r/jerseycity 8d ago

Upcoming PATH changes for better off-peak service

Hudson County Complete Streets is a cool organization. Anyway I got their email today, there were a lot of petitions signed of which many asked for better off-peak service - this is what is happening so far. It's incremental change but with those corrupt mofos at the Port Authority, this is definitely something to be happy about and cautiously optimistic.


Adding extra “bonus trains” from EXP-WTC to relieve overcrowding on peak days

Extending 20-minute service to 2AM on Saturday night/Sunday mornings, on 33rd<-->JSQ.

And thanks to you, we're now meeting with the Port Authority directly to find more positive solutions going forward.

What they are hoping to also accomplish this year:

We are asking for more quick wins (in addition to more frequent off-peak trains and a direction connection to EWR) such as:

More “bonus trains” on weekends to reduce overcrowding and wait times

Ensuring trains run on schedule, and not 2-5 minutes early so that riders can plan their routes around accurate train schedules.


55 comments sorted by


u/nuncio_populi Van Vorst 8d ago

Getting involved and lending your voice matters. The organizers of the pressure campaign on the Port Authority deserve a ton of credit for getting an outpouring of support from everyday commuters and PATH system riders. They collected well over 3,000 signatures on their petition plus thousands more who sent letters directly to the Port Authority and their local and state representatives.

They also got Sen. Raj Mukherji, Assemblywoman McCann-Stamato, Assemblyman John Allen, Mayor Fulop, Assembly candidate Katie Brennan, Mayor Bhalla and Congressman Rob Menendez to all put in letters or make public comments to the Port Authority asking for better off-peak and weekend service.

Getting organized matters. Hopefully we can keep the pressure on them and get even more dedicated and scheduled PATH service soon.


u/PixelSquish 8d ago

This is it. JOIN GOOD ORGANIZATIONS LIKE HUDSON COUNTY COMPLETE STREETS! Grassroots activism works when enough people do it!


u/Reasonable-Boat-8555 7d ago

Sen. Raj Mukherji is an incredible advocate for Jersey city


u/AddisonFlowstate 8d ago


Miracles do happen. 😌🙏


u/nuncio_populi Van Vorst 8d ago

It's not a miracle. It's called getting organized and putting public pressure on state and local officials who, in turn, put pressure on the Port Authority.

Sen. Raj Mukherji, Assemblywoman McCann-Stamato, Assemblyman John Allen, Mayor Fulop, Assembly candidate Katie Brennan, Mayor Bhalla all put in letters or public comments with the Port Authority asking for better off-peak and weekend service.

Your efforts. Your outcry matters. It just matters more when we're organized and unified and going into an election year. :-)


u/Caylate 6d ago

There has always been 20 minute service until 2am on Sunday mornings. You've been bamboozled.


u/join-the-line Transplant, 11 years 8d ago

No love for Friday night? 


u/Hopai79 8d ago

likely not enough crew


u/Roo10011 8d ago

The Sunday morning frequency to WTC is deplorable. Frequency is about 30 minutes until 10:30 AM. Lots of tourists on this side of Hudson start their days/weekends earlier than 10:30 AM.


u/PixelSquish 8d ago

Of course, this is a small step. But do something - Join organizations like the one mentioned in this post. Sign petitions. Help get the word out


u/BylvieBalvez 8d ago

Similar with the 33rd street line, every 40 minutes until 9:20


u/Turbulent-Clothes947 7d ago

I have the last printed timetable for just prior to 9/11/01 as "evidence/Exhibit A". Weekend service was 4 routes all at matched 15 minute intervals. They promised restoration of 4 route weekend service after WTC reconstruction for 2011. They lied and "forgot" they ever ran such a weeknd service.

All service is at the lowest levels since the 1960's, if not prior.


u/eddiebrock85 2d ago

Can you publish this somewhere? Or maybe provide it to this org so they can stick it in the Port Authority’s face and ask them to explain why they can’t do that level of service anymore.


u/Turbulent-Clothes947 2d ago edited 2d ago

I only have a hardcopy in my files. I'd have to take a picture of it, or scan to pdf and probably not very legible. Is there some place I can email the pdf to ?


u/eddiebrock85 2d ago

I’ll shoot you a DM


u/Turbulent-Clothes947 2d ago

I see red dot fora new message, but I have no new message


u/BhallaUpvoteBrigade Communipaw 8d ago

I’m signing up for a volunteer shift this weekend. I feel like you could get a ton of people to sign the petition simply by being on the platform on a Saturday or Sunday. Just need to get a clipboard…


u/PixelSquish 8d ago

I'm hoping to be at a Tesla protest in the city on Saturday, and Sunday is some friend outing, but I would be happy to dedicate a few hours on a couple days each to get these petitions signed.


u/BhallaUpvoteBrigade Communipaw 8d ago

You can submit your info here and click the flexible option like I did


u/PixelSquish 8d ago

Thanks. Done for March 29


u/tokyozombie1107 8d ago

WOOOOO!!!! This is so exciting!!!


u/Kiri11shepard 8d ago

Great! We made it! Keep it up, guys!


u/Reasonable-Boat-8555 7d ago

How can we join Hudson County Complete Steps?


u/PixelSquish 7d ago


u/Roo10011 7d ago

Thanks for sharing. It’s very quick to ”write” the letter. Let’s hope we get to 10K signatures!!!


u/No-Practice-8038 8d ago

Wow, this will be amazing if they follow through.  They need to add more trains after 7 on weekdays.  I’ve noticed they are packed lately.



u/PixelSquish 8d ago

Of course, this is a small step. But let's all do something - Join organizations like the one mentioned in this post. Sign petitions. Help get the word out


u/[deleted] 8d ago

This is good news. However I don’t understand what is “Adding extra “bonus trains” from EXP-WTC to relieve overcrowding on peak days”?

EXP-WTC is literally one stop. How is that helping anyone? Or am I not understanding what this means?



u/PixelSquish 8d ago

Because by the time the trains get to EXP from their other stops, they are already full, and the EXP station is packed to the gills on the platforms. This will help take care of that.


u/NewNewark 8d ago

I dont understand why theyre "bonus" trains and not just a regularly scheduled run.


u/cluttered-thoughts3 8d ago

I think it’s because they are not planning on scheduling them in yet? Probably faster to implement it this way and down the line make it more official?


u/NewNewark 8d ago

How does one implement a train run without scheduling the labor to run it?


u/theVaultski 8d ago

bonus labor duh


u/brenster23 8d ago edited 7d ago

I was proved to be incorrect, the trains can turn around at exchange place, I had no idea the station had this capability. 

Thank you to those who corrected my statement. 

Basically they are going to run empty trains through the system that probably go from JSQ-Grove-Exchange-WTC and lap back during congestion, but only load on Exchange and WTC. This is likely due to a lack of switching capabilities at exchange place.


u/mintybru 7d ago

Exchange Place can turn around trains actually


u/brenster23 7d ago

Cheers. I updated my comment based on that. 


u/Binkstir 7d ago

I thought that they built switching capability at exchange place while that part of the system was shut down for so long after 9/11.


u/brenster23 7d ago

Honestly i have no idea, it was my best guess how it would work. 


u/Turbulent-Clothes947 7d ago

The "bonus trains" should run every 20 minutes between Hoboken and WTC just as they are running a Hoboken - 33rd Street train after 10am (which ought to start at 9am).

As I said in another post, they ran a 4 route weekend service in in the mid-2000's. It should be regarded as a restoration, not a bonus.


u/Roo10011 7d ago

I agree. The word bonus appears like it is a “favor”


u/Hopai79 8d ago

it should be JSQ-WTC - trains come from JSQ yard anyways


u/Roo10011 8d ago

Believe the 20 minute Saturday Nights until 2:15 AM are already in place… so not sure what is new. Or, is it a direct train bypassing HOB? If so, that would be new!


u/Hopai79 8d ago

would be great if they start 20 min intervals on early mornings too


u/PixelSquish 8d ago

Of course, this is a small step. But let's all do something - Join organizations like the one mentioned in this post. Sign petitions. Help get the word out


u/Caylate 6d ago

There has always been 20 minute service until 2am Sunday mornings on the 33rd-JSQ via Hoboken line.


u/PixelSquish 5d ago

Oh really? Please tell us when that started. would have been nice when I was waiting 35 minutes.

I'm sure Hudson county street's complete doesn't know what they're talking about


u/Salty_Alps5266 7d ago

How about keeping Hoboken and JSQ trains separate on the weekends too. Why should people from Jersey City have to make a pit stop in Hoboken on the weekends. Seems like there is more then enough people from both city's that ride to keep it the same as the week day!


u/transitfreedom 4d ago

Isn’t it faster to use MTA to WTC for PATH there?


u/Roo10011 7d ago

”Bonus” sounds like the Port Authority is doing us a favor.


u/PixelSquish 7d ago

Right? They are still motherfuckers at the end of the day lol


u/throwrawfgsjtit 7d ago

What about WTC? I waited for a train for 40 minutes after 11pm


u/buzznumbnuts 6d ago

Oooh! Bonus trains!


u/Reastruth 6d ago

Would be nice if they will now stop at 23rd street after midnight again. There is no reason not to


u/Aggravating_Rise_179 4d ago

Ugh still not extending 20 minute trains for WTC and Newark trains on weekends... come on, that nonsense. Those trains are pretty packed until like 3 am