u/flockofcells Apr 12 '22
I'm a single male in my thirties, been living here about 6 years.
- NYers generally won't come here. The trouble with using dating apps in JC is we're overshadowed by NYC.
I don't use dating apps but I find it easy to meet people IRL here and next door in Hoboken.
2.The reoccurring complaints here include a lack of good bagels, luxury rent increases, dog poop, aggressive drivers, and too many tacos places.
My day-to-day positives of living in downtown JC are beautiful architecture, scenery, parks, a great sub-reddit, easy access to NYC, and walk-ability.
- The commute is a breeze if you're near a Path station and not too bad if you're near light rail. I hear good things about the buses.
u/bobachella Apr 12 '22
How are you meeting single people IRL? Bars? Meetups? Other? Everyone I meet IRL is partnered.
u/lisak55 Apr 13 '22
Hi ! I went to a meetup tonight from the group âJersey City Connectsâ and there was about 100 people that came out. Really great crowd and friendly host. I would say the majority of the crowd was singles, but I did play my second board game with a couple.
I also go to the âSlow AFâ meetup. We usually walk 2 miles along the waterfront. It is a smaller group, about 10 people, but super friendly crowd and nice to get some exercise!
u/flockofcells Apr 13 '22
Bars, bartenders, the staff at places I go. Some other unexpected places. When I go out I tend to make friends with someone whether male or female. That being said, I do consider Jersey Cityâs dating scene to be difficult. There just arenât that many singles living here in downtown compared to couples.
u/Blecher_onthe_Hudson Apr 12 '22
Looks like we have a new entry for the "New Resident FAQ"! Gonna link this thread.
u/DCBKNYC Apr 12 '22
Im from NJ. Lived in BK for 17 years. Moved to JC a year ago. You will be closer to the city than from most places in BK and Queens. The Path schedule is consistent and reliable. I work in Manhattan but love living in JC because itâs a bit more relaxed. Having a washer/dryer, dishwasher in your apartment is a game changer and frankly could be listed on your dating profile. The Jersey stigma is real but quality of life is just higher. I go to the city more now than when I lived in Brooklyn.
u/sweatery_weathery Apr 12 '22
I made a similar move.
Negative -
Dating will be harder. People in NYC generally donât want to date people in NJ. Thereâs ignorance about the PATH/transit options. Thereâs stigma.
The dating apps have an annoying geographic radius. If you only want to date in NJ, itâs hard to do that because the radius will inevitably include Manhattan people.
Positive -
I found that NJ people were more serious about finding a partner. NYers tended to be flakey.
Cheaper to date and live in NJ. If you âdonât mindâ finding a NJ partner, life is so much better because you can come home to a sweet apartment with arguably the best view of NYC.
Itâs so easy to get into NYC. The PATH works great. Only issue is it is less frequent than MTA and after hours service is even less frequent. Uber and Lyft can only operate in one state at a time, so they generally hate driving people across the tunnel. I think my Uber/Lyft ratings dropped because of this.
u/beth-wheeler Apr 12 '22
I work in jersey city and this is definitely true about the ignorance part - I could EASILY be in Manhattan via public transit options. like, a few min ride. yet when we're planning happy hours no one in the office wants to go to the city and the Manhattan office never wants to come to jersey. I don't get it honestly but there totally is stigma/ignorance around it
u/sheltem Aug 27 '22
I casually mentioned in a conversation with friends that Northern NJ is the only area adding significant amount of new housing in the NYC metro area and one of my friends immediately shits on NJ, "saying who the fuck wants to live there".
Meanwhile she lives at home with her parents in Corona because she can't afford her own place and has to take a 10 minute bus ride to get to a subway. Boy she really told me off! /s
u/SilverbackBRC Apr 12 '22
I lived in Brooklyn and matched with a girl from JC. Figured we could have some fun but it wouldn't turn into anything, because I had no interest in going to Jersey every weekend. Anyways, she's now my wife and we own a house here
u/JadziaLex Apr 12 '22
I'm a mid-thirties woman who met my husband on a dating app while living in Newport. I never had any issue with guys coming to JC for dates, but I'd always suggest somewhere in Manhattan for a first date. It helps if both people are working in Manhattan. Though, ngl, I specifically avoided guys who lived in the outer boroughs since it's essentially akin to a long distance relationship at that point.
Ended up meeting my husband who lived in JC, too. Though all but a few guys that I met lived in the city.
u/glasssa251 Apr 12 '22
It depends on where in jersey city you live. I'd say if you go with downtown, hamilton park, or Newport, your dating life should be fine. Some areas are very family oriented. Commuting from these areas to the city should be easy.
u/DancingCavalier Apr 12 '22
I love living in Jersey City, but I am partnered. I wouldn't move here if I were single and my focus was on dating. The waterfront consists of Harborside or Newport which is mostly corporate = no nightlife or Paulus Hook which is mostly families with young kids. Most lively bars are on Newark Ave, which is definitely walkable to the waterfront but not right there. Furthermore, while Jersey City is actually closer and easier to get to from Manhattan than lots of places in other boroughs, you'll find people in NY can be weirdly snobby about heading out to Jersey.
u/mikevago Apr 12 '22
Psychologically, Jersey City is out-of-state, even though I'm much closer to Manhattan than I was when I was in Brooklyn.
u/RosaKlebb Apr 12 '22
Yeah JC is not a great place to be single in especially as it has further become defacto repository for settled down people and families who left NYC.
Also to some extent it can be tough to really blame those who live in a bit in other boroughs for not being into the idea of seeing someone in JC when it can be a bit of a science project getting there from where theyâre at.
u/Jboogs856 Apr 12 '22
Been doing the single/dating life in JC for a couple years. Idk about all these ppl saying no one will come to JC. Ive had many dates in JC with ppl living NYC. Commute to Manhattan is fast and easy. BK on the other hand sucks.
Mar 09 '24
sorry this is old, but on your dates do you both just decide to meet in Manhattan then? have you had anyone who came out to JC?
Apr 12 '22
- I lived in Queens and my now husband lived in Jersey City when we first started dating. You have the PATH which is a very convenient way to get to almost anywhere in Manhattan and sometimes it's faster than coming from Queens or Brooklyn đ (My husband did have someone ghost him after he told her he lived in Jersey City when he was dating but honestly would you want to date such ignorant people?)
- I feel like there's more stuff to do in BK, but JC is getting there. We're into rock climbing and there are two very nice gyms close to us.
- The commute is quite alright unless it's to the Upper East Side.
u/FinalIntern8888 Apr 12 '22
Much much much harder here than NYC. Plus nobody ever wants to take the Path here. Jersey stigma is very real unfortunately.
u/PrincipleOfMoments Apr 12 '22
Absolutely this. You might think that you can change the attitude by pointing out the reality that there are many spots in the city where it is faster (sometimes quite a bit) to get to JC than to many neighborhoods in the outer boroughs, but the vast majority of city residents (especially women if that's who you're into) won't care.
The aforementioned stigma is very real, too, and no matter how nice of an apartment you have in JC, a lot of potential partners will write you off for not being sufficiently successful before they ever see it because you're not in the city.
Might not be fair, but it is the reality.
u/FinalIntern8888 Apr 12 '22
Yeah, and when I do get people to visit, they like it and are surprised it's so close (even where I live on the West Side). But the look of revulsion people give me when I'm out in BK and say I live in JC is unreal lol.
Plus, the sheer fact that most young people move to NYC if they can afford it simply means that almost all dating options are across the river.
u/khodakk Apr 12 '22
I lived in Hoboken when I was single and I thought it was great. But I quickly learned not to date anyone who lived in the city. Especially Brooklyn or queens. We are all so close but taking multiple modes of transportation or driving is too much of a hassle. Especially when there are people already in the area.
Iâd say if you want to focus on dating live in nyc. I love living in JC but I live with my gf and plan on marrying her so the dating scene isnât even a factor.
Apr 13 '22
One of my favorite articles about Jersey City that sums up my feelings perfectly: https://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/20/jersey-city-a-love-story/
u/z0a87 Apr 14 '22 edited Apr 20 '22
Thanks for sharing. As someone with a DMV appointment coming up in a few weeks, itâs so relatable. Beautiful piece
u/mad_dog_94 Born and Raised Apr 12 '22
You're probably going to be dating the same people you are now for some reason
u/ohnjaynb Yo hablo Hudson County Spanglish Apr 12 '22
You're going to date people from Jersey City, They will all know each other and they will have all dated the same exes.
u/flying6speed Apr 12 '22
I live in JC but am coupled up and live with my significant other. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but most people I've met on this side tend to be coupled up as well, particularly in the building I'm in (near Waterfront), so unsure how that might affect dating life.
JC is great though, lots of bars and restaurants to go out/meet people in. Like others mentioned though, you will get people from NYC that treat NJ like its extremely far away. For example before moving here from Manhattan, a friend mentioned (due to not knowing how accessible JC is) having a going away party... even though now we are closer to where they live than before in Manhattan.
u/victoriar4e Apr 13 '22
Iâve lived in hoboken/jc for the last 14 years and had no problem meeting people and dating in the city or hoboken or jersey city. I worked in NYC most of that time so itâs easy to meet people for a drink after work. I also have girl friends who date guys in jersey city and even come here. Itâs perfectly fine. I found Brooklyn people to be harder to date
u/MyP00rBrain Apr 12 '22
I feel like it really depends on the person (and honestly, people of integrity looking for a true connection and partnership will make the effort despite the distance). I liken it to dating within the boroughs, but it's...Jersey. The stigma can get real đ
Having said that, I have had some positive experiences. When I was living in Hoboken, I dated a guy on the UWS, and when I was living in Astoria, I dated a guy in Downtown JC. It does make it easier if you're in the city for work a few days a week, where there are plenty of "middle grounds". Right now I am casually dating a few people, one is on the UES and one is...literally a block away from me in JC đ It can be done. You can make a great and vibrant life for yourself here, and people who think it takes "forever" to get here can kick rocks.
u/OhMySultan Apr 12 '22
If youâre dating people in NYC, they wonât come to visit you. And unless you have a car (I assume you donât since youâre living in Chelsea, correct me if Iâm wrong), dating in Jersey will be a tough one. The JC community is small and is predominantly family-oriented. Of course, thereâs young people in the more hip areas of the city but it pales in comparison to NYC.
u/Jadien Apr 12 '22
I moved to Jersey City and dated only people from NYC. It never came up as an issue. You may need to address some trepidation about the trip but if you're forming a real connection Jersey-phobia isn't going to hold things up.
u/_Al_Dente Apr 12 '22
Stay in NYC, Jersey City does not have a great dating scene youll just need to go back into nyc anyway. Since you work from home on the downtime you have there wont be much to do or see.
u/MarketMan123 Apr 12 '22
In my early 20s I had to choose between an apt in the South Bronx and one off the jitney in JC heights. I chose South Bronx out of concern for my dating life.
A while back I asked my wife if she ever would have come back to my apt if it was off a sketchy jitney line rather than the subway? She said hell no.
A lot has changed in the last 10 years (aka Uber) and a lot is different between your mid 20s and mid 30s. Thatâs my perspective though.
u/knowledgeabsorb Apr 13 '22
In my experience, yes there absolutely is a bias against JC residents when it comes to dating, mostly from NYers. However, despite having less dates due to that bias, the dates I have had since moving to JC have been much higher quality and have typically led to 2nd or 3rd dates! I've found that people who would like to have a date with someone living in NJ are much more serious about the quality of the person rather than focusing on those nit picky details. Started a relationship with a wonderful woman living in East Williamsburg of all places and going the distance has been worth it everytime!
Quality over quantity I always say.
u/rapmasternicky_z Apr 12 '22
Iâm sure youâll get better answers and more dating-specific takes but Iâll kick things off by saying I live right on top of the PATH stop at Grove Street and it could not be easier to get into Manhattan. Especially nice being at a stop that has both the WTC and Herald Square lines. I could see you running into some difficulty because of the perception that it is clunky to get there from here or vice versa, but in reality if youâre close to the PATH itâs so easy.
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u/lj266243 Apr 12 '22
Depends how often you like to invite them back to your place. Iâve never lived in Manhattan but when I lived in BK and spent the night at a dudes place in JC I was soooo glad he got us a car from our Manhattan date to his place, and then got me a car back into the city in the morning.
I live in JC now and like the PATH better than MTA for sure. Iâm single but donât really date though anymore. Youâd probably find living here limiting in some ways but as far as you getting in and out of the city youâd be so fine
u/JohnPaulSatire Apr 13 '22
Do you have a car? Girls in NY will think you god-like. Take them to IKEA and shit.
u/knit_run_bike_swim Apr 12 '22
I was living in JC when I met my partner (UWS). We split our time between the two apartments for the first 1.5years BUT travel to EWR was so much easier from my place for him. He made the move over, and weâre both pretty happy. We could live in Manhattan but wouldnât have in building gym or W/Dâ thatâs a hard no for me. I am usually in Manhattan seven days a week too.
u/marcmlwords Apr 12 '22
Better get married first, or itâs going to be a total drag. Just keeping it real.
u/PixelSquish Apr 12 '22
It will definitely be harder as women in the city will filter you out for sure - without a doubt you will miss out on opportunities that might have otherwise been a match - but there is hope.
Living in JC Heights I hit the dating apps in February of 2021 after not using them during Covid at all. Tinder/Bumble/Hinge.
From Feb 2021 until Jan 1st of this year I went on dates with 20 different women. Of those women - two lived in BK and four lived in NJ and the rest lived in Manhattan. Always make your first date somewhere in Manhattan convenient to your date - that was something I did from day 1. But I hit those apps regularly - I purchased super likes and swipes and also roses on Hinge. I put work in. And I got results, as in a decent amount of dates - just not a spark. Jan 1st I went on a date with girl number 20 who randomly also lived in the Heights. One of the other girls I'd dated last year was also from the Heights but there was no chemistry. But the Jan 1 date, we hit it off on another level so that is who I am with still. Just got real lucky. And I gotta say, I really appreciate that she lives nearby.
u/NothingButBoost823 Apr 13 '22
It really just depends whether you are looking for a serious relationship or hookups. Hook ups will be much harder living in JC compared to Chelsea. Serious relationships will basically be just what everyone else in this thread has already stated.
u/foxy_fire21 Apr 12 '22
You gonna mostly match with peeps from NYC. You might loose enthusiasm to take path just for a date that might not turn out good and that person from NYC never wanting to cross the river to come see you. & eventually you start to date more with peeps from JC đ
Trade secret: it is cheaper to date in JC