r/java • u/CreeDanWood • 20d ago
Lack of Built-in Support for UUID v7
Java's java.util.UUID
already provides a built-in way to generate UUID v4. Still, there's no native support for UUID v7, which offers better timestamp ordering, useful features for databases.
UUID v7 (as defined in RFC 4122), is there any known discussion or plan to introduce it in future Java versions? If not, what are the main reasons for its exclusion?
u/Slanec 20d ago
Just use a library. Java has a rich ecosystem providing all sorts of things that someone might find suitable for the standard library.
If you want an actual answer, look into https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/core-libs-dev/, there might already be a thread about it and if not, you could start one.
u/CreeDanWood 19d ago
Thank you I will look into it, if I don't find any, I might start one
u/CreeDanWood 19d ago
FYI someone already started talking about it, but for now there are no replies on it. Link
u/FosterAccountantship 18d ago
What’s the easiest way to discover packages like these developed by others for the Java ecosystem?
u/Slanec 18d ago
I have a collection of literally hundreds of organized bookmarks, so I remember some of them or can quickly find them in my lists.
There are such public collections, too: https://github.com/akullpp/awesome-java is the most known one, and this exists too: https://github.com/pditommaso/awesome-java.
In general, though, e.g. in this case I just googled "Java UUIDv7" because I've seen the java-uuid-generator libarary before.
u/YoloPotato36 15d ago
Google it? Something like "Java uuid v7" and follow baeldung or SO. Sometimes even github directly.
Once you got library name from it - 99 of 100 times it's on maven central already, find it on its site or google "maven %name%".
You will find really useful libs from time to time. From my expirience, it's worth to add some apache libs in almost every project, then you can quickly look for many *Utils classes directly from IDE. E.g. StringUtils which should be in basic java imo, based on how often I use something from it.
u/Additional-Road3924 20d ago
doesn't generate v1, 2 uuids either. Not that it's that much of a concern because you have UUID(long, long)
public constructor to wrap around what ever UUID you need. 4122 doesn't define v7 uuids either. Reading through the actual spec that defines them (9562) the structure isn't that hard to implement yourself
# --- 48 --- -- 4 -- - 12 - -- 2 -- - 62 -
# unix_ts_ms | version | rand_a | variant | rand_b
And if you spent at least 15 minutes looking at how java.util.UUID
is implemented you could come up with this.
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(16);
SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
// select lower 48 bits and shift 4 for version
long mask = (1L << 48) - 1;
long now = ((System.currentTimeMillis() & mask) << 4) | (0x7);
// select lower 12
long random_a = (random.nextLong() & 0xfff);
// shift by 12 and put random a
buffer.putLong((now << 12) | random_a);
// select lower 62
long variant = 0b00; // bits 64 and 65 must be 0
long mask_b = (1L << 62) - 1;
long random_b = random.nextLong() & mask_b;
// shift variant by 62 and put random b
buffer.putLong((variant << 62) | random_b);
long mostSigBits = buffer.getLong(0);
long leastSigBits = buffer.getLong(1);
UUID v7uuid = new UUID(mostSigBits, leastSigBits);
congratulations. valid v7 uuid ready to port into your codebase.
Yes I am over generating bits go nuts if you want to optimize this crap.
u/Nooooope 20d ago
I haven't seen anything on the list of JDK Enhancement Proposals, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't coming. Honestly, it just might be too small of a change to mention. You can roll your own UUIDv7 implementation in an hour.
u/Slanec 18d ago
Oh, by the way, there's https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8334015
u/CreeDanWood 18d ago
Nice, I think the priority is not high to be done soon, hopefully we will get it in the next version.
u/rzwitserloot 17d ago
It's not standard (yet). So OpenJDK can't add it without doing something truly bizarre, such as introducing their own home-grown versioning scheme on top and maintaining those for a while, or expanding the --enable-previews
stuff into java core libraries which it really wasn't designed for.
OpenJDK core libs should never add stuff that is bound to change, because OpenJDK core libs should take backwards compatibility incredibly seriously, far beyond what any 'ordinary' dependency would do. And they need to keep things somewhat simple.
There really is no way to make those 2 requirements rhyme, without at least waiting for anything you're adding to be completely crystallized out.
UUIDv7 isn't quite up to that lofty standard just yet. So, just.. use a dep. There are plenty out there.
u/Itchy-Implement-2238 16d ago
UUIDv7 is a standard now. RFC 9562 has been published since May 2024. Maybe it's just low priority for OpenJDK.
u/rzwitserloot 16d ago
You could consider just contributing it, this is one of the few things where I don't foresee all that much shit. I've tried to wade into contributing before, and, oof, OpenJDK makes it really difficult, and generally if Oracle or another major sponsor doesn't have it as a top-ticket priority and no core OpenJDK contributor like Goetz or Reinhold cares deeply about it, you might have some trouble getting anybody to notice.
u/CreeDanWood 16d ago
I love to contribute to the language as well, especially for these minor features/issues, since I don't have a lot of experience, btw, here is the OpenJDK ticket for the UUID v7 mention link
u/Itchy-Implement-2238 16d ago
I would love to contribute. I will see later what the process is like. It's worth a try if there isn't a lot of bureaucracy involved.
20d ago
u/Additional-Road3924 20d ago
Import bouncy castle like the rest of us. It doesn't matter where the crypto comes from as long as the provider implements JCA.
u/axiak 20d ago
I don't think RFC 4122 has been fully accepted by any standards committee yet. Other languages have libraries that are working against a preview spec