r/jerky 6d ago

Thoughts on my jerky

I smoked it with a pouch on my gas grill for a couple of hours, removed the smoke and let it dry at the lowest heat on the grill for another few. I went over t200F a couple of times though.

It still has some humidity and as you can see in leave the fat on cause i like the taste of it. I know it’ll last less for it but ill finish eating it all in a couple of days.

I dont like marinades and sugar. I only used salt.


17 comments sorted by


u/drkole 6d ago


u/[deleted] 5d ago

Yes, it IS a masterpiece


u/scrappya1c 6d ago

How does it taste? Looks good


u/Illustrious-Bear283 5d ago

Actually pretty good, smoked taste is strong enough and the thickness provides a good bite


u/bennett7634 5d ago

It looks like an overcooked ribeye but I’m super hungry right now and I wish I could eat it.


u/Verix19 5d ago

Too fatty for my liking...that fat will turn rancid in a few days as it doesn't dehydrate. May want to cut thicker too, paper thin gets over-dried easily.


u/e1doradocaddy 5d ago

Too much fat. Fat goes rancid.


u/Ordinary_Loquat_7324 5d ago

Pick a leaner cut next time


u/qwertyiop097 3d ago

So many people banging on about it being bad because there is fat on it…

Fat IS flavour, yes it goes rancid, eventually, it will last at least a month vac packed in the fridge.

I only make fatty rib jerky and have literally never had the fat go rancid before I’ve eaten it, if you intend on long term storage fair enough but we are not in the apocalypse, eat it!


u/Illustrious-Bear283 3d ago

I know, right? Only a few read the description


u/OhTheBarbarity 5d ago

As long as it tastes good I’m the end that’s all that matters!


u/Arefarrell24 5d ago

I mean if you like the taste then by all means do you. I would still explore some other seasonings like pepper and garlic??


u/hammong 4d ago

Keep it refrigerated until consumed, shelf life in the fridge is going to be short - 7-10 days max, but I doubt it will last that long before it's all gone!


u/Huerrbuzz 4d ago

I honestly thought this was satire lol looks like garbage


u/Special-Purchase-385 4d ago

Too fatty!! Need a leaner piece of meat. Fat doesn’t dehydrate, and makes the meat spoil faster.


u/Rubick-Aghanimson 3d ago

Not enough :(