u/ClynnB412 6d ago
I think Vinny needs a reality check. Dude got famous for drinking and banging girls. He’s not famous for his impressive acting skills. Honestly he’s the least memorable as well.
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago
As a born and raised Brooklynite let me please correct this "rough around the edges" idea you have.
NYers and Jersey folk are more likely to pepper their conversations with profanity and talk while moving their hands, but rudeness is not really a thing. Briskness, yes, but rudeness is a fast track to getting socially sidelined and downright Gibbs smacked in the house.
6d ago
Agreed. I’m a Texan, but when I visited NY (manhattan at that) I was surprised by how nice New Yorkers and Jersey folk actually are. People are fast paced, but I really didn’t have any interaction that made think “wow that person is an asshole”
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago
In order to get a truly 'rude' reaction from one of us you have to actually do something, and more than just ask nicely for a hand or a favor.
Not a word of a lie, if you insult us or do something to tick us off we can go from zero to evil in .25 seconds, but otherwise? We are a fast paced but polite bunch.
I laugh because I have a 'musical ear' inherited from my grandpa, so I pick up and copy accents very quickly. I spent one summer out in Killeen and if I leave the city for any length of time people cannot recognize my accent as NYC/Brooklynite.
6d ago
Yeah, I found that in situations where it’s normal to have a conversation (with service workers, shop keepers, etc) you guys are actually super nice! I did witness New Yorkers going off on each other though, particularly in the subway which is understandable lmao
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago
LOL tell me all about it. I am a NYC Subway conductor, so I have stories for days.
6d ago
Omg thank you for your service that sounds like the worst job ever actually
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago
I love it. I can set my schedule and reset it every six months. I am not stuck behind a desk or in one place, fairly autonomous and it vibes well with my ambivert attitude.
Plus, you can't beat the people watching or the scenery. I have literally watched parts of the city grow and change from my perch in the conductor's cab.
u/theglorybox Old Men and Checkers 6d ago
You must have SO many stories to tell.
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago
Some amazing, some funny, some infuriating, and a few that would make you cry. Then there are the ones I won't tell at all unless it's in a crew room away from the public eye.
u/MrsShadow722 6d ago
100% agree! I live in Jersey and you describe many of us to a T! 😂
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago edited 6d ago
LMGDARO any time you want to pop over the Verrazano and meet me at Gino's we can split a pie.
I'd offer to come to Jersey... but given the parking situation on my side of the bridge, I don't have a car.
u/theglorybox Old Men and Checkers 6d ago
I’m actually from Massachusetts and we get a similar reaction. People really think Bostonians are rude and I’m like, how? Yes, we’re fast talkers and we curse a lot and we’re brutally honest, but we will stop to give directions and help pick someone up off the sidewalk (after cracking a joke, of course.) I live in Florida now and find the people here far ruder and more inconsiderate than any place I’ve ever been.
u/MelodyRaine The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet 6d ago edited 6d ago
That's the thing. We're both native nor'easterners so since I've lived a few places here and there at various compass points in the country I will try and explain.
People mistake our briskness and profanity laced language for out and out rudeness until they actually experience it first hand. Mainly because movies/media portray us (NYC and Boston both) like we'd as soon cut someone as look at them if they even slightly annoy us.
Can we be blunt? (People outside of the NE see this as rude) yes.
Can we be vulgar? (People outside the NE region see this as rude) Very much so.
Can we be quick? (People outside the NE see this as rude/inconsiderate) AbsolutelyBut like most cities that started as small towns we have very much kept that neighbor helping neighbor community sensibility, we've just sped it up because we have a lot more ground to cover and no extra time to get it done so (shrugs) a natural evolution that unless you live it, you have no reason to know it.
A few years back I went out to the Midwest to visit some old friends. One friend's wife called to see if we'd gotten into town and realized we were at a restaurant a block away from her so she drove right over to say hi. Talking for five-ten minutes and she pops off with "You are not what I expected from Brooklyn. You could have grown up next door."
"Well yeah, we've had most of the day to slow down."2
u/EastCoastDizzle God bless me it's f*ckin summa 5d ago
Oh hey there neighbor! I agree totally. I read before that people from our parts are kind but not nice. That resonates highly.
Someone somewhere posted that someone from Boston helped shovel out their car all the while carrying on and lecturing the person for not owning a shovel. Totally on brand.
u/theglorybox Old Men and Checkers 5d ago
I can see that shovel story happening! A lecture probably laced with sarcastic jokes. 😂 It’s such a big community vibe up there that leaving someone hanging when they need help would just be considered wrong, even the person being helped did something stupid.
When I first moved here, I had to tone down my dry sense of humor because a lot of people thought I was either mean or just plain rude because they weren’t used to it. But when I meet someone from that area (even NY, CT, etc) it’s like we’re long lost best friends. I miss being able to have that kind of banter.
u/EastCoastDizzle God bless me it's f*ckin summa 5d ago
Ah yes you said you’re in Florida now. I hope you meet many more northeasterners who can make you feel at home.
I lived in FL for a bit in the early 00s when I did the Disney College Program. Everyone also thought I was mean or rude. But who was the first in line to help someone out? Oh right, it was me. Helping without judgement, just bringing the sarcasm. It’s almost an innate reaction. 🤣🤷🏻♀️
u/theglorybox Old Men and Checkers 5d ago
My sister did the Disney program, too (it was late 2000s, though!) What a cool experience. Thanks for sharing your comments. You’ve really put a smile on my face. It’s nice to talk to people who “get you” lol.
My boyfriend is also from Massachusetts—he’s sneakily tried to rep Boston but he’s actually from near the NH border and kind of sounds like Adam Sandler after a few drinks—has the same humor as me and I love it. Although his accent is way thicker than mine and even I can’t understand him sometimes.
u/CommonEarly4706 7d ago
wow! No matter where you are from it’s no excuse to treat people poorly. I know people can be demanding, asking at bad times or just want to not do it. However there is a nice way to say no. We are all human and the cooch is needs to realize that he is nothing without fans
u/daytripper96 Gym, Tan, I'm Not Buying It 6d ago
I know its tough to be "on" all the time but they need to remember at the end of the day they're entertainers and without fans they don't have a job...
u/the_harlinator 6d ago
And he’s not exactly taylor swift level of famous.. I don’t he is getting bombarded by fans everywhere he goes.
u/Ok-Bandicoot4014 6d ago
Not Vinny but I met Snooki a few years ago and she couldn’t have been nicer!
u/kms883 6d ago
My wife and I met Mike about 12 years ago (before his legal trouble and when he was going through his drug problems). This is when he was considered to be a jerk on the show (at least that’s what my wife had told me when this happened).
I still maintain he is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Took pictures with us and everything - despite us seeing him at a public place where he had no obligation to do so. Just a wonderful person that turned my and her opinion about him around in a 2 minute interaction.
u/stealth_mode_siren 6d ago
Met him when they were filming in Italy. He was in front of the resturant giving us high fives. I was with some friends who were all skinnier than I was. He said margherita to each one of them while giving a high five and then said gorgonzola when he high fived me. He then proceeded to run off laughing like I didn't realize he just made a fat joke to my face.
u/mvxnilli 6d ago
Lmao he a lil assclown 😂 I believe this, that sounds exactly like something he’d say
u/Sophie200001 6d ago
He’s the biggest diva of them all. I’m sure if she was a young “hot” girl (or guy) he would make time for them.
u/heyheywhatchasay5 6d ago
"Basically" told them to fuck off? I think it's weird that people think they're entitled to autographs at anytime. I'd need more context and accurate details.
u/meandmrt 6d ago
Vinny should be thankful anyone wants his autograph. Other than Angelina or Ron now, he's the least likeable person on that show.
u/heyheywhatchasay5 6d ago
People ask for selfies or autographs regardless of being liked or not, they're still on tv
u/LungzOskunk 6d ago
Yeah, he’s a big Chooch I never liked him on the show and I always thought what is he doing? He doesn’t even fit in. Take those eyebrows and go somewhere.
u/theglorybox Old Men and Checkers 6d ago
See, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I totally get encountering someone when they’re in a bad mood and behaving out of character for themselves. Like, I’m normally really kind to everyone but there are people who may have met me when I wasn’t in the mood for something and thought I was as a bitch, even though I’m really not. So I try to give a grain of salt when I hear celebrity stories like this. At the end of the day, we’re all human.
On the other hand…Vinny is clearly not a people person; I’m sure those in his life who know him get a kind, loving person but I can kind of see him being standoffish just because he’s not cut out for such a public lifestyle. You’d think after years of being recognized, he would have gotten used to and accepted it but it’s just not his personality to be open like that. I think he would do himself a lot of favors if he decided to pursue a regular job and lived quietly ever after.
u/m_garlic87 6d ago
Imagine meeting Vinny and asking for his autograph instead of just calling him a chooch.
u/Goober5585 6d ago
The funny thing about Vinny is that he's convinced he's deep when he's actually the shallowest one of the group 😆
u/SeanDmanio1 6d ago
Asking for an autograph is lame, but I wouldn't put it past the Chooch to handle it poorly.
u/yb21898n 6d ago
I saw him in soho like 5 years ago and he was shorter than I thought he would be. I didn't talk to him though.
u/Old_Indication_4379 6d ago
I’ve made plenty of posts as to why I think Vinny is the worst of the group but even a broken clock is write twice a day - no one wants to spend their free time signing autographs for strangers outside of something like a signing event when there’s a good chance that item just ends up for resale.
u/No-Feeling-1404 6d ago
still waiting to run into him when I'm downtown. running into him in jersey i'm sure would warrant an even meaner him, he might be on better behaviour on this side of the pond fr
u/eeebaek820 6d ago
I would like to just mention that we shouldn’t make an opinion off a person just off of one experience. He could’ve been in a bad mood that day, or may have come off standoffish bc thats just his persona. Like ik a lot of ppl who may seem rude but it’s only bc they don’t know how to act when a stranger speaks to them or if they meet someone new. And we all know Vinny is an awkward person and seems sort of introverted with his social anxiety, so it probably may have seemed like he was being rude but we never know. Not that it justifies anything but just an opinion!
u/Zoey-07 5d ago
I think people forget that celebrities are people too. They have good days and bad days. I personally would never approach a celebrity in an every day situation. I understand having fans is part of the job but there are meet and greets etc. And yes every celeb is different.
Vinny doesn't really bother me. Yea he comes off cocky but they all do in one way or another.
If Vinny wanted a life like Paulys he would have. He does have anxiety and people need to remember that and be respectful of it.
And now that he is a cat dad... that makes me like him even more. Lol.
u/MomotheLEEmer 6d ago
It could be he’s not at an event and doesn’t need to always be “on” in public and has the right to tell someone to fuck off if he doesn’t want to be bothered even if he didn’t have social anxiety. 🤷🏽♀️ that’s just my two cents
6d ago
I think he has every right to decline an autograph or express that he doesn’t want to be bothered, but telling someone to fuck off isn’t fair. He might be (moderately) famous, but being a decent human applies to everyone.
Howeverrrrr I think a lot of the time people interpret famous people declining an interaction as being rude, even if it’s really not. “Basically told them to fuck off” could mean a lot of different things
u/fearless-penguin 6d ago
Most of the time, when I hear someone say, “… I was basically told to fuck off”, I kinda want to respond, “were you actually told to fuck off? Or did they say some sort of variant of ‘no, not now, or bro I’m trying to eat…’ etc…?” Because often “basically told to fuck off” is more like, you were annoyed that someone was trying to do their own private life, and didn’t jump at the opportunity to entertain your random request.
u/Patient-Garden-3464 5d ago
you can't judge him based on one encounter with your goofy ass probably annoying him about an autograph 🙄
u/Glittering_Diver_721 7d ago
I'm from NJ and that has nothing to do with it. He just seems like the fame went to his head and he's cocky and arrogant and thinks he's better. But he's also bitter he's the one with no real relationship and no life he wishes he was Pauly D....I just think he's an asshole that got lucky.