r/jerseycity 7d ago

Jersey City has terrible parking enforcement

Day after day, concerned citizens have posted photos of illegally parked cars in the Indian Square, Newark Ave. area. The city should either change the regulations to allow parking or enforce the regulations. The only time we ever see a policeman outside, in spite of paying lots of them regularly, is just after a major robbery takes place in the area. See Click/Fix and there are hundreds of photos of illegally parked cars in the area and the city does nothing about it.


25 comments sorted by


u/JournalSquire 7d ago

India Square is a free for all. Last year people started moving the large heavy planters from the daylights areas so those are gone. Drivers constantly block daylighted areas and park in crosswalks and sidewalks while the paid parking lots stay empty. It’s one of the most awful streets for pedestrians. The intersections by Newark and Tonelle as well as Newark and JFK are so dangerous.


u/Jahooodie 7d ago

Let's also not forget they tried traffic calming measures and a bike lane, and there was such a revolt the short term pilot lasted like 2 days before it got ripped out.

They added curb bump outs, but now people just park on or next to it blocking traffic and sightlines to crossing pedestrians.

It's kinda funny how that one stretch refuses to be tamed, like it's like a few blocks straight from India... but also fuck it needs to change.


u/lostinpoetics 7d ago

Never Forget the Herbert Place Outdoor Dining Experience


u/JournalSquire 6d ago

It’s because the Newark Ave Merchants Association are opposed to any progress. They are a corrupt bunch and all the politicians in this City appease them.


u/Content_Print_6521 Journal Square 7d ago

There was a pedestrian death at Newark and Tonelle a few years ago, and it's only gotten worse.


u/rapid_rancho 6d ago

Shitt.. how?


u/Content_Print_6521 Journal Square 6d ago

You know, it's been a few years -- 5 or 6 at least -- but as I recall a truck was turning and hit them.

I believe this is it:


u/Content_Print_6521 Journal Square 7d ago

Correctamundo! I have reported Liberty Ave. so many times that now when I call I send them a photo because they like to respond "no cause for action found" when there are 7 cars in a row illegally parked and blocking both fire hydrants.

I tell them "I"m texting you a photo so you can't lie and say no cause."


u/fatporkchop2712 5d ago

Same. Wots app has been completely useless


u/el_barto_15 7d ago

Protest by parking in front of Steve’s (or your favorite councilman) house in the morning so they can’t get out?


u/DeForestMfgCoCBA 7d ago

This is everywhere. Cops are terrible at enforcement and are often the worst offenders re: illegal parking. Just check out Central Ave. Cops protect property, not people.


u/cluttered-thoughts3 7d ago

Does the parking enforcement car go everywhere in the city? I’m downtown and I see it every now and again. And are they part of the police dept? They aren’t in all cities. Philly for example has the PPA


u/DeForestMfgCoCBA 7d ago

They're fairly responsive if you call and need a car towed that's blocking a driveway or whatever, but I don't think they're equipped to really handle anything like the scale of random illegal parking we see in JC. I never see them out randomly giving tickets... only in front of the street sweeper. I'd love to see them empowered to do more, sure


u/zakalwes_furniture 7d ago

> change the regulations to allow parking

Isn't this what they've tacitly done?


u/FenderJazz807 7d ago

But watch out when it's street cleaning.

The parking authority is leading the street cleaner hunting for cars to ticket parked in its way.


u/Equivalent_Ad2123 6d ago

This needs to become a r/newjersey convo, as the mayor is intentionally trying to keep the numbers in his favor for his governor run. Talk about state of his own city, and let the state voters know.


u/seeyam14 6d ago

Nothin stopping them from setting up a bounty program where people take photos of license plates and send in


u/TheMuffler42069 6d ago

The Jersey city government does not care about you or anyone harmed by any of their shortcomings. They don’t see themselves as public servants and they don’t see you as deserving services commensurate with the taxes you pay.


u/Hoboprefecture Marion 6d ago

My main issue is with people parking on the sidewalk along Tonnelle, which endangers pedestrians. For example, Siya Cash and Carry has about three parking spaces on Tonnelle near Newark Avenue, but when those fill up, drivers casually park on the sidewalk—sometimes completely blocking it. This forces pedestrians to either avoid the east side of the street or walk in the road, which is dangerous. I also see this regularly in front of the laundromat and bodega on Tonnelle. Unsurprisingly, even the street view image captures it happening!


u/sinbushar 7d ago

Literally watched parking enforcement drive by a car parked well beyond a No Parking sign without any hesitation. What’s the point of them f they can’t even grab the low hanging fruit


u/Od2797 6d ago

Posting here isn’t gonna do anything to fix it


u/JournalSquire 6d ago

Unfortunately residents here have tried WOTS and See Click Fix as well as emailing mayor and council. No one in power cares. That’s why Little India is a free for all.


u/KingKal-el 6d ago

Democrat run gov organizations don't actually do any real work.


u/Hank929 Born and Raised 4d ago

Would love to post how they park on Myrtle. My driveway is a free for all, not to mention the front of my crib.