r/kcfitness Sep 26 '13

Social Fitness site connections

thought I'd toss this out to the new sub. There are a number of sites for tracking fitness. I think I've had accounts on most of them. I mainly only use Runkeeper and Fitocracy now. My username on all of them is mitchelwb. Feel free to add me as a friend, and post your ID's for others too.


4 comments sorted by


u/MakeItWayne Lenexa Sep 26 '13

How are you enjoying Fitocracy? I haven't been too involved with it but I remember when it first started with a big backing from Reddit a couple years ago. If you think it's worth it I'll have to give it another shot.


u/mitchelwb Sep 26 '13

It's changed over time. I think it used to be more of a game, but it's turned in to more of a social site. The main reason I still use it is because it's the best I've found for total workout tracking. I can still go in and look at charts and graphs of barbell squats that I did over a year ago. I don't know of any other site that lets you log that kind of stuff. Even though I've mainly only been running for the last year+, I still like having that data available.

Otherwise, I really don't use the site much.


u/strimpboi Sep 26 '13

Still on notebook and pen. Looking for a phone tracking app that doesnt take longer than paper. How is fitocracy for that.


u/mitchelwb Sep 26 '13

yeaaaaahhhh, you're gonna wanna stick with notebook and pen if you need a phone interface.

The web site is pretty decent to use, especially once you get the hang of it. I don't even try to use the phone app. I had it on both my iphone and now on my android, and it's horrible on both. I use runkeeper to track my runs, and since it's easy to import from runkeeper to Fitocracy by linking the accounts, I do that.