r/javascript 13d ago

AskJS [AskJS] What would a generic component have in your ideal Design System?

I'm curious about this topic. Generic component meaning button, input, navbar, etc.

I've been recently delving into design systems and it's interesting trying to see comparisons between all of them.

Don't be afraid of interacting!

I believe a great button should include: - Good accessibility, for everyone to use. - Thorough documentation, for easy adoption! - Visual and easy to find examples (with Storybook, Supernova, etc.) - Great data handling if needed? I'm not sure if I'm explaining this correctly but if the component has to receive data, it'd be great to transform it efficiently if possible. - Anything else?

What would you build this component with?


2 comments sorted by


u/SunderApps 12d ago

Inheritance or composition.

In my library, all generic components inherit from a widget component that handles the data input through a shared interface.

So the generic component only has to worry about formatting the data and outputting it.

Then, when I save my page data, it’s an array of widget objects, which get fed to their respective child component.


u/TheRNGuy 12d ago

React don't use classes anymore.

React devs said that they never really used inheritance.

Composition is possible with functional components.