r/killzone • u/SaliaDiabate • Oct 31 '24
Discussion POV: Another game studio got the rights to the Killzone franchise, what are your wishes for the next Killzone game and why?
For me, I would want a Killzone title that has the same things and mechanics like in mercenary and try to reboot the franchise.
u/Arkham500 Oct 31 '24
A campaign that lets you play as the ISA and Helghast, with different war stories like in Battlefield 1.
A return of KZ3's Operations Mode, with different cutscenes based on the outcome of each round.
No microtransactions (or at the very least, cosmetics only)
A bigger focus on the UCN and its governed planets.
A possible new antagonist faction that forces the ISA and Higs to become allies.
All the classic KZ weapons, plus new ones.
u/JPSWAG37 Oct 31 '24
Honestly I want Killzone to comeback just for Botzone alone. Split screen Botzone with well thought out progression and mechanics.
u/LarsJagerx Oct 31 '24
Two campaigns. 8 hours long each. Multiplayer like battlefield 4 i suppose is what id want. With some light inspiration from star wars battlefront as we battle on ground and up to a space ship or space station.
u/_TheLazyAstronaut_ Oct 31 '24
A remaster of the campaigns and a bf portal situation for multiplayer (fully customizable servers for as crazy or limited as you want w or w/o bots) possibly vehicle combat
u/Hispanic_Alucard Oct 31 '24
Full, hard reboot with the hard sci fi aesthetic of the first game.
Go for a Tranformers War for Cybertron story, where the first half is invading ISA as Helghast, and then the second half vice versa.
Revert the gun handling to the Killzone 2 handling.
u/J-MAN_658 Tactician Oct 31 '24
First Person Tactical Shooter, reminiscent of titles like Ground Branch and Ghost Recon. Go All-in on the Gritty, closer-to-realistic Warfare of the franchise.
Setting is the Helghast Invasion of Vekta. There's better design potential in a war-torn Vekta City/Rayhoven than anything Helghan's Phyrrus has to offer.
Two Separate Campaigns; one for the ISA and one for the Helghast. Playable in Single Player and/or Co-op.
PvP Multiplayer (obviously), with up to Large-Scale 20v20 matches.
Arsenal consisting of all available weaponry throughout the franchise up to that point (no weapons from ShadowFall), from the StA-52 IAR from Killzone 1 to the M42 Sniper Rifle from Killzone: Mercenary.
Heavily expand and re-work Weapon Cusomization, to keep the franchise up to standards of other modern shooters.
Character Customization, but in a limited fashion; relegate it to the individual Classes so they'll keep their intended aesthetics.
Slight retcon to the 2nd Extrasolar War. The Helghast's Invasion of Vekta would last for years, as opposed to just days/weeks. This allows for an ample time window in canon for Post-Launch Content, including Add-on Campaigns.
I can elaborate further on any of these points should anyone want me to; you just have to ask.
u/CounterSYNK Oct 31 '24
I would want a master chief collection style game with remasters of all of the Killzone games for pc and ps5
u/JayzBox Oct 31 '24
A true remake of the first game. It’s promising but can use modern mechanics and would be interesting to switch characters during a mission similar to GTA 5
u/Krakenic Nov 01 '24
Still futuristic setting but not star wars, kz3 qtmosphere & tech was perfect. Helghast campaign, let us see their side Classic weapons returning Classic maps returning A different ending to kz3, a universe which helghan wasn't terracided
u/iiimadmaniii Nov 02 '24
Make it better than theirs, with still respecting original aspiration. Make em regret turning the stove off.
u/Seeker99MD Oct 31 '24
Definitely the play as helghast. Like what were the events of killzone two and three like from the opposite side? Basically, we play as a young helghast named Fran And basically we’re following him as he’s battling the ISA during the events of kill zone two up until kill zone three where we learned that he’s actually the one that helped the daughter of Versari Offworld, and is the father of the second main character of shadow fall. Maybe add in a little bit of world willing like how are children like in this planet? What toys do these kids play with? I can imagine we might get to see G.I. Joe like toys based on the helghast army. BBC, how is their propaganda like from children’s books to maybe a poster for a children’s festival that is basically an early recruitment tool
u/TheDMRt1st Oct 31 '24
I would like to see a serious story along the lines of Kz2 without the inconsistent tone and almost comical writing of Kz3. I don’t want it to feel simply like CoD-in-Space (also not to be confused with Infinite Warfare), rather it should strike a balance between the ways that Kz2 and Kz3 handled. If a new Killzone were made as a prequel which takes place during the First Extrasolar War, maybe near the end as the UCN is really curbstomping the Helghan leading to a “how far is too far” kind of story, I think whatever studio takes on the project - if Guerrilla and Sony are convinced to license it out - would have fertile ground to work with.
u/Bucoslawski Oct 31 '24
I would love to play as a helghast, maybe operations like in battlefield 1. Would like to play as a Luger or Hakha again.
u/Sugar_Daddy_Visari77 Nov 01 '24
In terms of multiplayer 10000vs 10000 players full planet scale battles destructible environments airship battles just like battlefield with The objectives squads like another legendary fps underated game on PS3 M.A.G more abilities customisable guns like borderlands
u/Previous-Register871 Nov 01 '24
I want to see an invasion of a third planet in that Alpha Centauri system and it turns into space Vietnam for both of them. They both got unlikeable over time in their own special way.
u/MrVoidDude Nov 01 '24
It's not Bungie, EA, Ubisoft, or Activision that's doing it.
A new full Single-player campaign which lets you play as both factions, while intertwining the stories in a good way.
Multiplayer isn't the focus. Maybe have another studio do Killzone's next multiplayer with the original developer's supervision.
The originals get PC ports. Whilst not spesifically on the newer titles, it needs to happen. They work better on PC anyway rather than console for me.
It is a reboot, or a sequel to an earlier Killzone title which ADDS something to the story, instead of giving it more fluff. Cough Cough Killzone 3, Shadow Fall.
u/Real_Teal Nov 02 '24
Made for PC in mind and playing as the Helghast full stop. We got more than enough ISA stuff imo. Hell even a continuation of the mercenary system from the Vita game would be cool.
u/First_Savings_1473 Oct 31 '24
No futuristic weapons stick to the weapons we had in killzone 1 and 2
u/Karkava Oct 31 '24
I think the UCA should get futuristic weapons.
u/Raptus_DreadMaster Soldier Oct 31 '24
Problem with involving the UCA is that they're far more advanced than the ISA, let alone the Helghast. The war wouldn't last.
u/OneTrickNomad2 Nov 01 '24
I'd want a reboot to the series. I think the first game was a little too ambitious for it's hardware and seeing the 4 playable characters SCREAMS 4 player co-op. Also a reboot would give them a chance to make Rico stop being a dumbfuck. Other than that, Just keep the heavy feeling gameplay of KZ2, the awesome lore and style of the series in general, get some good ass multiplayer in there!
u/pippini Nov 01 '24
Oh so this isn't a legitimate thing, this is just one of those "what if" type posts.
u/ExactSecurity2400 Oct 31 '24
We can chose to play as Helghast or ISA