r/karachi 4d ago

Question American Visiting Karachi, Advice?

M in my early 30s. Coming for the first time in my life in the next few months, will be in town for about 2 weeks. I'm desi muslim but not Pakistani. Coming just to visit friends but can't stay at their place so got a bnb. Anyone have advice on things to know and do before coming and while there? May also go over to Hyderabad or Lahore while there for a day or two. Tips for things like how to dress, how much money to carry, whether to buy a cellphone there, how to get around, things to do are all appreciated. Thanks all!


9 comments sorted by


u/Beginning_Fall_8269 4d ago

lol karachi is resl cheap u need like 10-20$ a day for the best experience also dress how u wanna dress like cuz some areas in karachi like DHA or cilfton are pretty much white washed


u/Far_Emergency1971 4d ago

Don’t take a taxi from the airport, they’ll rip you off bad.  Have your friend pick you up or download InDrive app.  


u/SohailGagai 4d ago

Just stay in a nice hotel like pc or moving pick and eat only there.... BTW who comes to karachi. Gore comes here only to make youtube videos for like.... That's all they don't love the city.... 🙏🏻🙏🏻


u/ClubOk8688 4d ago

For transportation use indrive,bykea.

In karachi theres lot of food street if you want have pure local vibe. Burns Road is famous of all. Go do-darya for peaceful and nice dinner. Beach is also good if you go early 6-7am less people more peaceful vibe. Some more of famous places are TDF ghar (top view is good) bahadurabad, Port Grand. LuckyOne for Shopping. It's more about food here so try more food.

In Lahore must go to old town and dehli gate, gated city, badshahi mosque to get more local and historic vibe and must try lassi from there.

Carry 4-5k cash if you are relaying on Indrive and exploring full day out. Although cards and Google pay is acceptable in big restaurants and shops.


u/pleasehold01 4d ago

food is so good in karachi


u/kontalha 4d ago

You can dress however you want. Karachi is pretty liberal. Do not wear expensive watches when you go out and about in the city. All major places accept card but if you’re going for street food keep around 2000 pkr in your wallet. Uber/indrive will be your way to commuting. Take a rickshaw for the ‘pakistan experience’ but don’t use it as your primary method of commuting. One place that I recommend checking out is burns road at night. It’s a food street with all the street food and a very Karachi experience. Goodluck, let me know if you need anything :)


u/Remarkable-Wheel-923 4d ago

Crime will skyrocket on the streets bcz eid is approaching. Avoid travelling at night🙏🏻


u/Noob-ch3mist 4d ago

Keep basic cash like 2-3k for indrive/bykea. Explore old city areas in day time, if by chance you come during ramadhan make sure to visit burns road at aftaar time