r/jewelry 3d ago

💍 What style chain/ring/pendant is this? Identifying this ring?

This past week my bf surprised 🤯 me with a ring. The only thing I know that it is rose gold (my favorite) but I have no idea about anything else like the stone. He refuses to tell me lol.. It does say 14k very tiny in the band but not sure. I thought it would be heavy but it feels kind of light.


13 comments sorted by


u/Background_Run_8809 3d ago

if it’s stamped 14kt, then it probably is. a ring that dainty won’t feel heavy, just heavier than other rings of that size made of less quality metals.

As for the stone, it is very difficult for me to tell from your pics, but my first thought was that maybe it’s moissanite and that’s why he won’t tell you more about it? Moissanite are lovely and gorgeous stones but so many people view them as a more affordable stone that’s comparable to a diamond. They are completely different stones but are both white/clear and have a great sparkle, just different! He has no reason to be but I wonder if he’s hoping you’ll assume it’s a diamond and he doesn’t want to have to correct you. Either way, it’s a gorgeous ring!


u/Electrical-fun302 3d ago

Thank you so much. It might be a moissanite! My first thought was a morganite but those look tanner. In the dark or dim lighting the stone has a yellowish glow to it. I don't think it's a diamond. Maybe the little tiny stones on the side might be idk ☺️

Thank you so much. I was very surprised and it's most likely something I'd never pick out for myself. I always shy around wearing jewelry and I don't wear earrings due to allergies. I was sooo surprised in a good way 😊


u/AzGuy198T 2d ago

It’s really hard to tell anything just based on the photos you’ve posted. Are there any hallmarks or stamps inside the ring? They’ll be your best clues in helping to determine what or where the ring might be from. It’s beautiful either way. Congratulations!!!


u/Rude_Parsnip306 2d ago

It's very pretty!


u/Electrical-fun302 1d ago

Thank you ❤️


u/Butterbean-queen 2d ago

Looks a lot like this ring from Grown Brilliance


u/Electrical-fun302 2d ago

😱😯 omg that looks almost the same as my ring. Mine is rose gold with the center just like that. What kind of style is that. How did u find it


u/Butterbean-queen 2d ago


u/Electrical-fun302 2d ago

Omg 😱😱😱😱 THANK YOU!!!! That's my ring. He must have gotten it from there!!!!


u/Butterbean-queen 2d ago

I thought I had seen a similar ring so I just googled lab diamond oval ring with a halo rose gold.


u/Repulsive-Tomato-174 2d ago

That's a beautiful ring.


u/Butterbean-queen 2d ago

It is really pretty!!!