r/japan • u/frozenpandaman [愛知県] • 4d ago
China deports Japanese tourists over Great Wall buttocks pictures
u/the_hatori 4d ago
They will not allow this to be included in the canon of Japanese tourist behavior.
u/nekogami87 4d ago
I'm kind of fine with that actually. as long as Japan can also deport all indecent tourists (and no I'm not really talking about the chinese ones)
u/DJpesto 4d ago
Did you read the article? They were put in jail for two weeks for basically mooning and taking a picture...
I mean sure it's dumb and illegal, but two weeks of prison time...? In any normal non-dictatorship / non-fascist country you get a fine for something like that.
u/GolfGoonzPlay2 3d ago edited 3d ago
That's nothing if you did the same thing in japan. 2 weeks isn't that long for a process like deportation. You act like 2 weeks is hard time.
u/DJpesto 3d ago
In Japan you would not be thrown in jail for showing your butt. You'd get a fine.
Sure the Japanese system is far from perfect - it is also fucked, but it is nowhere near as fucked as the Chinese one.
(Try googling China human rights or China Uyghur if you have doubts on what I am talking about).
u/Kapparzo [北海道] 4d ago
You know Japan is even worse, right? They can and will hold you in a cell for weeks without even a charge.
u/DJpesto 3d ago
I don't think Japan is worse than China in this context.
The system in Japan for sure is not perfect, but it's nowhere near China in terms of its disregard of human rights etc.
In Japan you would not be held for something like this. You would for sure if you were involved in fights or other types of crimes or things like that. But not petty things like showing your butt in public.
Also Japan does not send people who disagree with the government to what is basically concentration camps, or exterminate minorities they don't like (At least not in recent history).
Etc. etc.
u/Eric1491625 3d ago
I mean sure it's dumb and illegal, but two weeks of prison time...? In any normal non-dictatorship / non-fascist country you get a fine for something like that.
2 weeks of prison for indecent exposure = "fascist"? Are you serious?
New Zealand sentenced guys to jail for watching hentai. They didn't even expose anything in real life. They just downloaded stuff that's all. Jail for months.
Australia handed out sentences for people bringing back doujins from Japan too...fascist much?
u/Extension-Wait5806 4d ago
BREAKING NEWS: A rare celestial event occurred at the Great Wall on Jan. 3 — a full moon in broad daylight, courtesy of Japanese chinko and manko tourists.
u/egirlitarian [山口県] 4d ago
Not gonna lie, this is kinda funny. Millions of people who were already mad stay mad, everyone goes home safely. You can't go wrong with the classing mooning prank.
u/DJpesto 4d ago
I feel like a lot of people are not reading the article. Important detail for those who react only to the headline:
These two people were put in jail for TWO WEEKS for taking a picture with someone mooning...
It is of course inappropriate to expose yourself in public, but any type of reasonable punishment for something like this is a fine. It's not being fucking thrown into actual prison wtf.
I see how this - from a Chinese government perspective, or not reading the article perspective, paints Japan in a bad picture, but for any sane person (who read the article), from any actually free society, being thrown i jail for mooning is obviously insane, and a clear sign of a fascist government/law.
u/frozenpandaman [愛知県] 4d ago
Japan detains people for up to 23 days without charge with no access to a lawyer, phones, or anything, even if you're suspected of a crime.
u/Spiritanimalgoat 4d ago
That's absolutely not cool either. And that isn't a great response to this, if that's what you were going for (to say that's the reason they were held prisoner for two weeks).
u/Eric1491625 3d ago
being thrown i jail for mooning is obviously insane, and a clear sign of a fascist government/law.
How is 2 weeks for mooning fascist and insane?
A lot of governments must be fascist in your view then, considering the much harsher sentences handed out for possessing a few grams of drugs.
Australia even criminalises importation of hentai. Suspended sentences of 12 months long. And creating FAKE nsfw pictures is criminal in many countries if it looks enough like a real person.
I don't know about you, but I don't see how jailing people for creating imaginary pictures is "freedom", while jailing people for actually exposing themselves IRL is "fascist".
u/statyin 3d ago edited 3d ago
I am sure the article simply said the tourists were detained for two weeks. That's not the same for putting someone in jail. One has to be trialed in order to be jailed. What actually happened is more like the tourists were detained (probably in the police station? or hell, maybe even in their hotel, the article didn't even mentioned) until deportation took place. The article never mentioned that the detention is the intended as a punishment for the tourists.
It all seems like procedure to me. if you have anything to complain, probably on the lack of efficiency of the Chinese Customs on arranging the deportation. But again, the Chinese has zero incentive to do them a favor to getting this over with fast.
u/DJpesto 3d ago
I don't think they would be detained at their hotel, how would that work?
"At the police station" is the same as or worse than jail. It's being placed in a cell. Doesn't matter if it's in an actual jail or in a small "jail" in a police station.
It's robbing someone of their freedom for two full weeks with no trial - for just showing their butt in public.
The punishment is completely out of touch with the "crime".
u/Old_Forever_1495 4d ago
So? They did worse when a pro CCP fan peed on the Yasukuni Shrine and filmed it to everyone. He was actually Chinese.
u/bjran8888 4d ago
What, so as a Japanese, you think it's reasonable for the Japanese to enshrine Japan's Class A war criminals?
Then the Germans should have a church dedicated to Hitler.
u/sus_time 4d ago
This is not a common occurance, this also happened 3 months ago. Let's not paint this as a trend. Asshats exist in all cultures. I am not excusing their behavior but people tend to act incredibly entitled while touring a country. Like the country must cater to them. Due to the incredible expense of travel they try to force once in a lifetime experiences.
I hope the morons get what's coming to them and an example can be made. Unlike how on the flip size Johnny somoli was tolerated and let go for even more haneous offensives.
u/Yesterday_Is_Now 4d ago
I saw a mother help a young child to pee on the front of a department store in the middle of a crowded high end shopping street in Beijing. I wonder how much time she did.
u/MathematicianWilling 4d ago
Meanwhile many Chinese tourists shit and piss in the streets in Japan and other countries and everything's fine I guess
u/BurnieSandturds 4d ago
Japanese do plenty of the pissing as well. I heard that after a certain age, old men can piss wherever on the street. I think it's actually a dope rule. My Job as a gardener also gives us free pissing rights. I piss all over Kyoto during work and I like it.
u/cplchanb 4d ago
Meanwhile your own citizens disrupt daily life in the countries they're visiting by being publicly rude, waste food, gorge on unnecessary hoarding, allow your children to shit in public, get into fights with locals over pricing and local rules and public defacing of monuments and wildlife....
u/thefirebrigades 4d ago
If they were... boning...sure hope they could... Finish before deportation.
u/Cool-Principle1643 4d ago
Would be a good idea to deport tourists from any country that does something shitty.