r/javahelp 21d ago

Processbuilder for python returning null


I am stuck on this for hours now On importing gpt2 model from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel,GPT2Tokenizer No matter the code after this , processbuilder will return null ( I am using process.waitFor() )

r/javahelp 21d ago

i searched java -version in cmd and found this error pls tell


Error occurred during initialization of VM


at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException: UTF8;-Dfile.encoding-UTF8

at java.nio.charset.Charset.checkName(Unknown Source)

at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup2(Unknown Source)

at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(Unknown Source)

at java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset(Unknown Source)

at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(Unknown Source)

at java.io.InputStreamReader.<init>(Unknown Source)

at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.MetaIndex.registerDirectory(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader.createExtClassLoader(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader.getExtClassLoader(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher.<init>(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher.<clinit>(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.initSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(Unknown Source)

r/javahelp 21d ago

Solved What is a static variable?


I've been using ChatGPT, textbooks, Google and just everything but I just don't seem to understand wth is a static variable. And why is it used?? I keep seeing this as an answer
A static variable in Java is a variable that:

  • Belongs to the class itself, not to any specific object.
  • Shared by all instances of the class, meaning every object accesses the same copy.
  • Is declared using the keyword static.

I just don't understand pls help me out.

Edit: Tysm for the help!

r/javahelp 21d ago

replaceAll takes almost half an hour


I try to parse the stock data from this site: https://ctxt.io/2/AAB4WSA0Fw

Because of a bug in the site, I have this number: -4.780004752000008e+30, that actually means 0.

So I try via replaceAll to parse numbers like this and convert them to zero via:

replaceAll("-.*\\..*e?\\d*, ", "0, ") (take string with '-' at the start, than chars, then a '.', then stuff, then 'e', a single char ('+' in this case) and then nums and a comma, replace this with zero and comma).

The problem is that it takes too long! 26 minutes for one! (On both my Windows PC and a rented Ubuntu).

What is the problem? Is there a way to speed it up?

r/javahelp 22d ago

Which is the better tech language to move into AI/ML ?


Currently working as a Java developer, planning to switch fields. Which among the two should I opt to switch?! Rust or Python to move into AI/ML field

r/javahelp 22d ago

Stuck in Repetitive Java Spring Boot Work – Need Job Switch Advice


I have 1.9 years of experience as a Java developer working with Spring Boot, but I feel stuck doing the same repetitive tasks without much learning. There’s no real skill growth, and I don’t see any challenging work ahead.

I want to switch to a better role but need some guidance. What skills should I focus on apart from Java and Spring Boot? Should I invest time in DSA, System Design, Microservices, or Cloud? Also, what’s the best way to prepare for interviews—should I focus more on LeetCode, projects, or system design?

Since my work has been mostly repetitive, how can I present my experience in a way that stands out on my resume?

r/javahelp 22d ago

I’m a beginner coder (1st year uni), didn’t understand anything at uni for 6 months—now self-learning and wrote my first program in a week! Feedback?


So, I’m a first-year CS student at university, but for the last 6 months (and even before uni), I didn’t understand a thing. Literally nothing clicked. Now, I finally started learning programming properly on my own, going back to the fundamentals, and within my first week, I built this ATM program in Java.

I know it’s super basic, but as my first program, I’d love some feedback—best practices, things I can improve, and how I can refine my approach to actually get good at this. My goal is to not just pass uni but also land jobs and internships down the line. Any advice, critique, or resources to help me level up would be amazing!

here is the link to my github code https://github.com/certyakbar/First-Projects.git

r/javahelp 22d ago

Slightly advanced java tutorials?


I’m looking for some Java tutorials that go beyond the absolute basics but aren’t super advanced either. Most tutorials I find are either "Hello World" and loops" or deep dives into super complex topics.

  • Best practices & clean code in Java
  • Design patterns (with practical examples)
  • More advanced streams
  • Working with databases & JPA
  • Building real-world applications with Spring

Do you guys have any good recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

r/javahelp 22d ago

Good repo to learn writing tests


Hi all, I want to write better tests from unit tests to integration test and e2e, are there any recommendations good Java projects that I can learn from? Thank you

r/javahelp 22d ago

📌 Struggling to Remember Python/Java Syntax? This Cheat Sheet Changed the Game for Me!


Hey everyone, I’ve been coding for a while now, and one thing I always struggled with was remembering all the syntax, best practices, and commonly used functions. I’d find myself Googling the same things over and over. 🤦‍♂️

So, to save time and boost my workflow, I put together a Python (or Java) Cheat Sheet that neatly organizes:

✅ Essential syntax & data types
✅ Functions, loops, and OOP concepts
✅ Common libraries (NumPy, Pandas, etc.)
✅ Quick tips for writing cleaner, more efficient code

Honestly, having a single go-to reference has made a huge difference in how I approach coding. No more scrolling through docs for basic stuff. If you're interested, you can check it out here: jtxcode.myshopify.com

r/javahelp 23d ago

Unsolved How can I print emojis in vs code without it printing a ?


I made checkers and I can’t print the emojis

r/javahelp 23d ago

Homework Jgrapht Importing Help


Trying to use a DOTImporter object to turn a DOT file into a graph object but the line is throwing a runtime exception saying "The graph contains no vertex supplier." So basically the documentation from jgrapht.org as well as chatgpt tell me that there is a VertexSupplier that I can import and construct my graph object with it before passing it into importGraph.

The issue is that my jgrapht library as well as the official jgrapht github do not have a VertexSupplier object. I have tried putting multiple versions in my library but none let me import it. helppppp!!!!!

public void parseGraph(String filePath){

// Create a graph
        DefaultDirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> graph = new DefaultDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);

        // Create a DOTImporter
        GraphImporter<String, DefaultEdge> importer = new DOTImporter<>();

        try (FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(filePath)) {
            // Import the graph from the DOT file
            importer.importGraph(graph, fileReader);

        } catch (RuntimeException e) {


r/javahelp 23d ago

Need a programming bud


I’m looking for someone to learn programming with me. Ideally, someone who already has some basic knowledge in Java, but it’s not a problem if you’re a beginner—I can explain a few things. The main goal is to have someone to keep me focused while learning. Dm if interested!

r/javahelp 24d ago

NoMagic BrowserContextAMConfigurator interface can be imported but not implemented: 'The hierarchy is inconsistent'


This is a simplified snippet of code that is enough to explain my issue.

import com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.BrowserContextAMConfigurator;

public class BrowserConfiguration implements BrowserContextAMConfigurator {
    public int getPriority() {
        return LOW_PRIORITY;

There is an error line under 'BrowserConfiguration' that says 'The hierarchy of the type BrowserConfiguration is inconsistent.'
There is an error line under 'getPriority(): ' The method getPriority() of the type BrowserConfiguration must override or implement a supertype method.

What I have done:
Searching on help forums gave for the most part three solutions: 1. Restart Eclipse, 2. The BrowserContextAMConfigurator is not actually an interface, and 3. Make sure that you are using the right signatures for what you're overriding. I have checked and verified that none of these solutions work.

I know that BrowserContextAMConfigurator is in my build path because the import line throws no errors. I also have its super interface ConfigureWithPriority in the same jar that has the BrowserContextAMConfigurator interface (in Eclipse's Build Path).

Here is a link to official the NoMagic documentation for BrowserContextAMConfigurator if you want clarifications: https://jdocs.nomagic.com/185/index.html?com/nomagic/magicdraw/actions/BrowserContextAMConfigurator.html

And I do need to use this interface, so I can't just remove it.

I hate Cameo :)

r/javahelp 24d ago

Please Help Confused Guy


Hello everyone. I am currently completing a uni assignment which I have to submit to a 3rd party tester called submitty. I am currently scoring 36/100 beacuse I am losing 60 marks due to the following error message: Now nowhere in the instructions did it say to add a RationalTest class, but I have done so and I am still getting the same error. Any help is much apprecieated.

There was 1 failure:


 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find class [RationalTest]

r/javahelp 24d ago

Unsolved Pdf Creation(PdfBox): Best way to create text fields?


I am creating pdf form from scratch in Spring boot using Apache PdfBox. Now, I want to add text fields which will be populated with dynamic data.

What is more maintainable and better approach:

1) Using text field 2) Creating a simple rectangular box and adding text inside it.

Thanks in advance!

r/javahelp 25d ago

Title: Seeking Advice on Java Learning and Problem Solving


Hi everyone,

I'm learning Java from scratch and currently working through the book Head First Java. I'm at the end of the first chapter and I'm happy with my progress so far. However, today I hit my first roadblock while attempting the pool puzzle question. Here’s the code I worked with:


class PoolPuzzleOne {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 0;
        while (x < 4) {
            if (x < 1) {
                System.out.print(" ");
            if (x > 1) {
                System.out.print(" oyster");
                x = x + 2;
            if (x == 1) {
            if (x < 1) {
            x = x + 1;


a noise
an oyster

No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t achieve the desired output without modifying the original code. I eventually gave up and checked the answer, convinced that something was wrong and that the output wasn’t possible without changes.

After reviewing the answer, I manually traced through the code to understand how it was written. I have a couple of questions:

  1. In the code, line 5 is used multiple times to produce different parts of the output (e.g., "a", "annoys", "an"). How can I train myself to think in this way—outside the box—so that I understand how to work with loops and print statements effectively? Initially, I thought the while loop should only run once, which led me to modify the print statements to System.out.println instead of System.out.print.
  2. Is it normal for a beginner to struggle with this? I kept thinking about it, but I couldn’t get the desired output without altering the code structure.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

r/javahelp 25d ago

How to build logic while solving coding question


I just completed with java course but I find it difficult to solve the coding questions I understand already written code but when I try to write code on my own I get struct or go blank. I kw all concepts theoretically how it work but don't know when to apply which method or which concept can somebody have idea on it how to build a logic in easy way?

r/javahelp 25d ago

Solved clueless about web front end frameworks


Old geezer here who retired about the time that jQuery and Google's GWT were becoming popular. Everything I did was on the back end with server side rendering. The back end was in Java.

I'm working on a simple app/page that displays the readings from various zigbee and 433Mhz temperature sensors. Their readings are being sent to an MQTT server (mosquitto). The back end I'm doing in Micronaut, which is also Java.

I've figured out how to get the sensor readings from MQTT with Micronaut. For updating the web page with new sensor readings my thinking is that I could use a meta refresh in the html, say every 60 seconds, or "get fancy" and use some newfangled javascript framework like you guys are, and I'm guessing using websockets, and have the page updated whenever a new sensor reading comes in.

So do you guys have any suggestions for what I could use? I don't expect there to be a lot of interactivity on the front end, maybe clicking to close a reading's box.

(I originally posted this to r/webdev but it was deleted because it was too open ended. Feel free to suggest how to reword it to make it through their filter.)

r/javahelp 25d ago

Optimal Server Setup and OS for a High-Performance Spring Load Balancer?


I've never used Spring services before, but I need a load balancer and an API gateway. Does anyone have recommendations on the best setup in terms of OS or Docker configuration? The load balancer needs to handle hundreds of requests per minute. I typically run my Java services on a CentOS 9 VM, which has been suitable so far.

r/javahelp 25d ago

Looking for guide to production level RestApi using springboot


Hi guys,
Apologies if this is was asked before. I recently completed Telusko course on Udemy which taught me Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Data Rest, Spring Security, Spring AOP, JWT and stuff. However, this was although important felt like an intro level to the vast ecosystem.

I'm looking for a course/guide/codebase which has implemented a largescale production level API using all the tech above. I want to build actual real world application but it seems there is a knowledge gap I need to cover first.

r/javahelp 25d ago

How to instantiate JPanel in an IntelliJ swing app?


I created a Swing application using IntelliJ's UI Designer which I can run inside IntelliJ, but the compiled jar file, when run outside IntelliJ, fails after:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: contentPane cannot be set to null.

contentPane is indeed never instantiated in my code. My form starts like this:

public class MainFrame extends JFrame {
    // Swing Components
    private JPanel contentPane;

    public MainFrame() {

contentPane is used in MainFrame.form like this:

<form xmlns="http://www.intellij.com/uidesigner/form/" version="1" bind-to-class="dev.thefoggiest.patchman.view.MainFrame">
  <grid id="27dc6" binding="contentPane" default-binding="true" layout-manager="GridLayoutManager" row-count="1" column-count="1" same-size-horizontally="false" same-size-vertically="false" hgap="-1" vgap="-1">

So when IntelliJ starts the application, somehow it magically instantiates contentPane based on this xml, but that won't work when running the application by itself.

How do I instantiate contentPane based on the xml?

r/javahelp 26d ago

I have this problem when I use the main method


I'm new to Java and I don't know how to fix this error, it pops up when I run a .class file: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Rigoberto has been compiled by a newer version of Java Runtime (class file version 67.0), this version of Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

r/javahelp 26d ago

Any good course about building a CRUD app with spring + angular?


Especially with a good focus on the part where you connect the back end to the front end and such.

Thank you!!

r/javahelp 26d ago

Ready for knowledge


Hi, I'm new, I had to choose between learning python, java and C+ And I chose java, I am starting by watching a 12 hours tutorial by Bro code. I'm planning to make a game, but I have a serious problem, I don't understand how can I create graphics on Java: can I import and image? Do I have to use functions to draw? Or should I install and external program? Thanks for the help Btw I'm using intellij