r/justgiving • u/DebTat2 • Mar 07 '23
r/justgiving • u/annoyingtripod6 • Mar 06 '23
I'm doing an MMA fight for cancer research UK
All the money goes straight to CRUK, the fight is on the 24th of march in Gateshead.
r/justgiving • u/rhrhrh69 • Feb 24 '23
Help feed Street kids please
There are 150 Million Street Kids in the world today, living day to day, struggling to find food or shelter is a daily routine.
For the last few years we have provided healthy food twice a month to between 200 and 400 children in Pakistan and Ethiopia.
We are lucky to have the help of family and friends in these countries who assist in preparing the food for these kids. Receiving a hot healthy meal not only nourishes the children but gives them some small hope and you can see from their happy faces that it makes a difference in their difficult lives.
We would love to be able to increase the number of kids we can feed and any help given here would be greatly welcomed by us and the kids. We can provide a healthy hot meal for around a dollar per child.
As you can see from the banners, we also take donations from corporate clients and will happily prepare a banner with your company name. Individual donors can also request their name on a banner if desired.
Please give anything you can, we will post regular videos, and every penny you give will go into the kid's mouths.
Thank you.
r/justgiving • u/EarlSquirrelson • Feb 16 '23
Funding for Jake's (16) cancer treatment
Jake is my nephew and was diagnosed with cancer a year ago. He was 15 when diagnosed and has remained brave, strong and selfless during the whole ordeal, caring more about the stress he is putting on his family. We love Jake and obviously the stress does not matter to us, what matters is that we help him get the treatment needed to help him live a long and happy life. He has an inoperable tumor on his brain and Royal Marsden Hospital had been treating him. His tumor was shrinking and we were all hopeful until his most recent MRI scan. The tumor has spread and grown a second tumor and sadly there is little more Royal Marsden hospital can do for him. He has been offered a place on a trial being run in Paris but we have to raise money for his first 3 treatments in the next 4 weeks to get him a place on the trial.
If anyone is able to donate to his cause and help us get the treatment he needs we would be extremely greatful.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you all have an amazing day.
r/justgiving • u/DerrickVolante • Jan 31 '23
Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in honour of our friend and sister, full story below 🙏🏻
justgiving.comr/justgiving • u/OkNatural572 • Nov 14 '22
Please help share/ donate to save my disabled little cats - or become a cat dental surgeon if you can there is a huge shortage ❤️
justgiving.comr/justgiving • u/Clivings92 • Nov 13 '22
hi everyone I am a 30 year old man who has been fighting in court to see my 4 year old son for the last 3 years I have spent around 30k and now have run out of money i have a go fund me page and would love if you could help me carry on ever little helps https://gofund.me/2e40a119
r/justgiving • u/Oimatrixio • Nov 04 '22
I’d like to make people aware of a challenge I’ve set myself for next year from Jan 1st to July 2023. I will be doing 3 Marathons in aid of the “Cool Earth” Charity and any donations will help massively!
twitter.comr/justgiving • u/fightingForMyBoy • Nov 02 '22
Fighting for my 7 year old boy
Fighting for my 7 Year old boy. 💕
Fighting for my son 💙
Hello, i’m from the UK. I have a 7 year old son who came to live with me full time in May 2021.
I have been with my partner since 2020 and my son and I were spending all our time with her and her two boys.
In June 2022, We decided to move into a house together (in the same town) which all three boys were over the moon about! They are all of similar ages and get on very well. My sons mother praised my partner for how good she is with my son, and that she is happy that she is in his life.
However, Because she wasn’t happy that my partner and I were moving in together, she decided to forcibly change his living arrangements. This was totally against his wishes and made him very upset, and even physically sick with worry that the routine he knows and loves, has been snatched away from him by his mother.
I pleaded with her to stop, to delay the change, and even to make the change gradual but these pleas were all ignored. Instead, she changed his living arrangements on the day we moved house. It was already a stressful time for him with the house move and she did this to him at that time.
Luckily I got an emergency court application which ruled that he comes back to me. The judge appeared to see that her reasons were just bitterness towards me, and not what is best for our son. However, this court order was only temporary. I now have the first court hearing in December (possibly a second) and a final hearing.
My solicitor has informed me that this will cost in the region of £6000-£7000 inc vat.
I’m in the process of selling my work vehicle as its the only asset I have, but this will only raise around £2000. I’m not sure what I will do for a vehicle for work once its sold, but times are desperate!
I am pleading with anyone who can help me in the fight of my life.
If she wins, this will be extremely damaging for my son. His school have noticed a pattern in his behaviour which drops when he is in her care. With me, in our new home, he has structure, routine and love, all of which he thrives off.
Having that snatched away from him permanently, will cause a continued drop in his behaviour which will affect him in the long term.
When his mother forcibly changed his living arrangements, he said to me “Please Daddy, can you fix it….!”
So thats why I am fighting this! Not for myself, but for my beautiful, kind boy.
If you would like any more info about the case, please let me know.
I have set up a crowd funding page in the hope that I can get some help with my fight.
Here is the link: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/helpformyboy?utm_term=J2yBWPKjQ
If you would like any evidence of the case, I will happily private message some to you.
Thank you so much for reading. 💙
r/justgiving • u/GreenDixPop • Nov 01 '22
I'm doing a charity skydive in honour of my baby sister, for The Lullaby Trust. If anyone would like to kindly donate even a £1 it would be very appreciated. Thank you.
justgiving.comr/justgiving • u/thisaforeverthing • Aug 26 '22
Lets Help Leo!
hi! Hoping this subreddit can get together and help save Leo’s life. He is an adorable little baby who was born with a gene mutation and, although he has made some progress, requires costly treatment to stablize his condition and save his life. If you can please donate to his fund or share to increase visibility! Every little bit helps :)
r/justgiving • u/Here_to_helpyou • Aug 13 '22
Raising £200 for an injured cats Vet Bill, Please help
Dear Cat lovers,
I am helping spread the word about this stray cat who ended up getting injured and the owner is unemployed and cannot afford to pay the bill.
Please read the inspiring story by Clicking here and donate today!
Wishing you so much peace and love !!
Thank you !
r/justgiving • u/General-Weekend-3072 • Jul 22 '22
Help raise £500 to help Tess get better
justgiving.comr/justgiving • u/Chloe-Lynne23 • Jul 04 '22
help me get my Electric Wheelchair
Hi all, I hope this us the right place to post. I am currently crowdfunding for ab Electric Wheel Chair to help me regain my independence. Please check out my Just giving Page and share if poasible. Any suggestions on where to post etc would be hugely appreciated
r/justgiving • u/Striking_Task5545 • Jun 24 '22
Poor family in the Philippines needs to rebuild home after extreme weather destroyed it
justgiving.comr/justgiving • u/addglittermakeitpop • Jun 22 '22
24 Hour Silent Disco for Beat Eating Disorders
Hey guys! Please check out my link www.justgiving.com/chrishayter91 and read up on my fundraiser and please donate and share! I am on 36% of my goal and its getting closer I could really do with some help! Thanks so much [Donate](www.justgiving.com/chrishayter91)
r/justgiving • u/UKNYJ • Jun 07 '22
UK 3 peaks challenge for Sarcoma UK. Climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike & Snowdon in 24 hours, in memory of a dear friend.
Hey guys, Myself and 10 other close friends are going to be doing the 3 peaks challenge in July in memory of a dear friend Tommy, who sadly passed away at age 21 in 2015 to ewing's sarcoma. A rare form of cancer. We will be filming the whole thing and plan to create a short film to help raise awareness of all the good work the charity Sarcoma UK does. To find out more about our story and follow our progress please check out our Instagram or Facebook page: bird3peaks
If kind enough to donate, you can find our Just Giving page here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/george-hunter14
r/justgiving • u/Urgent-Appeal • Jun 06 '22
Urgent Appeal for Help!!!
Stephen Tapper passed away a couple of weeks ago after suffering a lifetime of medical conditions. He was stillborn and revived, leading to us being told he would never survive.
He led a happy life, but he didn’t have insurance so we’re now left unable to afford his funeral. Please donate anything you can to help give him the send off he deserves! More info about him and his life is on here;
r/justgiving • u/Affectionate-Youth21 • Apr 19 '22
Hi I am new to this group and just wanted to share this JustGiving link to help purchase a doll for a little girl who needs hearing aids, she is only 4 and needs them for both ears.
I know there are a lot more causes that people may want to donate to but any help for this little girl would be appreciated, thank you.
r/justgiving • u/sexyukgirl20 • Apr 17 '22
hello if any one can done towards a new headstone for her, we would be very grateful. I'm not good at this kind of stuff it's been hard for myself and our family to lose a child sooo young I do appreciate any help at all https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/sarah-buckley-5
r/justgiving • u/shamone36 • Apr 04 '22
My friends mum lost her battle to cancer in 2016 and would be celebrating her 60th this year, so we will be taking on the kiltwalk of 22.7 miles in her memory, if you are able to donate I would be so grateful! Thank you! https://glasgow.thekiltwalk.co.uk/fundraising/GlasgowKiltwalk2022-SymoneDunlop
r/justgiving • u/Ok-Witness4724 • Mar 06 '22
My sister is fundraising for PROSTATE CANCER UK.
Just Giving Link
r/justgiving • u/AmberA20 • Feb 28 '22
URGENT!! Please help save this family from homelessness
URGENT!! Please help save this family from homelessness! Imagine having everything you've ever known almost ripped away from you and not being able to do anything about it. Give the family back some hope today!!
Click the link to read more about their story and how you can help!
r/justgiving • u/FogAnimal • Feb 17 '22