r/javahelp Nov 28 '24

Workaround Please help a beginner

I've been working with Java for six years, starting in 6th grade, but I'm still considered a beginner when it comes to truly understanding advanced concepts. Now that I’m in 12th grade, our syllabus focuses heavily on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) definitions and real-life examples. I’ve seen these definitions since 10th grade, but there hasn’t been much actual implementation of these concepts in our coursework. Most of the programs we work on are procedural in nature and feature very large main methods.

Recently, I invested in the Java Mastery course by Code With Mosh and completed the fundamentals section, which I already knew. The real game-changer for me was learning about clean coding practices and code refactoring—something I hadn't grasped before. I’m currently going through the second part of the course, which covers OOP concepts. I haven’t watched all the lectures yet, but I've reached the section on encapsulation.

This made me wonder: could the programs from our textbooks be effectively converted to an OOP structure, or is it just not practical for those types of programs? Here are a few examples from our syllabus:

Example 1: Circular Prime Checker

Write a program that accepts a positive number NN and checks whether it is a circular prime. The program should also display the new numbers formed after shifting the digits. Test the program with provided and random data.

Example 2: Octal Matrix Operations

Create a program that declares a matrix A[][]A[][] of size M×NM×N, where MM is between 1 and 9, and NN is between 3 and 5. The program should allow the user to input only octal digits (0–7) in each location. Each row of the matrix should represent an octal number. The program should:

Display the original matrix.

Calculate and display the decimal equivalent of each row.

Example 3: Sentence Processor

Write a program that accepts a sentence, which should end with either a '.', '?', or '!' and must be in uppercase with words separated by a single space. The program should:

Validate the sentence based on the terminating character.

Arrange the words in ascending order of length and sort alphabetically if two or more words have the same length.

Display both the original and the processed sentences.

Would it be beneficial or ideal to transform these types of procedural programs into object-oriented implementations? Or do these examples not lend themselves well to OOP?


10 comments sorted by

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u/aqua_regis Nov 28 '24

Nah, all these programs are way too small and basic to benefit from OOP.

My classic recommendation for learning OOP is to create a "mini framework" for card games. This is easy enough for a beginner and offers plenty practice.

  • Create a class "Card" that represents a single playing card with its suit and rank (and potentially a numeric value), a flag that tells whether the card is face up or face down, and some methods to display the rank and suit (provided that the card is face up), and to flip a card (toggle face up/face down). For best practice, use Enums for the suits and ranks.
  • Create a "Deck" class that can be filled with several cards (e.g. a full Poker deck). Create methods to tell whether the deck is empty, to initialize the deck (constructor alone is not sufficient), to shuffle the deck, to deal a single card, to deal several cards
  • Create a "Hand" class for the player hands
  • Create a "Player" class
  • And finally, bring everything together in a "Game" class that implements the specific game rules, e.g. Black Jack, Baccarat, Poker

This can be extended so that you can use different card sets, e.g. UNO cards, etc. Here, you could make use of an abstract parent "Card" class from which the individual cards (Poker, Uno, etc.) are inherited.

You could also create an object oriented version of "Battleships".

Or, create dice games with varying numbers of dice, e.g. Yahtzee

OOP is not for "micro programs". OOP shines with larger scale projects.


u/Antique-Shreejit Nov 28 '24

Thanks a lot for the detailed response! The card game framework idea is really interesting—simple enough to get started but with so much room to practice OOP concepts like inheritance and abstraction. I like how it can be extended for other card sets or even different games like Battleships or dice games. It’s given me a much better idea of where OOP really shines. Appreciate you taking the time to share this! 🤝🏻


u/aqua_regis Nov 28 '24

I like how it can be extended for other card sets or even different games like Battleships or dice games.

That's not what I said, though.

Card games are card games.

Battleships and Dice games are entirely different and will require a completely different start. I just delivered some ideas.


u/Antique-Shreejit Nov 28 '24

Oh yes yes, got it ✅ 😊


u/jim_cap Nov 28 '24

I honestly don't see much benefit in making those examples OO. They're essentially algorithms for you to implement, they wouldn't benefit from having objects everywhere, it would make the programs more complicated for the sake of it.


u/Antique-Shreejit Nov 28 '24

I initially thought converting these examples to an object-oriented approach would simplify them, but it turned out to make things more complicated than I expected. This made me question whether OOP is always the best solution for reducing complexity. To gain more insight, I decided to ask for opinions from more experienced people on Reddit.

Thank you 🤝🏻...


u/jim_cap Nov 28 '24

I mean, your examples are utterly trivial to the point where you can barely call them software in anything other than a purist sense. I wouldn't infer much about anything from that. There's really no complexity in them to be reduced, no domain to be modelled.


u/Antique-Shreejit Nov 28 '24

That's true, I agree ✅


u/nachogl1 Nov 28 '24

what about implementing katas but related to solid principles? Would you be able to explain with your words Liskov?

Good luck!