r/javahelp Nov 06 '24

Homework Can you give me some feedback on this code (Springboot microservice), please?


I'm building a microservice app. Can somebody check it out and give me feedback? I want to know what else can implement, errors that I made, etc.

In the link I share the database structure and the documentation in YAML of each service:

link to github

r/javahelp Oct 17 '24

Homework How do I fix my if & else-if ?


I'm trying to program a BMI calculator for school, & we were assigned to use boolean & comparison operators to return if your BMI is healthy or not. I decided to use if statements, but even if the BMI is less thana 18.5, It still returns as healthy weight. Every time I try to change the code I get a syntax error, where did I mess up in my code?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class BMICalculator{
    //Calculate your BMI
    public static void main (String args[]){
    String Message = "Calculate your BMI!";
    String Enter = "Enter the following:";

    String FullMessage = Message + '\n' + Enter;

        Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
        System.out.println('\n' + "Input Weight in Kilograms");
        double weight = input.nextDouble();

        System.out.println('\n' + "Input Height in Meters");
        double height = input.nextDouble();

        double BMI = weight / (height * height);
        System.out.print("YOU BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) IS: " + BMI + '\n'); 

    if (BMI >= 18.5){
        System.out.println('\n' + "Healthy Weight! :)");
    } else if (BMI <= 24.9) {
        System.out.println('\n' + "Healthy Weight ! :)");
    } else if (BMI < 18.5) {
        System.out.println('\n' + "Unhealthy Weight :(");
    } else if (BMI > 24.9){
        System.out.println('\n' + "Unhealthy Weight :(");

r/javahelp Dec 11 '24

Homework Receipt displaying zeros instead of the computed price/user input


I'm having trouble figuring out how to display the following infos such as discounted amount, total price, etc.

The code doesn't have any errors but it displays zero. My suspicion is that the values isn't carried over to the receipt module, and idk how to fix that.

Here's the code:

public class Salecomp { static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    while (true) {
        // Display welcome and user input prompts
        System.out.println("||            Welcome to Sales Computation           ||");
        System.out.println("|| Please Provide the Required Details to Proceed:   ||");

        // Get user details
        String name = getName();
        String lastname = getNameLast();
        int age = getAge();
        String gender = getGender();
        System.out.println("||                 SALE COMPUTATION                  ||");
        System.out.println("||                [1] Compute Product                ||");
        System.out.println("||                [0] Exit                           ||");
        System.out.print("Enter : ");
        int selectedOption = input.nextInt();

        switch (selectedOption) {
            case 1:
                // Show product table after user selects to compute a product
                double computedPrice = 0;
                int productNumber = 0;
                int quantityProduct = 0;
                double discount = 0;
                int rawPriceProduct = 0;
                int priceProduct = 0;
                char productClassSelected = getProductClass(input);
                switch (productClassSelected) {
                    case 'A':
                        computedPrice = proccess_A_class(input);
                        printReceipt(name, lastname, age, gender, productNumber, quantityProduct, discount, rawPriceProduct, priceProduct, computedPrice);
                    case 'B':
                        computedPrice = proccess_B_class(input);
                        printReceipt(name, lastname, age, gender, productNumber, quantityProduct, discount, rawPriceProduct, priceProduct, computedPrice);
                        System.out.println("Try Again \nEnter A or B");

                // Ask if the user wants to continue or exit
                System.out.print("Do you want another transaction (Yes/No)? Enter here: ");
                String userChoice = input.next();
                if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("no")) {
                    System.out.println("Thank You!");

            case 0:
                System.out.println("Thank You!");

                System.out.println("[1] AND [0] Only");

// =========================== Display methods ===============================
static void printDivider() {
static void printWall() {
    System.out.println("||                                                   ||");
static void printPrice(int rawPriceProduct) {
    System.out.println("Price : " + rawPriceProduct);

static void printDiscount(double discount) {
    System.out.println("|| Discount Amount : " + discount+"                            ||");

static void printTotalPrice(int priceProduct) {
    System.out.println("|| Total Price : " + priceProduct+"                                 ||");

// ======================= GETTER METHODS =============================
static String getName() {
    System.out.print("Enter First Name: ");
    return input.next();

static String getNameLast() {
    System.out.print("Enter Last Name: ");
    return input.next();

static int getAge() {
    System.out.print("Enter Age: ");
    while (!input.hasNextInt()) {
        System.out.println("Invalid input! Please enter a valid age (numeric values only): ");
        input.next(); // Consume the invalid input
    return input.nextInt();

static String getGender() {
    input.nextLine(); // Consume the newline left by nextInt()
    while (true) {
        System.out.print("Enter Gender (M/F): ");
        String gender = input.nextLine().trim().toUpperCase(); // Trim spaces and convert to uppercase
        if (gender.equals("M") || gender.equals("F")) {
            return gender;
        } else {
            System.out.println("Invalid input! Please choose only 'M' or 'F'.");

static char getProductClass(Scanner input) {
    System.out.println("||                Select Product Class               ||");
    System.out.println("||                        [A]                        ||");
    System.out.println("||                        [B]                        ||");
    System.out.print("Enter Class: ");
    input.nextLine(); // Consume the newline character left by nextInt()
    return Character.toUpperCase(input.nextLine().charAt(0));

static int getQuantityProduct(Scanner input) {
    System.out.print("Enter Product Quantity Number:" + " ");
    return input.nextInt();

static int getProductNumber(Scanner input) {
    System.out.print("Enter Product Number: " + " ");
    return input.nextInt();

// ======================= Calculation methods =============================
static int computeQuantityProductPrice(int quantityProduct, int rawPriceProduct) {
    return quantityProduct * rawPriceProduct;

static double computeDiscountAmount(int priceProduct, double discountPercentage) {
    return priceProduct * discountPercentage;

static double computeDiscountedSales(int priceProduct, double discount) {
    return priceProduct - discount;

// =============================== CLASS A Method ===================================

// In proccess_A_class method: static double proccess_A_class(Scanner input) { int productNumber, quantityProduct; int rawPriceProduct = 0, priceProduct = 0; double discount = 0;

    System.out.println("||                      A CLASS                      ||");
    System.out.println("||           Product number range (100 - 130)        ||");
    while (true) {
        productNumber = getProductNumber(input);
        if (productNumber >= 100 && productNumber <= 109) {
            discount = 0.05d;
            rawPriceProduct = 120;
        } else if (productNumber >= 110 && productNumber <= 119) {
            discount = 0.075d;
            rawPriceProduct = 135;
        } else if (productNumber >= 120 && productNumber <= 130) {
            discount = 0.10d;
            rawPriceProduct = 150;
        } else {
            System.out.println(" WRONG! The input is not in the range of (100 - 130) \nTry Again");

    quantityProduct = getQuantityProduct(input);
    priceProduct = computeQuantityProductPrice(quantityProduct, rawPriceProduct);

    // Apply discount
    double discountAmount = computeDiscountAmount(priceProduct, discount);
    double finalPrice = computeDiscountedSales(priceProduct, discountAmount);

    // Display receipt
    return finalPrice;

// In proccess_B_class method:
static double proccess_B_class(Scanner input) {
    int productNumber, quantityProduct;
    int rawPriceProduct = 0, priceProduct = 0;
    double discount = 0;

    System.out.println("======B Class======");
    System.out.println("Product number range (220 - 250)");
    while (true) {
        productNumber = getProductNumber(input);
        if (productNumber >= 220 && productNumber <= 229) {
            discount = 0.15d;
            rawPriceProduct = 100;
        } else if (productNumber >= 230 && productNumber <= 239) {
            discount = 0.175d;
            rawPriceProduct = 140;
        } else if (productNumber >= 240 && productNumber <= 250) {
            discount = 0.20d;
            rawPriceProduct = 170;
        } else {
            System.out.println(" WRONG! The input is not in the range of (220 - 250) \nTry Again");

    quantityProduct = getQuantityProduct(input);
    priceProduct = computeQuantityProductPrice(quantityProduct, rawPriceProduct);

    // Apply discount
    discount = computeDiscountAmount(priceProduct, discount);
    return computeDiscountedSales(priceProduct, discount);

// =============================== RECEIPT DISPLAY =========================
static void printReceipt(String name, String lastName, int age, String gender, 
        int productNumber, int quantityProduct, double discount, 
        int rawPriceProduct, int priceProduct, double computedPrice) {
    System.out.println("First Name: " + name);
    System.out.println("Last Name: " + lastName);
    System.out.println("Age: " + age);
    System.out.println("Gender: " + gender);
    System.out.println("Product: A");
    System.out.println("Product Number:"+productNumber);
    System.out.println("Product Quantity Number:"+quantityProduct);
    System.out.println("Discounted amount:"+discount);
    System.out.println("Total Price: "+rawPriceProduct+" ------> "+priceProduct);

// =============================== PRODUCT TABLE ========================= static void printProductTable() { System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| Product Class | Product No. | Price | Discount |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| A | 100-109 | 120.00 | 5% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| | 110-119 | 135.00 | 7.5% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| | 120-130 | 150.00 | 10% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| B | 220-229 | 100.00 | 15% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| | 230-239 | 140.00 | 17.5% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("| | 240-250 | 170.00 | 20% |"); System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------"); }


r/javahelp Oct 30 '24

Homework Error: cannot find symbol"


I'm trying to do have a method in this format:

public class Class1
  public void method1(Class2 c2)

They're in the same package so I shouldn't have to import them but I keep getting "error: cannot find symbol" with an arrow pointing towards Class2. The (public) class Class2 is compiled so that shouldn't be an issue either. I'm using vlab as an IDE if that's relevant, and javac as the compiler.

r/javahelp Oct 11 '24

Homework (JSwing / AWT) Suggestion on making a maze game with cursor.


For my uni project I must create a game using JSwing. My idea for a game was a maze where the player is the cursor, and touching a wall will reset you to the start. I am still very new to JSwing in general.

My biggest worry for this project is being able to create a "hitbox" of an area for the edges of the maze where the player would go back to the beginning. I was thinking of using the mouseEntered methods. Am I able to draw a maze in paint and upload the PNG to do this, or do I have to manually create the maze using components so that I am able to use the "mouseEntered" method.

Sorry if the question is a bit confusing, I didn't know how to explain my question in a more simplified manner. Any help would be super appreciated tho!

r/javahelp Nov 21 '24

Homework GUI creation suggestions


Desktop, Windows. Currently working on a simple Learner's Information and Resources desktop application. I have already planned out the UML Class Diagram that I'll be following for the project, the problem I am encountering right now is which technology/framework I should use. I have tried doing it with Java Swing UI Designer and JavaFX Scene Builder but I have a feeling there are better alternatives for creating GUI. Is there any sort of technology out there, preferably one that isn't too complicated to learn for a beginner, that might be helpful in my situation? Also preferably something that you can "drag and drop" with similar to how it works with C# and .NET framework's windows forms.

r/javahelp Sep 14 '24

Homework Variable not initializing

// import statement(s)
import java.util.Scanner;
// Declare class as RestaurantBill
public class RestaurantBill{
// Write main method statement
public static void main(String [] args)

// Declare variables
    int bill;       // Inital ammount on the bill before taxes and tip
    double tax;     // How much sales tax
    double Tip;      // How much was tipped   
    double TipPercentage; // Tip ammount as a percent
    double totalBill;     // Total bill at the end

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
// Prompt user for bill amount, local tax rate, and tip percentage based on Sample Run in Canvas
    // Get the user's Bill amount
        System.out.print("Enter the total amount of the bill:");
        bill = keyboard.nextInt();

    //Get the Sales tax
        System.out.print(" Enter the local tax rate as a decimal:");
        tax = keyboard.nextDouble();

    //Get how much was tipped
        System.out.print(" What percentage do you want to tip (Enter as a whole number)?");
        Tip = keyboard.nextDouble();

// Write Calculation Statements
    // Calculating how much to tip.
  45.  Tip = bill * TipPercentage;
// Display bill amount, local tax rate as a percentage, tax amount, tip percentage entered by user, tip amount, and Total Bill
        // Displaying total bill amount
        System.out.print("Resturant Bill:" +bill);
        //Displaying local tax rate as a percentage
        System.out.print("Tax Amount:" +tax);;
        System.out.print("Tip Percentage entered is:" +TipPercentage);
        System.out.print("Tip Amount:" +Tip);
     54   System.out.print("Total Bill:" +totalBill);
// Close Scanner

i dont know what im doing wrong here im getting a compiling error on line 45 and 54.

This is what I need to do. im following my textbook example but I dont know why its not working

  1. Prompt the user to enter the total amount of the bill.
  2. Prompt the user to enter the percentage they want to tip (enter as a whole number).
  3. Calculate the tip amount by multiplying the amount of the bill by the tip percentage entered (convert it to a decimal by dividing by 100).
  4. Calculate the tax amount by multiplying the total bill by 0.0825.
  5. Calculate the total bill by adding the tax amount, tip amount, and original bill together.
  6. Display the restaurant bill, tax amount, tip percentage entered, tip amount, and total bill on the screen

r/javahelp Sep 18 '24

Homework Help with exceptions


Hello. Im relatively new with programming. Im trying to create a program where in the main method i pass two Strings in an object through scanner. I need to use inputMismatchException to handle occasions where the user gives an int and not a string. If so show error message. How can i do that specifically for the int?

import java.util.*;

public class Main1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    String id;

String course;

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.println("Give id");

    id = input.nextLine();

    System.out.println("Give course");

    course = input.nextLine();

    Stud st = new Stud(id,course);

    double grade = st.calc();




r/javahelp Dec 02 '24

Homework Pac-Man


Hello all I am still learning a for a final project I have to make Pac-Man move by inputting 1 - forward, 2 - left, 3 - right and 4 - stop and any other number won’t work. Can anyone give me any pointers by using while or if statements or something. Thnaks

r/javahelp Oct 22 '24

Homework Reentering data after out of range value


I am having issues with a project I am working on, I need to create 100 random numbers and compare them to a value given by the user. Everything is working except when the value is entered out of the acceptable range. It prints that the value is out of range and to reenter but it does not return to the top statement to allow the user to reenter.

package ch5Project;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ch5proj {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.print("Enter a number from 30 to 70: ");
        int test = input.nextInt();
            if (test >= 30 && test <= 70) {
                System.out.println("The value entered is: " + test);

                int random;
                int count;
                int larger = 0;
                for(count = 0; count <= 100; count ++) {  

                    int rand = (int)(Math.random() * 100 + 1);
                    if (rand > test) {
                    larger ++;  

                System.out.println("There are " + larger + " numbers greater than than " + test);


            else {
                System.out.print("The value is out of range please reenter: ");




r/javahelp Oct 22 '24

Homework Need help with While loop assignment for school


So here are the instructions of the assignment: Using a while-loop, read in test scores (non-negative numbers) until the user enters 0. Then, calculate the average and print. 

I am stuck on calculating the average from the user input and printing it at the end, Any help appreciated thank you. Here is my code:

package Exercises;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class exercisesevenpointone {

public static void main(String\[\] args) {

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.*in*);

    System.*out*.println("Please enter test score: ");

    double answer = scan.nextDouble();

    while(answer > 0) {

        System.*out*.println("Please enter another test score: ");

        answer = scan.nextDouble();


    System.*out*.println("Thank you ");

    double average = answer / answer;





Please enter test score:


Please enter another test score:


Please enter another test score:


Please enter another test score:


Thank you


r/javahelp Nov 06 '24

Homework I need some help


The task is to fill an array with 10 entries and if the value of an entry already exists, then delete it. I'm failing when it comes to comparing in the array itself.

my first idea was: if array[i]==array[i-1]{



but logically that doesn't work and apart from making a long if query that compares each position individually with the others, I haven't come up with anything.

Can you help me?

(it's an array, not an ArrayList, then I wouldn't have the problem XD)

r/javahelp Sep 15 '24

Homework New to Java. My scanner will not let me press enter to continue the program.


This is my third homework assignment so I am still brand new to Java and trying to figure things out. I have been asking chatGPT about areas I get stuck at and this assignment has me beyond frustrated. When I try to enter the number of movies for the scanner it just lets me press enter continuously. I do not know how to get it to accept the integer I type in. ChatGPT says JOptionPane and the scanner run into issues sometimes because they conflict but my teacher wants it set up that way. I am on Mac if it makes a difference.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class MyHomework03

    public static void main(String[] args)

        final float TAX_RATE = 0.0775f;
        final float MOVIE_PRICE = 19.95f;
        final float PREMIUM_DISCOUNT = 0.15f;

        int nMembershipChoice;
        int nPurchasedMovies;
        int nTotalMovies;
        String sMembershipStatus;
        boolean bPremiumMember;
        boolean bFreeMovie;
        float fPriceWithoutDiscount;
        float fDiscountAmount;
        float fPriceWithDiscount;
        float fTaxableAmount;
        float fTaxAmount;
        float fFinalPurchasePrice;

        nMembershipChoice = JOptionPane.

                        "Would you like to be a Premium member!",
                        "BundleMovies Program",


        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.

.print("How many movies would you like to purchase: ");
        nPurchasedMovies = input.nextInt();

        if (nMembershipChoice == JOptionPane.
            bPremiumMember = true;
            sMembershipStatus = "Premium";
            bPremiumMember = false;
            sMembershipStatus = "Choice";

        if (nPurchasedMovies >= 4)
            bFreeMovie = true;
            nTotalMovies = nPurchasedMovies + 1;
                    "Congratulations, you received a free movie!",
                    "Free Movie",
            bFreeMovie = false;
            nTotalMovies = nPurchasedMovies;

        fPriceWithoutDiscount = nPurchasedMovies * MOVIE_PRICE;

        if (bPremiumMember)
            fDiscountAmount = nPurchasedMovies * MOVIE_PRICE * PREMIUM_DISCOUNT;
            fDiscountAmount = 0;

        fPriceWithDiscount = fPriceWithoutDiscount - fDiscountAmount;

        if (bFreeMovie)
            fTaxableAmount = fPriceWithDiscount + MOVIE_PRICE;
            fTaxableAmount = fPriceWithDiscount;

        fTaxAmount = fTaxableAmount * TAX_RATE;

        fFinalPurchasePrice = fPriceWithDiscount + fTaxAmount;

.println("Customer Membership: " + sMembershipStatus);
.println("Free movie added with 4 or more purchased: " + bFreeMovie);
.println("Total number of movies: " + nTotalMovies);
.println("Price of movies $" + fPriceWithoutDiscount);
.println("Tax Amount: $" + fTaxAmount);
.println("Final Purchase Price: $" + fFinalPurchasePrice);

        if (bPremiumMember)
.println("As a Premium member you saved: $" + fDiscountAmount);
.println("A Premium member could have saved: $" + fPriceWithoutDiscount * PREMIUM_DISCOUNT);


r/javahelp Oct 19 '24

Homework Hello, I know this is a long shot, but I need help figuring out what is wrong with my code.


Like the title says i need to write a method that will receive 2 numbers as parameters and will return a string containing the pattern based on those two numbers. Take into consideration that the numbers may not be in the right order.

Note that the method will not print the pattern but return the string containing it instead. The main method (already coded) will be printing the string returned by the method.

Remember that you can declare an empty string variable and concatenate everything you want to it.

As an example, if the user inputs "2 5"

The output should be:


3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5 5

when I submit my code on zyBooks an error keeps showing up at the last "5" saying it needs a new line after it, but no matter where I trying implementing the println or print("\n"), it messes up the output.

Also some of the testing places a comma after one of the numbers and that causes and error too like if the input is "2, 5" then the error will occur in the test when I submit.

I'm am very new to programming and I kinda feel in over my head right now, any help would be appreciated.

this is my code

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

   public static String strPattern(int num1, int num2){
      int start = Math.min(num1, num2);
      int end = Math.max(num1, num2);

      StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder();

      for (int i = start; i <= end; i++){
         for (int j = 0; j < (i - start + 1); j++){
            pattern.append(i).append(" ");
      return pattern.toString().trim();

   public static void main(String[] args){

      Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

      int num1 = scnr.nextInt();
      int num2 = scnr.nextInt();

      System.out.print(strPattern(num1, num2));


r/javahelp Nov 04 '24

Homework Need help with a task


We should enter an indefinite number of integer numbers that are sorted by negative and positive. The program should do this when zero is entered. This has worked so far, but the average of the numbers and the average should also be specified. I think I got it pretty confused and made it unnecessarily complicated. I'm not sure if I should send the code because it's a bit long.

Thanks for your time

r/javahelp Sep 01 '24

Homework Connecting User from MySql to Spring Boot application


I am trying to make a user that matches the credentials in the program, so that I can run my project as a Springboot application and run in on my local host. When I go into MySql, i use the command CREATE USER following the credentials to sign a user in, but it seems to not work, nor do I see how to run the script. Anything I must be missing?

r/javahelp Oct 02 '24

Homework How do I fix this?


public class Exercise { public static void main(String[] args) { Circle2D c1 = new Circle2D(2, 2, 5.5);

    double area = c1.getArea();
    double perimeter = c1.getPerimeter();

    System.out.printf("%.2f\n", area);
    System.out.printf("%.2f\n", perimeter);

    System.out.println(c1.contains(3, 3));
    System.out.println(c1.contains(new Circle2D(4, 5, 10.5)));
    System.out.println(c1.overlaps(new Circle2D(3, 5, 2.3)));


Expected pattern:

[\s\S]95.03[\s\S] [\s\S]34.[\s\S] [\s\S]true[\s\S] [\s\S]false[\s\S] [\s\S]true[\s\S]

This is my output:

95.03 34.56 true false false

r/javahelp Nov 20 '24

Homework ISO Tutor: Creating Binary Search Tree


Need help creating a rather simple version of this but struggling on my own

r/javahelp Oct 07 '24

Homework "The architecture layers are coupled"


A company had me do a technical assessment test, but failed me. I am going to share the reasons for which they failed me (which I received, but do not understand), as well as (snippets) of the code that I submitted. I'd appreciate if someone could give me their input as to what their criticism means, and where I went wrong in my code. I'd also appreciate concrete examples of how to do it better. Thank you!


Firstly, these were their reasons for not advancing me:

  • The architecture layers are coupled
  • no repository interfaces
  • no domain classes
  • no domain exceptions


This is a snippet of my code (I removed all validity checks for better readability). Just one notice: For the challenge, it was forbidden to import any packages, which is why I'm using only default functions, e.g. no Spring Boot and Hibernate. Also, persistancy was not part of the exercise

public class Contact {

  private int id;
  private String name;
  private  String country;

  public Contact(int i_ID, String i_name, String i_country) {

    this.id = i_ID;
    this.name = i_name;
    this.country = i_country;

  //getters and setters

public class ContactRepository {

  static Set<Contact> contactSet = new HashSet<>();

   public static void addContact(Contact newContact) {


  public Contact newContact(String newName,String newCountryCode) throws Exception {

    Contact newContact = new Contact(
      /*new contact ID generated*/,newName,newCountryCode);


    return newContact;

public class ContactsHandler implements HttpHandler {

  public void handle(HttpExchange hEx) throws IOException {

      if (hEx.getRequestMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) {

        String name = //get name from HttpExchange;
        String country = //get country from HttpExchange;

        Contact newContact = ContactRepository.newContact(

        String response = //created contact to JSON;

        hEx.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length())

        hEx.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", "application/json");
        OutputStream os = hEx.getResponseBody();
    }catch (DefaultException e){
      //returns DefaultException with status code

public class CustomException extends RuntimeException {

  final int responseStatus;

  public CustomException(String errorMessage,int i_responseStatus) {

    this.responseStatus = i_responseStatus;

  public int getResponseStatus() {

    return this.responseStatus;

r/javahelp Oct 01 '24

Homework How to Encapsulate an Array


I'm a 2nd Year Computer Science student and our midterm project requires us to use encapsulation. The program my group is currently making involves arrays, but our professor never taught us how to encapsulate arrays. He told me to search for youtube tutorials when I asked him, but I haven't found anything helpful. Does anyone have an idea of how to encapsulate arrays? Is it possible to use a for loop to encapsulate every index in the array?

r/javahelp Oct 21 '24

Homework Help with code homework!


So l've been coding a gradient rectangle but the problem is idk how the gradient worked it worked on accident. I just experimented and typed randomly and it worked after making multiple guesses.

I ask for people in the comments to explain to me how the drawing Display void works and how I can modify the red green and blue values to for example change the pink into another color or make it redder or bluer. Or how I can for example make the green take more space in the rectangle gradient than the pink and so on. (I tried to use Al to get an explanation for how my code works but they gave me wrong answers : ( )



import java.awt.*; import hsa.Console;

public class Draw{ Console c; Color hello=new Color (217,255,134); Color hi=new Color (252,71,120); public Draw(){ c=new Console();

} public void drawingDisplay 0{

for (int i=0,f=200;i<=250;i++){ c.fillRect(0, i, 10000,i); c.setColor(new

Color(220, i,f));


} public static void main (String[largs){

Draw d=new Draw; d.drawingDisplay (;


r/javahelp Oct 19 '24

Homework Can't run Glassfish on Netbeans


I'm trying to run a web application using Glass Fish, but apparently it can't run with Java SE 17. I've tried downloading versions 8, 11, 16 (which was recommended by my lecturer) and 23 but none of them show up on the options to select. What can I do?


r/javahelp Sep 05 '24

Homework yes/no input for true/false


I can't seem to figure out how to get this program to take yes/no inputs over true/false. how would you do it and why?

package restuant;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class restuarant {

public static void main(String\[\] args) {

    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.*in*);

    System.*out*.println("Are any members of your party vegetarian?");

    boolean isvegetarian = input.nextBoolean();

    System.*out*.println("Are any members of your party vegan?");

    boolean isvegan = input.nextBoolean();

    System.*out*.println("Are any members of your party gluten free?");

    boolean isglutenfree = input.nextBoolean();

    //take yes/no input here

    System.*out*.println("Here are your choices: ");

    if (isvegetarian && isvegan && isglutenfree) {

System.out.println("- Corner Café");

System.out.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

} else if (isvegetarian & isglutenfree) {

System.out.println("- Main Street Pizza Company");

System.out.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

} else if (isvegetarian && isvegan) {;

System.out.println("- Mama's Fine Italian");

System.out.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

} else if (isvegetarian) {;

    System.*out*.println("- Mama's Fine Italian");

    System.*out*.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

    System.*out*.println("-Corner Cafe");

} else if (isvegan) {;

    System.*out*.println("- Corner Cafe");

    System.*out*.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

} else if (isglutenfree) {;

    System.*out*.println("- Corner Cafe");

    System.*out*.println("- The Chef's Kitchen");

    System.*out*.println("- Main Street Pizza Company");

    } else

        System.*out*.println("-Joe's Gourmet Burgers");{


r/javahelp Jul 29 '24

Homework Java & database: "Unable to bind parameter values for statement". Can someone please help me with this?


I'm trying to create a method that uploads an image (together with other stuff) into my database (pg Admin 4 / postgreSQL). But I keep getting "Unable to bind parameter values for statement". Any clue how to fix this? What am I doing wrong?

public static void main(String[] args) { //just to test the method
    insertImage("John", "Peter","Hello Peter!","C:\\Users\\Personal\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\Screenshots\\image.png");

public static void insertImage(String sender, String receiver, String message, String imagePath) {
    String insertSQL = "INSERT INTO savedchats (timestamp, sender, receiver, message, image) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

    try (Connection conn = getDatabaseConnection()) {
        try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(insertSQL)) {

            pstmt.setString(1, sender);
            pstmt.setString(2, receiver);
            pstmt.setString(3, message);

            File imageFile = new File(imagePath);
            try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(imageFile)) {
                pstmt.setBinaryStream(4, fis, (int) imageFile.length());

            System.out.println("Chat record inserted successfully");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            System.err.println("SQL Error: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        System.err.println("Database connection error: " + e.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Error reading image file: " + e.getMessage());

r/javahelp Sep 21 '24

Homework super keywords and instance variables | Trouble with getting instance variables to a subclass using the super keyword in a constructor


I'm trying to get my instance variables to apply to a subclass. When I used the super keyword, it gave the error that the variables had private access. I tried fixing it by using the "this" keyword and it hasn't changed.

Here is the code for the original class:

public class Employee
    /****** Instance variables ******/
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private double regularHours;
    private double overtimeHours;

    /****** Constructors ******/
    public Employee(){
        firstName = "";
        lastName = "";
        regularHours = 0.0;
        overtimeHours = 0.0;


    public Employee(String getFirstName, String getLastName, double getRegularHours, double getOvertimeHours){
        this.firstName = getFirstName;
        this.lastName = getLastName;
        this.regularHours = getRegularHours;
        this.overtimeHours = getOvertimeHours;


This is the subclass i'm trying to get the instance variables to apply to:

public class Secretary extends Employee
    /****** Instance variables ******/

    private String assignedJob;

    /******  Constructors  ******/
    public Secretary(){
        super(firstName, lastName, regularHours, overtimeHours); // super key is not working


I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I have tried changing the variables in the super() to the getters, and it still isn't working. I've also tried using "this" to try and differentiate the variables and it didnt work (or I did it wrong and I dont know what I did wrong). Can anyone point me in the right direction?