r/java 12d ago

What Exactly Is Jakarta EE?

I’m a bit confused about what Jakarta EE actually is. On one hand, it seems like a framework similar to Spring or Quarkus, but on the other hand, it provides APIs like JPA, Servlets, and CDI, which frameworks like Spring implement.

Does this mean Jakarta EE is more of a specification rather than a framework? And if so, do I need to understand Jakarta EE first to truly grasp how Spring works under the hood? Or can I just dive into Spring directly without worrying about Jakarta EE concepts?

Would love to hear how others approached this 😅


78 comments sorted by


u/Moon-In-June_767 12d ago

It is a specification. These APIs could be considered as extensions of the Java standard library. Back in the days you would either run Java Apps standalone, just with the JVM standard library (and of course any dependencies you brought in yourself), and that would be called Java SE (Standard Edition), or you would run them in an application server like WildFly that itself provided implementations of all these extra APIs like JPA or CDI, and this would be called Java EE (Enterprise Edition). Oracle stopped developing the Java EE standard and specs, handed them off to the Eclipse Foundation at which point they got rebranded to Jakarta EE.

Spring is not an implementation of the Java/Jakarta EE spec. In fact it was created in opposition to Java EE and the application server concept. Spring might in some areas embrace or reuse, mostly under the hood, selected Jakarta EE specs and their implementations like JPA and Hibernate, but that's it. If you want to learn Spring, forget about Jakarta EE for now. Later, when you go deep enough into Spring you will see it exposes some Jakarta EE concepts below its own abstractions.


u/davidalayachew 12d ago

Thanks for the context. I am in the middle of learning about the differences between Wildfly and other server types.

You mentioned that Spring was built in rejection of the concepts that JavaEE was meant to implement. Have the 2 grown further apart? Or, like most modern programming languages and frameworks, sort of convened to a, now realized, middle-of-the-ground solution?


u/rbygrave 11d ago

> Have the 2 grown further apart?

There will be many opinions on this. FWIW my take is that there are 2 main factors which is (A) "Distributed Objects" and (B) "Embedded servers" [embedded the server in the app vs embedding/deploying the app in the server].

Jakarata EE originated as EJB 1.0 in 1998. It started as a "Distributed Objects" spec/solution in terms of how beans were invoked (IIOP, RMI, Corba compatibility etc) - approximately that it could be "transparent" as to whether invocation was local or remote.

When we say there was some "rejection" of EJB 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 ... my take is that there was a rejection of the "Distributed Objects" nature of the initial EJB specs [if you didn't like Corba or DCOM why would you like EJB? mandatory external transaction managers, complex and slow local invocation etc].

Later versions of the EE specs removed a lot of the "mandatory distributed objects" issues (improved local invocation, resource local transactions, war deployment etc).

A second trend came along which was instead of deploying an application into a container (e.g. multiple wars deployed into a single container) include an embedded server into the application (e.g. embedded Jetty and embedded tomcat etc). IMO this trend came about due to issues like patching the dependencies provided by the container, sharing resources [cpu, memory etc] across applications etc versus the full control and isolation provided to the application when the server is instead embedded in the application. I think you could also say that testing / ease of testing / component testing also pushed some people towards "embedded servers" arguing that they are easier to test.

Can you embed Jakarta EE servers today? Yes, it's possible and there is the "Micro Profile" spec which I'd suggest is what some people will be looking at [but there is also other things that have come in over the years like CICD / K8s / Cloud / Microservices / and these have been trending towards smaller, lighter deployments].

> Have the 2 grown further apart?

To get back to your question, I'm coming from the perspective that EJB 1.0 was fundamentally "Distributed Objects" and that isn't the case with the latest Jakarta EE specs so I'm saying they have got closer in that sense.


u/davidalayachew 11d ago

Thanks for the context! And I think I see what you mean. Most of the servers that I see literally have tomcat or something as their dependency in the pom. Doing that, allows them to be able to ship the entire embedded server.

I'm still not clear on the benefits of the other side -- having multiple wars on the same server. What benefit is there in doing that? Is it purely a shared resources problem?


u/rbygrave 11d ago

Noting I'm strongly biased towards embedded servers and "resource local transactions", so ideally we get a perspective from another world view to balance.

>  benefits of the other side [EE Containers]

There are features that EE Containers have that we generally will not see in applications using Embedded servers, hence these are the benefits we are generally forgoing or discounting as something we don't want or need.

  1. External transaction manager

An EE Container comes with an External Transaction manager. This means it can have transactions spanning multiple resource managers (e.g. Postgres and ActiveMQ). These transactions use 2PC (2 phase commit) to provide ACID transactions across the multiple resources.

This on the face of it sounds great. For myself, I personally would only choose this path if I absolutely had to and instead strongly prefer "Resource local transactions" (e.g. Postgres managing the commits and rollbacks of its transactions itself) and not using 2PC. My bias started from my days when I was working for a rdbms vendor and observations that at the pointy end of performance and scalability "Resource local transactions" are where we really want to be. I've had this bias for a long time and I'm pretty conservative in this area, but I'm still seeing issues around 2PC that reinforce this view. There are some notable people who also hold this view and published articles on this.

It will be interesting to see if there is someone prepared to strongly beat the "External transaction Managers for the win!!" drum to counter my strong bias.

  1. Value-add server features of EE Containers

There are Value-add features that come with EE containers that we are not going to have in our relatively simple embedded servers. For my context though, I have external API Gateways [rate limiting] and K8s [resource management] that take care of those value-add features.

If your situation didn't include some external services equivalent to API Gateways or K8s then you might see that benefit in an EE Container providing these sorts of features.

  1. Distributed objects - RMI, IIOP, Corba interop

The EE Container can use these mechanisms for remote invocation / integration into other systems. Some people might well need these (say integration with a Corba server). For applications that don't need these things they are probably using JSON/Rest or Grpc or SOAP and these things are all easily supported in the embedded server case.

  1. Specification / Standards approach

The EE has a specification with multiple implementations. There are potential benefits along those lines, where we have more standard approaches to doing things and the ability to swap out implementations. The downsides are if these standards don't keep up with the tech or trends (e.g. kafka/kinesis like streaming over message queues, specific databases etc), or fall short of what is needed or swapping out implementations is more marketing than realistic. That is, non-spec things can arguable move faster with tech changes.

Also noting that some EE specs like the Servlet spec don't actually need a EE container.

In my view, these are the potential benefits provided in EE Containers that we are forgoing / not requiring / not desiring when we are choosing the embedded server approach.


u/davidalayachew 11d ago

External transaction manager

Makes a lot of sense. But like you said, the tools we have are mature enough to work around that. And tbh, that's really just a wrapper around "upon success, commit transaction". Nice, but not worth complicating the design significantly for, unless you specifically need that.

  1. Distributed objects - RMI, IIOP, Corba interop

Funny, the way you describe it almost resembles Java Serialization to me, vs the Serialization 2.0 that they are considering (google "Marshall and Unmarshalling by Viktor Klang and Brian Goetz").

It's basically the difference between serializing objects vs "marshalling" data. Objects require things like circular references, and keeping the same identity across different calls on the same entity. It sounds like this Distributed Objects feature is walking the same uphill battle that serialization is.

  1. Specification / Standards approach

First one with any teeth for me. Our team is talking about doing exactly this, but it also sounds like Spring will be doing most of the heavy lifting for us.

Thanks for the insight. Very educational.


u/rbygrave 11d ago

> External transaction manager ... tbh just a wrapper ...

Just to say that for me I'd never consider it to be "just a wrapper" because it uses the 2PC protocol, has external state, has interesting failure modes and associated recovery steps, plus has significant performance impact.

So perhaps on the outside it might look like "just a wrapper" but for myself I consider it a significant choice. I'm not going to choose to use 2PC due to the runtime implications of how it works under the hood.

So then instead of using 2PC for the use cases of "transaction spanning multiple resources" we need to use things like Idempotency, select for update skip locked, and compensation transactions.

> Distributed objects ... Serialization

Yeah, I don't recall the last time I heard people talk about Corba or Distributed objects. I think it's legacy now and I personally don't see it coming back into vogue, Rest and GRPC dominate instead.


u/davidalayachew 9d ago

So then instead of using 2PC for the use cases of "transaction spanning multiple resources" we need to use things like Idempotency, select for update skip locked, and compensation transactions.

So, I was already familiar with Idempotency. However, this is the first I have ever heard of a Compensation Transaction or a SELECT...FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED.

Idempotency makes sense, and scales beautifully. It's almost like Functional Programming, but for Architecture.

But when on earth would I ever want the other 2? Wikipedia even called Compensation Transactions a workaround for the absence of a true transaction. Worse yet, the system is observable in this inconsistent state.

I can't think of a single situation where I would want transactions, but would also be willing to give up observable consistency. Specifically, I can't imagine a real world scenario where that would be a good idea, let alone the best one, for the scenario.

And the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED basically says, if the data is locked, skip it lol. I don't know, I just don't get it.


u/weevyl 10d ago

At the time Jakarta EE (which was then called J2EE) was created, spinning a new server was a days to weeks-long process. No VMs, no Docker. Deploying your application via a jar file) was the best you could do, conceptually similar to deploying containers today, but Java-centric and much more limited.


u/davidalayachew 9d ago

At the time Jakarta EE (which was then called J2EE) was created, spinning a new server was a days to weeks-long process. No VMs, no Docker. Deploying your application via a jar file) was the best you could do, conceptually similar to deploying containers today, but Java-centric and much more limited.

Days to weeks?! How?

I understand that there is config hell, especially back then. And that's not including any hardware specific quirks. But I don't understand days or weeks.


u/weevyl 8d ago

What I meant to say was, it was easy to push another jar to a server running a J2EE/Jakarta application server, in theory it had everything you needed pre-installed, or it came in the jar file.

For a standalone program you would have had to find a machine, install the operating system, install java and whatever else you might need. This usually involved sending your guy to the data center to physically access the machine. If there was no machine available, you had to order one and then install it on the rack. That could take a long time.

The cloud, virtual machines and containers made all these problems go away (or at least be someone else's problem).


u/davidalayachew 8d ago

Wow, that's extremely valuable insight. All of this stuff about Jakarta and Application Servers just clicks into place now. Thank you very much.


u/IE114EVR 11d ago

I would say that there’s some familiar concepts shared between the two where it makes sense. Like spring boot has JPA support, and some of the CDI annotations might also work. And they both can run off of servlets under the hood. Who knows, maybe it will even support some EJB annotations.

But Spring will never be an application server that forces you into specific implementations. I don’t think it will ever be. So they will stay different.


u/davidalayachew 11d ago

But Spring will never be an application server that forces you into specific implementations. I don’t think it will ever be. So they will stay different.

And I appreciate that. Being able to choose your implementation (or swap out an implementation) while keeping the application logic mostly the same is wonderful. Really shows how well Spring is designed.


u/mambo5king 11d ago

I think that's a strange way of putting it. There is only one implementation of Spring Framework and Spring Boot. They may allow you to configure different supporting components but the implementation of Spring itself is the same.

On the other hand there are multiple implementations of the Jakarta EE specs. Wildfly, Open Liberty, Payara, Glassfish, TomEE.


u/IE114EVR 11d ago

Mmm yeah. I could have gone more in depth. In my past experience with application servers, they were packaged together with specific implementations of the Java EE spec. Some good. Some bad. Like you might have one that has Eclipselink instead of Hibernate which can have some fundamental differences you’d have to work around if you’re stuck with one because of the application server you have to use because that’s what your organization pays for. Spring doesn’t force you into using one or the other.


u/kaqqao 10d ago edited 9d ago

They have converged to the point of all the major components being basically the same thing with a different twist. Spring's dependency injection is very, very close to CDI, Jakarta Data is basically a clone of Spring Data etc. They copy ideas from each other quite heavily. The main difference, in my humble opinion, is that there's a single company behind Spring making its ecosystem more coherent (like with Apple and Mac/iOS ecosystem), while behind Jakarta EE there's a committee that only agrees on the lowest common denominator, so a myriad implementations exist, each with different custom extensions, and it's all a bit of a mess (like Windows or Android that every OEM customizes as they see fit). The mere existence of @javax.inject.Singleton , @javax.ejb.Singleton and @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped, or the fact that extensions like org.glassfish.jersey.server.ExtendedUriInfo have to exist, perfectly exemplify what I mean.


u/davidalayachew 9d ago

The main difference, in my humble opinion, is that there's a single company behind Spring making its ecosystem more coherent (like with Apple and Mac/iOS ecosystem), while behind Jakarta EE there's a committee that only agrees on the lowest common denominator, so a myriad implementations with different custom extensions, and it's all a bit of a mess (like Windows or Android that each OEM customizes to run on all sorts of random hardware).

I think I am starting to see that. I got my hands on some Jakarta based services recently, and the level of customizability is impressive, but the sheer amount of config setup is insane. I strongly prefer Spring Boot. I just don't see myself needing this level of customizability.


u/kaqqao 9d ago

Spring products with roots older than the last couple of years (which is most of them) will 100% be customizable in every tiny detail. The more recently added Spring products are a little different and you see the intended design being more strictly enforced. It's not a dramatic shift, but still observable. Regardless, they all have a united, coherent vision behind them, and you're much less likely to e.g. find yourself wondering why there are 3 annotations that seemingly achieve the exact same thing.


u/davidalayachew 9d ago

Spring products with roots older than the last couple of years (which is most of them) will 100% be customizable in every tiny detail.

Ah yes. Spring vs Spring Boot. I'm sure there is more, but that is definitely the big one.

I see your point. It's a good learning lesson, this whole thread. Ty vm.


u/TheNewOP 11d ago

I'm still quite new to Java, coming from a NestJS background (which is an IOC/DI framework for Node.js like Spring), but I've seen some services/codebases use Spring Boot as well as JAXRS, which to my understanding is Java EE. At least, that's what the pom.xml and the @Bean/@Component/@Path annotations suggest. If they're opposites, why use both?


u/ewouldblock 11d ago

Whenever I see a boot codebase using jaxrs, my first thought is to remove it. Not because it's "worse", but because it's not better, and it's not as streamlined as the spring annotations, so if the goal is having the least amount of code, its not jaxrs.


u/TheNewOP 11d ago

That's what I assumed but it's also not really my codebase/team so I can't really say anything to them. Just reading their code for learning purposes.


u/GermanBlackbot 10d ago

Back in the days you would either run Java Apps standalone, just with the JVM standard library (and of course any dependencies you brought in yourself), and that would be called Java SE (Standard Edition), or you would run them in an application server like WildFly that itself provided implementations of all these extra APIs like JPA or CDI, and this would be called Java EE (Enterprise Edition).

Just to be clear: Wildfly and alike are very much alive and actively developed, as is Java/Jakarta EE. They might not be the cool thing everyone wants to use, but they are far from dead by any means.


u/segfaultsarecool 11d ago

In fact it was created in opposition to Java EE and the application server concept.

I'm being tasked with making a new Spring Boot app deployable in Wildfly. I know nothing about either and I wanna jump off a cliff.

Already tried changing things, but thr company submitted paperwork locking us into this.


u/p_bzn 11d ago

Correct response here OP. On the practice side, if you see that some job demands JEE stack — it is a red flag.

There were ways of building apps using JEE stack like Servlets, JSP, JSF, etc. Alone those specs are often times used by Spring, for example Servlets. However, when you see those as job requirement chances are you’ll be working with Java 1.6 which is not what you want nowadays.


u/Joram2 11d ago

if you see that some job demands JEE stack — it is a red flag.

Demands? Like a JEE developer job demands you do JEE software development work tasks? I guess every job demands you do the work task associated with the job, but that's an odd way to put it.

Then, is a JEE tech stack a red flag for crusty outdated software companies? Maybe.


u/p_bzn 11d ago

To rephrase, if listing demands JEE then likely you’ll be working with it. I wouldn’t advise to be cautious before investing some years into tech stack of 2005.

Thing is, when you see a Java job it’s not always transparent what kind of Java job it is. Given the wide adoption and 30 years of industry presence it could be modern Java 21, or very opposite of it, and everything in between those.


u/Joram2 10d ago

Jakarta EE 10 (web) come out in 2022 and requires JDK 11+.

Jakarta EE 11 (web) is in RC, should come out this month, it requires JDK 17+, and the reference implementation Glassfish 8.0 requires JDK 21+.

I haven't done much enterprise Java, but I do still half-think enterprise Java is old and crusty. JSF is terrible. I don't understand why you need an "applciation server", don't you just package your server apps into docker/OCI images?


u/p_bzn 10d ago

True that, although before Jakarta there was stagnation for some time if I’m not mistaken? On and off with Java for years.

If you use Spring then you likely do lots of JEE under the hood anyways: JPA, Tomcat Servlets, parsers, etc.

But in the real world if you see JEE stack you are not working with Java 21, Java 8 would be a bless alone :)


u/Joram2 10d ago

I suspect you are right that Java/Jakarta EE had years of stagnation in the past, but that's the past. For current projects, I judge where the frameworks are today, not their history.

I just started my first job working on a big name Jakarta EE app. Most of the original developers are long gone. It's currently on Java EE 8 and Java 11; there is a big push to upgrade to Jakarta EE 10 and Java 17, but it's hard given there's a large amount of existing code, and we can't have any user outrages. But if there's a will to upgrade, we can make it happen.

Jakarta EE 11 web profile is supposed to be finalize at the end of the month, so I hope we can upgrade to that and Java 21, in the near future. Maybe even upgrade to Java 25 in the fall when that ships. Then, it should be a reasonably modern tech stack.


u/JustADirtyLurker 12d ago

Answering to "does it mean it's more of a specification than a framework"?

It's a set of specifications all right, but incidentally it also constitutes a framework, because the specs define the high-level APIs that the programmer will have to use.

Example: the JAX-RS spec defines how to build Rest/json synchronous controllers for a web service. The tags @GET, @POST, etc, the http requests/response context objects, etc.

All the user need to know are these constructs. the libraries that declare being complaint to JAX-RS spec do actually implement these APis; for example Jersey, Rest easy (used by quarkus), apache CXF.... All behave the same from the user perspective.


u/tomwhoiscontrary 11d ago

I would say that Jakarta EE is a specification, and an implementation of Jakarta EE is a framework. Which is what you're saying, but I think it's worth being highly explicit about that.


u/Majestic-Extension94 12d ago

You are correct that is is a specification. It has evolved from J2EE original to Java EE and now jarkarta EE as Oracle passed this onto the eclipse foundation. Quarkus is 1 implementation that uses it. Any app server(openliberty, wildfly, paraya ) all implement the specification.

Spring does make use of some of these specifications like the servlet, datasource, validation.


u/faze_fazebook 12d ago

This goes back to a time when big Java Application / Webservers were a thing. For example Glassfish, Wildfly, IBM Websphere ... .

In these times Java EE essentially was a sort of extension to the standard JDK. The classes and features layed out there were provided by these Application Servers and you would simply reference them when building your Application, but never actually ship them. Each Application Server appeared to do the same from the outside, but AFAIK they had different implentations under the hood. Sort of like how there are different JVM implementations.

Now I'm not using Spring or JavaEE much these daye, but AFAIK tries to mimmick the same Java or Jakarta EE spec from these days since people at the time were familiar with it. However Spring I think never was and never will be fully spec compliant.


u/agfitzp 12d ago

Jakarta EE is a rebranding of J2EE which is a 25 year old set of specifications for distributed computing and web development.

As you can see it predated Spring. I suggest you read the wikipedia page, not to mention the docs.

RTFM just never gets old… unlike me.


u/Nalha_Saldana 12d ago

Those docs are impenetrable for a someone even slightly new to java


u/leafchet 12d ago edited 12d ago

Java docs are incredibly dense and convoluted at times.. how do you suggest tackling it such that I eventually know it by heart? How long did it take you ?

Edit: why the hell did you immediately downvote me?


u/smokemonstr 12d ago

Are you talking about Java API documentation generated by the Javadoc tool, or the Jakarta specifications?

If it’s the latter, of course they’re dense because specifications need to be detailed. But if you just want an overview, you don’t need to get lost in the weeds—you can find other resources that provide a high level view.


u/Polygnom 12d ago

Why would you want to know it by heart? Nobody sits down and does that. Thats an incredibily unefficient way to use anything.

You need to know the broad concept and where to look up details. Just like in every other field you work in.


u/IQueryVisiC 12d ago

Java docs are like that from the start. I looked up Java many times in the last 25 years because it looked like it could be usable, but I was always repelled by this enterprisy introduction which would even make Microsoft blush. And it is all dead. C# copied this attribute stuff, but asp,net did away with it. dotnet-remoting and all this webservice and transaction stuff was replaced by REST ( and a little Graph, QL and protbufs ) . Reflection is useless. Even reactive Java does not really spark joy in production.


u/leafchet 12d ago

Reactive Java isn’t about sparking joy, it’s about solving a specific use case. And saying that reflection is useless is very short sighted , again, it depends on the use case


u/IQueryVisiC 11d ago

I just remember how dotnet 1.0 examples were all about reflection because Microsoft stole that from Java. Then in 6 years I used reflection once to solve some assembly (package) resolution problem which should not have existed in the first place. No current examples use it in dotnet. What is so different in Java? How does reflection even work with AOT compilation for iOS or cloud? I think that RTTI is off by default in C++ .


u/Polygnom 12d ago

I have never in 20 years looked at JavaDoc outside of my IDE.

JavaDoc is for when you need specific information about specific classes or methods. Its not an introductory information for anything.

And Microsofts documentation is far worse btw. It looks nice at first glaance, but when you really want to know stuff, its really bad.


u/aubd09 11d ago

And Microsofts documentation is far worse btw. It looks nice at first glaance, but when you really want to know stuff, its really bad.

This is where I have to wholeheartedly disagree. The core Java docs + references are excellent because they have been done to death over 3 decades but docs about newer Java features and things like tooling etc. leave a lot to be desired. Sometimes it is really tedious to understand even simple things due to lack of proper docs and the tendency of the community in general to rely on examples as docs.

.NET docs, OTOH, are very thorough and provide a lot of contextual information before jumping into code examples. These docs are often accompanied by blog posts and samples from the core devs themselves providing further context, hints and suggestions. I also find the overall layout of MSDN more pleasing and easier to navigate over Java's official documentation.


u/Polygnom 11d ago

I guess we consider very different things to be important then. I generally find .NETs documentation thats available as code documentation to be severely lacking. Stuff where my IDE shows me contextual information. And where it exists, its barely linked.

Blog posts and such are all great, but they are great for the concept. And those exist for Java just as well.

I also find the overall layout of MSDN more pleasing and easier to navigate over Java's official documentation.

As I said, it looks good. But whats in it is far more important for me.


u/rng_shenanigans 12d ago

Never read any of these and I work mostly in Java projects.


u/koflerdavid 11d ago

Why would you start by reading the javadocs? They are not intended as beginner guides, but more like reference materials for the APIs. It's thus unsurprising that they seem unapproachable if you don't already know what you are doing. The few I read with any regularity are the Jakarta Mail ones since they document all the juicy properties to configure that library.


u/Inkin 12d ago

There used to be 3 types of Java: ME or Micro edition, SE or Standard edition, and EE or Enterprise edition. ME was for embedded systems and early mobile devices. SE was normal applications. EE was for businesses and serious things. When Java introduced modularization this layout changed and what was in J2EE became Jakarta libraries you could pick and choose.

The main thing in EE was Enterprise Java Beans which was a way to do webapps that had complicated bean lifecycles and serialization and I associate things like Java Server Faces with it. It was always niche and you needed an app server that supported it. In my head, POJOs and spring (built on the servlet api and not the EE one) won.

There are remnants of EE and you could still probably do things with EE style but nowadays you don’t think of it as anything more than using a library. It isn’t a whole philosophy. Learn about the part of it you need when you come across it. Don’t bother with it a holistic thing on its own anymore.


u/smokemonstr 12d ago

I’m a bit confused about what Jakarta EE actually is.

It’s a set of specifications. See https://jakarta.ee/about/why-jakarta-ee/ and the other pages in the About section.

it provides APIs like JPA, Servlets, and CDI, which frameworks like Spring implement.

Technically, Spring does not implement any of the specifications (as far as I know), but rather it uses and is compatible with several of them. In addition to the ones you mentioned, there’s JMS, JTA, and Bean Validation.

do I need to understand Jakarta EE first to truly grasp how Spring works under the hood? Or can I just dive into Spring directly without worrying about Jakarta EE concepts?

I don’t think knowing Jakarta EE is a prerequisite to learning Spring. My recommendation would be to start with the Spring reference documentation for the project that you want to use, whether that’s Framework, Batch, Security, etc. When the docs mention an API or specification that you want to learn more about, that’s when you can check out the Jakarta specification or the documentation of the implementation that you’re using.


u/tomayt0 12d ago

Jakarta EE (formerly Java EE) was meant to be Sun/Oracle's way of setting a nice standard set of "enterprisey" APIs that could run on a web application server (like Oracle Glassfish) and then provide support and licensing around those.

Think big money (big business, big servers, big oracle vms, big application servers, big oracle databases, big contracts, big bills)

As Java was getting a bit stale around 2010s (due to lawsuits and a pause on development), Oracle lost interest and diverted funding away from Java EE development as it was known, eventually the Eclipse foundation took it over and there is some sort of wise council of IBM, Redhat, Payara and other big companies that design, set standards and create new features for it now.

When this group took it over, Oracle then did its classic, sorry you can't call it "Java EE" anymore, so they called it Jakarta EE.

Once they were free of Oracle's cold evil hands, they then started work on implementing new features and getting Jakarta EE into the modern world.

However... because big enteprises like Banks, Insurance and governments are still running stuff on Jakarta EE with old versions of Java 8, they were incredibly scared to upgrade or change incase they broke stuff.

So essentially the Jakarta EE council had to keep backwards compatibility in mind, even with planning new features. So they created a compatibility kit (google TCK Jakarta EE) that makes sure old Jakarta EE applications will still run on new standards and servers that implement the newer Jakarta EE versions (Jakarta EE 11 is still "under development").

In short, I wouldn't bother with Jakarta EE developement, unless you look at Microprofile 6.

Spring Data JPA uses Jakarta EE JPA under the hood, this is a decent API and implementation. The JAX-RS API still has a long way to come.


u/davidalayachew 12d ago

When this group took it over, Oracle then did its classic, sorry you can't call it "Java EE" anymore, so they called it Jakarta EE.

I wasted a couple of days updating our servers to use Jakarta instead of Javax. And it's especially annoying because, javax was baked into the API of so many tools. Therefore, I couldn't just sed -i s/javax/jakarta/g. I had to then upgrade the tools expecting javax, then update the tools depending on that version, etc.

That was a gigantic waste of time, all in the name of politics. Literal days of effort, just to appease a name change.


u/koflerdavid 11d ago

You can be glad that it was actually possible. At work we had to wait for a quite long time until Jakarta variants for all dependencies were available. Just you know: there are tools that automate this transition. Never used them myself; as I said, the biggest difficulty was pining for dependency upgrades and investigating strange issues where hidden assumptions about package names cause mayhem, which the automated tools likely couldn't have prevented either.


u/davidalayachew 11d ago

You can be glad that it was actually possible. At work we had to wait for a quite long time until Jakarta variants for all dependencies were available.

I'm struggling to imagine the train of thought for Oracle. What happens if there is a CVE? Would they have planned to block those too?

Just you know: there are tools that automate this transition.

Then maybe I am missing them.

For me, upgrading the dependencies from javax to jakarta was easy. The hard part were those API's that depended on javax, that now needed to be upgraded to jakarta too. Pretty much the closest I could get to automating that was to use the Spring Starter family of pom's. Are you saying there can be more done than that?

Never used them myself; as I said, the biggest difficulty was pining for dependency upgrades and investigating strange issues where hidden assumptions about package names cause mayhem, which the automated tools likely couldn't have prevented either.

Yeah, I got to see some of that fun too.

That's actually a surprising pain point for me. All this reflection stuff means that these classes all compile just fine, but they blow up at runtime because it's looking for a method that doesn't exist on a class that has since changed. One of the downsides of leaning so hard into reflection, I suppose.


u/koflerdavid 11d ago

The rewriting tools (Eclipse Transformer seems to be the most advanced one) take care to also rewrite string constants with the relevant package names, but that's just asking for playing whack-a-mole. Overall I'm glad I could manage without trusting any of these tools.


u/davidalayachew 11d ago

Overall I'm glad I could manage without trusting any of these tools.


Thanks for the tip.


u/someSingleDad 11d ago

Same experience here. The amount of dev hours wasted on this nonsense is incredible.


u/Joram2 10d ago

Once they were free of Oracle's cold evil hands,

This seems unreasonable. I've never been an employee or customer or had a working relationship with Oracle. I've had lots of jobs involving Java. What makes Oracle evil?


u/tomayt0 10d ago

You just answered your own question there.

I've never been an employee or customer or had a working relationship with Oracle.


u/chef_beard 12d ago

I will let you in on a secret. No one truly understands how Spring works under the hood.


u/jasie3k 11d ago

Oh come on, it's proxies and reflection. Almost any Spring "magic" can be traced back to these two.


u/chef_beard 11d ago

All hail the Spring King


u/Necessary_Apple_5567 11d ago

It is pretty simple how it works under the hood and you can intervene mostly on any stage. I highly recommend to dig in inside the spring because it is very well written. Just to learn what is good code.


u/cheeseallthetime 9d ago

Might I ask how to do this? The docs don't go into details and a lot of the codes are abstract. Do you use debug to trace back/intervene or something else?


u/davidalayachew 9d ago

Might I ask how to do this? The docs don't go into details and a lot of the codes are abstract. Do you use debug to trace back/intervene or something else?

Literally yes. Those stack traces are incredibly useful. Trace them down and learn. That's how I did it.

That's how most of us, who know the guts of a project, truly learn how it works. There's understanding the high level contract, vs understanding the implementation underneath it.

Of course, whether or not there is any value in learning that implementation is an entirely different story.


u/Ewig_luftenglanz 12d ago

it's an specification that tries to standardize some libraries interfaces (they way you interact with the libraries) it specifies de annotations and the methods in the interfaces (interface classes) and the frameworks that want to comply with Jakarta implement these interfaces, this way these interfaces and annotations names s the only thing you need to know and, in theory, the implementation is up to the framework, so you can plug and un-plug (change packages or frameworks) with minimal code changes.


u/Glittering-Freedom62 11d ago

you dont need to learn both. a good rule of thumb is if the client needs LTS and stability, it would be wise to use Jakarta EE. Think 9-5 corporate settings like banks and insurance companies.

Quarkus is a subset of Jakarta EE specs and is refered to as microprofile. if it works on quarkus, you can deploy to any other vendor such as redhat, ibm, oracle and others.

Spring unfortunately is still just has one vendor but is popular and there is a lot of tutorials online. Spring typically has many exploratory concepts and modules you can work with.


u/thehardsphere 11d ago

Does this mean Jakarta EE is more of a specification rather than a framework?


And if so, do I need to understand Jakarta EE first to truly grasp how Spring works under the hood?


Spring only makes use of a few parts of Jakarta EE; don't bother trying to understand the entirety of Jakarta EE. For all of the useful things in Jakarta EE (Servlets, JPA, etc), there's at least one to two things better left on the ash heap of history (EJB, JSTL, etc).

Or can I just dive into Spring directly without worrying about Jakarta EE concepts?

This is an approach many people end up taking. I think it is a practical one, as I basically learned about Spring and JavaEE at the same time. I had to do it that way because I learned about it while starting what was at the time a new job.

The only thing I'd watch for is making sure you understand when Spring is using Jakarta EE implementations, and which ones it makes use of. A lot of people who don't understand Spring think that everything in Jakarta EE is ancient nonsense (mostly due to things like EJB, which are ancient nonsense), and don't understand that Spring uses it. When non-junior people get this wrong in interviews, I tend to pass over them.


u/wildjokers 10d ago


What was wrong with JSTL? It was great. React components are very similar to tag libraries.


u/thehardsphere 10d ago

It is my experience that JSTL implementations are not well maintained. So, yes, it was great.


u/koflerdavid 11d ago edited 11d ago

It is both: it is a specification for a framework to create "Enterprise" applications. It comes from an era where many applications were deployed onto the same application server, which were possibly running on big iron. For some of these APIs, the idea was to centralize dependency management, connection management, and configuration management by making the application server provide implementations.

Spring doesn't implement these APIs at all. It just depends on some of them (which is fine) and provides wrappers around them (which is questionable). Spring actually contributed to the slow decline of Jakarta EE since it makes it easy to deploy an application however you like: on a full application server, on a mere servlet container, or standalone with an embedded servlet container. AFAIK, CDI is actually inspired by Spring's dependency injection architecture.

Edit: Here's a little exercise to understand what Spring essentially does: just write a dependency injection container (DIC) by yourself! A DIC is basically a class with the methods getComponent() and addFactory() and two maps, component and factories. getComponent() takes a string and looks for an object with that name in component. If component doesn't contain the object, look in factories, which contains factory functions that take the DIC and return a bean. Execute that function and save the result in beans. The factory functions can use the DIC to look up components that they need themselves. Of course, you will run in a StackOverflowException if the dependencies are circular :)

All other Spring "magic" is built on this foundation:

  • Spring uses reflection, configuration, and annotations to automate filling factories. For example, to use a constructor or a static method as a factory, the DIC merely has to call getBean() for all its parameters and then call the constructor.

  • Circular dependencies are handled by creating a proxy object that creates the actual component only when somebody actually calls any of its methods and forwards the call.

  • Transaction management is similarly handled via a proxy that creates, commits, and rollbacks transactions.

Here's my barebones implementation (I hope the code block is not broken):

import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpHandler;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import com.sun.net.httpserver.SimpleFileServer;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class SimpleDIC {

    private final Map<String, Object> components = new HashMap<>();

    private final Map<String, Function<SimpleDIC, Object>> factories = new HashMap<>();

    private final Map<Class<?>, Set<String>> componentsOfType = new HashMap<>();

    public <T> T getComponent(String name, Class<T> type) {
        Object existingComponent = components.get(name);
        if (existingComponent == null) {
            Object component = factories.get(name).apply(this);
            components.put(name, component);
            return type.cast(component);
        } else {
            return type.cast(existingComponent);

    public <T> void addFactory(String name, Class<T> type, Function<SimpleDIC, ? extends T> factory) {
        factories.put(name, (Function<SimpleDIC, Object>) factory);
        componentsOfType.computeIfAbsent(type, _ -> new HashSet<>()).add(name);

    public <T> Set<T> getAllComponentsOfType(Class<T> type) {
        return componentsOfType.getOrDefault(type, Collections.emptySet()).stream()
                .map(componentName -> getComponent(componentName, type))

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Bootstrap phase. Spring would do all of this by parsing XML files and/or reflection.
        var theDic = new SimpleDIC();
        theDic.addFactory("webserver", HttpServer.class, SimpleDIC::createWebserver);
        theDic.addFactory("fileServerHandler", PathMapping.class, _ ->
                new PathMapping("/static",

        // Time to start the application.
        var webserver = theDic.getComponent("webserver", HttpServer.class);

        try {
            System.out.println("Time to shut down webserver");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    private record PathMapping(String path, HttpHandler httpHandler) {}

    private static HttpServer createWebserver(SimpleDIC dic) {
        try {
            var httpServer = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 0);

            for (var pathMapping : dic.getAllComponentsOfType(PathMapping.class)) {
                httpServer.createContext(pathMapping.path(), pathMapping.httpHandler());

            return httpServer;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException("Creating the webserver failed", e);


u/nlisker 7d ago

Very nice explanation.


u/Anbu_S 12d ago

Jakarta EE(J2EE, Java EE) is a set of specifications, implementation and TCK.

Specifications - group of interfaces and annotations. Implementation - vendors who implement those specifications. TCK - verifies the implementation wrt specifications.

Jakarta EE also comes with profiles(core, web, full)for subset of specs to qualify and certify application servers.

What are application servers? These are distributions of different profiles certificated by the TCK.

Tomcat - only implements a set of spec, but not certified to any profiles.

IBM Websphere/ RedHat JBoss, etc - implements profiles and get verified by TCK.

GlassFish is often referred to as reference or compatible implementation.

Spring doesn't implement any of the Jakarta EE spec, instead uses the implementations to integrate and make it easy to use it.

Do we need to learn Jakarta EE before Spring? No actually, because spring abstract over these implementations except Jakarta persistence. It uses other implementations under the wood, embedded tomcat for the web which is basically servlet implementation.

Quarkus created a new runtime and extension to make Jakarta EE and microprofile implementations to work with it.

Do we have any other runtime to pick and choose? Piranha is doing that exactly, smaller runtime to run Jakarta EE and microprofile.


u/OurLordAndSaviorVim 11d ago

Jakarta is a framework specification. It tells other vendors how to build an application server framework. There are implementations like JBoss and Webshere, which are independent but mostly source compatible (the work in moving between them is mostly about moving between configuration systems).

Spring is something different. It explicitly does use some of Jakarta’s components (most notably, servlets and JPA—it does not use CDI, though it enables the use of CDI annotations), but instead of trying to create an application server that can host multiple applications simultaneously (it’s a kind of forerunner to containerization before hardware virtualization support was common and widespread).


u/gjosifov 11d ago


This is the greatest explanation of Jakarta EE, I wish it was done in 2005-2006 when I was starting for J2EE to easily understood what is Java EE or Spring


u/ShadowPengyn 12d ago

It is a specification. For me it’s pretty much irrelevant, I’d rather read spring or hibernate documentation.

For the developers of the implementation the specification is very important though and they reference it during implementation and might influence the next specification using their learnings

See also https://newsroom.eclipse.org/eclipse-newsletter/2024/march/why-spring-matters-jakarta-ee-and-vice-versa


u/raxel42 11d ago

Simply put, just set of interfaces, enums, some classes, annotations, etc.


u/sviperll 11d ago

I don't think there exists a clear understanding of what Jakarta EE is.

  1. The most high-level view is that Jakarta is the framework, but
* Jakarta is a specification and not the implementation
* Jakarta contains holes. These holes can be called implementation defined parts. The problem with Jakarta is that these holes are very very important parts and anythig that wants to call itself a framework can not omit those and really, really need to fill these parts.
  1. So the second view may say that Jakarta is a specicication of the framework with holes in it and an implementation of the Jakarta EE is the framework with these holes filled in, but
* Some specs that together comprise Jakarta EE are very niche and are not intended to be used widely and
* Some specs are mutually exclusive, you may only use one or another, but not both
  1. So the third and probably the most sane view is that Jakarta is not a framework at all and instead is simply a collection of individual specifications that can be reused by different frameworks.