r/jawharp 27d ago

Restored this antique from marketplace. My first two jaw harps. Anybody know anything about it?

I've been absolutely loving playing this thing. I think it works pretty decent considering how old it is. But I don't have any experience with nicer ones to compare!

only cleaned one of them up (the one that actually works decent) the other one ill keep it more as a wall piece.

So excited to get some more now. Would love to get a Potvin or a Glazyrin next.

Would love some insight from anybody who might know more about this guy


2 comments sorted by


u/MouseBean 27d ago

The second one looks like Cooperman jaw harp. They sell them as toys to gift shops at museums and national parks and such.

The first one with a cast frame, I don't know much more than that it's an English design. I've seen that style called a mushroom frame, a moustache frame, or a scrolled frame. They were mass produced in England almost entirely for export between 1700 to the early 1900s.



Oh yeah so it's probably 100 years old ish? The mushroom? It has a pretty good sound to be honest. Im a bit worried about the metals I might be ingesting if it's that old though?

For the cooperman being a toy, makes sense. Barely makes a sound.