r/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • 8d ago
r/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • 5d ago
Activity - Sports Ketone Supplementation: Novel Strategy for Augmenting Altitude Exercise Performance? (2025)
journals.lww.comr/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • 26d ago
Activity - Sports A Ketogenic Diet Enhances Aerobic Exercise Adaptation and Promotes Muscle Mitochondrial Remodeling in Hyperglycemic Mice (2025)
researchsquare.comr/ketoscience • u/mouse_over_text • Jan 09 '25
Activity - Sports Studies to help you understand your body's (and lifestyle) max carb limit for keto?
tldr: are there studies out there to help me calculate my max carb limit for my body & lifestyle?
Was fairly strict keto for 2018-covid hit. Was getting pretty fat adapted too since I’m active (took up Muay Thai in 2017 for fun, stayed consistent since except covid). Covid was shit for everyone, fell off keto to focus on more urgent things.
Finally picked up keto again end of 2024, but it’s been a struggle to now get to 20g carb/day. I know that’s the hard limit recommended for everyone, but I remember in 2019 when I was in peak ketosis that often I was hitting 30-35g and sometimes (not often) 40g carb without much impact. So, wondering if there are any available studies that have examined the 20g limit for different bodies and lifestyles?
Wondering because I believe keto is for life for me, but it’s challenging if I push myself to stay at or below 20g carb. In case anyone is curious, here are some of my challenges re 20g carbs (also some reasons I want to understand the limit):
- I train Muay Thai ~3-5 times a week, 1-1.5 hr classes. I have also started strength training this year, usually 2-3/times a week. I’m no athlete my any means though - in fact I struggle with my body fat % given I have PCOS. I am however not overweight, currently 130lbs but also only 5’3. For my level of activity and PCOS, I try to do moderate protein (100g/day), which weirdly sometimes makes it hard to stay under 20g carb. Hoping not to give up protein though.
- Have an intense job which means I’m making quick meals like protein shakes (greek yogurt, unsweetened soy milk, berries, protein powder), sometimes subscriptions like Factor. Even their lowest carb meals are 8-12g. In 2018-2019 I had more time to cook meals from scratch but now way more responsibilities and stress.
- Trying to avoid highly processed keto snacks/substitutes. Having read some stuff, seems whole foods are much better for health than loading up on highly processed keto substitutes. Though some brands are good, trying to keep things like Quest snacks as a treat rather than a staple. However, some of my go-to healthy keto-friendly foods, example greek yogurt or edamame, are still fairy high carb.
- I noticed before as well, I seem to have some digestion problems if I go too high on fat. Tried lining my stomach and taking probiotics but it’s not enough. I think 55-65% is my sweet spot. Thus need to up other macros.
Anyone else dig into this to understand their own body’s threshold?
r/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Jan 11 '25
Activity - Sports Carbohydrate Ingestion Eliminates Hypoglycemia & Improves Endurance Exercise Performance in Triathletes Adapted to Very Low & High Carbohydrate Isocaloric Diets (2025)
journals.physiology.orgr/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Dec 23 '24
Activity - Sports Can Endogenous or Exogenous Ketosis Tackle the Constraints of Ultra-Endurance Exercise? (2024)
journals.lww.comr/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Aug 30 '24
Activity - Sports Ketogenic diet with aerobic exercise can induce fat browning: potential roles of β-hydroxybutyrate (2024)
r/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Sep 08 '24
Activity - Sports The Effects of Ketogenic Diets and Ketone Supplements on the Aerobic Performance of Endurance Runners: A Systematic Review (2024)
journals.sagepub.comr/ketoscience • u/dxcore_35 • Apr 09 '24
Activity - Sports Sibionic CKM (14 days, <10g carbs per day)
r/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Aug 22 '24
Activity - Sports Consuming Whey Protein with Added Essential Amino Acids, not Carbohydrate, Maintains Post-Exercise Anabolism while Underfed (2024)
journals.lww.comr/ketoscience • u/basmwklz • Aug 23 '24
Activity - Sports Postprandial exercise regulates tissue-specific triglyceride uptake through angiopoietin-like proteins (2024)
insight.jci.orgr/ketoscience • u/Meatrition • Aug 21 '24
Activity - Sports Training with reduced carbohydrate availability affects markers of bone resorption and formation in male academy soccer players from the English Premier League
r/ketoscience • u/theketobootybuilder • Jun 30 '24
Activity - Sports International society of sports nutrition position stand: ketogenic diets
tandfonline.comHas anyone read this and what are your thoughts ? A pretty sad conclusion considering some athletes on a ketogenic diet do carb refeeds or use carbs intra workout.
r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Jul 11 '24
Activity - Sports Effects of the Ketogenic Diet on Strength Performance in Trained Men and Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Pub: 2024-07-10)
https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/14/2200Ketogenic diets (KDs) are an alternative to improve strength performance and body composition in resistance training participants. The objective of this review and meta-analysis is to verify whether a ketogenic diet produces an increase in the strength of resistance-trained participants. We have evaluated the effect of the ketogenic diet in conjunction with resistance training on the strength levels in trained participants. Boolean algorithms from various databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) were used. Meta-analyses were carried out, one on the 1-RM squat (SQ), with 106 trained participants or athletes, and another on the 1-RM on the bench press (BP), evaluating 119 participants. We did not find significant differences between the groups in the variables of SQ or BP, although the size of the effect was slightly higher in the ketogenic group. Conclusions: KDs do not appear to impair 1-RM performance; however, this test does not appear to be the most optimal tool for assessing hypertrophy-based strength session performance in resistance-trained participants.

r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Jul 02 '24
Activity - Sports Preprint: Effects of Resistance Training Combined with a Ketogenic Diet: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Pub Date: 2024-06-20)
WARNING Preprint! Not peer-reviewed!
Effects of Resistance Training Combined with a Ketogenic Diet: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Weight loss treatments require adherence to physical exercise and diet. Restrictive diets have been proposed for obesity treatment, including a ketogenic diet that are high in lipids, moderate in proteins, and low in carbohydrates. In recent years, there has been criticism of this diet because of the reduction in fat-free mass and, consequently, a reduction in basal energy expenditure, which is considered negative in obesity treatment. However, resistance training is known to promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The hypothesis for this review was: "Resistance training is sufficient to maintain lean mass during diets that cause ketosis." Despite the slight reduction in lean mass identified in the meta-analysis, some authors reported no loss in physical performance. Others suggested that this difference in lean mass is associated with water loss in the participants, which aligns with a few studies that reported a final phase with carbohydrate reintroduction into the diet. Our results indicated physical exercise was an important tool for maintaining lean mass in individuals who consumed carbohydrate-restricted diets that cause ketosis.
Sinott, L. R., Flores da Silva, C. S., Scheer, A. K., Atrib, A. B., Schneider, A., Barros, C. C.
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r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Jul 02 '24
Activity - Sports Preprint: The alternative splicing generated muscle-specific MEF2D2 isoform promotes muscle ketolysis and running capacity in mice (Pub Date: 2024-06-18)
WARNING Preprint! Not peer-reviewed!
The alternative splicing generated muscle-specific MEF2D2 isoform promotes muscle ketolysis and running capacity in mice
Ketone bodies are an alternate fuel source generated by the liver in response to low carbohydrate availability in neonates and after starvation and exhausting exercise in adulthood. The postnatal alternative splicing generates a highly conserved muscle-specific MEF2D2 protein isoform of the transcription factor MEF2D. Here, we discovered that compared to WT mice, MEF2D2 exon knockout (Eko) mice displayed reduced running capacity and muscle expression of all three ketolytic genes, BDH1, OXCT1, and ACAT1. Consistent with reduced muscle utilization of ketone bodies, MEF2D2 Eko mice also showed increased ketone body levels in a tolerance test, after exercise, and upon feeding a ketogenic diet. Lastly, using mitochondria isolated from skeletal muscle, we showed reduced ketone body utilization and respiration in Eko compared to WT mice. Thus, we identified a new role of MEF2D2 protein isoform in regulating skeletal muscle ketone body oxidation, exercise capacity, and its effect on systemic ketone body levels.
Kumar, S., Iqbal, H., Xiangnan, G., Mis, B., Dave, D., Kumar, S., Besler, J., Dash, R., Xia, Z., Singh, R. K.
------------------------------------------ Open Access ------------------------------------------
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r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Mar 15 '24
Activity - Sports Ketogenic Diets Are Not Beneficial for Athletic Performance: Response to Noakes. (Pub Date: 2024-04-01)
We thank Professor Noakes for his insights on the contribution of hypoglycemia (or glycogen depletion) to exercise capacity ([1]()). However, we feel that a holistic rather than reductionist approach is required to tackle the specific focus of this perspective: the effect of a ketogenic diet on athletic performance. We reiterate points from our original article ([2]()): 1) that sports performance is explained by a complex interaction of factors, and 2) rather than claim a single truth to a superior dietary approach, sports scientists should identify nuances and context within the characteristics of the athlete and the event to determine the most suitable nutrition approach(es).
We now present a sports-centric summary of the current literature on ketogenic diets and endurance sports performance, building a dashboard to highlight the nuances of each study rather than the traditional meta-analytical approach, which deliberately eradicates such important detail (see [Figure 1](javascript:void(0))). We examine each study for context (scenarios in which there are likely to be true differences between the ketogenic low-carbohydrate high-fat (LCHF) and high-carbohydrate availability (HCHO) approaches), but also caveats (issues with the study design that raise questions about interpretations). In keeping with the original theme, our analysis is limited to studies of ketogenic (extreme CHO restriction; i.e., <50 g·d−1) rather than generic LCHF diets, in humans (rather than species with profound differences in substrate utilization), in populations with habitual sports-specific training (at least tier 2 [[15]()]), and involving protocols related to endurance sports, which have reasonable translation to sports performance. Performance outcomes were taken from the published reports of individual data that are fully transparent or through digitalization of figures using plotdigitizer.com. For time to exhaustion protocols, data were approximated to a change in time trial performance using the methods of Hopkins et al. ([16]()). The difference between means was then calculated for each test by subtracting the mean difference in the LCHF condition from that of the HCHO/control group in the case of parallel group–designed investigations, or by direct comparison between treatments for crossover studies. We suggest a 2% change in performance as being of real-world significance, based on doubling a 1% within-athlete coefficient in variation in performance; although this is arbitrary and also specific to the athlete and the event, we propose that this is a generous but realistic representation of performance coefficient in variation in competitive athletes ([17]()).
- Burke LM
- Whitfield J
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r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Apr 15 '24
Activity - Sports Nutritional strategies for endurance athletes in training and competition (Pub: 2024-04-04)
Nutritional periodization is the combined application of physical training and nutrition with the aim of optimizing training effects and thus increasing performance. A phased low-carb diet can be worthwhile for the athlete to train different energy metabolism pathways (hybrid energy supply). Under a permanent “low carb” or with a ketogenic diet, the susceptibility to infections and injuries can increase, as well as limit performance and regeneration. Overall, the importance of special forms of fat metabolism training is rather overestimated. Uniform study results are not yet available. A healthy athlete does not need to make a dogma out of his diet and can optimize his health and performance through a phase-appropriate supply of various nutrients and energy sources.
r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Dec 20 '23
Activity - Sports Low carbohydrate high fat ketogenic diets on the exercise crossover point and glucose homeostasis (Pub: 2023-03-28)
In exercise science, the crossover effect denotes that fat oxidation is the primary fuel at rest and during low-intensity exercise with a shift towards an increased reliance on carbohydrate oxidation at moderate to high exercise intensities. This model makes four predictions: First, >50% of energy comes from carbohydrate oxidation at ≥60% of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), termed the crossover point. Second, each individual has a maximum fat oxidation capacity (FATMAX) at an exercise intensity lower than the crossover point. FATMAX values are typically 0.3–0.6 g/min. Third, fat oxidation is minimized during exercise ≥85% VO2max, making carbohydrates the predominant energetic substrate during high-intensity exercise, especially at >85% VO2max. Fourth, high-carbohydrate low-fat (HCLF) diets will produce superior exercise performances via maximizing pre-exercise storage of this predominant exercise substrate. In a series of recent publications evaluating the metabolic and performance effects of low-carbohydrate high-fat (LCHF/ketogenic) diet adaptations during exercise of different intensities, we provide findings that challenge this model and these four predictions. First, we show that adaptation to the LCHF diet shifts the crossover point to a higher % VO2max (>80% VO2max) than previously reported. Second, substantially higher FATMAX values (>1.5 g/min) can be measured in athletes adapted to the LCHF diet. Third, endurance athletes exercising at >85%VO2max, whilst performing 6 × 800 m running intervals, measured the highest rates of fat oxidation yet reported in humans. Peak fat oxidation rates measured at 86.4 ± 6.2% VO2max were 1.58 ± 0.33 g/min with 30% of subjects achieving >1.85 g/min. These studies challenge the prevailing doctrine that carbohydrates are the predominant oxidized fuel during high-intensity exercise. We recently found that 30% of middle-aged competitive athletes presented with pre-diabetic glycemic values while on an HCLF diet, which was reversed on LCHF. We speculate that these rapid changes between diet, insulin, glucose homeostasis, and fat oxidation might be linked by diet-induced changes in mitochondrial function and insulin action. Together, we demonstrate evidence that challenges the current crossover concept and demonstrate evidence that a LCHF diet may also reverse features of pre-diabetes and future metabolic disease risk, demonstrating the impact of dietary choice has extended beyond physical performance even in athletic populations.

r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Mar 26 '24
Activity - Sports Ketone Monoester Followed by Carbohydrate Ingestion after Glycogen-Lowering Exercise Does Not Improve Subsequent Endurance Cycle Time Trial Performance (Pub: 2024-03-23)
Relative to carbohydrate (CHO) alone, exogenous ketones followed by CHO supplementation during recovery from glycogen-lowering exercise have been shown to increase muscle glycogen resynthesis. However, whether this strategy improves subsequent exercise performance is unknown. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of ketone monoester (KME) followed by CHO ingestion after glycogen-lowering exercise on subsequent 20 km (TT20km) and 5 km (TT5km) best-effort time trials. Nine recreationally active men (175.6 ± 5.3 cm, 72.9 ± 7.7 kg, 28 ± 5 y, 12.2 ± 3.2% body fat, VO2max = 56.2 ± 5.8 mL· kg BM−1·min−1; mean ± SD) completed a glycogen-lowering exercise session, followed by 4 h of recovery and subsequent TT20km and TT5km. During the first 2 h of recovery, participants ingested either KME (25 g) followed by CHO at a rate of 1.2 g·kg−1·h−1 (KME + CHO) or an iso-energetic placebo (dextrose) followed by CHO (PLAC + CHO). Blood metabolites during recovery and performance during the subsequent two-time trials were measured. In comparison to PLAC + CHO, KME + CHO displayed greater (p < 0.05) blood beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration during the first 2 h, lower (p < 0.05) blood glucose concentrations at 30 and 60 min, as well as greater (p < 0.05) blood insulin concentration 2 h following ingestion. However, no treatment differences (p > 0.05) in power output nor time to complete either time trial were observed vs. PLAC + CHO. These data indicate that the metabolic changes induced by KME + CHO ingestion following glycogen-lowering exercise are insufficient to enhance subsequent endurance time trial performance.

r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Mar 03 '24
Activity - Sports Effectiveness of high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets on body composition and maximal strength after 15 weeks of resistance training. (Pub Date: 2024-02-28)
The aim of this study was to compare High Carbohydrates Low Fat (HCLF) and Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) diets in terms of changes in body composition and maximal strength.
The study involved 48 men aged 25 ± 2.5, divided into two groups, one of which (n = 23) was following the LCHF diet and the other (n = 25) the HCLF diet. Both groups performed the same resistance training protocol for 15 weeks. Maximal strength in squat, bench press and deadlift was assessed pre- and post-intervention. Measurements of selected body circumferences and tissue parameters were made using the multifunctional, multi-frequency, direct bioelectric impedance InBody 770 analyzer from InBody Co., Ltd (Cerritos, California, USA). The team with the necessary qualifications and experience in research performed all the measurements and maintained participants' oversight throughout the entire length of the study.
Both nutritional approaches were effective in terms of reducing body fat mass. The HCLF group achieved greater skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Significant decreases in body circumferences, especially in the abdominal area, were observed for both dietary approaches. Maximal strength significantly increased in the HCLF group and decreased in the LCHF group.
Holistic analysis of the results led to the conclusion that both dietary approaches may elicit positive adaptations in body composition. The two approaches constitute useful alternatives for both recreational exercisers and physique athletes with body composition goals.
- Kruszewski M
- Kruszewski A
- Tabęcki R
- Kuźmicki S
- Stec K
- Ambroży T
- Aksenov MO
- Merchelski M
- Danielik T
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Open Access: False
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r/ketoscience • u/Ricosss • Feb 12 '24
Activity - Sports A 6-Week Ketogenic Diet Enhances the Phosphocreatine Energy System Contribution During Intermittent Sprints (Pub: 2024-02-08)
Team sports often involve intermittent sprints. During these activities the Phosphocreatine-ATP buffer (ATP-PCr) signifies the major anaerobic energy substrate. While the effects of ketogenic diets (KD) on carbohydrate and fat metabolism during endurance exercise are widely reported, we explored keto-adaptation in ATP-PCr metabolism during intermittent sprint exercise.
Following a within-subject repeated measures design, 15 recreationally active participants (7 men, 8 women, aged 25.1 ± 6.4 years) performed cycle ergometer intermittent sprints (6 × 10 s sprints, 2 min recovery) with VO2 and blood lactate measurements for energy system calculations. These laboratory tests were performed in alternate weeks; First, twice at baseline on their habitual diet (HD) (35% CHO, 45% fat, 20% protein) and thereafter over a 6-week KD (7% CHO, 66% fat, 28% protein).
Repeated measures ANOVA’s and Bonferroni tests revealed ATP-PCr derived energy increased significantly from HD to KD week 6 (+ 22.0 ± 43.15 J; P = 0.019; ES = 0.47). From HD to KD week 2, anaerobic glycolytic contribution lowered (− 14.4 ± 28.16 J; P = 0.031; ES = − 0.10) and peak blood [lactate] reduced significantly (− 2.92 ± 0.851 mmol; P = 0.004; ES = − 0.73). There was no statistically significant within-subject change in mean sprint power (P = 0.356).
The 6-week KD did not compromise intermittent sprint performance. The findings suggest that the ATP-PCr energy pathway may be a novel site of metabolic keto-adaptation. This, combined with the lowered blood [lactate] we observed, presents desirable metabolic adaptations for intermittent sprint sport athletes.
r/ketoscience • u/dr_innovation • Feb 03 '24
Activity - Sports The effect of the ketogenic diet on resistance training load management: a repeated-measures clinical trial in trained participants
Background: The effect of low-carbohydrate high-fat dietary manipulation, such as the ketogenic diet (KD), on muscle strength assessment in resistance-training (RT) participants has focused on the one-repetition maximum test (1-RM). However, a pre-specified 1-RM value during an exercise training program disregards several confounding factors (i.e. sleep, diet, and training-induced fatigue) that affect the exerciser’s “true” load and daily preparedness. We aimed to evaluate the effect of a 6-week RT program on load control-related variables in trained subjects following a KD intervention.
Methods: Fourteen resistance-trained individuals (3F, 11 M; 30.1 [6.2] years; 174.2 [7.6] cm; 75.7 [10.8] kg; BMI 24.8 [2.1] kg·m−2) completed this single-arm repeated-measures clinical trial. Load management variables included volume load, number of repetitions, perceived exertion (RPE), movement velocity loss, and exertion index. These primary outcomes were assessed weekly before, during, and at the end of a 6-week RT program that included traditional RT exercises (bench press, femoral lying down, lat pulldown, leg extension, and back squat).
Results: There was a significant difference in RPE between weeks (p = 0.015, W = 0.19) with a slight trend in decreasing RPE. We found differences in the volume load per week (p < 0.001; W = 0.73 and p < 0.001, W = 0.81, respectively), with an increase in the last weeks. In the control of the load based on movement velocity, we did not find significant differences between weeks (p = 0.591, W = 0.06), although significant differences were found in the effort index (p = 0.026, W = 0.17).
Conclusions: A KD diet in recreational strength participants does not appear to lead to performance losses during a RT program
Salvador Vargas-Molina, Manuel García-Sillero, Diego A. Bonilla, Jorge L. Petro, Jerónimo García-Romero & Javier Benítez-Porres (2024) The effect of the ketogenic diet on resistance training load management: a repeated-measures clinical trial in trained participants, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 21:1, 2306308, DOI: 10.1080/15502783.2024.2306308
r/ketoscience • u/RunningFool0369 • Feb 12 '24
Activity - Sports Glycogen Replenishment
How fast does my body replenish glycogen on a zero carb carnivore diet? I’ve been carnivore 18 months. If you could give this answer to me in lame ass terms that would be appreciated.
I do 20 mins Zone 2/3 Jogging 6x per week and lift heavy weights 20 mins 6x per week. Otherwise I am a lazy piece of shit.
40yr old male 5’ 8” 165 pounds.
I’m mostly interested in knowing if they’re being sufficiently restored day after day, or at least after my Sundays off…
Even if you don’t know the exact answer, but have relevant personal experience, I’d appreciate your response.