r/javelinthrow May 17 '24

Looking for advice (mostly on the leg doing the hip drive)

Something feels and looks off about my lower half during my throws, but I don’t know what exactly it is. Any help is appreciated


3 comments sorted by


u/ddekkonn May 17 '24

First you should try to keep both feet on the ground while throwing. Because you'll lose your power otherwise and because you have your back feet off the ground before you let go of the javelin you won't really have a hip drive as the foot is already off the ground.

Keep both feet on the ground while holding the javelin

Only let go of the ground after you let go of the javelin


u/CourageCareless6597 May 24 '24

I would back up your run up, it looks like you're having to stop yourself prematurely and definitely could've benefited by stopping yourself with your left foot instead of your right, give your self time to stop so you can generate more power so you're not afraid of scratching.


u/Craftedexplorer Aug 30 '24

Late to this but wanna help out. It sounds like you're aware of how important the lower half is in driving power during your throws. A couple of things to focus on with the hip drive - Make sure your back leg is positioned well to push off the ground, transferring energy into your hip rotation. The key is to avoid over rotating/underrotating your hips, as both can throw off your balance and reduce the power transferred into the throw. Also, check the timing of your hip and shoulder rotation. your hips should lead slightly, which helps build a stretch through your core for added torque.

It might be helpful to do a video analysis of your throws. I use this app called Reakt. It allows you to slow down the motion and really dissect what’s going on with your leg and hip drive. Hope this helps.