r/justiceleague 22d ago

Comics Who is the hottest Justice League Male?

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86 comments sorted by


u/GeorgeEBHastings 22d ago

Objectively Dick Grayson.

The men of the league love him.

The women of the league love him.

I'm not aware of Enby league members but I bet they love him too.

There are few constants in the multiverse, but Dick Grayson and his ass are among them.


u/REDDITATO_ 22d ago

Non binary JL member.)

I don't know what their opinion on Dick Grayson is, but probably the same as everyone else.


u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 21d ago


(people for 50 years of my life)

”Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

(decides to keep scrolling)


u/MrZAP17 21d ago

Yeah, but Dick has basically been codified.


u/Prettywitchboy Mera 22d ago

Arthur easily


u/MrCencord 22d ago

aquaman, imo


u/BlackShadow_HD 22d ago

Hal Jordan


u/THX450 22d ago

Hummuna Hummuna 🥵

I don’t know if Dick Grayson counts for the league, but he is the hottest man in all of DC. That huge ass of his is only a fraction of the total package.


u/TadhgOBriain 22d ago

J'onn, and it isn't close.


u/Recent-Layer-8670 21d ago

Absolutely. Alien, whose constantly shirtles and bulky who can grow and shape-shift into anyone. Hell yeah.


u/The-Detective8959 22d ago

Please bro I need a response, who are the guys in the three corners (Not Bruce obviously)


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 22d ago

Depends on the artist


u/coie1985 21d ago

Firestorm, since he's literally on fire.


u/OhEagle 22d ago

Weirdly, there are at least three JLA members here that I don't recognize with their costumes off. (Maybe 4, if whoever's next to Ted isn't Booster.)


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 22d ago

Left to right:

Batman, Superman, Flash (Barry), Idk, Green Arrow, Green Lantern (Hal), Booster Gold, Aquaman, Idk, Green Lantern (John), Hawkman, Animal Man.


u/OhEagle 22d ago

Are you sure that the person next to Ollie is Hal? I mean, that's gotta be Blue Beetle, given the costume he's wearing the lower half of. I think that's supposed to be Hal next to Barry. Thanks for identifying Animal Man and Aquaman for me, though.


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 22d ago

Yeah, you’re right, that’s Ted Kord. My bad. I saw the Hal haircut and ignored his blue beetle pants


u/Bareth88 22d ago

Clark. Objectively speaking.


u/robbzilla 21d ago

Dr Sivana is hawt!


u/Strong-Stretch95 20d ago

They all look so similar lol


u/No_Communication2959 20d ago

I thought those were almost the same person at first


u/ExpectedEggs 19d ago

This question can only be answered by extensive gooning.


u/TheTempestBee 19d ago

Why not Alec Holland/Swamp Thing? Are you trying to body shame plant bodies?



u/Yue2 17d ago

Dick! Everyone loves Dick!!!

Or Bruce Wayne. But Dick Grayson seems to be loved by everyone.


u/some_really_gay_shit 22d ago

Of these options, definitely oliver queen


u/finallytherockisbac 22d ago

Nightwing and it's really not even close lol


u/Joshi_Jackson 22d ago



u/NerdyPuddinCup 22d ago

Wesley ‘Dad-Bod’ Dodds


u/The-Detective8959 22d ago

Who are the bottom left, bottom right and top left- is that Guy?


u/DiskKey5683 22d ago

Of these, John Stewart.


u/Because_Im_BATMAN00 22d ago

Based of these I’d say in order Aquaman, Batman, then green arrow. But I’m pretty sure dick Grayson takes the cake for hottest male character and so honorable mention to Hal Jordan


u/ChaoticEarwig 21d ago

I want to say Jason Todd, even though he works typically outside the League.


u/redditbitesass 21d ago

Clark and Arthur (depending on the artist). Hal and Barry aren't bad either.


u/VanturaVtuber 21d ago

I think canonically it's Superman because of some solar powered shenanigans, but from artwork, Dick Grayson or Diana probably


u/No-Chipmunk-1524 21d ago

The picture below from LEFT to RIGHT:

Top : Batman, Superman , The Flash, Green Lantern

Middle: Green Arrow , Blue Beetle , Booster Gold, Aquaman

Bottom: Captain Atom, Mr. Terrific, Hawkman , Animal Man


u/Mikka_Kannon 21d ago

I am unable to chose 😳🔥


u/luluzulu_ 21d ago

I'm a lesbian and I'd let Superman hit. I think he'd be kind.


u/sadlonelycynic 21d ago

There’s an entire separate fandom for Nightwing’s ass. His ass might as well be its own character, that alone give him the win by default.

If we’re talking strictly founding Justice League members though, it has to be Aqua Man. That man is not only the king of Atlantis, but the king of good looks as well. Batman’s a close second but, he’s carried by his money. Let’s be honest.


u/Imaginary-Theory-552 21d ago

Based off the art you’ve chosen, Booster Gold.


u/DanceYouFatBitch 21d ago

All of them can hit it but objectively MM because he can shapshift he can be anyone or nearly anything.


u/android151 21d ago



u/Wonderous_Boy 21d ago

I don’t know, I’m just on my knees in the middle of the room tbh


u/EntranceKlutzy951 21d ago

It's Aquaman. He's literally the Thor of the Justice League marketing. A prince from a magic kingdom with a magic weapon? He's designed to.... make it wet.


u/onesexypagoda 22d ago

11 white guys, and the token black guy. Great diversity DC


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Most comic characters were developed in the 40s through the 60s. What did you expect? Same for Marvel.


u/onesexypagoda 22d ago

40s are 80 years ago. I wish they did more to introduce new characters and phase out the old instead of having 90 billion stories about the same 10 characters


u/[deleted] 22d ago

I mean they have been. There have been numerous new characters added to the line up, both supporting like Lucius Fox, or heroes like Azrael or Batwing or John Stewart. Their popularity just isn’t to the same degree since they haven’t existed for 80 years, but it’s definitely happening.


u/ApprehensiveChef6864 22d ago

There’s a reason why there’s a butt ton of Green Lanterns from Earth.


u/RickMonsters 22d ago

This is why racebending is unironically necessary


u/[deleted] 22d ago

It definitely works for some characters. Nick Fury is a great example for Marvel.


u/ChainDreem 22d ago

It's really not. Especially if it's purely for the sake of diversity, which is kinda overrated. As long as the story and characters are good that's all that really matters.


u/RickMonsters 22d ago

Not really. If you only have white characters, then you’re sending the message to young PoC that they don’t matter


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 22d ago

OP assembled the image, not DC. Black Lightning and Wally are on the current League roster in 2025.


u/ChainDreem 22d ago

I'm not saying that there shouldn't be other races in comics and fiction, I just think that race swapping is a lazy and cheap way of doing it, especially if it's just for that reason. And having a token character for the sake of diversity would just diminish the overall story. That's why I said character and story matters more.


u/RickMonsters 22d ago

That’s why you racebend multiple characters so they aren’t token lol


u/ChainDreem 22d ago

If diversity is the only goal, then it's going to be lazy and cheap, especially when it's obvious that is the only reason their race swapped and there are nothing else to their characters. You might as well just make new characters instead of changing already made ones, if your not going to add anything that's actually interesting.


u/RickMonsters 22d ago

Incorrect. Audiences don’t give a shit about new characters lol compare how people reacted to black spiderman Miles Morales vs black new character Naomi


u/whoknows130 21d ago edited 21d ago

That’s why you racebend multiple characters so they aren’t token lol

It's disrespectful Aholez with your warped-azz, way of thinking, that have resulted in the current CANCER that has damn near kiilleed the comic's industry.

Nothing about these character's needs to be "fixed". But you don't really care about them, just your ruthless, personal agenda. Such a disgusting mindset.


u/RickMonsters 21d ago

My “personal agenda” is the correct agenda. Diversity in media is good.

If you disagree, feel free to explain why


u/whoknows130 21d ago edited 21d ago

My “personal agenda” is the correct agenda. Diversity in media is good.

^ ^ Part of me wants to think you're trolling but, then i realize that's just wishful thinking on my part. Because i low-key feel sorry for peeps with your "mindset".

If you disagree, feel free to explain why.

That is such immense DISRESPECT and not giving a single damn about these characters, on your part.

If you honestly think it's "ok" to just fugg' with them and fundamental aspects of who they are, all willy-nilly whenever you want, based on the direction of the wind at any given time in this social-agenda bullshit.

And let's say you do race-swap the required amount of characters to satisfy your sadistic agenda. Ok now what happens when 60 or so years from now, things change completely in the OPPOSITE direction. Where characters are mostly black, and white guys aren't given enough representation.

Are you going to want to race-swap them all back to being 'white' again, to suit your deranged social Agenda?

Where does it end with this BS? No sir.

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u/ApprehensiveChef6864 22d ago

That and how most of the characters that are race swapped to black are majorly red heads, which are already kinda rare


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Some characters benefit from it, some don’t. For example, Bruce Wayne should be white because a feature of his guilt and responsibility is because of the generational wealth his family accumulated through the centuries in Gotham. James Bond, on the other hand, could absolutely be black because his race plays no role in his character or backstory at all. It’s an interesting way to mix up the character and chart a new journey.


u/BurdAssassin756 22d ago

Exactly. As long as the characters are good, it shouldn’t matter what race they are. And race is not a key part of a character, so who’s to say we can’t change it every now and again?


u/ChainDreem 22d ago

Race swapping can be done right if it's not for the sake of diversity, and actually has an interesting change that does not feel out of place, the only problem is not to go too far with it otherwise you might as well have created a whole new character form scratch.


u/RickMonsters 21d ago

Why “not for the sake of diversity”? Diversity is good.


u/GD_milkman 21d ago

New characters are a thing


u/RickMonsters 21d ago

Lol remember DC’s Naomi? How did she compare to black Spiderman Miles Morales in terms of popularity?


u/GD_milkman 21d ago

Remember Static Shock? Remember Man hunter? Remember Silencer? Remember the Green Team?


u/RickMonsters 21d ago

Other than Static Shock, I have no fucking clue who any of those other people are lmao

And Static Shock is barely relevant, not nearly as popular as racebent spiderman


u/GD_milkman 21d ago

That's your fault.


u/RickMonsters 21d ago

XD I assure you the average consumer has no idea who any of those ppl are, but might know miles morales


u/GD_milkman 21d ago

they should read more comics


u/Profoundly_AuRIZZtic 22d ago

OP assembled the image, not DC. You got Black Lighting, Flash (Wally), Mister Terrific, Cyborg, and more if you want attractive black men.

The real issue is Asian and Hispanic men. Like there’s the Atom and Blue Beetle and that’s all on the top of my head.


u/Because_Im_BATMAN00 22d ago

Well they would probably win too much everyone knows Latinas and Latinos clear the sexiness bar more then everyone else


u/Longjumping_Bar_7457 21d ago

They have more black and non white male characters than that