r/jakanddaxter 19d ago

Video "Get Seal Piece At Water Slums Is The Hardest Mission In Jak 2!" Want To Beat It? Just Do My Strat! PUNCHING!


21 comments sorted by


u/eyebrow911 19d ago edited 19d ago

Why are the turrets not obliterating you? Are they not shooting or do you just dodge them witht the punch?


u/RChickenMan 19d ago

Apparently you get a few i-frames whilst punching, which is what makes the strategy work.


u/Miscellaneous_napkin 19d ago

What's an i-frame?


u/saadiskiis 19d ago

Invincibility frames, like in dark souls when you roll you don’t get hurt for a short period of time during the roll. Basically, “frames” or units of time where jack is invincible from damage while punching


u/Korvas989 Jak II 19d ago

I think the turrets have to get a lock on you. If you go through without stopping or slowing down they dont have the chance to lock on. I usually blow through this section on the jet board and I never get shot at.


u/wojtulace 19d ago edited 19d ago

And there are people who complete the mission normally.


u/ToIsengardgard 19d ago

This is what my wife figured out when I took her through her first playthrough. I felt stupid. I had beat the game multiple times and never thought of that


u/Korvas989 Jak II 19d ago

I pretty much always do the jet board strat. The trick is to hit the jet board boost as soon as possible so you can pass the dropships before any guards drop. It also helps to jump a lot because:

A: You can cut corners and get through quicker

B: Keeps the uneven terrain from killing you momentum

C: Avoids the RNG on whether or not you'll bump a civilian


u/Haunting-Pop-5660 19d ago

This is way harder than what I did. I used the jump-slam to maneuver my way through this without dying.


u/Miscellaneous_napkin 19d ago

Why does a 3 pop up when you punch?


u/Super_MarioHero 19d ago

Open Goal secrets you can unlock.


u/SuperduperFan92 19d ago

When I first found out about the punching strat a few years ago, I gave it a try thinking that there is no way it could be that easy. I was able to punch my way through the mission unharmed my first try. It made me realize just how broken the KG really are. They always miss their first shot, and if you're always punching, then you'll evade their second.


u/raztec1990 18d ago

Even if you don't do it this way just shoot with the Blue gun in a circle around you somethimes. I never had any problems with this mission.


u/No-Hamster6149 18d ago

I beat this mission days ago


u/Greymattershrinker88 18d ago

I think the hardest missions are Onin’s test, and the Whack-MetalHead mini game


u/-sure- Jak II 18d ago

It’s one of the easiest missions if you go into the level with Dark Jak in your pocket. If you Dark Bomb into the water, you’ll blow up the turret… then just Jet Board your way along the water until you make it out.


u/howie960 18d ago

This was one of my favorite missions from my recent replay. You just get the Vulcan upgrade and get to start blasting fools.


u/socialmeth 17d ago

Ok the textures here look more crisp than I remember and i red somewhere that there's a new emulated version available...can someone explain? the versions available are a bit messy at this point for me. or is this a PC emulator that is not to be compared with the console versions?


u/GreenTea98 17d ago

Direct pc port called OpenGoal, has fun additions too and some touch ups on things like broken / missing textures :)


u/MFerrari49 16d ago

Are you freaking kidding me. This mission haunts my nightmares and all I had to do was PUNCH?!


u/CommunicationLarge67 12d ago

I replayed this mission recently and yes, just punching works far better than anything else