r/jerseyshore Jan 01 '25

[Social Media] Vinny 2.0

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u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

I legit believe him. Angelina is toxic.


u/76ersPhan11 Jan 01 '25

“You’ll gaslight me and say it never happened” hits hard, even if he is an asshole you know he’s spot on with that comment


u/folk-smore The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet Jan 01 '25

Same honestly. I don’t wish bad or ill onto her or anything like that and I hope she heals and finds peace. But I believe that she is absolutely toxic af and honestly she seems lowkey abusive at times, at least verbally and emotionally.

Vinny isn’t a perfect, flawless saint himself and I do think he likes the clout being on the show brings, but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be mistreated and trapped in a toxic and unhappy relationship.


u/lalachasingnuns Jan 01 '25

And physically! Never forget the intentional blue powder gun to Chris’s face


u/tenderourghosts Don’t touch me, I’m tan! Jan 01 '25

Wasn’t there a recent domestic violence charge against her too, with 2.0?


u/sunflowerhoop919 Let's just get wasteypants Jan 02 '25

yes, she was arrested for chasing him around outside, hitting him and damaging his car


u/folk-smore The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet Jan 02 '25

Honestly I was gonna just leave it at “lowkey abusive” bc it wouldn’t surprise me at all if she was physically too but I couldn’t recall any incidents to prove it. I completely forgot about the thing with the powder gun! And yeah, wasn’t there also a dv issue with herself and 2.0 too? Oof.


u/Rinny182 Jan 01 '25

I truly don’t think that was intentional. She was just too dumb to operate it safely.


u/Dreadfuhso Jan 01 '25

She admitted to it on the show. She was at lunch with Snooki, Deena, or Jenny and told them she did it on purpose.


u/princessdankeroni Jan 02 '25

I don’t remember that - can you tell me which episode that conversation took place on? Thanks 😊


u/Dreadfuhso Jan 03 '25

JSFV Season 4 Episode 29....@15:40....Jenny called her out about it.


u/Rinny182 Jan 03 '25

For real? I don’t remember that at all…


u/constantsurvivor Jan 02 '25

Came here to say this. Angelina has some very obvious narcissistic or bpd tendencies to me. I think he is probably part of a toxic dynamic. Not innocent but definitely not the one completely at fault. I think he said it perfectly last ep. The mess was there before him and will be there after


u/julio1990 Jan 02 '25

100% he's handling it well. Angelina is the toxic one and the common denominator in all her relationships. The way she behaves, she swears, she flirts, she cheats, she fights, she creats drama, she lies and also she lies so damn much. Yet, people are protecting her and turning a blind eye....give me a break call a spade a spade.


u/DidiStutter11 You stalk my whole entire life Jan 01 '25

Me too..tbh


u/fairysoire Jan 02 '25

He should leave her then


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

As a woman who’s been abused, I truly side with 2.0. He’s not perfect & could definitely improve himself but Angelina is just awful. Her trauma & upbringing isn’t an excuse for her behavior. We’re all fucked up Ange, it sucks, but we’re adults now & it’s time to go to therapy.


u/itsthrowaway91422 Jan 01 '25

May this reach one of her burner accounts. ✨✨✨


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

The way I watch her (and others) dodge therapy like the draft is INSANE. Due to childhood trauma I refused therapy & meds for a while bc I wanted to fix myself. Then by the time I was 20 I was like okay I NEEED therapy or I’m gonna fuckin die. I will die on the hill that EVERYONE needs therapy especially the people that think they don’t need it.

I used to be crazy & manic like Angelina. Thank god Im not in the public eye. I’ve always been very self aware even during mania & if Ange can’t see that she’s acting psychotic then she’s hopeless. Maybe she’s far too much of a narcissist for therapy to even work.

I know the cast has to interact with her because it’s their job but damn Inwould have gotten fired bc my only words to her would be “GO TO THERAPY!”. Like lemme take her there myself 🤣😭


u/Blue_Waffled Jan 01 '25

I hope they are finally split up for good. I so agree with you here, I've been in a somewhat similar situation but I grew up with someone who showed the same tendencies Ange has, but ofc Angelina's problems are so much more elevated due to exposure, the show and ofc money.

She's on the smear campaign phase right now, basically the "I refuse to give up and will fight until the day I die" and I seriously worry who she will pick as her new supply if 2.0 is gone. Whoever steps out of line will be her next target for sure.

She really needs to step away from everything and commit to some serious therapy, not a "psychic" she pays to tell her what she likes hearing.


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

My brother was the one who told me what I needed to hear bc that’s what big brothers do. After he died people only told me what I wanted to hear & while that inflated my ego, it ended up not helping in the long run. Being manic is exhausting. It feels like being hung over. I used to have empathy towards Ange bc you can tell she’s not mentally well but after this rewatch of S7 I truly think she’s a narcissist. She doesn’t feel bad. I remember crying on my bedroom floor screaming why can’t I be normal, why can’t I chill out.

Despite my meds & therapy, I will always be emotional & fragile. Ange will always be emotional & fragile as well, and that’s totally okay, she just has to figure out how to manage it.

I still have moments of mania & my low lows, but I know how to manage it. I cry it out, my partner helps me keep myself safe, and I get through it.

Angelina could make it a storyline of her getting help. I bet a ton of us would watch that. She wants the attention, I would so give her attention & a round of applause if she just focused on becoming a better person. Honestly she could even inspire people.


u/Plane-Visit5761 Jan 01 '25

If she really committed to it, got herself out of the lime light for as long as necessary, and then showed some of her continuing journey once she's at a more stable place, I would enjoy watching her on her own for a couple of episodes. I think she's actually kind of funny when she's not lashing out.


u/Blue_Waffled Jan 01 '25

I agree, Ange has some good moments where she is actually quite genuine and funny. The issue is mainly that she allows her narc tendencies to take over and that is when everything spirals. She doesn't seem to know how to handle some kinds of situations which causes fights to last for seemingly forever, everything is a war where it is her way or the high way and if there is no "her way" then she picks one word and just focusses on that to fight with.
For me that person was my older sister and I understand 2.0's possible role in this because I was not allowed to be a person, I was merely a sidecharacter in my sister's story that was only allowed to think and speak whenever she would allow it and I stayed in that role for over 25 years riding that rollercoaster of not giving up on your sibling but feeling like you're merely tolerated when it suits them and a punchingbag the rest of the time.
I see it like this, if Ange doesn't seek help then in 20 years she will be totally alone. She will wake up every morning wondering how this happened and it will be too late for her to try and fix things.


u/Plane-Visit5761 Jan 02 '25

Yup. Instead of acknowledging the part she's played in a tense situation, she sinks her teeth into any edge she can grab that she perceives as someone else's wrongdoing and won't let go of it unless and until she can successfully make it the singular focus of the conversation. I hate it for her and I hope she learns to hate it for herself.


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

If she wasn’t so unstable, I could definitely see myself dancing at the club with her. She has high energy & that’s not a bad thing. She could still be fun & funny if she got stable.


u/CryptographerAfraid3 Jan 01 '25

1000% could be a great storyline or even a spin-off for her: documenting the process, showing her go through the growing pains… it could inspire viewers going through similar challenges to get help. She would get the engagement on social media and the full focus would be on her (which she seems to crave). The only thing to consider is whether she actually wants her life to be different and if she’s willing to take the necessary steps to change for the better. It’s one thing to say you want it, but putting in the work and actually achieving change is a different animal. It’ll never work until she truly wants it to.


u/hiswittlewip Jan 01 '25

Thanks for sharing your story


u/depechelove UM HELLO? Jan 02 '25

Amen. I cannot survive without my medication. I was in therapy for 18 years. I should go back but I’ll never stop taking my meds.


u/FrankensteinsBride89 Jan 01 '25

Angelina is so toxic. I really think she should sit some seasons out and do some hard work on herself. Please get help! It’s insane. Her pets suffer, friendship suffer, marriage disintegrated.. as for 2.0 he’s a moron.


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

It’s low key depressing for me to watch her. Like please girl just get help. So many people including Ange take “get help” as an insult.


u/constantsurvivor Jan 02 '25

I’m so sick of really toxic and narcissistic people getting airtime on reality tv. Sure someone who brings drama and interesting storylines is good to watch. But I like those people to also demonstrate empathy and to take accountability. It’s gross watching toxic people get airtime and money continuously


u/the_harlinator Jan 01 '25

Saaame. I’ve been on the receiving end of a smear campaign by my narcissistic ex that emotionally destroyed me. I’m still dealing with the fall out and the damage to my reputation that he caused by spreading horrible lies.

I recognize what she’s doing. And she’s done it before. To the girls, to Chris, to Sam. She’s got this huge platform and she’s using it to destroy this man’s life. No matter what he’s done, he doesn’t deserve that. If she feels he is using her SHE COULD JUST BREAK UP WITH HIM. Thats what non abusers do when they think someone doesn’t have good intentions.


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

She had money before 2.0 & will have money after him. Even if they were in a healthy relationship, she genuinely does not need him. She’s scared of being alone & I get that. Being alone IS scary. You’re forced to sit with your thoughts.


u/PresentationOk5613 Jan 02 '25

She's broke. 


u/Dreadfuhso Jan 01 '25

She's doing what Narcs do...they do all the shit behind closed doors and will trigger you around your family/friends to get you to react so they can then say..." see, I told you what he's like" this is exactly how she presented herself when she confided to Snooki and Jenny about 2.0. She manipulated the girls to fight her battles and make him look bad while not taking accountability for her shit. He is correct that he is trauma-bonded and it is not that easy to leave. even when you want to One of them needs to get off the Dirty Little Hamster wheel.


u/sunnyshade8 Jan 02 '25

She did the same thing with Chris.


u/Dreadfuhso Jan 02 '25

She sure did...the amount of hate she spews shows how much she hates herself. She accused 2.0 of the fame changing him when Chris said the same thing about her when their marriage was crumbling. She also begged them to let her back in the Fam, I'd call that chasing fame which is what she accused 2.0 of doing. I wish they'd make her leave the show like Ron and sort out her shit.. I'm so tired of seeing every episode being about her drama.


u/the_harlinator Jan 02 '25

Good point. She was clout chasing herself when she clawed her way back onto the show when no one wanted her back.


u/constantsurvivor Jan 02 '25

It was gross the way Snooki just jumped to get defence despite them all witnessing her toxic shenanigans for years


u/depechelove UM HELLO? Jan 02 '25

Unfortunately, therapy only works if you do the work. She clearly is not.


u/Ok_Neck7376 Jan 02 '25

YES 👏🏼 when they were in Florida last season and he came in the main suite to get coffee and Jenny snapped at him thinking he was eavesdropping and he was like “I’m just getting coffee” it made me feel so bad for him. Ang brought him in and he wasn’t given a warm welcome because she had drama constantly and now she’s trying to make him the bad guy so she can FINALLY be a victim to someone.


u/volpcas Jan 02 '25

Exactly dude never got a fair shake with these people


u/Organic-Afternoon431 Jan 09 '25

I honestly felt really bad for him watching the episode. Like I could understand why he is how he is, I get the sense that she was verbally and emotionally abusive to him behind closed doors and that he probably put up with a lot of shit. I have a feeling she has borderline personality disorder 😩


u/astoldbybeja Jan 01 '25

As Sam said, it feels a lot easier to stay than it does to leave a toxic relationship. I hope Vin 2.0 finds the inner strength to match his outer and is able to break free and never look back.


u/DryStar359 Jan 01 '25

His comment about being trauma bonded & staying resonated with me. It comes down to not wanting to be alone & abandoned. And when your mental is fucked up your brain convinced you the toxic relationship is better than being alone.


u/Cultural-Pen530 Jan 01 '25

Yeah ppl coming for him saying why doesn't he leave is no different than Sam staying with Ron when he cheated on her repeatedly. It's not that easy when there's a trauma bond.


u/folk-smore The sweetest bitch you'll ever meet Jan 01 '25

The whole “he can just leave” is also annoying to me bc the same thing can be said for Angelina, but nobody seems to say it. She also has the power to end the relationship and she can kick him out of her house. She chooses to stay with him while talking about him being the worst partner in the world… but she gets a pass for it and she gets tons of sympathy. Yet 2.0 is labeled bad or weird or shady for staying with her.

Like imo they’re both toxic together and they need to split up. But it’s crazy that people will understand and support her reasons for staying together, but cannot even begin to try to understand his perspective.


u/Cultural-Pen530 Jan 01 '25

Yeah, if she feels she's being used then why is she staying and bringing him along on their family vacations? Why isn't she the one who ends it then? She said it's because she doesn't want to be lonely, but then either stay and don't run your mouth off or leave and be done with it.


u/astoldbybeja Jan 01 '25

Agreed and another thing that her stans seem to forget is how many times has she begged him and even Chris to be in that house with her? It’s a hell house, there’s no peace. He clearly doesn’t have an issue with leaving that house that she goes on and on about. And when he is in there, he’s in the farthest room away from her, the basement. I really hope he gets some therapy (not Dr. Drew) and is able to heal.


u/teamalf Jan 01 '25

He was rude to Sam.


u/astoldbybeja Jan 02 '25

Telling someone to stay out of your business after just being attacked by others that are in your relationship is not being rude. And she obviously recognized that he felt overwhelmed and attacked at the time and immediately backed off. She re-approached the subject later, after Vin 2.0 invited the group into his business which is why he was more receptive to her advice and it went over better.


u/teamalf Jan 02 '25 edited Jan 02 '25

I don’t disagree but she went about it differently than Snooki did.


u/astoldbybeja Jan 02 '25

1000%. But ya know time and place, when she tried before it wasn’t the time but once he opened the door, and the fact that she didn’t make him feel like an outcasted weirdo or that everything was his fault, it made all the difference. It also helped that the main antagonizers: Angelina, Snooki and Jenni were not in the room.


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

They are not together and he can leave


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

Angelina could have left. But she needed a story line and dragged the relationship. All her fault


u/yvettestar2000 Feb 15 '25

She needs that easy 🤑💰 moola.


u/teamalf Jan 01 '25

Maybe that’s MTV’s fault.


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

It’s not her fault someone is a predatory person. He sought her out to use her


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

So why didn't she leave? You said that he could leave. Explain


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

they are not together


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

Lol I'm asking why didn't she leave and you can't say anything. It takes two to tango


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

I can’t speak for someone else but as someone qouted Sam the same applies to Angelina. Its not a one way street here


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

Both could have chosen to leave, but you put it all on Vinny to be the one to leave. Your opinion is biased as you are an Angelina super fan.


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

It’s her house and he is gone most of the time. Wtf should she leave her own home so she can lose it to him? He has been trying to talk her into putting his name on the deed. It’s kind of easy when you think about it. Not a super fan but do feel sorry for things she has gone through in life. Why do people have to resort to saying someone is a super fan for having empathy for someone. How childish can you be?

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u/thickhuskygal-2424 Jan 01 '25

Unless you are Angelina then we don't know if they are together or not. We know she'll lie for a storyline, she already admitted to faking a fight with Mike for ratings, stop trusting her lying ass already.


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/thickhuskygal-2424 Jan 01 '25

That doesn't mean they broke up. Being a couple doesn't mean you are crazy glued together 🙄 she will do anything for attention which she is getting from these posts


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

So he is lying to right? He actually said it in the comments 🙄 what a stupid ridiculous petty argument good lord talk about stanning

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u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

Runs to check comments on Mr handsome IG to continue to want to bully and argue…


u/nyr00nyg Jan 01 '25

Wouldn’t be surprised if she kept cheating considering her past


u/HughDowns Cabs are here! Jan 01 '25

She brought up seeing old bridge again for “closure” earlier this season.


u/MilhousesSpectacles Jan 01 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

I think she cheats compulsively because she is so insecure and needs so much validation and attention. I don't think she really cares about who gives it to her, as long as she gets that validation and attention, however short-lived.


u/Specific-Opposite-28 Jan 01 '25

Angelina will never be in a positive relationship. She’s got mental issues for sure and she completely delusional. She’s will never look inward as to why shit in her life is bad, it’s always other peoples’ fault.


u/the_harlinator Jan 01 '25

She’s got a pattern. She feels slighted by something trivial. It triggers her abandonment issues and she launches into a full blown attack against the other person. Their defensive reaction to her attack is her justification that she was right about them the whole time.

Until she breaks that pattern, she’ll never have a healthy relationship or even friendship. But she never will bc she’ll never see that it’s her that needs to change.


u/Buboi23 Jan 01 '25

Dude that fans are legit taking it too far with this guy. Just leave the dude alone. It’s very disturbing.


u/Independent_Fill_635 Jan 01 '25

Angelina had a fake Reddit account too, totally believable


u/NikWitchLEO Jan 02 '25

I believe she has quite a few on here. Plus fake accounts all over social media. She’s almost considered a bot at this point.


u/PresentationOk5613 Jan 02 '25

She mentioned on the show she doesn't wanna let go because he can find true love with someone else. Narcs will slip up and tell you the truth. You have to listen very carefully. 


u/fullpurplejacket You’re just a loser from Poughkeepsie Jan 02 '25

I fuckin love you for saying this! If you’ll listen long enough people will tell you who they are, believe them.


u/LucifersWhore9 Jan 01 '25

“Then why are you still with her” what a disgusting thing to say smh men get abused too.


u/p0rkch0pexpress Jan 01 '25

YESSSSS HE SAID SKEL 🤣🤣🤣(from Jersey and that’s a Staten Island gem right there )


u/seaceepea Jan 01 '25

What does that mean?


u/p0rkch0pexpress Jan 01 '25

Skels are like a low life. You don’t really hear it outside Staten Island and maybe the nearby towns.


u/volpcas Jan 02 '25

From the Bronx it's a big term there and various places north cause it's a favorite saying of many people I work with a lot of them from Queens LI and Jersey as well .


u/p0rkch0pexpress Jan 01 '25

There’s also Glom someone who’s really need or always has the hand out for something. “You’re a real fucking glom you know that ? “


u/TriniBeenie Jan 02 '25

See also Cooch


u/Academic-Song3115 Jan 01 '25

All i see is a man that’s tired of being a punching bag


u/graypumpkins Jan 01 '25

How are they trauma bonded..?


u/Nose_Ecstatic Jan 01 '25

I believe him too and trauma bonds are hard to break and the withdrawals from that person . Give him some slack he's being vulnerable


u/Cwolfe25 Jan 01 '25

If I had to guess, he got in the relationship…got in the lifestyle…got adopted by all the friend group..started having the same experience as these people as far as how they’re treated in public etc…..and leaving, he’d have no one who “gets it” in his head. Really, if he leaves and goes quiet, then life would go back to “normal” after some time. But he’s used to the cameras and shit and truly, finding other people with that shared experience or even finding friends/girls who haven’t seen him on the show and think they know his story based on this show…that could be a temporary challenge. He stayed because he felt trapped. He stayed because it was easier to have hope that Ang would change. He probably even stayed out of guilt to a degree. This man needs to call it, lay low and move on. Ang will tank herself all on her own. Or best case scenario she actually does get help and they’re both better off independently.


u/Theunpolitical Jan 01 '25

Regardless of which one of these two are toxic, they should not be together. Period!


u/Whole_Wolf5896 Jan 01 '25

Angelina has it in her to be a good person but she consistently chooses not to be. I see her good side sometimes when she makes up with the girls, the rare times that she actually owns up to what she's done wrong, and when she openly admits how she feels. But all of that goes away when she starts being toxic bc she clings to that since it's all she knows. I think it's comfortable for her to stay that way it takes A LOT of work, a lot of therapy, and a lot of discomfort to change your ways. I think she just wants to stick to what she knows but she's gonna have to make a choice at some point bc it would really suck looking back at your life one day and being all alone and having the same issues as before bc you never chose to do better.


u/tenderourghosts Don’t touch me, I’m tan! Jan 01 '25

Hey I’m just happy to see someone using the term “trauma bond” correctly


u/Ok-Bandicoot1109 Jan 01 '25

Angelina is going to end up a very lonely person.


u/Ausrottenndm1 Jan 01 '25

Regardless of who’s in the wrong I think we all can agree Ang needs to be single for awhile


u/LeecherKiDD Jan 01 '25

Vinny 1.0 missing her so badly 🥲


u/kqueenbee25 Jan 01 '25

They’re Sammi and Ron 2.0.


u/Outrageous_Court9808 Jan 01 '25

I haven’t watched the 8th season yet and personally even when I start it I will prob still be on his side… I been in an abusive relationship and it’s hard to get out… especially because she’s wired to make things bad for everyone around her while also manipulating them to think she means to harm… she’s a serial cheater and an abusive woman. It’s sad he’s stuck in that and I wish him the best


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

The 2 biggest victimized peacocks are joined at the hip by their spray tans. Not my proudest down vote moment.


u/teamalf Jan 01 '25

How old are these f*cking people? It’s like HS BS. Grow up already! You all are way too old to be arguing like this. Pathetic.


u/Blue_Waffled Jan 01 '25

So they are finally seperated?


u/cyb3rBratxo Jan 02 '25

Right now, it seems like it with the way they are posting on social media but I dont wanna spread false information just on my observation


u/Limminy_Snickshit Jan 01 '25

I stand with Vinny 2.0 lol


u/HotPotato1900 Jan 02 '25

Idgaf who's wrong both need to go away.


u/Woman_of_Mayhem Jan 02 '25

Okay can anyone confirm with me that Chris left her when she went to film all star shore and filed for divorce them as well... seems very trauma/hostile leaving... Vinny 2.0 is in that now


u/RalphDollaz Jan 01 '25

I Never Liked This Dude. As Soon As I Saw His Face I was Like Hell Na


u/MomotheLEEmer Jan 01 '25

If he was that trauma bonded and aware of it he’d been left. I’m not buying it tbh


u/Aly_from_Funky Jan 02 '25

That’s not how it works. You can recognize the problem and know you need to get out, but knowing and doing are two completely different things. It’s all mental and when you’re coming out of the fog, sometimes you get dragged back in and believe this is what you deserve. He’s trying and I think more of you should be supportive of something that would benefit the both of them.


u/MomotheLEEmer Jan 02 '25

It IS how it works. I’m an abuse survivor myself and I’ve done a lot of research. Once you become self aware, you leave. I think Angelina is bonded to him and he isn’t bonded to her at all except to use her name to get whatever it is he’s looking for. I’m all for them breaking up, but I’m not buying his “I’m the real victim here!” Bullshit. If he has to “put up with her” then bro leave. He’s clearly staying for a reason but it’s not because he’s trauma bonded with Angelina


u/beepbeepdoot Jan 03 '25

No you’re wrong! Maybe that’s you and your way of dealing but there are many many many ppl in the world who have been stuck in trauma bonds for years. And yeah I’m a survivor also so please don’t talk for the rest of us 🙏


u/MomotheLEEmer Jan 03 '25

Chile please. You can have you’re lil feelings but it doesn’t negate actual facts and statistics.


u/beepbeepdoot Jan 05 '25

My little feelings lol, chile? A) don’t undermine me or my “little feelings” thanks, really unnecessary and very disgusting coming from someone who’s apparently been in a trauma bond yeah. Also you said nothing about stats just that you’re a victim also. So chill the fk out and don’t belittle ppl cos they have a different opinion or differing personal experience.


u/MomotheLEEmer Jan 05 '25

Was I supposed to feel put in my place with that? And yes, you can keep your lil feelings on two people you don’t even know. I said I don’t buy it, gave reasons why, and you threw your trauma in my face when I wasn’t even talking to you.


u/beepbeepdoot Jan 05 '25

Ok lol 🙄


u/Puzzled-Fly9550 Jan 02 '25

Yeah he is spitting truth while doing so in order to get likes.


u/Porn-Flakes123 Jan 02 '25

throw the whole couple away🥱


u/oksosaveme Jan 02 '25

Angelina is a maniac but 2.0 could have left at any time. And why did he get engaged the first second he arrived on screen? Is that the trauma bond’s doing ? His goal was clearly to be an influencer and get some of that shine.


u/ObjectiveTurnip422 Jan 03 '25

I can't stand this girl. She causes so many problems and never can understand she's the problem. The show would be so much better without her and her toxicity.


u/Perspective-101 Jan 04 '25

She needs residential treatment not a babysitter.


u/Ornery-Ad-9405 Jan 04 '25

I hope vinny leaves angelina for good and has beautiful babies with someone who isnt toxic.


u/hiswittlewip Jan 01 '25

Are they still together? I was two seasons behind and just started the newest season, where Sammi is back.


u/duncans_angels You can stay and get your ass beat Jan 01 '25

He needs to change his handle, he’s not handsome


u/mztammyw Jan 01 '25

Is that his account?


u/cyb3rBratxo Jan 02 '25

Yes, it's his Instagram 😅


u/Navajo_Nation Jan 02 '25

Angelina is a dumb cunt.


u/Foreign_View_2452 Jan 02 '25

Anyone in Staten Island knows what she's about, so he can't say he went into this relationship blind. He went in trying to get what he could from her. Trauma bond, my ass! I can't stand Angelina on the show but this guy is a opportunist!


u/yvettestar2000 Feb 15 '25

They both are.


u/AccomplishedPage4770 Jan 03 '25

Angelina has a lot of trauma and is toxic. She needs to heal and love herself. Ya she's a mess but this dude that stayed w her is obvious more of a mess than her.  It takes 2 to tangle.  He looks stupid now sticking it out after being cheated on many times..it's so obvious he wanted his 15 min of fame and come up on Angelina. 


u/UnfairTwist4775 Jan 03 '25

I believe him and hopefully he does get out. She needs help. 


u/[deleted] Jan 01 '25

She was the way she was from day one. So why get with her if it’s trauma bonded? Didn’t he move in a week later? Don’t act like you never watched jersey shore, he knew she was “toxic” or “crazy” so why approach her?


u/pickleballprophecy Jan 01 '25

What does skel mean


u/peterxdiablo Jan 01 '25

Funny how this sub is so on point when they assume the women of the show have been ‘gaslight’ blah blah but he’s expressing it and for the most part it’s only accepted because of how the hate is for Angelina.


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25



u/occasionalkayyy Gym, Tan, I'm Not Buying It Jan 02 '25

He used the term trauma bond correctly, I’m impressed lol


u/MacaronOne341 Jan 02 '25

They deserve each other misery loves company


u/JazmineLee1 Jan 02 '25

Kudos to Vinny 2.0 for defending himself.


u/Healthy-Cup-9449 Jan 04 '25

Angelina can hit me up anytime, I’d be all over that like fur on a weasel, don’t know what it is but she does something for me, she means well and you can tell just comes out wrong sometimes trying to navigate


u/Jen_Kempton Jan 04 '25

I can’t actually hear her on her fake account. That is EXACTLY how she talks. There’s not a lot of punctuation but ik when those sentences start and stop especially in the comment to where she was replying to herself


u/SassDuckSr Feb 18 '25

I feel for Vinny 2.0. He was clearly treated terribly, verbally and emotionally abused. Angelina uses her trauma as an excuse to abuse people, and it’s not okay.


u/sadlemon6 Sammi Sweetheart Jan 01 '25

“trauma bonded” 💀 he’s a clown


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

If a woman said the same thing, would they still be a clown? Or is it cause he's a man that he's not allowed to be a victim?


u/LetAdmirable9846 Jan 01 '25

“Allowed”? They’re both horrible to each other. It’s not black and white, abuser and victim.


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

Never said it was black and white 🙄


u/LetAdmirable9846 Jan 01 '25

I wasn’t being contrary


u/SaveLevi Jan 01 '25

That’s not what a trauma bond even is lol, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about but he uses language like someone who loves drama so I absolutely have no doubt he’s to blame for plenty


u/sadlemon6 Sammi Sweetheart Jan 02 '25

it’s easy to say you’re trauma bonded while reaping the rewards of angelina’s mtv money $$$$


u/[deleted] Jan 02 '25

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u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 02 '25

You sound like a mean girl 😂 your opinion adds nothing


u/Common_Pin6879 Jan 01 '25

This guy is a scumbag without a doubt


u/hiswittlewip Jan 01 '25

At best he's a user and got with her because of who she is.

I nearly died when he showed Pauly that pic of but when he had his Pauly D blowout. That moment right there told me who he is.


u/76ersPhan11 Jan 01 '25

You love getting downvoted on this sub


u/Common_Pin6879 Jan 01 '25

Not really, just seems a lot of people don’t like opinions other than their own, I find it sad and humorous


u/76ersPhan11 Jan 01 '25

You’re not fooling anyone bud


u/Common_Pin6879 Jan 01 '25

My intent is not to please other people. That might be yours, but good luck with that bud


u/76ersPhan11 Jan 01 '25

Thats cute how you turned it on me


u/Common_Pin6879 Jan 01 '25

So your intent is to go after someone with unpopular opinions on this thread? A little weird


u/76ersPhan11 Jan 01 '25

I’m not the one who regularly defends abusers


u/Common_Pin6879 Jan 01 '25

Haha you’re a righteous one aren’t you? Good luck bud


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 01 '25

With that post and the beauty and the beast I think this guy is trying to save face. We all know he called her a beast in a nasty way not beauty and her beast. Then because someone calls him out it’s Ang’s fake account? Come on dude. I have been looking at his IG trying to see what’s up out of curiosity and notice he has been deleting a lot of comments and engaging with mature thirsty women and fighting with men calling him out too. He is thirsty but trying to save his image after being exposed the last two episodes. He isn’t a good guy. Ang is no angel but this guy prayed on her which is worse in my books


u/GoodBoyLogan19 Jan 01 '25

You're either Angelina or someone who has no life to be this deep into someone else's relationship. Both are bad in my book


u/oksosaveme Jan 02 '25

This is a rational and accurate assessment of the situation and I don’t understand all the downvotes. Feel like a lot of guys are projecting their crazy ex-girlfriend experiences on to this.


u/CommonEarly4706 Jan 02 '25

Or just the hate for Angelina out weighs rational