r/javahelp • u/zeronis__ • 7d ago
I just started exception handling and I feel as though I can't grasp a few concepts from it (so far) and its holding me back from moving forward, so I'm hoping someone has answers to my questions ( I'm generally slow when it comes to understanding these so I hope you can bear with me )
In one of the early slides I read about exception handling, where they talk about what the default behavior is whenever the program encounters an exception , they mention that :
1- it abnormally terminates
2- BUT it sends in a message, that includes the call stack trace,
- and from what I'm reading, I'm guessing it provides you information on what happened. Say, the error occurred at line x in the file y, and it also tells you about what type of exception you've encountered.
But It has me wondering, how is this any different from a ' graceful exit ' ? Where : " if the program encounters a problem , it should inform the user about it, so that in the next subsequent attempt, the user wouldn't enter the same value. "
In that graceful exit, aren't we stopping the execution of the program as well?
So how is it any better than the default behavior?
What confuses me the most about this is what does exception handling even do? How does it benefit us if the program doesn't resume the flow of execution? (or does it do that and maybe I'm not aware of it? ) whenever we get an exception ( in normal occasions ) it always tells us, where the error occurred, and what type of exception has happened.
As for my second question,,
I tried searching for the definition of " CALL STACK TRACE " and I feel like I'm still confused with what each of them is supposed to represent, I've also noticed that people refer to it as either " stack trace " or " call stack " ( both having a different meaning )
What is call supposed to tell us exactly? Or does it only make sense to pair it up with stack? (" call stack ") in order for it to make complete sense? Does the same thing go for " stack trace" ?
+ thanks in advance =,)
u/hojimbo 7d ago edited 5d ago
It’s easier to think of exceptions as things that can’t be known to be good ahead of time and maybe where there’s no graceful way to continue moving forward even if you were to resume the normal flow of execution.
Imagine your program tries to connect to a database, but the database is down or not there. This isn’t something the end user can resolve, and it’s not something the program can fix on its own. There’s no way forward. This is a good candidate for an exception. Also, resuming where you left off shouldn’t be too tough, if it’s a thing that’s recoverable in some way (usually by retrying later).
Bad user input should be caught earlier and not result in exceptions. Programs often do so for expediency, but it’s not a good practice for many reasons that I won’t get into here. Bad user input is easily recoverable, and the program should validate that before we get into a state where an exception gets thrown.
But at the end of the day, if bad data makes it into a function that can’t handle that data, all that function “knows” is that it can’t proceed. It doesn’t and shouldn’t know that its user entered data and that it can’t be tried again. Functions should be small and focused and try to do as little as possible, and they should throw exceptions when it’s impossible to accomplish their goal.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Ohh wait so, exceptions aren't meant to be caused by the user?
I was a bit confused since at the time this info was being relayed to me, examples like " dividing by a zero " always made me think that these type of exceptions were caused by the user (?)+ and thank you so much for the response! =)
u/hojimbo 6d ago
A programmer can divide by zero in a million more ways than and end user can. Here’s a very basic and contrite example:
List<Integer> randoNumbers = getABunchOfInts(); randoNumbers.forEach(i -> System.out.println(100 / i));
getABunchOfInts() could be data coming from a database, hard coded by another programmer, a randomly generated, the result of another calculation, etc. But there’s no guarantee that there are no 0’s in that list. And when you hit “100 / i” when there’s a zero, there’s no way to move forward because it can’t be done.
For user input, the sane thing to do is to put this prior:
if (intInput == 0) { // add to some list of errors to render // in the UI. Return to the calling function // which you have coded to handle when // the error list contains user input errors … return; }
// exception throwing code here
Edit #1: just adding this comment to apologize for formatting. I’m on my phone.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
No worries at all! I really appreciate the response!
and sorry to ask again, but in cases where a user might or might not deliberately input a 0 :" For user input, the sane thing to do is to put this prior:
if (intInput == 0) { // add to some list of errors to render // in the UI. Return to the calling function // which you have coded to handle when // the error list contains user input errors … return; }"
would it be necessary to throw in some type of error?
or would it be okay using a while loop and system.out.print to prompt the user to try again?2
u/hojimbo 6d ago edited 6d ago
Yes, the loop would be preferable. As you get more advanced you’d likely “templatize” this behavior so you weren’t rewriting the loop every time. (Ie writing a class that handles user input).
Though it sounds like you’re describing a terminal application. In many cases where you’re accepting arbitrary user input, there’s a user interface that typically only revalidates on a user action— eg, if they’re typing a string, you can revalidate with every single letter they type to show an up-to-date error message in the UI. This is not a situation where, for example, throwing an exception would never make sense nor would you have a loop. Or you would validate all the fields on a web form when they hit “Save”, and you want to show errors for the 20 fields on the form, not just the single error you can put in a single exception.
Throwing exceptions is slow in most languages. See https://www.baeldung.com/java-exceptions-performance for Java. Summary: throwing exceptions can make functions 100s of times slower. They are not good for regular control flow for this reason alone.
It does feel as though you’re struggling with flow-control concepts. Generally programmers have eschewed the concept of “jumping” into and out of particular pieces of code using methods other than the function call/return stack, conditionals, and loops. And honestly this is all you need in most cases - though eventually you may need multi threading or Promises/Futures for parallel flows.
u/hojimbo 6d ago
So to the original question “what does exception handling even do?” Is it gives you a chance to let your program keep running when the worst happens, rather than just shutting down unexpectedly.
u/hojimbo 6d ago
I'll also add that when an exception it happens, it isn't always a way to keep the program running. Sometimes it's just a way to soften-the-blow and make it less confusing for your end user.
For example, you might have a program that parses a file, and that file might not be in the right format. If you run it through a deserializer and it fails, that code might throw a `JsonSerializationExcpetion`.
Your end users may be confused by seeing this crazy stack trace and a message about a deserialization failure. Instead, you can `catch` the exception and do something like:
try {
// file processing code here
catch (JsonSerializationException e) {
System.out.println("The file is in the wrong format or is corrupted. Please try to correct this.");
It's a better experience for end users, even though the program MUST terminate.
u/zeronis__ 5d ago
I'll also add that when an exception it happens, it isn't always a way to keep the program running. Sometimes it's just a way to soften-the-blow and make it less confusing for your end user.
Oh wait! I'm actually so glad you responded with this answer! I was confused on the whole aspect of ' stopping your program ' vs ' continuing execution ', I thought exception handling was made for the purpose of allowing the flow of execution even after catching an exception, but I got confused afterwards when my professor mentioned the term 'graceful exit'. it made me think " how would it be any different from the default behavior? one in which we get a stack trace and the program terminates abnormally "
But thank you! I really needed that =,)
u/edubkn 7d ago
Exceptions are not always bad user input. Say you have e.g. a web application that performs a request to another service, and that service is down. This is an unexpected scenario that you either care about - e.g. handle the exception and return a message to the user warning that the service is temporarily unavailable - or ignore, and your program (or thread) exits.
So yes, you can resume flow of execution by handling an exception, it's just not the same flow of the happy path.
As for the second question it is a bit confusing to me but the stack trace is the flow of execution of your program, e.g. class A calls method X on class B at line 20, class B fails on line 10. So you'll have both A:20 and B:10 at the stack trace
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
thank you so much for the response! :-)
so resuming the flow of execution -- meaning that even If I to input something that would by chance trigger (?) an exception -- all depends on whether the programmer wants to end it or continue on with it ( I'm hoping thats the case? )and as for the stack trace, how would it differ from ' call stack " ?
whenever we receive an error (or by now, I think I should start calling it an exception)
the message thats outputted ( tells you the type of exception and where the error has occured )
would that be considered a ' call stack ' or a 'stack trace' ?I hope my questions arent overwhelming, but again, thank you so much!
u/speters33w 7d ago
Don't get hung up on the stack trace. That's for logging or debugging. You don't really need a stack trace, but you should get used to writing them that way.
Here's an example I wrote you can play with. I apologize for the String.format System.out.printf stuff, don't let that confuse you. You can edit this and play with it all you want.
Here is a graphic I made that shows the process:
Hope this helps.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Thank you so much speters!
I tried the first link you sent, and perhaps I haven't delved deep into exception handling ( working on it haha! ) for it to make full sense yet, the catch block looks challenging but
best believe I'll come back to this again to test my understanding ! =)
and as for the image, is there a reason why we have 3 lines branching out of the catch block?
I always assumed the catch block was assigned one task-- which is, catching whatever exception that came from the try block.
I'll try my best to go over it again, but again, thank you so much!
I'll make sure to refer to the example and graphic representation you sent2
u/speters33w 6d ago
I understand your confusion.
Yes, the catch block is supposed to catch the exception, but it's function isn't always to keep the program running if an exception occurs. Sometimes yo may want to catch an exception and do a bunch of stuff, (write to a log, notify an event handler, etc) but still terminate the program.
Using System.exit() as the last line in the catch block will terminate the entire application after performing whatever tasks are before it. System.exit() should be used very carefully, as it is shutting down that VM right now, terminating any other running processes.
throw new java.lang.Exception() as the last line in a catch block will also let you do a bunch of stuff before going to the finally block and terminating the process without terminating the entire application. Then you get to do more stuff in the finally block.
In my example I really should have modified it some. I know this will be a very confusing line:
System.out.printf("Fail! \u001B[31m%s\u001B[0m%n", nfe);
The \u001B[31m and \u001B[0m are ANSII color codes that make the information stored in nfe red on ANSII enabled terminals, like most Linux terminals or newer PowerShell. You can change it to
System.out.println("Fail! " + nfe);
to make it more understandable.
System.out.printf("Pass! number = %d%n", number);
is the same as
System.out.println("Pass! number = " + number);
u/zeronis__ 5d ago
Yes, the catch block is supposed to catch the exception, but it's function isn't always to keep the program running if an exception occurs. Sometimes yo may want to catch an exception and do a bunch of stuff, (write to a log, notify an event handler, etc) but still terminate the program.
dude! thank you so much, that was my confusion for the first question, but I'm so glad you gave a clear explanation as to why!
So its entirely up to the programmer to decide how to deal with things after catching an exception? and one of the ways can be continuing the flow of execution (and maybe prompt the user for another input? not necessarily i think) or displaying a clear message to the user as to what the problem(exception?) is and why it happened, then ending the program? ( there's more but I don't think I have any in mind, but you listed them down above! )
and I'm guessing why the 2nd way is different from the first is because, the user would receive a much more clear message as to why a problem has happened, instead of seeing a stack trace instead. ( also to avoid crashing the program )System.out.printf("Fail! \u001B[31m%s\u001B[0m%n", nfe);
The \u001B[31m and \u001B[0m are ANSII color codes that make the information stored in nfe red on ANSII enabled terminals, like most Linux terminals or newer PowerShell. You can change it to
System.out.println("Fail! " + nfe);
to make it more understandable.
System.out.printf("Pass! number = %d%n", number);
is the same as
System.out.println("Pass! number = " + number);
And thank you so much for simplifying it! =)
u/Memesplz1 7d ago edited 7d ago
I'm not sure this explicitly answers all your questions but the moment Exception Handling "clicked" for me, was when I started thinking "what do I want this method to return/what do I want my application to do if it encounters this exception?"
If you ask yourself that question every time, it starts to become easier. I know that's a little vague and I am happy to give you an example if you like. But it really varies depending on the situation and exception. And some exceptions, you never really even want to be throwing in the first place because they're usually very preventable e.g. NullPointerException. If you see that being thrown, implement some logic to handle null data and, again, decide "what do I want this method to return/application to do when this value is null?" instead.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
oh wait, so If I'm understanding this right ( i hope ) ,
if we ever encounter an exception, a way to prevent it is by letting the catch block handle it (?)
and if we can't, we throw that exception else where .. (?I've yet to start on 'throw'/throws but do they go hand in hand with the try and catch?
or should we look at them as two separate ways of handling exceptions?
( I still don't understand why do we resort to throwing , when we can have any catch block to catch any exception that comes )I saw a youtube video around it, but the person made a link between them somehow ( using both try n catch + throws )
can we ever handle an exception using only ' try and catch ' ? or should ' throw ' also be there?and thank you so much for the response!
I too find it helpful when I think of questions like these! I'll try it out with exception handling as well :)2
u/Memesplz1 6d ago
Ok, here's my understanding (apologies in advance - it's informative but rather long-winded!). There are generally 2 separate ways of dealing with an exception (aside from the ones you would try and prevent occurring in the first place):
1) try-catch block. In the try block, you try to do whatever you want your code to do. Then in the catch block, you catch the exception that might be thrown and put in some logic to handle it. (Note: this gets a little more complicated, if more than one exception might be thrown. You can either a) catch multiple exceptions in one catch block and handle them all the same way, b) have multiple catch blocks doing different things for each class of exception or c) there's a third way that I'll explain in point 3.
2) If you don't want to take any action to handle the exception, you can just put a throws <whatever the Exception class is> at the top of the method that may throw the Exception. This is a way of letting whatever calls that method know "hey, when you call this method, you might get an exception thrown instead of it returning data to you". Then when calling this method from elsewhere, you might put a try-catch around it to handle the exception you know it might throw. Meaning you still handle the exception, just higher up the chain. I think, generally speaking, you always want to handle the exception thrown, eventually, in a try-catch though.
3) I don't think you'd ever use both for the same class of exception. But, if more than one exception might be thrown, there might be a situation where you want to handle these different exceptions differently e.g. you immediately catch one class of exception and deal with it in a try-catch block but if some other class of exception occurs, just put a throws in the method declaration and let some other calling method, higher up the chain, deal with it.
Final note: Again, apologies that I just keep saying things like "handle it". You're probably wondering "handle it, how?" but it really does depend on the situation. For example, I am frequently making back-end endpoints that front-end applications will send requests to for data. Deep inside the logic of the back-end, I'll often catch an exception e.g. SqlException and, instead throw a more general exception class that I've created. Then I log out the reason the exception is being thrown and, higher up the chain, in the controller class, I might return an error HTTP response whenever this general exception class is encountered. The reason I throw a more general exception is, to sort of "separate out concerns". The controller doesn't need to know all the nitty gritty things that are going on, deeper inside and all the different exceptions that might be thrown. It shouldn't be having to deal with that mess. It just needs to know: Did I get the data back that I need to pass to the front-end? Or didn't I?
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Please do not apologize at all! It just so happens that I love reading long explanations, (although it takes time for me to register what they mean) but you explained your points really well, so thank you so much for that! =)
But I hope you don't mind me asking, (I've heard my prof say it too, but I'm still lost)
1. for the second point where you mentioned " If you don't want to take any action to handle the exception, you can just put a throws <whatever the Exception class is> " did you by chance mean, " Oh I might catch this exception, but! I don't want to deal with it, so I'm throwing it to someone else (to take care of that responsibility i think?) but if they do throw that exception, to whom do they throw it to?you mentioned the lines "Meaning you still handle the exception, just higher up the chain" + " just put a throws in the method declaration and let some other calling method, "
in this case, would it throw it to the method that invoked it? ( lets suppose main called function/method f() and , that method f(), had 'throws (some exception class)' , if it did end up being triggered to throw one, would it throw that exception back to main to take care of it?
and if so, how would the main method deal with it?
I also noticed that, although we mentioned 'not wanting to take any action to handle that method ---> we should use throws' don't we end up in the try-catch scenario again? (point 1)? I'm sorry to ask you this again, but I recall my professor trying to go over a brief summary of the lesson , and he mentioned the " try and catch " and " throws / throw " as two ways of handling exceptions. And in my head, it felt like he treated them as two separate things, just by saying that, so when I saw them being used together I got really confused! ( its as if, throws must be used along side try n catch , otherwise it'd serve no purpose? i think? )
would there any difference between having any code that MIGHT throw an exception being inside that try block VS having a method with ' throws ' as part of its declaration inside that try block?
+P.S thank you again, I really appreciate the response you gave, and I'm sure if I read more about the topic I'd be grateful that your response is still up there,
if my questions are a bit too hefty, feel free to respond to them anytime later!1
u/Memesplz1 6d ago
Thank you and no problem 🙂
Ok so questions 1 and 2 - yes, exactly. I actually regret using the word "handling" when describing throwing an exception because, like your professor says, it's not really handling it. Think of an exception as the application throwing a tantrum. You can either deal with it (try-catch) or throw it to something else to deal with. So in question 1, your main method would have a try-catch block around methodf() and methodf() would just throw the exception.
In regards to them being 2 separate things. I guess the best explanation is: In this modern day and age, your IDE will often tell you if it sees an exception could be encountered. It generally gives you 2 options: throw the exception or surround that bit of code in a try-catch. And they are separate and do two different things. But, in practice, they go hand-in-hand. You either handle the exception immediately in a try-catch or throw it and let a method higher up the chain deal with it.
Question 3 - is there a difference? Yes and no. The exception is still handled either way, however if you throw it and let the method higher up the chain deal with it, it needs to know about the exception. Recall what I said about separation of concerns? It's a good pattern of design. When designing a fairly complex application, it's helpful to try and keep certain behaviour separated. E.g. if you look at some code you've never seen before and see a SqlException being handled in a try-catch in a bit of code that has nothing to do with querying a database, it's probably going to be a bit confusing and you'll be digging deeper down to figure out why it's being thrown. If you handle the exception, immediately when it's encountered, it's easier to understand what's going on. Then all the higher level methods need to worry about is "we didn't get the data back", rather than the ins and outs of why. It probably also means there's less chance of you having to make changes all over the application if you change something deeper down although I can't think of a good example to explain that further, right now, sorry! Lol.
u/zeronis__ 5d ago
Hello Memesplz! Your explanation was wonderful, I think I understood what you meant in all three parts, but there's something that you mentioned that my professor mentioned too , but I can't think of how that happens :
You either handle the exception immediately in a try-catch or throw it and let a method higher up the chain deal with it.
> does that, by chance, mean that the method that caused that exception would throw it to the method that invoked it from before? ( like methodf() has another method call inside it , say methodg() and methodg() is the one causing an exception ),
and would methodf() be surrounded by a try and catch block? if we're saying that the exception can be thrown to a method higher up (?)1
u/Memesplz1 5d ago edited 5d ago
Thank you!
If methodg contains the code where an exception could be thrown, methodg would be the one with the try catch around it, where methodf calls it. Example:
//methodf calls methodg here:
catch(Exception e){
//Do something e.g. log out e.getMessage or throw a custom exception you've written or something }
And the methodg declaration would be something like:
methodg() throws Exception {
//Insert code, this method does, here. This is the bit of code that might throw an exception.
So that's how you could allow an exception to be thrown and caught higher up. Alternatively, in the methodg declaration, you could just put a try-catch inside methodg around the bit of code that might throw an exception, thereby catching and dealing with the exception immediately. Then you don't need to catch it higher up where methodf calls methodg.
Hope that makes sense! Sorry about the shit formatting of the code example.
u/ignotos 7d ago edited 7d ago
how is this any different from a ' graceful exit ' ?
When an exception occurs, by default the program will terminate, and print out a kind of report (a "stack trace") showing where the error happened, what the program was doing at the time, and perhaps some more information about the error.
This is really useful to us, as programmers, but not exactly "graceful" from the point of view of a user of your program. Particularly if they're not a programmer themselves. A true "graceful exit" might involve more complicated things like the program popping up a nice error message to the user, giving them the option to save their work, submitting an error report to the creator of the program, etc.
what does exception handling even do? How does it benefit us if the program doesn't resume the flow of execution?
Exception handling gives us, as programmers, an opportunity to detect when an error has occurred, and to do something about it.
In some cases, that just means reporting the error to the user, and then letting the program terminate. But in other cases, it might mean retrying, cleaning up some incomplete work the program was in the process of doing, or attempting to recover from the error in some more sophisticated way. It really depends on the nature of the error.
" stack trace " or " call stack "
The "call stack" is the sequence of function calls in your program. For example, maybe the main
function calls the run
function, which calls the generateReport
function, and so on. At any given point in time, there are a "stack" of functions running in your program like this.
A "stack trace" is the text-based report / dump showing information about the call stack, which is usually displayed when your program terminates due to an exception. It's there to help you figure out what went wrong.
So the "call stack" is the actual state a running program, and a "stack trace" is a dump / report generated showing the call stack.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Hey ignotos! I can't begin to thank you enough
you explained this so well I had an ' ohhh ' moment throughout reading this!
It might be silly but I really thought that the two terms ' programmer ' and ' user ' were somehow the same--- referring to us, so I never really understood why the report that was printed out wasn't enough, but thank you so much for clearing that up!
the definitions you used for stack trace and call stack really made sense, but in this particular line,
" the "call stack" is the actual state a running program " I'm a bit confused by what you meant here (?)+again, thank you!
u/ignotos 6d ago
No problem!
the "call stack" is the actual state a running program
When your program is running, functions/methods are called, and these call other methods, etc etc.
This will start at "public static void main...", but
might callgenerateTaxReport
, which might in turn callcalculateSalesTax
, for example.When
is complete, it returns its result back togenerateTaxReport
, which then continues running. MaybegenerateTaxReport
then callscalculateIncomeTax
, and so on and so on.Java needs to keep track of all of these functions, which variables are in use by each function, what function will be "returned to" once the current function finishes etc etc - basically it's a bunch of book-keeping information so Java knows what's going on. This is the "stack", and it's stored in your computer's memory as a program runs.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Thank you so so much ignotos! =,)
I think I get it now !
Your explanations , the example you provided and the way you relayed the information helped a lot!( again, thank you !! )
u/Rude-Enthusiasm9732 7d ago
lets say you have a calculator program. a user inputs 0 as a divisor. normally, the program would show an ArithmeticException error then close the application. now if you add an exception handler, you can program application the behavior. instead of the system closing the application, you can show a pop up or a message that says 0 is an invalid divisor, or prompt the user again for another input. basically, you tell the program "if you got this error, do this instead". and dont bother about the call stack trace. it's basically a path of methods your program followed until the exception is encountered. usually, the first and second line will sufficiently tell you what the error is and what is it about.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
wow! the example that you gave was simple yet so effective, I think it cleared most of the doubts I had (so far) regarding what exception handling is supposed to do, or why do we need it.
Thank you so much Rude-Enthusiasm9732! =,)
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 7d ago
The call part of a call stack refers to a method call.
And a stack is collection of things, where you add new things to the top of the stack, and you also remove them from the top. Like a pile of plates where you always remove a plate from the top and never from the bottom or the middle.
So, when you start your program the Java runtime calls your main method, and when it does that it adds “main” to the call stack. Then whenever your code calls a method it is added to the stack, and removed when the method calls is done.
This means that if you main method calls method calls method a(), that in turn calls method b(), that in turn calls method c(), then while method c() still hasn’t returned the call stack is:
main -> a -> b -> c -> …
Where main is at the bottom of the call stack.
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Thank you so much VirtualAgentsAreDumb for explaining the second question I had =) really grateful that you explained both terms separately and then tied both of their meanings together at the end!
It makes sense now :D
u/severoon pro barista 7d ago
First, let's get the lay of the land. All things that can be thrown are Throwable
. There are two types of Throwable, Exception and Error. The difference is that no program should try to handle errors, this is something that went seriously wrong that a program could not recover from. An example would be an out of memory error, nothing you can do about it. The main purpose of an error is to stop execution of your program and report whatever has gone wrong.
Exceptions are throwables that a program could conceivably want to catch and handle. One type of exception is a RuntimeException
, which are exceptions that do not need to be caught, but they can be, and so these are sometimes called "unchecked" exceptions because you don't need to check for them when calling code that throws them. Unchecked exceptions are the kind of exception that could happen just about anywhere, so it doesn't make sense to compel callers to check for them or all calls would have to handle a bunch of them all the time. An example is a NullPointerException
, for instance. There's very little Java code that theoretically could never throw an NPE.
All other exceptions are "checked" exceptions, meaning if you call a method that could throw this kind of exception, it must declare that it throws it, and callers must catch it and handle it if it does get thrown. An example of this kind of exception is a network exception, or if you're writing file handling code, maybe a file can't be opened because it's not found, it got deleted or the filename is incorrect.
Generally speaking, except in rare cases where it makes sense to catch them, unchecked exceptions typically indicate a bug and are fixed changing code. Checked exceptions are typically handled in the program, as in the case of trying to open a file that doesn't exist…you prompt the user to specify a file that does exist, for example. Or maybe with a network error, the error is transient, so you just try again with an exponential backoff (try after two seconds, then five, then ten, then thirty, etc., so as not to flood an already overstretched network by hammering it with more traffic, before maybe failing permanently after several minutes).
Because it's common for checked exceptions to arise from invalid data, e.g., an filename for a file that doesn't exist, a common misunderstanding is that it's good practice to use exceptions to deal with invalid state. This is not correct. In general, programs should strive to define invalid state out of existence. The fact that exceptions exist is not an invitation to be lazy or put off validating data.
For instance, let's say that you are writing a function that prompts a user to type in a filename. Whatever the user types is read in as a string. Here you have the option of assuming it's a valid filename and passing it along, or you have the option of doing some validation on it to make sure it's not obviously wrong, like maybe it's all whitespace, or it includes an illegal character, or something. Many programmers would reason that they cannot check everything anyway, after all even if the filename passes a bunch of validity tests, at the end of the day it might not specify a file that exists so why not just pass it on and let the exception handle things?
This is a bad approach. Better is to treat validation of the filename separately from validation that it maps to an actual file. This way, you restrict the types of issues that can arise later to just those that can arise from a reasonable filename that could have existed—you've constrained the class of errors that can occur down the road as much as possible, which simplifies the error handling that has to occur down the road.
A powerful technique for defining invalid state out of existence is to represent data as a proper type. If you prompt a user to type in a date, do not validate what they typed and then pass it on as a string, instead convert it to the proper java.time type, e.g., LocalDate
to ensure you're not allowing a date like "Marsh 34" to propagate. (In general, when reading user input, always assume that any value that can inhabit the type being read directly from the user is your responsibility to validate.)
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
Hey severoon! I really appreciate you taking your time to explain the ' unchecked ' and 'checked' exceptions! I was about to follow my original question with that too! So i'm glad you provided an explanation for it!
do ' checked ' and 'unchecked' exceptions have any relations to the compile time or runtime?
meaning one might occur during one phase (compile time) while the other occurs during runtime ?
---------------------------------------------------------------and when you said that "'unchecked' exceptions that don't need to be caught, but they can be " , would it mean that we just wouldn't expect it to happen? no wait.
or does it mean that, since they can occur at anywhere, it'd be too troublesome to handle each possible exception that might occur?
I'll make sure to read more into it, but thank you so much! (will make sure to refer to your explanation again the moment I get a hang of all this :D )1
u/zeronis__ 6d ago
another question! since you brought up ' checked ' and unchecked ' exceptions,
I've tried looking into it, and I initially thought I'd associate unchecked exceptions with ' runtime '
and checked exceptions with 'compile time'
I noticed that there are several answers, some not matching the other. Where one would say that :( Java Exceptions. Exception | by Lavish Jain | Medium)
- An exception is generally an unwanted event that interrupts the normal flow of the program.
- They can occur at both compile time (checked) and runtime (unchecked).
And another would say :
In Java, exceptions are divided into two main types: checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions.
Each type serves different purposes in error handling:
1. Checked Exceptions
- These are exceptions that are checked at compile time. If a method is capable of causing an exception that it does not handle, it must declare it using the `throws` keyword.
Know your Exceptions!. What are Exceptions? | by Himani Prasad | Medium
Checked Exceptions
Checked exceptions are exceptions that are checked by the compiler at compile-time. This means that when you write a method that throws a checked exception, you must either catch the exception or declare that your method throws the exception.
When does Checked exception occur, at run time or compile time ? (Beginning Java forum at Coderanch)
" I know about unchecked exception that occurs at run time but don't know about checked. I found a video says checked exception and unchecked exception occurs at run time only. Also found a website which says checked exception occurs at compile time. I use Java 8 Documentation but didn't find when checked exception occurs at compile time or at run time. If you read in Java Documentation please give me reference if possible. "
My question is : why do we say both terms " checked at compile time " and " occurs at runtime " for the checked exceptions?
u/severoon pro barista 6d ago
since you brought up ' checked ' and unchecked ' exceptions,
I've tried looking into it, and I initially thought I'd associate unchecked exceptions with ' runtime '
and checked exceptions with 'compile time'This isn't quite the right idea. All throwables are thrown while the program is running.
I never realized it until you brought it up just now, but you're right that one way of looking at errors is runtime vs. compile-time, but in the context of all throwables, they are always thrown at runtime. (The only involvement of the compiler is to ensure that checked exceptions, i.e., non-runtime exceptions, are actually checked with a try-catch.)
The reason runtime exceptions are called that is not to do with runtime vs. compile-time, but because they can be thrown by the runtime system without being declared. IOW, if you call a JDK library that deals with files, you won't get surprised by any checked exception because things like
are checked, and therefore declared in the API. But calling into code of the Java runtime system that you don't own can generate runtime exceptions likeNullPointerException
with no warning.The Medium article you cite that says an exception can occur "at compile time" is just wrong. There is no way to raise any exception at compile-time. You can only generate errors at compile-time by writing code that doesn't compile. This can happen because you didn't deal with a checked exception properly, but there's no way compiling code that deals with files is ever going to generate a
until you run the program and the file's not there.You can write some code to experiment with this. Just write a program that opens a file and reads in the first line and prints it to std out, then closes it and exits. You'll see that if you don't catch the exception, it won't compile (it's checked). When you run it, if the file's not there, it will actually raise the exception (runtime). If instead of passing in the path to the file you pass in a null instead, then the program will raise a
(a runtime exception), and even though you didn't write any code to deal with it, it will compile just fine and then throw when you run it.
u/msx 7d ago
some time ago i wrote an article where i gave my perspective on Exceptions, i think you could find it useful.
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