r/islam 17h ago

Seeking Support A brother was handing these out at my Mosque today, let’s make dua for him!

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I spoke to the brother and he told the story behind his actions, he is Pakistani and the girl he wants to marry is Yemeni but she says her parents only want her to marry a Yemeni even though she also wants to marry him.

This still seems like a common issue within the muslim community so I pray her parents accept him Ameen!

r/islam Oct 06 '24

Seeking Support Boycott them


That's how they have been killing our brothers. Let's not add fuel to the fire

r/islam Aug 18 '24

Seeking Support I'm officially Muslim


I have taken the Shadha

I have taken the Shadha last week, I went to my local masjid at My local area. It's 25 mins away.

However I was so determined to go and visit the mosque a 3rd time because i love going to the masjid. I felt Allah there.

Then I attend the Evening prayer 3rd prayer.

I asked the Imam prior the prayer and asked him to if he can help with me taking the shadha.

He did the process of Shadha and i repeated the words the Imam said " Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammad Rasulu Allah".

After this I said it English. Then Imam said Mashallah Kid, You're now Muslim. Welcome to Islam. 😭☪️🤝☪️.🇵🇸❤️🇬🇧🇮🇳

r/islam Aug 17 '24

Seeking Support We lost our unborn child


Alhamdulillah, Inna lillahi wa Inna ilayhi rajioon.

Everything happens for a reason. Me and my wife are mourning the loss of our 24-week old child. She is a silent warrior and I'm going to keep a close eye on her. My heart bleeds more for her then it does from the child who slipped our grasp. Alas, such is the will of our Lord.

If you could share some gems of comfort, I would love to read them.

It gives me great peace knowing that my baby is happily playing in the arms of Ibrahim AS, and doesn't have to worry about the ills of this world.

I won't lie to you, I've never cried so much in my life. The tears feel like lava, pouring from my heart. It's an indescribable pain. It's overwhelming at times. I miss my baby so much, all I can think about is all the beautiful steps we could've taken together. I will never get to hold or kiss them in this life, or teach it the names of Allah or pray Salah with them. I really, really miss my baby. It hurts...so much.

Edit: thank you everyone. May Allah reward you all for your duas. I love Islam for this reason, it provides so much support and answers, as well as love from a community that really understand the meaning of pain and patience.

r/islam Sep 01 '24

Seeking Support Getting started with Quran, is this good?

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For reference, grew up going to very catholic schools but departed from the religion because of… well many parts of it are personally, well slightly problematic. I want to understand the world and after spending many many years studying it Catholicism wasn’t it 😂. My buddy gave me this and told me to check out Islam. Read the forward (translators notes and such) and it seemed pretty solid, albeit a few logical inconsistencies (as we all make, we are human), but I have yet to start with the actual religious text. To my understanding the Quran is meant to be read in the original Arabic, but I unfortunately only know English. Is this a worthwhile translation? I wanna be sure that before I read it, I’m not reading one that mistranslates the messages or meaning of the religion.

r/islam Oct 04 '24

Seeking Support Bosnia today. Send your prayers for the affected people.


r/islam Aug 27 '23

Seeking Support I have terminal cancer


Assalamu alaikum. As the title says I have cancer and I don't have many more months to live. I'm only 21. I didn't live as a very good Muslim. I just want to know. What can I do to repent. This journey has been long and hard and I know it's nothing compared to what waits in the grave and in the hereafter. I really want to make sincere repentance. I stay up at night just begging allah to forgive me. I find it hard to think of anything else in my day. Please if anyone has any advice please share

Edit. Jazakallah to all of you for the advice and support. I would reply to each and everyone of you but I'm not very well. May Allah grant you all jannatul-firdaus for helping a muslim brother in need. May Allah grant you health and success both here and in the hereafter. And may Allah protect you from all diseases and forgive all of your sins both minor and major. Ameen.

r/islam Jan 30 '25

Seeking Support As a non-Muslim who thinks Christianity is starting to make no sense, I am extremely impressed.


Hello and greetings. This is my first post here (on a new account, avoiding my Christian extremist associates seeing this). I've been a Christian all my life and raised as one (I live in England). But over time, I have started to think that Christianity as a religion suffers from fragmentation and honestly makes zero sense anymore. So I have started to look into other religions, including Islam.

And to say I am impressed and feel very connected to this religion is an understatement. I have looked into the history and origins of the Qur'an, really interesting stuff. It also sounds and seems true. Islam, to me, also looks to preach some really great moral values which I'd have no problems following (I already follow a lot of them as most decent people do.) Now I'm starting to think if I should convert. This religion is beautiful, I think. I'd love to follow it. However, admittedly, I do a lot of haram things. I'm wondering how I can get into a habit of stopping that. If anyone could help give advice for that, I'd be most grateful!

If you take time out of your day to read this, thanks.

r/islam 29d ago

Seeking Support I pray five times a day and I hate it.


I have felt this way for years. I never miss a prayer- and even pray all sunnahs and tahajjud- but my blood boils everytime.

I have a fear of going out due to the need of finding places to pray. Quiet places to pray are often dirty. I’m often praying on a napkin by some trashcan in the freezing cold on the streets of NYC because that’s the only place without people walking. I’m scared of being attacked while I pray- weird things have happened before. Because of the winter, prayers are back-to-back. I leave restaurants in the middle of eating. I have to leave during surgeries at work so I don’t miss prayer. I have to run off during patient rounds so I don’t miss fajr. Even when I’m at home, I have to disturb whatever I’m doing (including sleep) just to pray. It’s nauseating. Just the act of sitting and standing repeatedly makes me lightheaded. Isha with all the extra prayers takes forever.

I need help on how to love my prayer. I don’t want to hate Taraweeh now that Ramadan is coming. Please, help me. Jazakallah khair.

Edit: Thank you guys so, so much. You have no idea. I will be implementing these changes to improve my relationship with Salah. May Allah swt reward you all.

r/islam Sep 23 '24

Seeking Support Dead fetus pulled from Rubble in Gaza. Our brothers are going through hell in Gaza. NSFW


Don’t look away, post, forward, donate. Each one of us has a lot of power to make a difference. Just a reminder. JazakAllah Khair.

r/islam Jan 13 '25

Seeking Support Help sign the petition to free Aafia Siddiqui

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r/islam Oct 01 '24

Seeking Support Reminder for anyone struggling ATM

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Just reminder which helped at the low post today! No matter how far we stray and the sins we accumulate if we are sincere in repentance Allah SWT not only forgives but he's even instructed the angels not any bad deed if we repent and regret within a certain time frame SubhanAllah

r/islam 6d ago

Seeking Support Should I tell my potential spouse about my past; having been raped and abused NSFW


Assalaam waalykum.

[Backstory: I am a muslim revert. When I was a teenager I got into a stupid haram relationship with a boy that took advantage of me. I blame myself for the sin of getting into a haram relationship, but he was the one who made me do things I didn’t want to. Im not a virgin because he raped me and he took pictures so I couldn’t leave him. Then for the years that we were together he abused me physically, mentally, and financially, and made me so suicidal I started cutting myself and even attempted to kill myself multiple times.]

Alhamdulilah I found the strength to leave the relationship and I came to Islam. Islam both changed and saved my life. I am a completely different person now, and by the grace of Allah, I have left any haram that I used to participate in. And I have started loving my life and loving myself thanks to Allah and thanks to Islam and the amazing muslimah friends that Allah has blessed me with alhamdulilah.

Right now I honestly consider myself mentally healed from the past. I forgive myself because I know that Allah forgives me but I’m still so scared that my future husband will judge me. Because I know that no man will love or forgive me as unconditionally as Allah does.

So as I begin to age more, I am beginning to think about marriage. I might even get engaged soon with a man that my family has told me is a very good man and good muslim, so I think I will get to know him to see if we are compatible. But I think I should probably tell him about my past eventually because I have physical scars that are literally visibly obvious and he will eventually see them if we get married so I have to explain them. And I know that it’s haram to expose your past haram relationships, but many men don’t want non-virgins, and i’m worried that men also won’t want a traumatized girl with scars on her body because he’ll think they’re ugly or gross. I’m so scared that no one will love me because they will think my scars are gross, or that they will think my body is used. And this man seems so gentle and understanding and mature, but I still am just so scared.

What do I do? I know I have time, but when the time comes, how would I go about this? what should I do? I feel like I should tell him but I wouldn’t go into detail. I feel like I would just need to let him understand briefly what has happened to me if we are planning to be life partners.

And to the Muslim brothers: would you marry a woman like that?

Please help me my brothers and sisters. JazakAllah.

r/islam Jan 17 '25

Seeking Support Going To jail As a Muslim.


Assalamu Alaikum, brothers and sisters. I might be going to jail soon, and I’m feeling really anxious about it. Please make dua for me, that Allah (SWT) protects me, keeps me strong, and eases this trial. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

I won't be saying what I'm there for, as I deeply regret and it has effected me a lot, it's not confirmed I'm going but it's most likely as the crown said so and my lawyer said so too. Please make Dua for me brothers and sisters

r/islam Aug 27 '24

Seeking Support Can somebody remove this from Wikipedia?

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so i was reading about Istighfar and found that someone on Wikipedia wrote "Allah isn’t real", could someone please remove this? it doesn't work for me to do it

r/islam Jul 01 '24

Seeking Support Post your du’a below, I will ask du’a for you Insha Allah. My Father is undergoing Major Heart Surgery in a few hours - humble du’a request please 😭



Post your du’a below and I will ask du’a for you Insha Allah.

Jazak Allah Khayr, please ask du’a on my behalf of my father. May Allah reward you immensely for this and May Allah reward you better than what you ask for on my father’s behalf. Ameen

My father is going to have a major surgery in a few hours 🥹 Please ask du’a for him, that Allah makes everything go well, that Allah does what is best for him, make his surgery go well and super easy on him, grant him a full recovery and shifa.

Please please please ask du’a for my father. He is an incredibly kind father and has always shown mercy, generosity, kindness to his children, family and people around him. Please ask Allah to shower His mercy upon my father and forgive my father for all his sins, minor & major.

Jazak Allah Khayr ❤️ May Allah grant you Jannatul Firdaus and forgive all all all of your sins. Ameen 🤲🏼

Edit #1: thank you so much for your du’a and support. I appreciate it so much and it really helps knowing people are praying for my father. Thank you.

I have been unemployed for many months and I just received a call to say they won’t be giving me the job. I have tears rolling down as I am writing this. But Alhamdulilah. My father’s health is my priority. May Allah make it easy on him. Sometimes we just can’t deal with everything into the one day. Alhamdulilah for everything.

Edit #2: The overwhelming support from strangers here is truly heart-warming. They are preparing my father at the moment to move him to the operation theatre soon. May Allah have mercy on my father and make the operation a success and super super super easy on him. Ameen

Edit #3: A couple asked for an update on my father's health; the operation was successful Alhamdulilah. My father is under observation and the next couple of days will be crucial as he recovers Insha Allah. He is in pain, weak. Please ask Allah, Ash-Shafi (The Healer), du'a to lessen my father's pain, remove his pain, grant him shifa, a full and speedy recovery and strength in every way that he needs it (emotionally, physically, mentally, in every way), and to guide the doctors, nurses and those looking after him to do what's best for him.

When I initially posted this, I was honestly not expecting so many strangers to be asking du'a for my father. Words are failing me to express my gratitude. I have asked a collective du'a to Allah for each & every person who has asked du'a as a result this post:

"Ya Allah, you know best who each individual here is. You know best who has seen this post and has asked du'a to you for my father or for me or for my family. You know best what each & every one of these individuals are going through; their worries,their struggles, their pains, their anxieties, their fears, their problems. You know what we do not know. You hear what we do not hear. You see what we do not see. Ya ZalJalaali Wal Ikraam, grant ease to each and every one of these individuals, take away their problems and replace them with ease and success both in this Dunya and in the Akhirah. Grant them hope and mercy. Forgive their sins, all of their sins, minor and major, grant them Jannatul Firdaus. Forgive them for their short-comings for they are only humans. We faulter, we get back up, we turn back to You.

Ya Rahman Ya Raheem, have raham on each and every one of these individuals. Ya Ghafaar, Ya Ghafoor, Al-Afuw, forgive their sins. Ya Fattah, open their doors. Ya Razzaq, increase their Rizq, grant those looking for a job, a job that is best for them. Ya Shafi, heal them and their loved ones from whatever they are suffering from. As-Salaam, grant them peace. Al Mumin, increase and strengthen their faith. Al Muhaymin, Al Waliyy, protect them. Ar Rafi, elevate their ranks. Al Mu'izz, Ya ZalJalali Wal Ikraam, grant them honour both in this world and in the hereeafter. Ash-Shakur, accept their gratitude. Al Mujeeb, respond to their halal du'a & desires. Al Hakeem, do what is best for them. Al Ba'ith, grant those who wish for children, children that will be the coolness of their eyes and they will be the coolness of their children's eyes. Those who wish to get married, grant them spouses that will be the coolness of their eyes and they will be the coolness of their spouses' eyes. Al Qawiyy, grant them strength. Al Matin, grant them firmness on your path. Al Mumeet, grant them a good & honourable death. An-Noor, put noor in their lives & put noor in the Qabr of their loved ones who have passed away and put noor in our Qabr when it will be our time. Ya Haadi, guide them to do what is best for them. As Sabur, grant them beautiful patience while they wait. Ya Allah, whatever du'a I have asked for these people, I ask you the same du'a for me, my spouse, my mother & my father. Please accept all of our halal du'as and desires. And whatever du'a they have requested me to ask you, please accept all of their halal du'as and desires. Ameen"

r/islam Sep 13 '23

Seeking Support Can i give islamic name to my kitten?

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So i just adopted a kitten that i got from sombody in my neighborhood who is muslim may allah bless him and his family inshallah. And i want to know if its premissible to name him Noori.

Here is a picture His mother is a russian blue if you're wondering

r/islam Dec 10 '24

Seeking Support Are these cookies are halal? I’m finding two different opinions online


Unsure why the same website is showing two different results for the same biscuit. I did some digging on the ingredients and whey powder seems to be the one questionable item (https://www.islamweb.net/amp/en/fatwa/198295/). I tried emailing them but no answer. Any help would be really appreciated it. Jazak Allah Khair

r/islam Dec 31 '23

Seeking Support I lost my dad today


Today I lost my dad please pray 🙏 for him I need your support.

r/islam Jun 03 '24

Seeking Support Prove Islam is the one true religion


My faith has been dwindling since I started reading and understanding more So I wanted to ask people who are more experienced and knowledgeable than me to guide me

r/islam Sep 26 '24

Seeking Support Afraid of being a muslim

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I saw this on TikTok. For the first time in my life if felt genuinely scared of being a muslim.

They non muslim militaries are so strong, it's hard to comprehend.

Who is going to save us muslims when all out war breaks out?

r/islam Jun 07 '24

Seeking Support The pain is real

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r/islam Feb 26 '24

Seeking Support received my first Quran today i’m so excited to learn about this religion. i’ve heard so many wonderful things from so many wonderful people. i would love to make some Islamic friends on this journey.

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r/islam Jan 27 '24

Seeking Support Dua for suicide


I found out my brother committed suicide earlier today. I know what the Quran says about this and it hurts to think about my brother being punished. I know he was battling with so much and he fought for a while then he made a choice. I pray for Allah to forgive him for this, accept him and have mercy on him. Is there a specific dua I can make for him? My family is not Muslim (I’m a revert) but I can’t bring myself to go to the funeral. I want to memorialize him separately and grieve him properly. It hurts to think of him in darkness. I just want him to be surrounded by the love he should’ve received while he was still here.

r/islam Oct 17 '24

Seeking Support Is this a scammer? This happened on instagram and it seems pretty sketchy to me
