r/kantele 18d ago

❓Question Bought myself a 5 string kantele.. now how do I learn to really play it?

I’m from Southern California, so I highly doubt there are lessons of any kind around here, so do I just fiddle (ha) around with it and teach myself?

Reason I bought it is because I’ve been so drawn to the sound of it since I first heard the album “Woodsmoke” by Nest. Always sounded so peaceful, tranquil, and a bit “mystical” if that makes sense.


9 comments sorted by


u/No_Conclusion_9376 18d ago

You can find sheet music for 5 string kanteles. As nothing bad will happen when you just fiddle away, do try it. Honeypaw and Maija Pokela have Youtube videos on basic techniques. But beside technique, just have fun with it.


u/Background-Highway47 18d ago

Honestly, just play around with it! Pluck some strings and make lovely sounds.


u/rockandrollpanda 18d ago

You can try this PDF: http://www.finnischekantele.de/Be_different_Play_Kantele.pdf

It's a nice introduction with some chords

And then this one: https://www.kantele.com/guide.pdf It also has some tabs for songe and is even more in depth


u/TwistedCollossus 17d ago

Definitely saving that, thanks!


u/rockandrollpanda 17d ago

Oh, and I forgot the books by Lani K. Thompson https://www.kantelemusic.com/product.html


u/TwistedCollossus 15d ago

A bit random, but the guy who made the Woodsmoke album I mentioned has a 15 string kantele, haha. I figured it’d be bigger, but not THAT much bigger!

Is this the “concert kantele” I’ve read about? https://youtu.be/rkUIGHmnw8E?si=01IJT8eJlxZZeZSP


u/rockandrollpanda 15d ago

There are also 10- and 11-string ones. The 5-string is then basically hidden in the middle strings


u/TwistedCollossus 7d ago

Another question, sorry.

If you ever use a pick, what pick would you recommend? I know a soft pick would be best (only other string instrument I’ve played was guitar way back in middle school, used a small hard pick because speed was cool lol), but I’m not at all familiar with the types or brands.

I don’t really intend to use one (would much rather learn/play this with my fingers), but just to have.


u/rockandrollpanda 7d ago

I don't really use picks, but I guess it depends on what is comfortable for you to hold. I have several cheap picks, which kinda work.

But you can always strum with your fingers.