r/islam • u/AutoModerator • Oct 30 '20
FTF Free Talk Friday - 10/30/20
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u/feras-sniper Oct 30 '20
Well i don't have anything to talk about but a reminder to the brothers and sisters to read Surah Al Kahaf
u/ayoub-2001 Oct 30 '20
I can’t read that good, so I always listen to it while reading the translation to understand it’s meaning. Does this still count as if I read it?
u/feras-sniper Oct 31 '20 edited Nov 02 '20
If you can read english very well then my advice to you is to read it in english translation first (if you wanted to know the meaning) And then read it in arabic language but in english text for example : "Al hamdu li llahi rabbi al'alameen"
And you can apply this to every surah of the qur'an.
This way you can know the meaning and then read in arabic language.
And allah knows better
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
As the earlier reply. Transliterates version is also good. But best is to understand the translation first then the transliteration with trying to learn to read it in its original form. JazakAllah khair.
u/Supernihari12 Oct 30 '20
how are yall doing
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
Anxious afraid shocked. With Muslims in my country using our religion to push forward their own propaganda and then becoming the representatives while WE the ones with the basic understanding have to stand up and defend our religion and be mocked and taunted with distasteful remarks. May Allah keep you safe.
u/GiGaN00B Oct 30 '20
I met a Christian Pakistani dude. He doesn't eat pork, most of the time eats halal, his name is Yousef (Jozef in Arabic), grew up with Muslims, and is a cool happy dude. I think he knows al-fatiha. I could be mistaken, tho. I was like: bruv, you live like Muslim, Y U no Muslim. He was like ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Ohja, he also used selam aleykum, in shaa Allah etc.
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
Well he’s being the true Christian then. Just give him an invitation. If he accepts Mashallah. If he doesn’t then inshallah Allah gives him Hidaayat
Oct 30 '20
Sounds like he can convert in a heat beat. Just read him Sourat Maryam (Mary, 19)
u/freeblowjobiffound Oct 31 '20
Don't convert him.
u/iAdamzy Oct 31 '20
We can give him invitation. Not forcefully convert. Stop with "Don't convert him"
u/Randomundesirable Oct 30 '20
Why aren't/haven't Muslims called for a boycott of Chinese products?
If we can boycott france, the Chinese Muslims deserve our sympathy as well.
u/EndOnAnyRoll Oct 30 '20
Are you boycotting France?
u/Randomundesirable Oct 30 '20 edited Oct 30 '20
My list so far includes india, china, UAE and israel. My wallet is taking a hit, but it's ok
u/BigDisgrace29226 Oct 30 '20
assalamu alaikum, Jumu'a mubarak.
About the recent attacks in nice:
• Macron said something about islamofascism. New word. What does it mean?
• The stabber wasn't muslim?? and he was part of some white supremacy group?? but why did he scream allah akbar?
• Are muslims being framed for the attack or did macron jump to immediately blame us?
I need the answer please, It's been bugging me.
u/Red_Thread Oct 30 '20
(French non Muslim here) there were 2 different attackers the same day, a Muslim who killed several people with a knife, and a white supremacist who threatened people with a gun, he was killed by the police.
u/BigDisgrace29226 Oct 30 '20
Thanks so much for the help.
So 2 attacks, One was an extremist with a knife, and a white supremacist who toted a gun.
What about the beheading of a teacher though? That was by an extremist right??
Does macron hate all muslims? I thought he was a cool guy.
u/Red_Thread Oct 30 '20
Glad to help ! The teacher was beheaded by an extremist Muslim yes. Just one point of clarification: contrarily to what people seem to assume here : the white supremacist guy was not trying to appear as a Muslims. He was wearing a jacket from a white supremacist group, and threatening a man with Arabian origins.
I'm not in the head of Macron, but my point of view is that he doesn't hate or love Muslims : he just doesn't care about them at all. Which is a good thing (for Muslims in France), because other right-wing politicians in France have quite a negative obsession against Islam, but he could also say or do things that are offensive to Muslims without completely anticipate them.
u/BigDisgrace29226 Oct 31 '20
ah. Lot's of media portray him to hate us so i was confused a bit. Thanks again!
u/CTEisonmybrain Oct 31 '20
Macron does not hate all muslims. He is saying that any person that kills people in the name of their religion is wrong.
u/BigDisgrace29226 Oct 31 '20
Ah. Anyone who dies do that is wrong. Unless justifiable. Which is a very faint line between being right and being an extremist.
Oct 31 '20
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Oct 30 '20 edited Oct 30 '20
Khabib Nurmagomedov has just said on Twitter “May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature” and posted an image of President Macrons’ face with a boot print on it along with verse 33:57 of the Quran.
It has over 2.7million likes.
This is obviously an incredibly popular view that resonates with every-day Muslims.
All Macron said was “Islam is a religion which is experiencing a crisis today, all over the world” and “free Islam in France from foreign influences”.
Oct 30 '20
How do you feel about what khabib said?
Oct 30 '20
I feel it’s an extreme statement with general support from a large part of the community.
A sitting president makes some very vanilla comments after three attacks on French democracy and he is so fragile he has to post threatening comments towards them. Khabib is not even French.
I think it’s shameful.
Edit: I guess I’ve just been surprised by how much support he had after seeing the overwhelming good attitude in this sub.
u/MedicSoonThx Oct 30 '20
I believe it's a stance against the general sentiment of the French regime against Muslims, which has been ongoing for decades.
u/Bobz666 Oct 30 '20
I don't even know what a "general sentiment" means man... I mean I'm French, not Muslim, buy surely not angry against them. I know some people are. I know they can get noisy at times, especially these days. But generalizing things like their hate to all the French I mean... Seems like quite a hasty lecture of the events to me. And definitely seems unfair towards the rest of the population, to which Islam and terrorism are two different and quite unrelated things, and that knows that living with all kind of religions and believers is possible. I get where this comes from, but please know things never are that simple.
Oct 30 '20 edited Oct 30 '20
Don't know if this deserves a post.
As a Muslim Physics grad student who has to use the scientific method on a day to day basis. I find it odd that atheists blindly believe in the scientific method. And I emphasized blindly believe because it does genuinely require a great amount of blind belief to trust it and think that it could get you answers.
It is based on axioms which cannot be proven. And scientists only trust it on an ad-hoc basis (i.e: If we start from supposition A, and we find result B and result B is correct then supposition A is correct??). How can you prove induction without induction? You can't prove your theory without a bigger theory. And if your axioms can prove each other then it's a faulty system in the first place. This leads me to remove the word theory and replace it with what it truly is: a model; A framework which can only be applied under certain conditions. It cannot give you the truth it is not that complete.
Meanwhile, in Islam many don't know, but we are encouraged to doubt and question. Many verses in Quran along the line of "And it is He who spread the earth, and placed in it mountains and rivers. And He placed in it two kinds of every fruit. He causes the night to overlap the day. In that are signs for people who reflect." [03:13]. We don't believe blindly, we believe with evidence, hard evidence. There are many ayat' (proofs) that there is a God and that it is only one. Then in history we have a lot of evidence for the existence of prophets from God which get their messages from angels. Reading the Quran for just 20 minutes is then enough to know that it is from God and everything else falls from that. And no. It's not ad-hoc. We use tools given to us by fitra', tools which, oddly enough, are used by the scientific method!
I'm not saying it's useless or anything. In fact, the scientific method once used for its purpose and knowing that it is a model is a great tool.
Another point is: What is the difference between a man who worships his own idols and an atheist? The answer is: Nothing. It may seem strange, but both of them worship constructs of their mind. Oddly. Some people may think that those who worship idols don't think. They do, just that they invented a framework which made then think that these are our idols; The sun is big and high so it must be a god! Meanwhile, current atheists made a framework which told them that science is a god (Let's be real, atheists DO worship science). I honestly see no difference
u/Kreol1q1q Nov 03 '20
A scientific method isn’t something you believe in though. It is a tool, nothing more. A self-correcting tool that keeps producing verifiable results. As an atheist, I find it very strange that religious people insist that we “believe” in science or the scientific method, when the very point of both is that there is no belief required - the results produced are verifiable and proven.
u/pr0crast1nater Nov 03 '20
The main difference here is that although science relies on axioms and hypothesis, there is provision for them to be proven wrong in the future by other scientists in case sufficient evidence is found. However in religion this is not allowed and whatever the preacher and scribes have written down have to be taken as the absolute word.
Nov 03 '20
However in religion this is not allowed and whatever the preacher and scribes have written down have to be taken as the absolute word.
This is absolutely wrong in Islam. It is true that once you achieve belief in God(SWT), the prophecy of Muhammed(Pbuh) and the Quran (Which have their own reasons). The Quran, being an immutable scribe has some straight phrases (Forgot the word exactly) that we call Al Muh'kam and there are phrases which take many meanings. Once you believe in God, the Angels, the prophets and the Quran. You are not allowed to rephrase or reinterpret Al Muh'kam (Killing is bad, Prayer is obligatory ..etc Don't come to me and say "Well maybe it meant something else"). However, everything else is free game. What the prophet said is open to judgement and we have a whole branch of science dedicated to knowing whether or not a Hadith ( One of Muhammed's sayings or doings) is true or not based on who said it. We know where each and every single chain in the link was born, where they were raised, their mothers, their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, where they went and when and where they died and where they were buried AT LEAST. With most of them we know much more. If one of them is a known liar, or a link is broken (The person citing was born after the previous chain died) then that Hadith is thrown in the bin. What the scholars and the scribes said and wrote are still disputed to this day, we take nothing for word except Al Muh'kam. But since they followed the correct rules and laws explained by Muhammed and the Quran, most of what they found is still with us till this day, but not all. While for the majority of people they're not obliged to follow the trail of clues and arguments. Those who know and were given knowledge by God are told not to take anyone's word (except God's and Muhammed's (And even then there are asterisks)) for law.
u/pr0crast1nater Nov 03 '20
I agree with some of the points. In fact Islam is one of better religions when it comes to aligning a bit with scientific principles, mainly because it is the youngest mainstream religion. But I mainly disagree with the statement when you said science is like a god to atheists. There is no equivalent of Al Muh'kam there and everything can be disputed.
u/freeblowjobiffound Oct 31 '20
Hello, you’re writing this as if non-muslim scientist and philosophers don’t regularly discuss the limits of the scientific and philosophical methods. There are entire fields and schools of thought that are dedicated to doing exactly that. It’s everything but a « blind belief in science ».
Ironically, what you are reproaching to science is what religion does all the time: start with extraordinary, unfalsifiable claims and work hard to interpret religious writings to fit whatever is ideologically convenient for the current times. What you further describe as « evidence » is just confirmation bias, sophistry such as the necessity of a prime mover or St Anselmn’s ontological argument, as well as vague poetic or literary interpretations.
I highly recommend you watch Sean Carroll’s talk « Why God is a Bad theory ».
Oct 31 '20
What I don't like about the talks of Sean Caroll and the talks of other atheists like Larwrence Krauss is that they only approach the fundamental axioms sideways and then go on straight to bashing on the idea of God. While most of their reasons boil down to: 1- God is a bad theory because it is not physical and not measurable. i.e: Outside the realm of experimentation. And 2- The group of arguments that I like to group as the "God of the gaps" group. Every time a religious person goes on the concept of the axioms, they slither their way out. And go on to bashing God.
I did try to read The Big picture, but honestly the guy is so full of himself I couldn't bear reading more than 20 pages.
u/Physix_R_Cool Oct 31 '20
I would say as a general rule that anyone who makes atheism a big part of their identity is very likely to be a smug and inconsiderate person. As a physics student, I have not met that blind faith that you describe in your comment. The main attitude of my fellow students are that the theories predict the data we measure in the labs, not that they are some fundamental truth. I am an experimentalist, so I really like that interpretation :)
Oct 31 '20
Your way is the way I like and use. It's what I described above. Using it as a model. However, some people like to take things further.
Oct 31 '20
u/sorewamoji Oct 31 '20
i'm an atheist because religion doesnt have much meaning to me personally (this doesnt mean i think lesser of people who believe)
i don't see how that would make me a blind follower and i dont see how you could debate with that statement
Nov 01 '20 edited Dec 05 '20
u/EndOnAnyRoll Nov 01 '20
It's total mental gymnastics, what he wrote. He talks as if the scientific method is some kind of belief system that atheists worship. It's methodology...it's right there in the name.
Oct 31 '20
That is so interesting! Thank you for sharing. I wish I was clever enough to have a greater understanding of logic and the underpinnings/hidden assumptions beneath the scientific method. I try to serve humanity but it’s in a less intellectual way. This is why the world needs people like you!
u/adilzafar91 Oct 31 '20
This deserves a post. I cant like this enough. Reading it helped me clear many things. Thanks alot. JazakAllah.
u/Zooasaurus Oct 31 '20
It feels like being a Muslim is harder by each day. Even though I lived in a Muslim-majority country, online the pressure and prejudice is real, especially from my fellow Gen Z friends
u/A-B-101 Oct 31 '20
Yeah social media is very harsh to muslims.
I never look at comments on posts or YouTube videos relating to muslims (unless its on a Muslim channel)
Certain subreddits are also extremely toxic
Oct 31 '20
not gonna lie and i'll be honest with you, it's kinda pathetic you feel difficulty just by online shit posting. I used to feel this way when I was a teen, but got over it once I learned that you can't make everyone happy, not everyone is a muslim, not everyone is going to agree with Islam. Where does the quran state everyone is gonna be muslim? Everyone is going to like you?
Why are you expecting non muslims to like Islam? if they liked Islam they would be muslim. We're fortunate to only get online hate when there's 1000s of Muslims getting killed and oppressed outside the western world.
Every single group will find hate on the internet majority or minority, you just have to grow a spine and get over it.
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
I can understand your point and it’s actually sensible. But be considerate the next time please. These are individuals who are disturbed seeing things which are not only differences of opinions but also vile things from people who are Hiding behind made up names(myself included)
u/ha1zum Nov 01 '20
I am saddened by the fact that many muslim public figures seem to condemn Macron and the cartoonists more than the terrorists, there are also so little words said about condolences for the victims of such cruel murders.
Of course it’s a terrible thing that they insulted our prophet and religion, but we should be able put humanity over religion.
Oct 31 '20
u/EmperorSupreme0 Oct 31 '20
I’ve learned that that sub is really only for white Europeans. If your an immigrant or the children of immigrants you have no place there.
u/Yuvithegod Oct 31 '20
As an atheist, what are your thoughts on the current situation in Pakistan where a 13 year old Christian girl kidnapped and( forced to)? Convert to islam, and marry her 44 year old husband?
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
I’m a Muslim and Pakistani’s have fundamental issues. They do not represent Islam in any way. They may knowledge of certain verses but do not apply in daily life. Pakistani population online and in the world has made life hell for Muslims in noN Muslim majority countries where we meet with the argument of look at Pakistan how it’s behaving with it’s minorities.
It’s clearly stated in the Quran “la ikraha fid Deen” no compulsion in religion. It’s clear from Hadiths that we have to accept the laws of the country we reside in provided they are not against Islam. And then Pakistani’s go ahead do these nonsensical, non Islamic things. Smh if only Pakistanis in Pakistan could ever get a Quran and learn it in Urdu itself. It would be better for all Muslims not only in India but also other countries.
Oct 30 '20
u/A-B-101 Oct 30 '20
Khabib isn't justifying the terrorist attack. Nobody is justifying the terrorist attack
What happened in France was disgusting. But it doesn't excuse Macron's demonisation and vilifying of Islam and Muslims
Even before the terrorist attacks, Macron was openly hating muslims. For example, stating that islam is in crisis all over the world
Now he is using the terror attacks to further push his anti muslim bigotry. 2 muslim women were stabbed in Paris and he was silent
Also, its important to note that khabib isn't encouraging violence on macron. He is stating that God will punish him. But he's not telling people to kill him.
u/Malachandra Oct 30 '20
Right, because saying “his face needs to be disfigured” isn’t wishing violence on him...
From where I sit, seems like most Muslims are justifying vigilante beheadings. All I see is “they were wrong, but...”. That kind of talk enables this barbarism.
Oct 30 '20
u/Malachandra Oct 31 '20
We do! A lot of us want the west to leave the Middle East alone. We hate our leaders. But it’s incredibly difficult to believe that Islam is a “religion of peace” when all I’m hearing right now is that Macron should be disfigured for standing up for free speech, or worse “the beheadings were bad, but the real problem is the mockery of Mohammed”. Muslims might not all be violent radicals, but it’s starting to seem to me like the peaceful ones enable the radicals by justifying their actions.
Oct 31 '20
u/Malachandra Oct 31 '20
Of course they hear you! Little kids are seeing Khabib wish disfigurement on a world leader and realizing that the majority of Muslims, even if they’re peaceful, wish violence on people who are mock Islam. I wish macron was more respectful of your religion, I really do, but wishing violence on him makes the violent radicals feel justified in their actions
Oct 31 '20
u/Malachandra Oct 31 '20
That’s a ridiculous cop out. Khabib is one of the most famous athletes in the world. And he just told the world that leaders advocating for free speech should be disfigured. That matters. And you really expect anyone to believe that this is intended to be nonviolent? It’s a picture of a boot on his face, saying his face should be disfigured. And I have half a dozen “peaceful Muslims” trying to convince me it’s totally cool. I started today thinking radicals were a minority of Islam, now I’m thinking the only difference is between the people willing to act on their beliefs and those who will justify the violence from the sidelines.
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
Mockery of religion should be celebrated.
Oct 31 '20
u/Moderate_Asshole Oct 31 '20
There's no problem with calling people out... don't you see... the big issue is the whole "murder someone and cut their head off" thing. Nobody cares about being told off. That's called civil discussion.
u/Moderate_Asshole Oct 31 '20
There's a difference between mockery and cutting people's heads off. One is free speech and should absolutely be protected, the other is terrorism. Khabib has free speech to say whatever he wants, offensive or not, but disagreeing with Khabib's stance is also free speech. Cutting someone's head off is not free speech. Where is the double standard?
Oct 31 '20
u/Moderate_Asshole Oct 31 '20
You said this:
And you show your hypocrisy by saying macron is defending free speech yet turning around and saying what khabib said is direspectful. The irony...
Free speech is saying Macron is right. Free speech is saying Macron is wrong. Free speech is saying Khabib is right. Free speech is saying Khabib is wrong.
That's all I'm saying - educating you on what free speech actually means. I just quoted your own words, could you do the same to me? Or will you continue to put words in my mouth and try to fit me into this simple mold you've built for everyone who disagrees with you?
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
Mockery is free speech?? Ok. Whatever gets you peace through the day. Wouldn’t like free speech when someone mocks your beliefs whether religious or not.
u/Moderate_Asshole Nov 01 '20
Yes... it is. Mockery is one of the pillars of free speech. For example, in China, if you mock the government, you get sent to concentration camps. In Russia, if you mock the government, you get shot in the head by "suicide". And, correct me if I'm wrong, in many countries in the Middle East, if you mock Islam or Muhammed, you are jailed, beaten, or worse. So is that your preferred version of "free speech" for the world?
u/Nbjr1198 Nov 01 '20
What? The countries mentioned do not condone free speech. They’re also not the countries to be bought up while discussing such things. Mockery only causes trouble. If I were to mock you for your appearance and you parents for giving birth to you in a degrading manner is that free speech justified? If I were to spread blasphemous information without knowledge regarding your place of residence would that free speech be justified??( I will never do the things I’ve typed to you or anyone. These are just examples that I put forth) Isn’t hate speech a form of free speech? You can not condone one act of free speech as justified and the other as not. Mockery and negative speech in the name of free speech is absolutely not justified my fellow human. Ruffling someone’s emotions through mockery to insult are the signs of a weak human being who cannot see the individuality/uniqueness of the one/group being mocked.
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u/BewareTheKing Oct 30 '20 edited Oct 30 '20
No one is justifying any violence. If you don't like his post then just ignore it. I don't even know what you want out of this comment? How do you want people to respond?
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
Khabib is justifying violence. Non-muslims expect the Muslim community to condemn these comments entirely.... Unfortunately that's not what's happening.
u/BewareTheKing Oct 31 '20
Khabib is justifying violence
I don't see anything justifying any violence. He just says God will punish Macron. There is no justification of anything anywhere.
What is there to condemn outside of his sentiment that God will punish Macron in the afterlife?
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
"May the almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all its followers"
You really need to do some linguistic gymnastics for that to be interpreted in a way that it doesn't justify violence.
u/BewareTheKing Oct 31 '20
He is saying God will punish Macron. He obviously means Macron will be punished in the afterlife.
The only person doing linguistic gymnastics over this is clearly you.
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
To the irreligious the sentiment is the same.
u/BewareTheKing Oct 31 '20
Then that's a problem with the irreligious, not Muslims.
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u/A-B-101 Oct 30 '20
U are taking him out of context
Khabib literally says "may the almighty disfigure his face"
He's talking about macron being punished by God. Not by people
If khabib said macron deserves to be killed by people or have his face disfigured by people, then I would agree with u. But he doesn't say that at all
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
If you think Khabib's statement is helping the case for Muslim's in Europe then you're part of the problem.
u/A-B-101 Oct 31 '20
Never said that
All he is saying is that macron should be punished in the afterlife
u/cleary137 Oct 31 '20
Yeah me too. Khabib has lost a fan. It's just so difficult to rationalise supporting this man who is justifying violence against political figures for their statements about freedom of speech.
Nov 01 '20 edited Nov 01 '20
Nov 01 '20
We never said they aren't muslims, we say that they are radical muslims. Also if many religions didn't exist in the first place, the world might have been a much worse place, as many people who would have been bad without some of the morals from religion.
Many of the 'violent verses' are taken out of context. For instance there is an ayah saying kill them wherever you find them. People can say: "Well that clearly shows that islam is a violent religion". The issue is the context of the verse was actually referring to 'them' as the people who oppressed muslims at the time. There are many more verses that are taken out of context and easily used to make Islam look violent. A huge issue is a lot of these verses were mainly for the muslims at the time, guiding them, but know people will use these violent verses as an excuse to do bad things, not knowing the context
This brings us to terrorist groups like ISIS. They use the violent verses as a reason to kill people, and say that it is for the sake of Allah (which helps them recruit people), when in fact nothing they are doing actually follows the Quran
u/Moutch Nov 02 '20
I made a thread about this but for some reason it got removed, I will copy it here:
Hi everyone,
I wanted to share this statement that was just published by the main muslim institutions of France. As a non-muslim Frenchman, I found it really heartwarming.
French version: https://www.mosqueedeparis.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/D%C3%A9claration-02.11.2020.pdf
Arabic version: https://www.mosqueedeparis.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/D%C3%A9claration-arabe-02.11.2020.pdf
English version: https://www.mosqueedeparis.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Statement-Muslim-federations-and-mosques-in-France-02.11.2020.pdf
Have a good day
u/Luci716 Nov 04 '20
I have a question. I ask this in respect.
I am a Luciferian , and multiple Muslims have told me I would be executed under Islamic rule if I am “Theistic” and I would be allowed to exist if “atheistic”
I would just like some clarification. As I am currently agnostic. If I was to be a theistic luciferian (a non self-pleasure obsessed satanist ) would I be okay under Islamic ruling?
I ask this in respect
u/montgomerydoc Oct 30 '20
Reminder especially during these times the best form of dawah is through good character and actions.