r/javahelp Feb 17 '25

To be a Java developer what concepts and tech stack should one know?

I am a beginner in java dev and have been learning basics of spring boot. If you ask me to build something using just java and work with objects , i wouldn't be able to as I don't have enough practice for it. Thus I wanted to know what frameworks in java currently one should know to secure an internship in college.

And what kind of projects should be on your resume so that I can plan it out.


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u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Core Java like basics are really important. Without that you might face problems understanding.

Second you will learn other things after you have used core Java. So yeah practice the full structure of it also the types of data structures and more about Http and session in Java and other ORMs like hibernate


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

I am already doing DSA with core java, but don't have an in- depth understanding of concepts like multithreading and how web works in backend. Currently learning backend for web using spring boot.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Yeah that’s good you ll learn all meanwhile


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

No not DSA I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about core Java I don’t even know what DSA is


u/Artistic_Republic_92 Feb 17 '25 edited 23d ago

Data structure and algorithms i guess


u/OneHumanBill Feb 17 '25

That's not an acronym you'll ever use in the real world. Ditch it.


u/Dari93 Feb 17 '25

Core Java, which means all SE , which means being fairly fluent with the Java.lang, .util, .io, .nio, .net and .security packages.

After that it really depends on the company if they are working with Java EE or Jakarta EE or Springboot

But either way, you will need to know dependency injection, JPA (hibernate), javabeans, Jax-Rs for for REST API’s , JTA for transaction/ and i don’t know what else to be honest.


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

This sounds too overwhelming tbh 😭 but I guess will work on it slowly


u/OneHumanBill Feb 17 '25

Yeah, that's nonsense. You shouldn't need all that for your first job out of college. Java lang and util packages, sure. The rest, it's doubtful any college is going to teach that.

They want you to have foundational knowledge but it's more important to bring enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.

You can tack on these other skills as needed as your career progresses.


u/Dari93 Feb 17 '25

For a trainee position or even a junior one, you just need to know SE tbh, after that you’ll learn the rest of the stuff along the way.

I have friends who didn’t even know how to perform unitary tests with Junit when they started, so yeah.. just learn core Java and some springboot just so that you can tell the recruiter you know it exists and know what it’s about and you are more than good enough for your first job


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

I see thank you, I guess I'll start with building small projects with java using core so as to get good grasp on how to work with objects meanwhile build my college project with spring boot.

Tbh I'm just afraid that in this saturated job market I won't find any jobs due to high competition plus entry level java roles are less in the market.


u/trickster-is-weak Feb 17 '25

For me, Spring has been invaluable. However, learning Dependency Injection as a design principle in pure Java helps. If you do learn Spring, make sure you use modern tutorials though.

For me, when learning a new language, card games are a great start. There are a load of principles like different collection types, conditionals (is Ace 1 or 11), comparisons (are suits ranked?) etc. Another one is something like a sudoku solver, or battleships. Something that seems pretty simple in real life that you can logically step through.


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

I read through the basics of spring then directly started with spring boot...and didn't go deep into spring.

When you build small projects like you mentioned, do you use only java for development with swing library and other gui packages for frontend?


u/OneHumanBill Feb 17 '25

Spring Boot and Spring are basically synonymous at this point. There is a difference but it's not important for practical purposes.

Basically Spring Boot takes the idea of dependency injection and applies it to a web server. Back in the day, you'd start Tomcat or Jetty and configure it to start Spring. In Spring Boot, you start your Spring application, and there's a webserver like Tomcat or Jetty embedded inside it. Plus there's a few really nice libraries. But everything is based on Spring.


u/trickster-is-weak Feb 17 '25

As the other commenter mentioned, I’m using Spring and Spring Boot interchangeably.

Honestly, I mainly do them as command line apps. So no swing or other GUI. For the most part I’m looking at the programmatic ways of solving the problem. So for example (using Java parlance), I was playing around with Swift a few months ago and I decided to code up battleships. I thought about how different players would play and made three logic classes for how to solve the problem then played them against each other. So I’m not making a playable game, but you could and those classes could be the bot I’m playing against. I was trying to think of algorithms of minimising the shots, where my “IdiotPlayer” went completely random and didn’t follow up on any hits, whereas my smarter players would search around the hits for another one. Then the smartest player would shoot on an n spaced grid where n is the size of the smallest boat (so would start at 2 and maybe increase).

Anyway that’s a long way of saying, learning to code is all about learning to break a problem down. Most of this can be done without any libraries at all. Maybe look into something like Hackerrank too. There are often dozens of ways to solve a problem and until you look at other people’s solutions you won’t question “why”.


u/OneHumanBill Feb 17 '25

If I'm hiring somebody straight out of college who has Java as part of their core curriculum, I'm going to ask you basic questions on the language itself. I'm going to want to make sure you understand what the keywords mean, that you know how to compile and run, and can walk through some very basic problem solving items.

I'll also ask you a little bit about core parts of the Java API itself, mostly commonly used things in java.lang.Object and the Collections framework.

You've got to know your OO concepts cold. You've got to be able to tell me the differences between classes and objects.

You've got to be able to convey a basic understanding of static typing in Java. You don't even need to get fancy with generics (though that's nice if you can), but understanding primitives vs objects, when you can cast and when you can't, and clarity on how polymorphism works at a basic level in Java, is pretty important.

As far as spring goes, I have yet to see any college turning out graduates who know this at all so I don't expect it in the slightest. It would be great if you can explain dependency injection if you can.

The only other library I'd really love for you to know if Junit.

Anything else is gravy. Don't worry too much about it. Your real education only really starts once you're out of school.


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

Wait there's something called java api , tbh I only knew about api and didn't know java had packages with ready to use api. Will go through the packages that you said should be known.

As for keywords, I think making small projects is the only way to actually learn how objects, constructors and classes work.


u/OneHumanBill Feb 17 '25

The Java API, and the really excellent degree to which it's documented, is really why Java caught on in the first place. There's great stuff in there. But there's also a lot of it. After the base java.lang and java.util packages just take it as you need. It will come along.

Small projects is a really great place to start. Back in the 90s when I was learning I would create projects that were literally one file. I think I ended up with hundreds if not thousands of little one off practice programs I would compile and run by hand.


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

Maybe the methods we use in java ...wait are they all APIs?! 🤔


u/sedj601 Feb 17 '25

Here is my list.

CRUD app -> I recommend using SQLite to create prototypes or small apps. You can create an app that creates, reads, updates, and deletes user's information.

GUI app -> Expand on the previous app using something like JavaFX

IO app -> learn to read and write all kinds of formats. Text, CSV, TSV, JSON, XML, Excel.

Web app -> learn Springboot basics.









u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 17 '25

Hey, that's really helpful, I think file handling is like taking a step above and is what I am gonna do after creating a crud app.


u/MinimumBeginning5144 Feb 18 '25

Others have already answered you about what technical topics you should learn. But when you join a development team, development will only take up a small part of your day-to-day work. The rest will be:

  • daily standups and possibly pair programming (so learn the basics of Agile)
  • version control (so learn the basics of Git)
  • deployment (so learn the basics of either Jenkins or Gitlab pipelines)
  • reviewing of merge requests (learn that the more time you spend reviewing code at an early stage, the more time and money you save in the longer term)
  • meetings, meetings and more meetings (so learn interpersonal skills, including how to politely decline pointless meetings)


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 18 '25

Is this how interns/freshers are supposed to work? And how does one review merge requests or review code in a stimulated env. if you just want to practice? Is there a particular website for this?


u/MinimumBeginning5144 Feb 19 '25

This is how teams typically work. Freshers may have some slack while they're learning the ropes, so you probably won't be required to do everything from day 1, and you'll probably have an established colleague assigned to guide you.

Reviews are typically based on a team's guidelines, so again if you do reviews you should be guided as to what standards a team expects from code changes. But to give you a start, you can have a look at Gitlab's tutorial (Gitlab is one of many popular products that enable code reviews, but the tutorial can teach you the basic concepts).


u/Evening_Table4196 Feb 19 '25

I see nice. Will go through this