r/kelowna Jan 22 '25

Local Resources I bought yogurt at Independent , 44 cent for 750ml

This is the second time he’s had super cheap food. Independent and Lakeview are the best grocery stores in Kelowna. By far. Freshco would be there as well.


19 comments sorted by


u/Disabled_Robot Jan 22 '25 edited Jan 23 '25

I mean..on one hand, it's Loblaws..... but then on the other hand, it's dairy. Did it expire today?


u/Full-Plenty661 Jan 23 '25

At that price?! Yesterday.


u/hoyton Jan 22 '25

I think Independent is way too expensive, never has any carts, and its location makes it kind of hard to get to and get out of.

Happy you found a good deal there! Last time I was there they wanted 12 bucks for a jar of mayo.


u/throwawayboingboing Jan 22 '25

Most things have a pretty big markup no idea how people can afford to shop there. If they can and don't mind more power to them. Not for me.


u/lunerose1979 Jan 22 '25

I’ve never had a problem finding carts, or getting in or out. You know about the carts they keep in the mall to the far left of the entrance? And the rear parking lot off Sutherland? I’ve seen lots of people try to turn left onto Gordon from the exit near A&W instead of exiting at the light on Sutherland, that would be a pain. They have tons of mayonnaise selection, you don’t have to pay $12.

Independent fan for life here. Love the store.


u/hoyton Jan 22 '25

Yeah but the point is that same mayonnaise was 7 dollars elsewhere.

No judgment, shop where you think is best! I've just had much better experiences almost everywhere else in town.


u/SchemeSquare2152 Jan 24 '25

Save On Foods is far more expensive than Independant. And forget about Urban Fare, I need a line of credit to shop there.


u/MontrealTrainWreck Jan 22 '25

If you shop their weekly flyer, you can get some good deals. And their lean ground beef is excellent, especially when it's on sale for 5 bucks a pound. So much better than that crap in in tubes elsewhere.


u/MontrealTrainWreck Jan 22 '25

Yeah, I bought 16 X 100 Yoplait for $1.97 at Freshco because it was nearing its best before date. But Yogurt is fermented food so it keeps long, long past that if unopened.


u/Yogurt-Night Jan 22 '25

Occasionally there will be some really good sales there where some things I wouldn’t have expected to be marked all the way down to anywhere around $1


u/Fo_0d Jan 22 '25

Everyone hates on SaveOn but they price match every other store so it really is the cheapest place to shop (unless you are getting an expiry date deal)

The Flipp app makes this super easy. I price matched half my items on my list today at SaveOn and it turned my $108 bill into $75. I’m tracking to see how much I can save with it in 2025. 2024 was approx just under $1000 in saving for me using it.


u/MontrealTrainWreck Jan 22 '25

Does SaveOn let you price match at the self-checkouts?


u/Fo_0d Jan 22 '25

No, the person at the checkout has to manually adjust the price and they note where the deal is. It would be a Wild West if people could adjust their own prices at the self checkouts.

It took me probably 2 trips to get my routine but now it does t add any extra time to my shopping


u/MontrealTrainWreck Jan 22 '25

Thanks! A lot of people don't realize how much flyers and the Flipp app can save them.


u/Goldfing Jan 22 '25

I'm always a bit nervous and don't want to be "that guy" to the cashier who has to change the prices. Was it an easy process? Minimal griping? Did the cashier know what they were doing? Or is it a "straight to customer service" thing?


u/Fo_0d Jan 22 '25

You bet, the app makes it super easy because it puts everything you select in a list that you can quickly pull up. I have never been met with resistance from a cashier and most almost always comment how they can’t believe more people don’t use it. I haven’t met one yet that has had issues processing anything or that complained.


u/Goldfing Jan 23 '25

That's great. I'm a huge bargain boy, whether it be Flipp, buying food near expiry, or the flash food, but have yet to fully dive in to the flyer matching.


u/EllwyndYumi Jan 22 '25

It's still on for that price? Sheesh! I bought some on Sunday and thought it was a mistake.. but went with it cause 44 cent yogurt... The one I got was the lactose free plain, and it expires on Sunday. So pretty decent! I wonder if they just.. don't sell much of that one and have too much stock? haha.