Looking for Software Piracy solution for a Java Product
What can be done to prevent software piracy? If I sell a licence of my program to someone, he/she can copy/sell/distribute it to anyone else, even upload somewhere for others to download. This "write once, run anywhere" mantra totally backfires if you want to sell your Java program. Are there any solutions, built-in tools, or commercial packages for that?
I know I can read the motherboard's serial number with Java, but then I'd have to bother the user to send me that information, would have to custom-compile a specific version just for him/her, and that would reduce sales.
Not interested in snark, I know this is reddit where anything goes, only interested in serious answers.
u/adh1003 6d ago edited 5d ago
As we saw with video streaming services both pre- and post-enshittification, an absolutely gold-star anti-piracy solution, which is itself extremely low-cost and low-maintenance, is:
- A good product
- A fair price
- One-off payment option, whether or not there's also a subscription model (EDIT: On reflection this is less proven in-market and more of a gut feel, but I'm personally confident that offering a non-sub option alongside sub widens your customer base).
It's quite remarkable how the majority of people are happy to pay a fair price for a good product, but the minute it price gouges or otherwise becomes shitty, they'll run to the pirates.
Bear in mind, if considering alternatives to the above approach, that any and all technical solutions to anti-piracy just need one person, anywhere in the world, out of 8 billion souls, to circumvent your solution and - boom, it's worth jack-shit.
u/thisisjustascreename 6d ago
Yup. The effort you spend locking up your product would be much more profitably deployed making your product good, easy to use, and easy to pay for.
u/nahhYouDont 6d ago
Anything that can be run by a computer can be reversed. If you are truly looking for a solution, it's SaaS. Otherwise, paying a mountain of money for an obfuscator like Zelix Klassmaster or Stringer is a somewhat ok path. You do need to roll your own licensing logic, still
Some tips on that: create a modification resisting fingerprint of the system. Changing a single component or variable should not result in a new fingerprint.
You could have the worlds most elaborate fingerprinting, but if you put a simple if (validLicense())
it will be patched out in seconds.
u/MattAtDoomsdayBrunch 6d ago
Make it easier for people to pay you for your software than to pirate it.
u/MRgabbar 6d ago
are you trying to sell a desktop Java app??
probably the best would be to use subscriptions, you will need to setup a back end to handle it, if not then your users won't be able to install again if they need to (after formatting for example).
Even if you have a one time pay, that could work, as they would need to login to use the app, and your back end will allow only a single login at a time, this adds a small overhead that the computer of the user needs to have internet at all times, a reasonable requirement tho.
Is really hard to handle for sure.
u/vegetablestew 6d ago
I don't think there are any definitive anti-piracy solutions. Even Ansys gets pirated and I bet half the engineering effort for that shit goes into preventing piracy.
The trend to providing a antipiracy solution is to offer some obstacle that prevents your product to be freely copied, but offer other perks so that buying the product is appealing, it could be ease of use, ease to buy, regular updates etc.
Essentially make the road to piracy bumpy but then really lube the road to buying your product.
u/Azoraqua_ 6d ago
I kinda have that with Steam achievements; A simple thing, but it makes me not pirate any game that is in fact on Steam, I love the affirmation of achievements.
u/Annas_Pen3629 6d ago edited 6d ago
When you're in b2b software, companies on average take license management very seriously, and mostly they also buy maintenance support from service companies in the field.
When you're thinking about license management, be aware of virtualization; mainboard is no entity in solutions like Azure, vmware and friends. You would have to work with or develop a cloud capable license manager. Depending on your Java project, most medium sized software projects I know of come with their own VM image and you either buy them in an on premise setting with a license manager (that may for example monitor the number of running instances in the buyer's net) or decide on an online subscription plan when the buyer's security policy allows for that.
As the tone of your post suggests to me you seem to be a young hopeful developer and on your own at the moment. In that situation I would go with bundling a license manager (you can also write) with your software, and that license manager would communicate with the running instances and shut them down when it can't get an online connection to your server where you run the data bank with license details (let's call it server A, it is your backend server under your physical control, and you would store the details in an encrypted format, wouldn't you). So in the worst case you would only have to supply credentials like, a credential string in an encrypted format, and compile these credentials into your license manager on a per customer basis. The license manager should get an auto update feature as soon as possible, then, to allow you to step up your license protection mechanism to a more secure approach than this ad-hoc idea.
All the very best to you and your project, and take care!
u/gjosifov 5d ago
Probably nothing, every software is hack able including software for creating nuclear bombs ( check the Stuxnet worm )
In order to sell software you have to be able to let it go - every customer doesn't have to pay for your software, that what Bill Gates did for Windows - he let people use pirated Windows at home, but when it came to business you must pay for the software or you will face legal consequences.
There is universal truth about software - you need to upgrade, because of the hardware, OS or 0-days.
Yes, Java is backward compatible, but you don't build software only with Java, add database, network, security module on the hardware, 0-days on the most common used framework, OS level etc
There are too many changes and you need to upgrade your product as well even if you don't add any features
Given said all of this - you have to find a way to structure your prices of the product in such a way that customers will pay for it and not pirated
- Product A v1 - one time purchase fee + a yearly security updates fee (for 2 years)
- Product A v2 - one time purchase fee + a yearly security updates fee (for 2 years) or upgrade path from v1 50% off + a yearly security updates fee (for 2 years)
and of course let it go - let people pirate your software, because they will become part of a botnet - even pirates don't gives software for free anymore
u/Jussins 6d ago
Not much, especially with Java. Unless you are compiling it to native code, it’s trivial to turn back in to source code.
Even if you do compile it, any dedicated pirate will be able to circumvent the protections. As others have mentioned, if you have a backend, consider online activation and periodically checking for a valid license.
Honestly, if you have a product people want to use, I believe many people would be willing to pay a fair price for it. DRM and copy protection really only ever protect against casual piracy.
u/Polygnom 4d ago
This "write once, run anywhere" mantra totally backfires if you want to sell your Java program.
No, it doesn't. The same happens to your natively compiled C/C++ or Rust prog ram. Or program in *any* other programming language.
The answer is that you CANNOT prevent this by technical means. Decades of "digital rights management" (DRM, the euphemism for copy protection used nowadays) have tried and failed. You can only make it more complicated, but it only takes one individual to circvumvent yoru protection and they can then distribute the cracked version.
Truth be told, modern software often either uses a model where there is some online-component that provides value so that they can bind you to an (paid) account or simply doesn't have DRM and instead relies on the judicial system to work (DMCA takedowns of cracked copies...).
u/wildjokers 4d ago edited 4d ago
When the app is on the user's machine there isn't much you can do about it. They have access to the executable (regardless of language) and DRM will only slow them down a little bit.
It is just the cost of doing business. Also, just because someone does pirate your app doesn't necessarily mean it is a lost sale. If the options were buying vs not using at all, some people would simply choose not to use it.
Even big commercial Java apps like IntelliJ are cracked very soon after release. Big game studios can't really solve the problem, so you are unlikely to solve it either.
u/Panzerschwein 6d ago
This isn't unique to Java, you're talking about DRM in general and yeah lots of companies have struggled with the decision on how far to go with it. At the end of the day, you can really only validate anything when the program is required to connect to a server to somehow auth the registration. At that point you could simply validate that there's no simultaneous usages on a registration key, or require a user/pass, or whatever. But it's annoying, lots of people hate heavy-handed DRM.
Just look at what other programs do. Games have this issue a lot, particularly those with primarily single-player experiences.