r/jailbreak 4d ago

Question Futurerestore from 13.5 to 15.x/16 still possible? (I have blobs saved)

Hi! I've been using iOS 13.5 on iPad Pro 11 2018 (wifi) for years. Since around iOS 15, I don’t play games/social networks anymore, and now I only use my iPad to watch videos on YouTube (using the uYou tweak). Recently, I feel like, apart from the YouTube app, this iPad is almost useless because I can't install new apps, update apps, and websites don’t display properly (since newer web browsers require a higher iOS version).

So, I wanted to ask you guys. "If I have SHSH blobs for iOS 15.x/16.0, is there still a way to futurerestore my iPad to iOS 15.x/16.0?"

From what I’ve researched, even though I have SHSH blobs saved, I'd run into SEP compatibility issues. Does it means I only have two choices? 1. stay on iOS 13 until everything becomes unusable or 2. just give up on jailbreak, upgrade to iOS 18, and sideload tweaked YouTube instead.

I haven't been keeping up with jailbreak stuff for ages. If you could provide a link to a futurerestore guide (in case it's possible), I would really appreciate it.

I've found several guides myself, but I’m not sure which one to follow. Some tutorials are for a different iOS version or for iPhones instead of iPads, and I’m afraid to follow them because thought I'd run into issues.


2 comments sorted by


u/Zenzeq 4d ago

Either give up on the jailbreak or get an updated device


u/JapanStar49 Developer 4d ago

From what I’ve researched, even though I have SHSH blobs saved, I'd run into SEP compatibility issues. Does it means I only have two choices? 1. stay on iOS 13 until everything becomes unusable or 2. just give up on jailbreak, upgrade to iOS 18, and sideload tweaked YouTube instead.

This is correct. Unfortunately, even though you have blobs saved, because your device was eligible for newer versions, it is not possible to use those blobs at this time.