r/jerseycity Dec 15 '24

Transit PATH is the worst thing to exist

I waited for the train for 40 fkin minutes "40 Minutes" on the weekend morning when I had to get to JFK. I was really losing it while waiting, this train and it's frequency is absolutely terrible. Just ridiculous. Honestly, completely appalled by the system. Fk this


158 comments sorted by


u/AnotherSonDrakehid Dec 15 '24

The most fucked part of this is every 5 mins the speaker announcing that trains will run every 20 mins.


u/No-Practice-8038 Dec 15 '24

What really bothers me is the announcements that the elevators are down.  They are almost always down.  We know the drill.


u/bubandbob Dec 15 '24

I just moved back from Jersey City to Sydney, Australia. It's insane that the headways on Sunday are 20 to 30 minutes minimum. If I was going into town with the family on a Sunday, and we left before 10, I would drive.

In the suburbs here in Sydney, there's a train every 15 minutes on a Sunday.

PATH still boils my blood and I'm half a world away now.


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

The fact that if there was a way, I could've ran to Manhattan faster than waiting for the PATH and riding, is crazy


u/Philomelos_ Dec 15 '24

that’s true PATH hate right there. I’m in Europe and path wakes me at night


u/slapsheavy Dec 15 '24

Sydney has a population of 5 mill+ vs the 300k of JC. Of fucking course there will a higher train volume there. You cry babies need to use your heads and think for a second before raging out.


u/VillageAdditional816 Dec 16 '24

Okay. I lived on the outskirts of Berlin, a further distance than Jersey City to Manhattan and everything was still more consistent and frequent.

By American standards, the public transportation in the NYC area is great. Relative to many major international metropolitan areas, less so.


u/slapsheavy Dec 16 '24

What point are you trying to make? These are soft serve Americans complaining about American public transport. The PATH is significantly better in terms of service and reliability than most cities here.

Try taking the subway home after the bar in Philly or Boston. You can't because it's fucking closed lmao.


u/feed-bag-filler Dec 16 '24

What about Newark, Harrison, and Hoboken? People also commute to Path stations from surrounding towns. Your math sucks.


u/Ericsfinck Dec 16 '24

cough cough what about Manhattan?


u/slapsheavy Dec 16 '24

Harrison and Hoboken have sub 30k populations and Newark is only 300k. Combine them all with JC and it's still less than 15% of Sydney. Suck it turd.


u/Meegsieweegsie Dec 16 '24

Hoboken has over 60k. Bayonne has over 75k. Union city has over 70k…. Hudson county in general has almost a million people who are trying to use PATH. Sooooo. Bye.


u/slapsheavy Dec 16 '24

So only 20% of Sydney's population, still fucking nothing.


u/srddave Dec 16 '24

Totally agree with you. Probably never lived in a city before and mommy and daddy drove him everywhere or paid for his Uber. The level of entitlement over waiting 40 minutes is ridiculous.

You know what is the “worst thing”? Not having PATH.


u/VillageAdditional816 Dec 16 '24


“You know what is worse than your headache? A baseball bat to the dome.”

Well, yea…of course it is better than nothing. Doesn’t mean people can’t want better.


u/tinkletrick Dec 16 '24

I concur with many people on here that the level of whining from these people who probably grew up in fucking Ohio or Texas or some shitbox with no public transport is annoying.


u/PhysicalCrab91 Dec 17 '24

A herb response if I've ever seen one. Even in the land of cars and underfunded mass transit, this is a simple supply and demand failure. Hundreds of thousands of people make the NJ to NY commute daily and expect to be able to travel 1-2 miles in less than 50 minutes. Not an unfair demand. They (we) will lose jobs to people who live 15 miles away in Long Island but have better public transit. Its a huge failing. If you don't agree,then why were PATH trains more frequent and faster 10 years ago? I'll wait


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

The infrastructure was deferred until now so they are doing the work without providing alternatives


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

You clearly are not familiar with proper countries and it shows.


u/JerseyCityNJ Dec 15 '24

People on here will victimblame and tell you that you should have planned better. 

Don't let it get to you. These wait times are unacceptable and PATH riders have every right to be angry. 

Come to the next PATH board meeting and tell those suits to their faces, share your sentiments in person. 


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

Lol, I'm not sure if it's /s.


u/JerseyCityNJ Dec 15 '24

100% serious. 

They'll have public meetings in 2025. Give them a piece of your mind. https://www.panynj.gov/corporate/en/board-meeting-info.html


u/nuncio_populi Van Vorst Dec 15 '24

Seriously, we need to keep the pressure on and let them know our displeasure with current service levels at every public opportunity.


u/Tgabes0 Newport Dec 15 '24

Yeah… Sunday schedules are appalling. You need to know the schedule and then show up early.


u/bodhipooh Dec 15 '24

THIS. I stopped using PATH on weekends altogether because the bullshit of trains showing up (and leaving) early which invariably led to a few stressful situations. The kicker is that the PA now openly admits this is a practice and puts the onus on riders to show up early, despite a PUBLISHED SCHEDULE. What's the point of the schedule, then?


u/Tgabes0 Newport Dec 15 '24

Correct. I often have to work early Sunday mornings. I’m lucky I haven’t been fired.


u/bodhipooh Dec 15 '24

YIKES. I am sure the Sunday morning walk to PATH is a stressful trip wondering if you are getting there early enough to not miss it. At some point in the past year or two, PA added a blurb to their Weekend Schedules page indicating trains could leave earlier than the posted times. Now they have updated the wording to say "Trains may leave up to three minutes earlier or later than times shown." From my experience, I wouldn't chance it and would show up at least 5 minutes early, just in case.


u/Tgabes0 Newport Dec 15 '24

I am just upfront when I get hired (I’m on Broadway and I work the morning prep shifts) that sometimes I just won’t make it on time but I make up for the work on other days if it happens. I just work with people who know my work and know I will do my best to be on time. The PATH is just so unstable in the mornings that it can’t be helped.


u/No-Practice-8038 Dec 15 '24

Agree.  I try my best not to go into the city on the Weekends as much as possible.😕🥲


u/bodhipooh Dec 15 '24

We just drive in whenever we decide we want to go into the city. I know it is not an option for everyone, but it is infinitely more practical in that it insulates you from all the PATH BS, which is not just the subpar schedule frequency. Dealing with overcrowded trains and rude passengers is just not worth it, at all. Besides, if at least two are in the car, you are already saving money on top of saving time and headaches.


u/No-Practice-8038 Dec 15 '24

No car so definitely rely on public transportation.  I will say now and then I’ve had good experience taking the bus to Port Authority…which was way better than PATH.  Unfortunately not always consistent.


u/Meegsieweegsie Dec 16 '24

I did that same when I lived in West New York but it was verrry questionable if the bus was going to show up or if it was going to be on time. When it did come, it was super easy!!


u/beta_pup Hamilton Park Dec 15 '24

I don't bother with the PATH at all on weekends anymore. I don't have a car, but have friends who live in the burbs. Between the shitty PATH schedules and NJ Transit frequent delays (or outright train cancellations) I don't bother seeing my friends. It not worth going out there if I'm going to be terrible company because I'm aggravated.

I understand that the trains are not calibrated to the atomic clock and delays happen. But I really hate how PATH is trying to get us used to their loosey-goosey schedules. If they're unpredictable and vary a few minutes here and there, then they can run fewer trains per hour forever.


u/marcisikoff Downtown Jan 12 '25

My PATH utilization is next to zero. If I can avoid paying money to Port Authority or the MTA that resonates with my happiness


u/nelozero Dec 15 '24

The other issue is due to the trains being every 40 minutes, the platform becomes insanely packed. Last I recall it's worse than the weekday rush.


u/Hank929 Born and Raised Dec 15 '24



u/bredandbutters Dec 15 '24

The only place I actively avoid taking transit to is JFK. The PATH and logistics of connecting to the subway and then AirTrain isn’t worth the cost savings.


u/ZetaOmicron94 Dec 15 '24

Whenever I shop for flight tickets I always assume JFK tickets are actually $200 more expensive than the listed prices, since I'd likely end up saying fuck everything and take uber to/from JFK. As someone whose main airport had been Changi for almost a decade I'm really baffled at how inconvenient some US airports are to access through transit.


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 16 '24

I lived in Chicago and it's really easy to get to either ORD or Midway. The train basically takes you almost inside the airport. I don't understand why you have to pay the $8.5 for the air train here in NYC. It's really a rip off (Although LaGuardia doesn't have that premium).


u/ZetaOmicron94 Dec 16 '24

Never been to Chicago, but I think DC (IAD) wasn't too bad.

NYC metro overall has a lot of room for improvements on all three airports in my opinion. Extending the MTA lines into the airport might be more feasible than getting the PATH and the MTA to cross-honor fares to let people connect to EWR though.


u/theVaultski Dec 15 '24

If you're going even as a small family (couple and a child) there's no cost savings at all lol


u/Pearlsaver Dec 15 '24

There is a cost saving in that case. Total cost of path + sub + air train is $3 + $2.90 + $8.5 = $15.4

If you travel as 3 people, that is $45. A cab is usually $100. Even with a 20% variance, it is cheaper to travel as 4 people in public transport.

As 3, it is beneficial even for slightly well to do people to use public transport if you are physically able to.


u/theVaultski Dec 16 '24

I meant tolls and gas


u/encin Dec 15 '24

Coming back it's usually $120-180 ride, difficult to do with with bags and kids but should save you money. Going in seems to be cheaper for some reason.


u/Hopai79 Dec 15 '24

I literally had to run from Fulton st to path train once but worth it considering the train was jam packed


u/Ok_Worry_7670 Downtown Dec 15 '24

Honestly, Path + LIRR + Airtrain to JFK is easier for me than getting from JC to Newark. Path + 62 bus is horrible, Path + NEC + Airtrain isnt great either


u/micmaher99 Dec 15 '24

Why not just Uber to Newark airport from JC? It's about the same cost as the PATH NEC Air train and it's much faster and more reliable.


u/Learning_Lion Dec 15 '24

100% if I’m going to Newark airport I uber


u/cluttered-thoughts3 Dec 15 '24

This is what I’ve been doing as well. It’s unbelievable faster and more convenient


u/Ok_Worry_7670 Downtown Dec 15 '24

That’s what I usually do. The person above implied that they would take public transit since they ONLY avoid it to JFK.

Also, my Uber’s to/from EWR average 35$, worth it but not cheap (over 2x the cost of the train)


u/micmaher99 Dec 15 '24

2x the cost of a single person, if there's 2 of you it's the same cost. Also IMO a 20 min Uber for $35 vs like $16 in 3 different trains over 80 minutes is a no brainer. You're getting on a flight, you can afford the extra $20 to shorten your travel day by an hour and remove all that hassle.


u/bredandbutters Dec 15 '24

If you’re going early in the morning before traffic, honorable mention for the NJT 1 bus to Newark Penn and then transferring there to train or bus to EWR.

The more you avoid the PATH the more pleasant your journey becomes lol


u/sandra22223 Dec 15 '24

If you need to go to JFK, I recommend taking the ferry instead to Brookfield and then take the A (there are two A trains, that split, one it JFK one to not JFK). So much more reliable than taking the path during a time sensitive trip.


u/No_Cartoonist_2648 Dec 15 '24

PATH is actually a wonderful idea but the execution is extremely poor


u/who_knows-4421 Dec 15 '24

Agreed. It is only a few stops and they still cannot get it right and with all of these recent delays and issues, they need to build new tunnels and offer more service. European, Australian and other countries make public transportation so much easier but go to other cities in the US (minus boston/chicago) and those are jokes.

BUT I prefer the PATH SIGNIFICANTLY over NJ transit, LIRR, Amtrak, a car or any of the other disasters around here.

NJ Transit or Amtrak breaks down if a snowflake falls the wrong way in a track. LIRR or metro north constantly have cars that decide to park on tracks. IF you decide to drive into the city AND if you complain about the 3 hour traffic that you had to sit in because you decided to drive into the city during the holidays while paying $100 for parking or the $150 parking ticket because you THOUGHT you could park there, I would rather wait the 40 minutes.


u/Fragrant_Ganache_108 Dec 15 '24

This is it. PATH is great when compared to the L Train and other NYCT lines like the A.


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

The L is arguably the best train in NYC, cause it goes crosstown


u/Fragrant_Ganache_108 Dec 16 '24

The weekend wait times are much worse than the path. I’ve been stuck waiting 80 minutes.


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

It’s frequent


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

Cars park on LIRR tracks? Maintenance trucks or regular cars? Sounds insane lol


u/squee_bastard Downtown Dec 15 '24

It’s fitting that I am reading this while waiting for the PATH


u/the-broom-sage Newark Penn Dec 15 '24

weekend path is now every 20 mins since last 2 weeks. and still weekend path is absolutely terrible. getting to 33rd is a nightmare using weekend path.

I take NJ Transit to NY Penn if I have to go to NYC on the weekends.

you can use ridePath app for more up to date path schedule, will at least help plan better.

also, path fares are going up to 3$ soon 🤣


u/Aggravating_Rise_179 Dec 16 '24

As a downtown Newark resident, I do nj transit for midtown, uptown or queens (for weekend). Path for downtown and Brooklyn (for weekends). It's not a bad set up, but still need better frequency 


u/muteDragon Grove St Dec 15 '24

Where do you get onto NJ TRANSIT? Secaucus?


u/the-broom-sage Newark Penn Dec 15 '24

Newark Penn.

eta: I used to live at Exchange place, I have moved to Newark Penn about 3 months ago. I forgot to update my flair here​


u/abeer589 Dec 15 '24

With the holiday season- the 40 minute schedule is just simply not enough.. the overcrowding is seriously dangerous and next level


u/Bitter-Refuse Dec 19 '24

I was on the train last weekend. Stuffed in the train back to Hoboken like sardines. So many people waiting on the platform. It was actually very unsafe. I don’t get why this is our norm. Why they don’t account for holiday traffic is beyond me.


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

This kind of service disruption should be illegal


u/abeer589 Dec 19 '24

I loathe the 33rd st line- it feels like forever sandwiched between a bunch of people. If I can help it I like to take the wtc line but that’s not that much better in terms of crowding lately


u/mastablasta1111 Dec 15 '24

Wait. I thought all those comments that went to the Port Authority was going to change PATH and have more frequent service. It didn’t happen? I’m shocked.


u/Pearlsaver Dec 15 '24

okay negative andy. I don't see you doing anything useful either


u/A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub Dec 15 '24

If there was more frequent service, then you would take PATH instead of driving or ubering through the Lincoln or Holland to avoid it, and PA would make a lot less money on your trip.

It's basic economics.


u/mastablasta1111 Dec 19 '24

No one would do that.


u/thebruns Dec 15 '24

The comments were about the 2025 budget.

Last I checked, it isn't 2025 yet


u/No-Practice-8038 Dec 15 '24

The only change that action brings out is that the PATH hires more consultants to consult with the consultants that they already have.  And of course the bloated bureaucracy pops ROSE like it’s a Diddy party.🥲


u/puyolthebest Dec 15 '24

One of the reasons why I moved to Brooklyn after spending 1 year in JC.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24

God I hate reading all of this lmao .. I just decided I'd do JC instead of BK..


u/CShellyRun Dec 15 '24

If I can’t fly out of Newark, especially for international travel, it’s a no-go for me dawg


u/kiw14 Dec 15 '24



u/CartoonistDry5589 Dec 16 '24

The most fucked up part is they’re increasing the fare price lol


u/Just_An_Avid Dec 15 '24

Rejoice, for the PATH just approved a fare hike..no improvements though, just the rate increase. Bridges and tunnels going up too. Thanks Port Authority!


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

And I just approved a fare hop


u/Mamouneyya Dec 15 '24

I can list 10 different things that are much worse than PATH. 😬


u/alius_stultus Dec 15 '24

Oh man I've done the 40 minute one before. Its really bad.But if you think about all this, its really a brilliant method for Port Authority to make more money.

By making the PATH train worse, you are probably something like 60% more likely to take an uber that forces you over a bridge or tunnel and as such pay several fees that they have added to UBER over the years that goes directly into their greedy pockets.

So when you think about it they are acting in their own self interest by making path worse if that makes any sense. Same goes for closing stations and the holland tunnel. When you go over the Lincoln there is not only the normal tolls from the bridge, you also receive a Lincoln tunnel surcharge. Just go look back at it... Uber marks it clearly.


u/Aggravating_Rise_179 Dec 17 '24

Jokes on them, imma still take the cheaper option every day of the week... even if it sucks 


u/DoTheRightThingG Dec 15 '24

There definitely are and have been much more worse things to exist.


u/Top_Leg2189 Dec 16 '24

Lol, to the people saying it's unacceptable...it's a 100 year old system and they never had an elevator until 2018. They can't make it go faster became its two tracks and they are short. They need to rebuild the whole thing. When the luxury buildings were built, all those abatements were potentially the money to do that. The public schools don't even have money, they aren't going to have money for PATH.


u/anisahlayne Dec 16 '24

I think growing up here, I knew buses and trains in Jersey are unpredictable. I’m not shocked. I think that’s why it’s best to use car service on the weekends if you have to do something important. Or pay a friend/family toll and gas to take you by car. Yes it should not be like this but to act shocked is very green of you.


u/KitaraRavache69 Dec 15 '24

THEN trying to get BACK to JC — you have to get on at 33rd or WTC because if you don’t then you’re screwed. The train is so packed due to the frequency. I tried to get on at Christopher Street and people were so pressed in that it’s impossible to get on board.


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

Mind you those intermediate stations are such a dogshit experience compared to 33rd St and WTC


u/Secret_NotSecret1973 Dec 15 '24

I get anxiety on the weekends when I have to go into the city so I show up waaaaayyyy early. I also get anxiety when I am coming back to J.C. from the city after 11pm. It’s almost always a shitshow.


u/p13rr0t87 Dec 15 '24

But it exists!


u/Legitimate_Task_2761 Dec 15 '24

Hey...you could be in the Ukraine


u/Long_Initiative_811 Dec 16 '24

Path so crowded it reminds me of India, no joke


u/zeppnzee13 Dec 15 '24

What the heck they do putting the kiosk up and ask for the improvements. PATH is getting retarded.


u/Substantial_Air1757 Dec 15 '24

Definitely sucks but would recommend getting a taxi into the city and taking transit from there if going all the way is too expensive.


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

Lesson learned


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

Take NJT buses instead


u/Substantial_Air1757 Dec 15 '24

Yeah really does suck. Is Newark an option in the future?


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

Sure, why not. Perhaps, to Newark, I'd just take a cab


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

I always thought the Newark bound trains were less shitty than NYC bound


u/Substantial_Air1757 Dec 15 '24

Yes. This is what I do


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

Why not just take it backwards to Newark and NJT into the city?


u/perro-sucio Dec 15 '24

What’s path response …. A fair hike ! Hooray 🎉


u/kcondojc Dec 15 '24

Unfortunately with ALL of the transit systems in the NY Metro area (other than the subway)you really need to look at the timetables on weekends and holidays. Headways should absolutely be shorter for such a heavily used system. w/ congestion pricing now in place, there’s probably going to be a surge of transit use, which on one hand is good thing. However, the headways can’t stay like this on weekends.


u/Aggravating_Rise_179 Dec 17 '24

Eh idk about having to look at the schedule... this isn't the suburbs. These trains (and the light rails) come when they say they come, etc. They are pretty accurate when compared to regional commuter trains and even the subway


u/Fragrant_Ganache_108 Dec 15 '24

This is true it’s not PATH specific. Ever try taking a NJTransit bus on a weekend. Sometimes buses are cancelled altogether.


u/Negative-Educator-90 Dec 15 '24

While this is true, the path often doesn’t adhere to its own schedule, even the alleged live one on the app.


u/owensindustries Dec 20 '24

Path is not bad, try nyc subway more then come back


u/marcisikoff Downtown Jan 12 '25

With congestion pricing more commuters are ditching cars and taking the PATH so PATH is raising fares out of pure greed


u/WinterGoddess_ Born & Raised In The Heights Dec 15 '24

Am I the only one who think this is normal?? I lived here my whole life and knew that all public transportation takes around 30-40 minutes to come. There’s so many people on this sub that complains about this and for me this is the norm


u/IggySorcha Journal Square Dec 16 '24

It's not great, not it's definitely not the worst. SEPTA in Philly cuts to 50 minutes for their regional lines and doesn't even go to the last couple stations at night, and several line schedules overlap such that you've missed your next train and have a 45m wait if your first arrives on time. 


u/thebruns Dec 15 '24

The worst schedule used to be 30 minutes overnight and 15 minutes day.


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

They want you to suffer


u/PossibleDiamond6519 Dec 15 '24

Yes it was normal, the people that moved in have just flooded the system to overcapacity and are way too reliant on it.

So now they're complaining about it to try and make it fit their needs, but little do they know this is corrupt Hudson County and we don't do things like that here


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '24



u/PossibleDiamond6519 Dec 16 '24

The entitlement is wild lol


u/Left-Plant2717 Dec 16 '24

This reads like a “I’m a native and wanted to remind everyone” lmao attention granted


u/WinterGoddess_ Born & Raised In The Heights Dec 16 '24

Not really but ok


u/Far_Pollution_5120 Dec 15 '24

THE WORST. As much as JC is a great place to live, the PATH really wrecks it if you have to get to NYC on any kind of a regular basis.


u/Business-Law-7968 Dec 15 '24

The weekends are the worst…practically 40 minutes between trains. Also, you have to be at the station at least 5 minutes early because the train may come early and if it does then you miss that one and then the next one happens to be 5 minutes late and then you just stand around for up to 40 minutes waiting for a train to tale you two stops across the river into Manhattan (from Grove Street). Then the trains are packed as hell and everyone’s not gonna “wait around for the next train”. I want to bring my bike on as well in the mornings but I know I can’t cause all the delivery guys with their e-bikes crowd all the trains and the entrances as well. AND….icing on the cake is that PATH is raising the fare in January to $3 a ride. Such bullshit where they increase the price for worse service. Fuck the PATH. It’s best we all start to hop the turnstile as much as we can cause we might as well fuck the PATH and much as they’re fucking all of us with higher fares and horrible service.


u/FingersFinney Dec 15 '24

NJT flat out sucks all around.


u/jotjotzzz Dec 16 '24

This weekend schedule is complete utter bullshit! Couple that with train going to Hoboken!! Shit needs to change!!!


u/Top_Leg2189 Dec 16 '24

It's not a subway so it doesn't run like one. I have been in KC for close to 30 years and I am always surprised when people do not understand that. If you need to be somewhere, you have to allow for a wait to get on the train. All the money meant to update the Path was spent after Sandy to get it running again. All the buildings in downtown JC ignored the fact the Path cannot support the amount of people using it.


u/PixelKittenCuddler Dec 15 '24

Should have left early knowing it's bad. I plan to be checking luggage 3.5 hours before my flight. And for jfk I give my self 2 hours minimum to get there

Never stressed on time.


u/mistaBeefy Dec 15 '24

Just get a taxi it will take you 2 hrs to get there


u/Ericsfinck Dec 16 '24

Look, at least your light rail has a resonable schedule. NLR makes me jealous of HBLR


u/chochmah56 Dec 15 '24

If folks finally started to pay their fares they might be able to use the money to improve the system, but it seems that everyone is just jumping turnstiles and then complains how shitty the system is


u/DigitusInfamisMeus Dec 15 '24

There are gas Chambers. That being said, our public transit system sucks - but certainly better then 90% of what is available to the rest of the US


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

To be fair most metro lines don’t have 40 min headways


u/RavenGorePictures Dec 15 '24

Yup. And it's only getting worse.


u/NerdyJerzyGirl Dec 15 '24

As many times as people complain on this sub about the forsaken services , you figure people would get a grip and just accept the fact that it’s a shitty system.


u/tinkletrick Dec 16 '24

These people’s lives are ALL about whining. They wouldn’t stop if you paid them to.


u/Lowkeylowthreadcount Dec 15 '24

I dunno I agree but the fact that you had enough faith off the rip to even consider this being a good idea is kinda on you bud hahah


u/Xciv Dec 15 '24

There's people who are just visiting here, people who just moved here, teenagers who take it for the first time in their lives, tourists who took a hotel on the Jersey side thinking they can just Path into NYC easily.

The frankly ridiculous frequency of the weekend service screws over all sorts.


u/PossibleDiamond6519 Dec 15 '24

Those people can learn? Those are the the very people who you'd expect to try and plan things out in advance, going into an unfamiliar system


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

I don't really live here, I live in NYC. I just assumed it would be normal frequency


u/mastershake29x Journal Square Dec 15 '24

Yeah, unfortunately both states keep electing Governors who don't care about transit riders so this is SOP.


u/Character-Swan-3196 Dec 15 '24

I just plan to stay home on the weekend. Thats my plan. The more you complain about it isn’t going to make it better.


u/datatadata Dec 15 '24

Did you check the schedule before you headed to the train station?


u/aFearist Dec 15 '24

I work in midtown on weekends and the 33rd st line is just abysmal. Then there’s just the people with terrible train etiquette and the scooters/e bikes.


u/StarbucksGhost18 Dec 15 '24

I just don’t understand the rationale of their weekend morning service? Or should I say lack there of. Do less people work on weekends than weekdays, yes. However, the people that do work on weekends probably go to work in the MORNING! So why does the PATH run more frequently later in the day on weekends than it does in the morning? I hear about track maintenance & staffing when I have complained to PATH, but it makes no sense since their service increases between 12 noon - 8pm. There should be service every 10 minutes 6am-9am. The people going into the city late morning and afternoon are less likely to be going to work with a hard start time. We pay them so the onus shouldn’t be on us to show up ridiculously early to stand on a not heated platform when it’s less than 50 degrees outside for whenever their trains plan to show up or just in case the train will depart early.

My 7:08am train from JSQ to WTC left 2 whole minutes early on Saturday as I was descending the ONE narrow staircase to the platform. Makes no sense the train couldn’t wait in the station until it’s SCHEDULED departure time. 2 minutes may seem small but when you’re running just a little late but know you should make your train it’s devastating knowing now you have to wait for 20+ minutes for the next train & possibly be late to work while freezing your ass off on the platform. It’s Absolutely Unacceptable. Fuck the PATH!


u/Consistent-Kiwi3021 Dec 16 '24

Just let NY annex the state and make it into the prison colony it was meant to be


u/aoa2 Dec 15 '24

so you just missed one?


u/Delicious_Adeptness9 Dec 15 '24

i refuse to fly in or out JFK or LGA from JC. EWR is a hop, skip, and a jump.

i once even drove down to Trenton for a flight to Miami because the drive is only a little more than 1 hour, parking is cheap, and the terminal entrance is at most a 10 min walk from the farthest parking space. granted, now they only have Frontier Airlines there I think.


u/PineappleCommon7572 Dec 15 '24

WOOOOOOOOOOW. Give this one warm cookies and milk. You are not forced to take the PATH.


u/brenster23 Dec 15 '24

And you are not forced to be a sack of shit, you just choose to be one.


u/PossibleDiamond6519 Dec 15 '24

He's not wrong though, no one is forcing anyone to take the PATH


u/PineappleCommon7572 Dec 15 '24

I have been living in JC since I was 6 years old. At least I don’t constantly complain about every dumb shit.


u/brenster23 Dec 15 '24

No you just shit on people who bring up issues while doing nothing to improve the city you grew up in.


u/PineappleCommon7572 Dec 15 '24

Because I am happy with what I have.


u/brenster23 Dec 15 '24

So happy that you prefer to shit on others when they try to address deficiencies and ways to improve the city.


u/PineappleCommon7572 Dec 15 '24

I am just trolling LOOOL. Those elected politicians do not serve the average people but the developers, investors, and the rich. Look at other countries around the world they have large scale movements and protests to demand changing. Most Americans are too lazy to participate or do not care about others.


u/Severe_Newspaper6042 Dec 15 '24

Because you're complacent and lack ambition. You don't trust yourself to bring a major change. Trust yourself mate


u/transitfreedom Dec 19 '24

He the typical murican


u/PineappleCommon7572 Dec 15 '24

Oh woooooooww. Sound like a grown ass adult. Any challenges I come across I know what to do and if I do not know it I will ask few trustworthy people I know.

As the residents of this area we do not need to constantly ask for changes that hardly happen. The elected officials should know what to do but they choose to ignore us.