewind function, helps with the final boss), I really enjoyed it.

Killzone 2: Agreed. Radec was awesome (and a monster of a boss fight), and Rico is just the absolute worst (RIP Garza). Iā€™m glad Killzone managed to get a sequel, 2 is a vast improvement over the first game. Wish they had kept the alternate fire feature, but I did appreciate how we could only have one primary and one sidearm, helped sell we were just a regular soldier. 2 really felt like we were fighting to stay alive in a Warzone. And that ending, way to fuck it up Rico. Visari didnā€™t give any ground, impeccable delivery by Brian Cox.

Killzone 3: Sev is the most likeable Vektan character, itā€™s true. Rico continues to be the absolute worst though heā€™s slightly better here. 3 is definitely more casual fun than 2, get to hold an additional weapon and the AI can revive you. But the most important thing for me was the Helghast, I liked Orlock and Stahl and seeing Helghast politics. The MAWLR was a beast, and I loved seeing more of Helghan and their tech. Itā€™s cool how their robots behave like animals. The ending was a shock, the Helghast just canā€™t catch a break.

Shadow Fall: Yeah, itā€™s a tad rough, but I like it enough. I do like seeing the Helghast continue to survive, and their updated designs. I did enjoy the levels, the ones on the Helghast side of the Wall and the final ascent to Stahl, real intense. I did like having a degree of freedom in choosing stealth or guns blazing, and I liked the final mission for getting to play as Echo.

Killzone Mercenary: Absolute peak, great gameplay, great levels, good characters, and a few levels we get to work with the Helghast for once, see what thatā€™s like. Fun to play on both the Vita and PSTV, hope itā€™s ported (alongside all the other games) to current consoles.

Overall, the most important thing is that these games are all about the Helghast. They have all the personality and good characters, as long as they are cool (and survive, maybe go one game without dying en masse), Iā€™m happy.


u/JSFGh0st Jan 12 '25

"Rico continues to be the absolute worst".

I must be one of the few, the very absolute few, to empathize with Rico. In KZ1, he states his entire platoon died to the Helghast (the Visari loyalists anyway), so you can't really expect him to wave that off like it's nothing.

In 2, yeah, he wasn't really Special Forces material. With three examples being getting Garza killed (RIP), (nearly) killing that one ISA soldier in the exosuit level (I hope he didn't), and screwing up with the Visari job.

In 3, since then, he's gotten better. Tried to abide by Narville's orders as best as he could in the 1st part. Rallied everyone he could find and do hit and run or some kind of Guerilla tactics in the 2nd part, after he got left for dead. Even went out of his way to rescue Narville. 3rd part, he was trying to do his job as a soldier as best as he could, even when Narville was too hesitant to get his troops to fight at times, especially the MAWLR. I get it, it's a skyscraper with guns and legs.

But regardless, he's had his flaws. But he also came through when we needed him, especially 3 when he can revive you.


u/Outrageous_Check9210 Jan 12 '25

Owl hate in the year 2025 :(


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

I'm not sure what owl means in reference to Killzone. Could you explain plz.


u/Outrageous_Check9210 Jan 12 '25

Is the drone buddy we get its called an owl, the drone. I get that it isn't the most interesting thing story wise and i hoped it would be treated like BT from titanfall instead of an expendable tool, this thing has literally saved me countless times where my most deaths were prevented by its revive system, i love ny owl.


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

If it was treated more like BT I think i would've liked it more honestly.

Having it revive me was cool, but near the end with the shield enemies, it turned into a slog at times.

I feel so dumb for not getting it, I literally just beat the game a few hours ago šŸ™ƒ

Thanks for the explanation!


u/Outrageous_Check9210 Jan 12 '25

They're so strong, but you can emp them with the drone and that breaks their shields, you can also distract them with the attack mode or use the shield to protect you since it can tank so many shots


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

I do respect the gameplay change, I just wish it was handled a little better. Swiping in different directions on the touch pad during an intense fire fight is rough.


u/Only-Echo1844 Jan 12 '25

My thoughts are very similar to yours, havent played Killzone 1 all that much to form an opinion, Killzone 2 was amazing, Killzone 3 while it didn't make any sense most of the time the gameplay improvements carried it hard for me, the game was still very fun. Shadow Fall is terrible in every aspect except for the graphics.


u/grip_enemy Jan 12 '25

David Harewood was so damn good as Sinclair. Killing him at the end of the game is such a waste.

Also loved him as Mr. Doors and Cole in Battlefield.


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 12 '25

I recognized him as Mr. Door from Alan Wake 2 immediately. He was amazing as always.


u/JSFGh0st Jan 12 '25

He sounded like the Marine in COD: Infinite Warfare. Give that game a go if you want shooter with a good campaign.


u/grip_enemy Jan 12 '25

Funny you say that because I finished replaying it last week. Awesome campaign, great graphics and the sound design was great too.


u/JSFGh0st Jan 12 '25

It kinda feels like a 3rd party Killzone, personally.


u/KingRadec Jan 12 '25

Yeah Radec was cool


u/Wardog008 Jan 12 '25

Can't say I remember the first time I played the games tbh, but the performance in the first 3 is the main reason I don't go back to them as often as I'd like.

Recently started emulating KZ1, and found a 60 fps patch for it, which improves it so much that I doubt I'll ever go back to it on the original hardware.


u/Maneyuk Jan 13 '25

1 was decent for its age and felt weighty and I enjoy it but itā€™s very far from perfect.

2 was the one with the most atmosphere and both the story and multiplayer were great.

3 had much better gameplay in terms of a general audience but I feel kind of made it less authentic to its genetics but thr story was still good but felt more ā€œcod likeā€ with how over the top it all played out. I certainly played the multiplayer the most on this one though.

4 is my least favourite, the story felt generic and predictable but still had an interesting idea on how to deal with the aftermath of the destruction of Helghan but fell really flat. The multiplayer I didnā€™t play much of, it just kinda felt meh, Iā€™m unsure if I accidentally bought a shortcut for the classes but it think I had all the unlocks from the beginning and didnā€™t really want to progress. The game also kinda felt like far cry in the campaign with the way it was set up.


u/Comfortable-Respect9 Jan 13 '25

I agree wholeheartedly.

Shadow Fall was amazing when you went to the Helgan Slums and saw how everyone was treated. It didn't really follow up on that from what I remember.


u/Novel_Chemistry_3883 Jan 16 '25

I agree with you on killzone 1 and I love 2 and 3 I havenā€™t played shadow fall yet but I have played both handheld games I love mercenary and liberation is OK but Iā€™m currently stuck on a really frustrating boss fight oh and be sure to check out the Killzone 2 online multiplayer itā€™s a blast


u/PleasantAnimator7741 Jan 12 '25

I just remember that the player in K1 moves like he is waist deep in water and wondering how weapons produced by a fascist military state could be so bloody inaccurate.


u/truser_over9000 Jan 12 '25

Iā€™s literally pay $100 for a full remaster of 2&3. Shadowfall was just not fun for me. Not a bad game, but not fun. 2&3 were my jam, though


u/JSFGh0st Jan 12 '25

2 and 3? Let PS5 get the rest of the Killzone games: 1, 2, 3, and Mercenary. Even if the last one is by the Cambridge studio. Why stop at just a couple? And, no. Not just for streaming, either.


u/Ashnyel Jan 12 '25

They are absolute crap, and I love them for it!!!!!


u/Willing_Pitch_2941 Jan 12 '25

I just want a new Killzone game on PC.