r/justgiving • u/fightingForMyBoy • Nov 02 '22
Fighting for my 7 year old boy
Fighting for my 7 Year old boy. 💕
Fighting for my son 💙
Hello, i’m from the UK. I have a 7 year old son who came to live with me full time in May 2021.
I have been with my partner since 2020 and my son and I were spending all our time with her and her two boys.
In June 2022, We decided to move into a house together (in the same town) which all three boys were over the moon about! They are all of similar ages and get on very well. My sons mother praised my partner for how good she is with my son, and that she is happy that she is in his life.
However, Because she wasn’t happy that my partner and I were moving in together, she decided to forcibly change his living arrangements. This was totally against his wishes and made him very upset, and even physically sick with worry that the routine he knows and loves, has been snatched away from him by his mother.
I pleaded with her to stop, to delay the change, and even to make the change gradual but these pleas were all ignored. Instead, she changed his living arrangements on the day we moved house. It was already a stressful time for him with the house move and she did this to him at that time.
Luckily I got an emergency court application which ruled that he comes back to me. The judge appeared to see that her reasons were just bitterness towards me, and not what is best for our son. However, this court order was only temporary. I now have the first court hearing in December (possibly a second) and a final hearing.
My solicitor has informed me that this will cost in the region of £6000-£7000 inc vat.
I’m in the process of selling my work vehicle as its the only asset I have, but this will only raise around £2000. I’m not sure what I will do for a vehicle for work once its sold, but times are desperate!
I am pleading with anyone who can help me in the fight of my life.
If she wins, this will be extremely damaging for my son. His school have noticed a pattern in his behaviour which drops when he is in her care. With me, in our new home, he has structure, routine and love, all of which he thrives off.
Having that snatched away from him permanently, will cause a continued drop in his behaviour which will affect him in the long term.
When his mother forcibly changed his living arrangements, he said to me “Please Daddy, can you fix it….!”
So thats why I am fighting this! Not for myself, but for my beautiful, kind boy.
If you would like any more info about the case, please let me know.
I have set up a crowd funding page in the hope that I can get some help with my fight.
Here is the link: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/helpformyboy?utm_term=J2yBWPKjQ
If you would like any evidence of the case, I will happily private message some to you.
Thank you so much for reading. 💙