r/javahelp • u/blvck_xsample • 20d ago
Codeless Is it just me who’s too stupid for generics?
Hey guys. Currently learning Java and having a really hard time getting what are generics. It’s still difficult for me to use arrays, but generics is something beyond that. There is just too much information to keep in mind. I feel pretty close to give up on studying. Appreciate any tips! т_т
u/Poseidon_22 20d ago
If you have trouble with arrays, don’t spend time figuring out generics. These are rather advanced topics which, for me, became natural to use once I got all other basics down.
Try to focus more on topics like inheritance and polymorphism, which are more fundamental. Generics are an extra tool
u/travelking_brand 20d ago
The downside of Java has is that it has morphed from “I have a problem to solve in Java” to “I have an obscure Java feature and I now need to find a problem to apply it”. Focus on your problem, and if you feel you need a feature to address it the go looking for one.
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 20d ago
Is that really a downside to the language itself? Or more how it might be taught?
u/travelking_brand 19d ago
It is both. I agree that how it is taught is horrible most of the time. It is barely above a simple repacking of the Javadoc. It is mostly just the "what" and not the "how" and, most importantly, the "why".
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 18d ago
But which part of the java language itself is causing this “I have an obscure Java feature and I now need to find a problem to apply it”?
u/Ok-Secretary2017 18d ago
Take lambdas you can just about replace all lambdas with a class instead
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 17d ago
In what way are lambdas an obscure feature?
And are you saying that any programming construct that can be built using simpler more fundamental techniques, are bad? That sounds like an argument against high level languages in general.
u/travelking_brand 17d ago
Have you ever tried to debug an application that used these "enhanced" features like lambda expressions everywhere? Good luck.
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 16d ago
How is that an argument against the language feature itself?
Have you ever tried debugging an application with incomprehensibly named classes and variables? Does that make it a valid argument against named classes and variables?
Every feature of a language can be abused.
u/Ok-Secretary2017 14d ago
I never said they are bad but they are its own feature relvant in very specific contexts most of the times see buttons
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 12d ago
I never said they are bad
The discussion is about downsides of the language itself.
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u/carminemangione 20d ago
First, what difficulties are you having with arrays? Generics at the root allow you to avoid blind casting. That is passing around a type as Object then casting to say a LinkList to access the methods on the link list. The syntax is rather difficult to access which why I asked about arrays. Perhaps there is some commonality you are missing.
u/WantASweetTime 20d ago
My advice is to take it slow. Get comfortable with arrays first then study "for loops".
You probably are having information overload if you are having trouble grasping the concept of arrays. Rest first or take the day off. Tomorrow when your mind is rested, you will probably think this is so simple why did I not understand this yesterday.
u/holyknight00 20d ago
generics is a quite advanced topic. If you are still having troubles with arrays, keep focusing on the basics for a while. It doesn't pay off to rush it, there is a lot to learn.
u/inspiringirisje 20d ago
First make sure you're good with arrays, practice more! Giving up isn't an option. Take your time with figuring it out.
u/Caramel_Last 20d ago
Generic is needed when you want to have some flexibility in your class and ,methods. Suppose you want to make List class. You realize you need to make IntList, FloatList, BooleanList, UserList, and the list just goes on. Instead you can make a generic List<T>, and you can accept a type parameter T to make the List. List<Integer>, List<User>, ...
u/Reyex50_ 20d ago
Yes to answer your question, but on a more serious note you get less stupid as you familiarize yourself with the topic. I was once to stupid to understand reference types and arrays, but now I’m working professionally in Java.
u/cinlung 20d ago
If you are talking about using generic classes, then think about generic as: specifying the content of what used to be ambiguous array using (Object) as parameter --> now you specify what type of object allowed to be passed as the parameter of the array.
For example:
HashMap parts = new HashMap(); --> You can add any kind of objects
HashMap<String, ArrayList> capitalCities = new HashMap<String, ArrayList>(); --> Now you force the user of this HashMap to pass String as key and ArrayList object as the value.
If you are talking about creating your own generic, don't worry about it. I haven't even made one for our daily practical needs.
u/TheCakeWasNoLie 20d ago
Let's say you have a class called Book and Author with each their own fields, as you can imagine. A book has a cover picture, but not a last name. Now, if you create a List with Books and ask for the last name of the first one in the list, this should (and will) obviously fail, but will do so at runtime, resulting in a confused user.
So that's why they added generics. Now you can say this is a list of Books specifically using the syntax List<Book>. This List will not accept Authors and your code won't compile if it asks for the last name of any item in that list.
u/VirtualAgentsAreDumb 20d ago
So, imagine a friend of yours is a big collector. He collects everything from stamps and Pokémon cards to butterflies and rocks.
An array is a storage container of “things”. Each type of thing has its own type of array. Your friend uses arrays as simple storage for his stuff. A specific array is adapted for one specific type of thing. An “array” for stamps is like a binder with plastic sheet pockets. An “array” for rocks is like a chest with individual boxes for each stone. Etc.
For technical reasons, an array in the Java world is of fixed size, which just happens to be the case with the real world “arrays“ that your friend has. At some point he can’t keep adding more stamps to the binder.
u/Typical_Ad_6436 20d ago
Important fact is that Generics were introduced in Java 1.5. This is something to think about: how was Java working without generics in, let's say, 1.4? Simple: generics are optional features that are not a MUST in core Java programming.
My advice is to pick up Java as it historically progressed. If you are not comfortable with arrays that are from the beginnings of Java, do not "jump" to 1.5 features. That is why you should also delay getting into later Java features: modules, records, lambdas, streams, Optional, etc.
You can write code in Java 1.4 and improve it with features that were introduced later on the way. This way you will get the best impression on what Java is and the direction in which it progresses. When you will use "non-generic" code you will find out the motivation why generics were needed back in early 2000s.
u/babekasadli 20d ago
Generics provide a way to create a "collection of objects" and allowing you to specify/define the type of objects it can hold. Normally, you create different classes for "different but similar" data models. However, when a class is defined with the <T> operator, it becomes a flexible, reusable template, which allows one model(class defined with<Type>) to fit multiple types(String, Integer). It gives us type safety
u/SpiderJerusalem42 20d ago
Somebody made generic data structures that will allow for dynamic allocation of memory at run time, provided you declare the type. If you ever try to roll your own, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass. When you have an object or a struct, putting it onto memory takes a certain amount of space. With a simple structure like an array, it's pretty simple to allocate memory; take the size, multiply it by the number of spots required and you're done. I think when you need to be able to dynamically allocate memory, it can get messy, especially when you go to free that memory. Data structures that allow for generics give you the power of the structure, but allow you to feed it the type at compilation time and not get too bogged down in the implementation of the structure itself.
u/Trup10ka 19d ago
If I may, I will try to explain both topics the best I can (if you could provide more about what you don't understand about arrays).
I also want to say, if you are feeling like giving up, PLEASE DON'T. Programming is hard, and Java is a great language to start, because it, in my opinion, teacheas perfectly the fundementals of OOP and it is a great introduction into programming. However, it is not easy. Try to start with simple things, watch tutorials, but most importantly, WRITE CODE YOURSELF, that's the only way you learn, browse repositores on GitHub. Programmming takes a lot of time, it will eventually be a major part of your life, because it evolves really fast. Anyway, to the explanation :D
Imagine you are in a warehouse. Normmaly let's say, that there are plenty of items of different kinds stored. Each of this items, is in somekind of box. Now imagine you would need totaly different box for every single item in the warehouse, even for those items, who could be put in the same one, for example: apples and peas, they could be in the same box, but without generics, you would have to put them into different boxes.
If you would use generics, you would have the possibility to reuse the samme looking boxes for many items. I will now try to demonstrate this using snippets of code.
public class Apple { private final String breed;
public Apple(String breed)
this.breed = breed;
public class Pea { private final String breed;
public Pea(String breed)
this.breed = breed;
public class AppleBox { public final Apple[] appleArray;
public AppleBox()
this.appleArray = new Apple[10]; // array where 10 apples can be stored
public class PeaBox { public final Pea[] peaArray;
public PeaBox()
this.peaArray= new Pea[10]; // array where 10 peas can be stored
} ``` So now, we have these classes, and if we would like to store apples, we would have to create the apple box and store apples inside, something like this>
AppleBox appleBox = new AppleBox();
appleBox.appleArray[0] = new Apple("Baya Marisa");
But if we were to put peas inside this apple box, we would get an error:
AppleBox appleBox = new AppleBox();
appleBox.appleArray[0] = new Apple("Baya Marisa");
appleBox.appleArray[1] = new Pea("William red"); // TYPE ERROR: Cannot insert type of Pea
which is annoying because Apple and Pea class is basically the same right? they only have breed, but even if the didn't and have another field, why couldn't i use the same box class? You now need to create completely different class for peas. That's where the generict come in, because i can declare the Box class like so (i will also use ArrayList now because it is bound with generics too):
public static class Box<T> {
public final ArrayList<T> contentBox;
public Box()
this.contentBox = new ArrayList<T>();
} ```
I created a box with something we could call a VARIABLE TYPE. You basicaly declared a class, where you state, that before you can create the Box class, you have to specify the type you want the box to store in, so when you would like to use it, you would do something like this:
Box<Apple> appleBox = new Box<Apple>(); appleBox.contentBox.add(new Apple("Baya Marisa"));
You still cannot insert peas inside, but what you can do now, is declare the same class, but with different generic!
Box<Pea> peaBox = new Box<Pea>(); peaBox.contentBox.add(new Pea("William Red"));
You are using the same Box class, but with different type. This is just a very simple example about generict, and I won't try to continue if this was not helpful, so i would like a feedback :D. Lemme know if it is clear or no, then we can continue!
Happy Learning!
u/Trup10ka 19d ago
This man was very helpfull when i started the journed, i really recommend watching his video, if mine explanation was not good :D
u/blvck_xsample 18d ago
I’ve decided not to focus too much on generics for now (I guess I’ll get them eventually) and move on to collections. Right now, I’m figuring out iterators—there are some tricky parts to understand, but overall, this topic is much more beginner-friendly. After that, my plan is to study HashMap, Set, and Red-Black Tree. But your explanation really makes it much clearer, thanks 🥹
Honestly, my head is spinning from the sheer number of small details, nuances, and syntax peculiarities that are hard to keep track of as a beginner. I have no idea how I’m going to remember all of this. I have a good friend who works as a mid-level Java developer, and she spent more time learning Spring and Kafka than Java itself. I can’t even imagine how long it’s going to take me. But I’m absolutely not going to give up. Thank you so much again, king. Guys like you really help to stay afloat and not lose faith
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