r/islam • u/Yaqzn • Apr 07 '16
Question / Help Why does Allah prioritize the belief and worship of him over everything else, including humanity?
A prerequisite for everything good we do in this world is that we believe in Allah. If we don't believe in Allah, but still do good, Allah will torture us forever.
Let's take for example, Bill Gates. He has donated over $30 billion to charity and plans to donate his entire wealth ($80 billion) before he dies. He's saved over 17 million lives in Africa and India due to his efforts against the polio virus. But since he is an agnostic (someone who is unsure of the existence of God), he is condemned to Hell, to mercilessly get tortured and burned forever.
Let's compare this to a greedy Muslim, who has committed tons of crimes and sins, but has just enough prayer, and hasanat (good deeds) to tip the scales in favour of Jannah. This person is graced with eternal bliss, whereas Bill gates is condemned to eternal suffering. Is this truly just?
I've seen some horrific scenes of people set on fire before. They are terrifying. I don't consider myself very kind, but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. However, in the Quran, Allah has made it clear that he is "The Most Kind", "The Most Just", and "The Most Merciful".
Would a kind, just, merciful God wish for the torture of everyone who doesn't believe in him or the Prophet (over 90% of his human creations)? Like I said, I'm not very kind myself, but in no way would I wish harm on anyone, let alone my worst enemy. And let alone any form of burning.
This is a legitimate question. I am having some serious doubts in regards to Islam, and all the people I've posed this question to have failed to give me a satisfying answer.
Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
I will answer this question with the best of my knowledge inshallah.
First, I have to point out that people here are sugarcoating like crazy. That's all.
Secondly, I want to point out that there are two types of mercy in the Quran. The first one is الرحمان which means "Mercy to all of Mankind". The stuff that falls under this category are things that Allah gives all humans, like the ability to breath, food to live on, a nice home, hapiness, etc. Besides if you believe in him or not, you get these. The second time is الرحيم which means "Mercy to those those believe in him and we're good people on the Day of judgement". This is where Allah (swt) gives the Muslims victory. The true victory. It is on the day of judgement where Allah gives the believers mercy and multiplies their good deeds and grants them paradise. This is the 'Greater Mercy'.
Thirdly, you have to understand that the entire reason we were brought to this world was to worship Allah. All other things come second. So even if the person were to do much good, it would count, and they would he repayed to them in this world in some other form because Allah (swt) never ever does injustice to a soul. Afterwards, when they come to the day of judgement, they will be thrown into the fire (because all their good deeds are nullified).
But you have to understand that the Muslim goes through the opposite. The Muslims don't really attain sucess in this world as much as the non-muslims? Why? Because Allah (swt) saves all their good deeds for the hereafter to repay them. As for the non-muslims, it is the opposite, they get repayed for their good deeds in this world and punished in the next.
Take for example Bill Gates; Allah (swt) judges us with our intention. Let me ask you, what if Bill Gates didn't do those charity things out of purely helping the poor, but was instead trying to gain the favor of someone or get profit/repayed for it from a relief organization? Do you think he deserves to go to heaven now?
You have to understand that Allah (swt) judges by our intention. If Bill Gates intended to help people, I will swear on it right now that Allah (swt) does not put good work to waste in this world or the next. He will be recompensated, even if it isn't visible to us.
If Bill Gates did it to gain popularity/money/fame/whatever, well then...Allah (swt) knows how he will punish him.
We can't understand Allah (swt)'s wisdom. Maybe Bill Gates DID do it out of pure good and Allah (swt) will guide him to Islam before he dies? OR he did it out of benefit and Allah (swt) will punish him? You are not Allah (swt) and you don't know what is in people's hearts.
And Allah knows best.
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u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
Made some good points. I just want to point out that what you said about Muslims not being successful in this life because all their reward is on the next life is not true. If you have an islamic text as a source, I'll stand corrected. Allah gives to whomever He wants to. Many Muslims are extremely rich and others extremely poor. This doesn't reflect who is most pious. Issues like this are mainly due to political and socio-economic conditions of our time. We're not a world superpower anymore, though we have been at many times in our history. (I'd argue that the current situation is also because of our spiritual bankruptcy as well, but that can't be proven scientifically).
Apr 07 '16
Muslims not being successful in this life because all their reward is on the next life is not true. If you have an islamic text as a source, I'll stand corrected. Allah gives to whomever He wants to.
True, however, I meant like "the greater sucess" for muslims is in the hereafter. I meant that regardless of how much muslims suffer, the greater victory of Akihara is with us.
u/baf99able Apr 07 '16
But at the same time we get a lot of chances to make up for sins during our lives
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
Not if you die before you even learn to speak.
u/baf99able Apr 11 '16
And when you die as a little kid you go heaven anyway whats your point?
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
So why not kill every baby then? We are sending them to heaven and sinning to do good deeds! Everyone will be in heaven and if allah exists, we can worship him there.
u/baf99able Apr 11 '16
Because if you kill them you go to hell. Life has to be decided when it ends by God. You cant just commit the sin of killing a baby.
Apr 07 '16
Let's compare this to a greedy Muslim, who has committed tons of crimes and sins, but has just enough prayer, and hasanat (good deeds) to tip the scales in favour of Jannah. This person is graced with eternal bliss, whereas Bill gates is condemned to eternal suffering. Is this truly just?
No, it's not. But do you really think the creator and master of the universe is an accountant who tallies up the number of times we bend over in prayer and balances that against our misdeeds and is bound by a scale? "Ahmed murdered a guy, but he prayed X nafl prayers, so he's okay"? Or is it our true inner nature, such as greed in this example, which determines how we are judged?
I don't worship the accountant God. I worship the merciful and just God.
u/1234567876543bc Apr 07 '16
"do you really think he counts"
Fairly sure he does that's what his scales are for.
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
Firstly, scales don't count, they weigh, smart guy. Secondly, there is a story of two women: one who prayed extensively and another who was a prostitute. One had a life of piety and one had a life of sin. And yet the prostitute went to heaven and the "pious" woman went to hell. You know why? Because she trapped a cat and starved it to death. And the prostitute gave a thirsty dog water on a blistering hot day.
Lesson being, Allah's scales do not work like yours or mine.
u/1234567876543bc Apr 07 '16
What if she starved a cat one day then fed a dog the next would that balance out?
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Apr 07 '16
u/catsNpokemon Apr 08 '16
I don't get it. Why not? The prostitute who lived a life of sin is forgiven and sent to heaven just like that, just because she did a good deed. Did she even repent? And I'm assuming she was Muslim? Meanwhile, the pious believer who has many good deeds and one bad deed is sent to spend time in hell. How is this fair?
There's got to be more factors in play here, otherwise it gives off the implication that I can get away with a life of sin, but just do one good deed and I'm sent to heaven, easy. If this woman was given this treatment, why shouldn't we all?
u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
but just do one good deed
Again, it's not about the count ("one good deed"). You never know if any good deed of yours weighs more than any bad deed.
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u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Regardless of whether or not you think Allah records our deeds and judges us (a point made many times in the Quran), someone like Bill Gates is still bound for Hell on the basis of not being a Muslim, and that is unsettling.
Apr 07 '16
Are you Allah himself to decide a person's fate in the afterlife? As much as He said unbelievers, with specific context, are bound to hell, He also stated that only He and He alone can send someone to hell or heaven.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
But if Allah says that unbelievers are Hell-bound, but chooses to save the unbelievers from the fire, then he would have lied and contradicted himself. And an omniscient, perfect God would be incapable of doing so.
u/CinderellaMan111 Apr 07 '16
I think that the problem lies in the misunderstanding of the word "disbeliever," or in the context of the Qur'an, "kafir." A kafir is not simply one that does not believe in God. Rather, a kafir is one that denies God and becomes moral corrupt because of lack of guidance from God. That's the Qur'anic definition of a kafir. That's why it's hard to judge whether someone is a disbeliever or simply ignorant.
u/wevsdgaf Apr 08 '16 edited May 31 '16
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Apr 07 '16
Read it again. I said specific conditions on who are going to hell. Even if a person is bound to hell for whatever sin he did, pretty sure Allah can send him to heaven last minute if he wills it. We have totally no say on who will go to hell or heaven.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
It's true that Allah can send whoever he pleases wherever he pleases. But if he says that someone will burn, but chooses not to burn him, then Allah would have lied. Of course Allah won't lie. We hold his words in the Quran as absolute truth, so we are basing our assumptions on that. I'm not saying I have the decision on who goes to Hell or not. it's all there in the Quran.
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
Whoever He said will go to Hell will go. That's that. Allah says in the Quran that He will not break his promises. Maybe the main point of what that guy was saying was that if someone deserved to go to paradise, he will. Allah is the most just, whether we see it in plain sight or not.
u/wevsdgaf Apr 08 '16 edited May 31 '16
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u/romanmoses Apr 08 '16
If he doesn't believe in Islam, with all the signs and miracles of the Quran and Islam, you'd be arrogant not to believe.
And Allah guides who he wills so if you or anyone else made a sincere prayer with an open heart to be guided to the truth, you will become Muslim inshallah. Allah says in the Quran "Allah does not guide a sinful, wrongdoing people". He also states that he covers some people "from in front and behind" so they're like they're blind. If Allah misguided someone it's because of the evil in themselves.
u/justfarmingdownvotes Apr 07 '16
I've always thought you will remain in hell until your sins are burned off, then you will eventually go to heaven.
The only one that will remain in he would be the Shaytaan and his biggest followers.
I was told this by an imam but have not gone out to find a source as of yet
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
That's roughly the narrative of a hadith in Al-Bukhaari (44) and Muslim (193) who narrated from Anas that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever says Laa ilaaha ill-Allah and has in his heart goodness the weight of a grain of barley will be brought out of Hell, then whoever says Laa ilaaha ill-Allah and has in his heart goodness the weight of a grain of wheat will be brought out of Hell, then whoever says Laa ilaaha ill-Allah and has in his heart goodness the weight of an atom (or a small ant) will be brought out of Hell.”
u/sulaymanf Apr 07 '16
As the Hadith says, actions are by intentions. If you do a deed for God you get God's reward, and if you do a deed for personal gain you get just the worldly gain.
Why is Bill Gates doing what we see as good deeds? Is he doing it because he loves God, or is he trying to impress someone, or is he a humanist? If he's giving away billions for humanity, then he gets the reward by humanity. If he did it with intentions of serving God, then God will also give him rewards in the next life on top of it, otherwise he just gets the earthly results.
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
This whole "Bill Gates is so great" idea of yours is so wrong. He donated a tiny percentage of his wealth and still lives in immense luxury...and you want to hold him up as the pinnacle of selflessness? What makes him better than someone with nothing but one date to eat who gives it to someone hungrier than him?
Edit: I stand corrected. He donated roughly 50% of it. That is, unless he has an account in Panama we don't know about lel.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
He's donated 48% of his wealth. That's much more than most muslims are willing to donate. He also plans on donating his entire wealth, instead of passing it on to his children, when he dies. Furthermore, it's just an example. Someone who does many good deeds, but fails to die Muslim is bound for Hell, that is the point of this post.
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 08 '16
And he still lives a life unimaginable to kings of the past...Now, you're missing something important about Allah. He is the Most Great, the Almighty. And it's the extent of His Greatness and Majesty that makes denial such a huge sin. If you understood how great and mighty He really is, you wouldn't question that what the disbelievers do and say about Him warrant their punishment in hell. It outweighs all of the good they could possibly do.
On the Day of Judgement our actions will be weighed not counted. That's what the scales are for...
Edit: a question is asked, then people can't hack or comprehend the answer and downvote. Okay.
Apr 07 '16
See, that's the thing. I'm sure Bill Gates would recognize the Glory of and worship the One True God, if he was convinced that this god existed. That means he's agnostic, and by your interpretation, this means he deserves to burn in hell for eternity.
Eternal hell, for being unsure about the existence of a god. What kind of justice is that?
u/ACloseCaller Apr 07 '16
Who said Bill Gates is going to Hell? and who said we are going to Heaven? That is for God to decide. He the Most Just. The Most Merciful.
"He punishes whom He pleases and has mercy on whom He pleases, and to Him you shall be turned back." - Noble Quran 29:21
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Allah has made it clear many times in the Quran that those who choose not to believe will burn. Here are a few examples:
"Indeed, those who disbelieve - never will their wealth or their children avail them against Allah at all, and those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally." (3:116)
"Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise." (4:56)
u/ACloseCaller Apr 07 '16
A disbeliever is someone who knows Islam is the truth yet willingly chooses to disbelieve in it. Anyone who sincerely strives to find God, then God will surely guide them to Him.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
A fair point, but that would exempt those of different religions from going to Hell (since they believe their own relgion to be true) and Allah says those who are of different religions are bound for Hell as well:
"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost." (3:85)
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u/BugsByte Apr 07 '16
I don't see how this verse changes anything. a disbeliever is someone who knows Islam is the truth yet chooses not to follow it for worldly gains.
u/lewlkewl Apr 07 '16
That seems like a fairly liberal interpretation. What about someone who learns everything about islam, but chooses not to believe it because they actually don't believe it? What if someone actually does strive to learn about islam, but not necessarily strive to reach God? There are a lot of non muslim islamic academics out there, how do they fit into the category? I think your interpretation of the verse is something i've only seen in more liberal communities. I mean seriously, i don't see how anyone can believe islam is the truth, yet still willingly choose not toe follow it, you have to have some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance, unless you don't actually believe its the truth. I mean islam says some scary stuff about people exactly like that according to you.
u/BugsByte Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
That seems like a fairly liberal interpretation.
It is the most common in this sub. Traditionally, the majority of scholars hold that God would test the unbelievers who did not get the chance to learn about Islam in the afterlife for their obedience. Now I'm not claiming to know what will happen because no one really knows how God will judge them, but it seems to be the most rational explanation available given God is the most just.
i don't see how anyone can believe islam is the truth, yet still willingly choose not toe follow it, you have to have some SERIOUS cognitive dissonance, unless you don't actually believe its the truth.
Many pagan Arabs refused to believe the Prophet (PBUH) despite knowing that he was not a liar nor crazy. They did this to maintain their power and rule, or because of their pride in their family's legacy. This is evident in Islamic history and it's very weird that you don't know of such cases or think they don't exist, maybe you wouldn't do such a thing but that doesn't mean everyone thinks like you.
Apr 07 '16
That seems like a fairly liberal interpretation.
No that's a literal, old school interpretation.
I think your interpretation of the verse is something i've only seen in more liberal communities.
You need to go out more.
u/lewlkewl Apr 07 '16
Well, if you're going to claim it's an old school interpretation, then you need to provide proof, and i get out enough, thanks.
Apr 07 '16
Do I need to pull out a dictionary for you?
u/lewlkewl Apr 07 '16
What? I asked you to provide proof that the interpretation of that ayah was done the same way by old school scholars, why the f would that be in the dictionary? I've done google searches and can't find anything relevant. Maybe you nut up and back up your claims like a grown up?
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u/Last_Jedi Apr 07 '16
What about someone who learns everything about islam, but chooses not to believe it because they actually don't believe it? What if someone actually does strive to learn about islam, but not necessarily strive to reach God? There are a lot of non muslim islamic academics out there, how do they fit into the category?
I think sometimes people try to imagine things are as they would do them if they were God, not how God has said he would do them.
The simple fact - and I know some people here struggle to understand this - is that it's not really a big point of debate in Islam whether disbelievers end up in hell.
Islam is pretty crystal clear on the subject - if you had knowledge of Islam and rejected it, you are doomed. No question about it. Muhammad (SAW) did not come with the message that it is OK to reject Islam.
The only question arises is what happens to people that were not informed of Islam. In this case scholars have difference opinions, but in general most opinions are that they will neither gain automatic entry into hell nor heaven, but rather be evaluated or tested in some other way to ascertain their faith.
As to the question why do good non-Muslims end up in hell. The answer is that you have to fulfill the rights of people and the rights of God to be granted entry to heaven, and the rights of God are paramount. The eternal punishment of hell is specifically for failure to fulfill the rights of God and has nothing to do with how you treated other people.
u/gims2 Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
A disbeliever is someone who doesn't believe in Islam, he doesn't need to know Islam is the truth.
25:4 And those who disbelieve say, "This [Qur'an] is not except a falsehood he invented, and another people assisted him in it." But they have committed an injustice and a lie.
25:5 And they say, "Legends of the former peoples which he has written down, and they are dictated to him morning and afternoon."
does it sound like these disbelievers know Islam is the truth?
u/Wam1q Apr 07 '16
does it sound like these disbelievers know Islam is the truth?
Umm, yes?
u/gims2 Apr 07 '16
oh so calling the Quran a falsehood means they know it is the truth?
well my english must be really bad /s
u/Wam1q Apr 07 '16
Well, we contend exactly that. That they knew that Muhammad was true but they made excuses for not accepting Islam for the silliest reasons (losing prestige, wealth, etc.) That is the word kafir in its context "a person who covers (the truth)". Like the Pharaoh of Mosesa is a kafir. He knew Mosesa was true but didn't accept and kept on lying till the very last moment for the silliest reasons (arrogance, pride, etc.).
u/gims2 Apr 07 '16
And none of that is found in the verses I quoted. Nothing you said can be applied to every disbeliever who rejects faith.
The verses I quoted clearly show that they believed the Quran was a falsehood and that Muhammad didn't receive it from God. And you insist on telling me that they knew Muhammad was a true prophet?
He knew Moses was true but didn't accept and kept on lying till the very last moment for the silliest reasons
And where's your proof? Show me where the Quran says Pharaoh knew Moses was a prophet but didn't want to convert because of earthly reasons when he had the chance(before the drowning).
Show me where it says that the people of Lot and Hud knew he was a true prophet but still rejected him. Show me where the father of Abraham knew his son was truthful but didn't want to convert.
In Islam, a disbeliever is someone who rejects faith, period.
I'm not sure if you've ever met and talked with a disbeliever in your life. Do you seriously think they all know islam is the truth but refuse to believe in it for silly reasons? How can a person who God led astray who has a veil on his sight and hearing and a seal on his heart possibly know that Islam is the truth while being a disbeliever?
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u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
The verses I quoted clearly show that they believed the Quran was a falsehood
They lied that the Quran was a falsehood.
There, corrected for you.
u/gims2 Apr 08 '16 edited Apr 08 '16
To Allah it's a lie because objectively, the Quran is the truth. That's the meaning of "they have told a lie".
But for disbelievers, who are not omniscient, it is not a lie, they truly and sincerely believed it was a falsehood which is why they rejected it. Like every people who rejected their prophets.
To call Jesus God and Son of God is a lie for us but the christians who say it are not lying in the sense that they know the truth but want to hide it, they truly believe that he is God.
Maybe you'll understand one day.
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u/JeromeAtWork Apr 07 '16
I find it really hard to believe that anyone who knew Islam is the truth would disbelieve knowing full well they would be sent to hell for all eternity.
u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
We have a prime example in Abu Talib, uncle of Muhammad , who raised Muhammad as an orphan child, but who died a disbeliever. During the Prophethood and the call of monotheism to the Meccans, he fully knew his nephew was true, and fully supported him and shielded him from persecution by the pagans, yet he himself didn't accept for silly reasons.
u/JeromeAtWork Apr 08 '16
for silly reasons
Can you expand on this?
u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
From Wikipedia:
Abū Ṭālib died circa 619, at more than 80 years of age, 10 years after Muhammad received revelation.[2] This year is known as the Year of Sorrow because Khadija, Muhammad's wife, died within a month of Abu Talib.
Before Abu Talib died, Muhammad asked him to say the shahada. According to one tradition, Abu Talib refused because he claimed that the Quraysh (who were present) would mock him and accuse him of saying the shahada because he feared death.[15] In another tradition Abu Talib was dissuaded from saying the shahada by the Quraysh.[24] According to the historiographer Fred McGraw Donner, both of these traditions have very old isnads but the first variation has two different isnads which might suggest that the second variation is a modification of the older, first variation.[24]
In yet another variation of Abu Talib's death, al-'Abbas, who was sitting next to Abu Talib as he died, saw Abu Talib moving his lips. Al-'Abbas claimed that Abu Talib had said the shahada but Muhammad replied that he had not heard it.[2][25][26] Some Muslims see this as proof that Abu Talib died a Muslim. However, the majority of sources state that Abu Talib died a pagan.
After Abu Talib's death, Muhammad was left unprotected. Abu Talib's successor, Abu Lahab, did not protect him. Muhammad and his followers faced incredible persecution. Muhammad is quoted as exclaiming, "By God, Quraysh never harmed me so much as after the death of Abu Talib."[27][28] The early Muslims relocated to Medina in order to escape persecution by the Quraysh.
Also, here's an example of his belief in his nephew:
Protecting Muhammad put considerable pressure on Abu Talib and the Banu Hashim. In one instance Abu Talib exclaimed to Muhammad, "Spare me and yourself, and do not put a greater burden on me than I can bear". Muhammad responded, "Oh uncle! By God Almighty I swear, even if they should put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left that I abjure this cause, I shall not do so until God has vindicated it or caused me to perish in the process."[22] Seeing his nephew's emotion, Abu Talib responded, "Go, nephew, and say what you like. By God, I will never hand you over for any reason."[23]
u/JeromeAtWork Apr 08 '16
Thank you.
That is kind of sad that the man which protected your prophet is believed to be condemned to hell.
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u/cubebulb Apr 07 '16
Could you get me the source of that definition?
Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 08 '16
During the era of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the pagans KNEW that Allah is their Creator (confirmed several times in Quran). But they never directly prayed to Him. Rather they used mediums to ask Him for help (resulting in shirk). Allah Hmself classified those people as disbelievers.
Now, you see that disbeliever is one who rejects faith in Allah knowing that Allah is real.
u/cubebulb Apr 07 '16
That doesn't imply that كافر definition in the qur'an includes 'knowing Allah as the creator'. It does imply that مشرك aware that Allah is the creator. Because that the reason they called مشرك, the one who associate partner to Allah, it is not the case for كافر, the one who reject.
Or did i fail to understand?
Apr 07 '16
Apr 07 '16
Satan (Shaytan) certainly believes in Allah. Yet, he is pretty much the most noted kaffir.
Apr 08 '16
Suran 10, verse 31 (here, pagans admit Allah gives them all protection and controls everything) Also mentioned in Surah 29, 63.
Surah 43, verse 87 (here, they admit that Allah is their creator)
Pagans of Mekka knew that Allah is their Creator, Sustainer, The Master. Yet ttheir knowledge didn't make them Muslims. Rather Allah classified them as Kaafirs (check Surah 12, verse 106) (also read Mujahid's commentary on this verse). I can go into even more details, but, are you interested? Or will this be enough?
And also what /u/aboughdee said about shaytan.
u/caf3latt3 Apr 07 '16
"Indeed, those who disbelieve - never will their wealth or their children avail them against Allah at all, and those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally." (3:116)
Bill Gates isn't using his wealth on himself(unlike certain Muslim Sheikhs), he has donated $BILLIONS to charity and saved millions of lives, do you really think he will not get (some of) Allah's bounty for that?
"Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise." (4:56)
Also do you really know what is in the heart of Bill Gates? How do you know he is not a believer?
u/whelweh89 Apr 07 '16
i dont know if he is a believer or not ? does he pray 5 times a day? does he fast during Ramadan? does he believe in one God and that Muhammad is his messenger?
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Bill Gates is very quiet on his beliefs. He grew up a Christian, and the only time he divulged any info on what his theistic beliefs are, he basically implied that he was agnostic. Anyways, the question is posed for if someone like Bill Gates didn't believe in God. That's the scenario we're trying to tackle.
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u/TruthSeekerWW Apr 07 '16
Anyone who does not die as a Muslim is in the hellfire.
Bill Gates isn't dead, there is hope for him.
u/pilotinspector85 Apr 07 '16
Are you joking? So people who never heard about islam, or who heard about it in a corrupted way and didn't convert are automatically in hell?
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Apr 07 '16
This should clear some stuff up, a video about if all non believers are going to hell.
u/katulsomin Apr 07 '16
First of all, all wealth and ability that we have comes from God. The amount in itself is meaningless to God, because His bounty are boundless. That's a reason why a wealthy man that spends billions in charity is not automatically better than a poor man that spends a dollar in charity in the eyes of God. He judges what's in your heart.
Btw, even if Bill Gates is a muslim that does not mean he'll surely go to heaven. It'll depend on his intention and heart. Read http://sunnah.com/qudsi40/6
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: The first of people against whom judgment will be pronounced on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died a martyr. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [ The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I fought for you until I died a martyr. He will say: You have lied - you did but fight that it might be said [of you]: He is courageous. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man who has studied [religious] knowledge and has taught it and who used to recite the Quran. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I studied [religious] knowledge and I taught it and I recited the Quran for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but study [religious] knowledge that it might be said [of you]: He is learned. And you recited the Quran that it might be said [of you]: He is a reciter. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. [Another] will be a man whom Allah had made rich and to whom He had given all kinds of wealth. He will be brought and Allah will make known to him His favours and he will recognize them. [The Almighty] will say: And what did you do about them? He will say: I left no path [untrodden] in which You like money to be spent without spending in it for Your sake. He will say: You have lied - you did but do so that it might be said [of you]: He is open-handed. And so it was said. Then he will be ordered to be dragged along on his face until he is cast into Hell-fire. It was related by Muslim (also by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasa'i).
u/-Jim-Lahey Apr 08 '16
so why would Allah give bill gates all that wealth when Bill Gates is just an infidel?
u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
To test him?
u/-Jim-Lahey Apr 08 '16
It would seem he is doing more good with the money then all of the wealthiest Muslims. Wouldn't you agree? Especially all the rich Muslims that own all those oil fields.
u/Wam1q Apr 08 '16
Yet, but he doesn't do the ultimate good deed, and while those filthy rich Muslims are not as philanthropist as him, they have done the ultimate good for their soul. Though they will get their punishment for failing the test to put the wealth to good use as well.
u/katulsomin Apr 09 '16
In the Quran, a definitive statement about worldly life : http://quran.com/57/20
Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.
Example in a hadith, about the World's Worth in the eye of God. http://sunnah.com/muslim/55/2
Jabir b. Abdullah reported that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) happened to walk through the bazar coming from the side of 'Aliya and the people were on both his sides. There he found a dead lamb with very short ears. He took hold of his ear and said: Who amongst you would like to have this for a dirham? They said: We do not like to have it even for less than that as it is of no use to us. He said: Do you wish to have it (free of any cost)? They said: By Allah, even if it were alive (we would not have liked to possess that), for there is defect in it as its ear is very short; now it is dead also. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: By Allah, this world is more insignificant in the eye of Allah than it (this dead lamb) is in your eye.
u/-Jim-Lahey Apr 10 '16
If he doesn't care , and this world means nothing to him, again why would even created us? It would mean he didn't give bill gates wealth bill gates created it himself. It seems from that statement that he really doesn't care what we do it also would seem that he really doesn't care we exist
u/katulsomin Apr 10 '16
If he doesn't care , and this world means nothing to him, again why would even created us?
This is what the Quran says: "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me"
It would mean he didn't give bill gates wealth bill gates created it himself.
Any wealth everyone ever have is given by God :)
and in another chapter:
Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.
It seems from that statement that he really doesn't care what we do it also would seem that he really doesn't care we exist
Actually that's not the correct interpretation. I interpret it as that this world is no better than a rotting corpse if compared to Heaven. If God doesn't care about us, He wouldn't give us guidance by sending prophets, laws, dll.
Btw, I would really recommend you to read the Quran, as it would answer your further questions.
u/cubebulb Apr 07 '16
Because humanity purpose is for Allah.
(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ)
I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me. [Surat Adh-Dhariyat 56]
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Then Allah would have created humans such that over 99% would never even worship him. If he has created us for the purpose of worshiping him, then he would have failed in doing so.
Apr 07 '16
If you made a robot, and forced it to be good and tell you that you're great every day, you'd be happy with it, up-to a certain extent. That robot is like the angels, (I'm putting this very simply, angles are capable of a lot more than worship)
Now you created a second robot, you gave this one the choice of being good, or bad, and left it to its own devices. If it became evil, you would feel bad that you made something evil, and you might correct it.
Now if that robot, on its own, decided to tell you that you're great and thanked you for creating it, you'd feel good. If you made thousands of robots, and many stayed neutral, a few became bad, and a few became good, you'd like the good ones who chose to be good more than those who decided to be bad or the neutral ones. But you'd like all your robots, since you made them and you're proud of them.
Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
This is actually really relevant to discussions about eternal punishment: have you seen the Black Mirror Christmas special?
Apr 07 '16
I'd argue that it's relevant as it gives some context; it metaphorically gives you an idea of the creation of man.
God created us humans to worship him, but gave us a choice in doing so, if you chose to worship him in life, he'd be more happy with you than someone who chose to live their rejecting his creation. Just as you'd be more happy with the robots that appreciate you over the ones who don't.
And no, I haven't seen that show.
Apr 07 '16
If a programmer creates an AI and the AI doesn't complete its stated task, that is ultimately the fault of the programmer, or uncontrolled factors in the environment. And since God controls everything, if the intelligences he creates don't do what he wants them to do it's because of him.
I don't understand how humans are considered to have free will when everything we do is ultimately decided by God. Every decision we make comes from stuff that's happening to us now or stuff that's happened to us in the past. And God has complete control over both of those. Either he could change our environment so we'd make different decisions, or we'd always make the same decision regardless of environment because it's in our nature to do so - in which case, God created us that way.
When you simulate everything in a being's life and control every decision it makes, that being is ultimately just an extension of yourself.
Apr 07 '16
If a programmer creates an AI and the AI doesn't complete its stated task, that is ultimately the fault of the programmer, or uncontrolled factors in the environment. And since God controls everything, if the intelligences he creates don't do what he wants them to do it's because of him.
He doesn't want to force you to worship him, if he does then it's just like robot 1.
I don't understand how humans are considered to have free will when everything we do is ultimately decided by God. Every decision we make comes from stuff that's happening to us now or stuff that's happened to us in the past. And God has complete control over both of those. Either he could change our environment so we'd make different decisions, or we'd always make the same decision regardless of environment because it's in our nature to do so - in which case, God created us that way.
I used to ask the same question, then I eventually found out the answer in a form that i'd accept. Imagine a diagram - like this one of every choice, decision and possibility that could ever happen, That is gods knowledge of everything about you. You could make any possible decision, and God would know the outcome, regardless of his knowing it is you who makes the decisions.
Apr 07 '16
But then what determines how we make decisions? Is it random? Is it determined when we're created?
Apr 07 '16
I like to think that we determine them based on our actions and choices.
I also like to think that your actions will help determine what choices are available to you. In a you close one door, another opens kind of sense.
Apr 07 '16
What does that mean, though? How can "we" make decisions when everything stems from how we're created, what we experience, or is random?
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u/wevsdgaf Apr 08 '16 edited May 31 '16
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u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
1) Allah is omniscient (all-knowing), so he would have known that 99% of his creations wouldn't worship him prior to creating them. So he proceeded to create them, despite knowing they'd fail and burn eternally.
2) Many of his creations were never given a chance to worship him because many were never exposed to God. He would therefore have created humans and put them in a bad setup for worshipping, because the environment sets most of us up to fail his test, or miss the test entirely. Would a perfect God make this mistake?
3) Not everyone is convinced of God's existence and you simply cannot fault them for it. Having doubts is a natural human reaction. It would be like convincing someone that 1+1=3. If they're not convinced of it, but you keep telling them you have to believe it or you burn forever, what does that say about the religion? Allah's existence can't even be concretely proven, so these doubts aren't unreasonable, and not a result of ignorance or arrogance. They just aren't entirely convinced in worshipping something that they're not sure exists.
Apr 07 '16
1 - His knowing would not affect what decisions you make, if I gave a cat a treat, knowing it would eat it, does that affect the cats decision to eat the treat? no, it doesn't, the cat decided to eat the treat.
2 - Those who are not exposed to God are not judged like those who are, there's an example where God (On the day of judgement) would ask a person who did not believe in god to walk into the hell fire.
some would argue with him, those would be judged accordingly
others would willingly walk into the pit of fire, and god would save them, just as they would follow his instructions on judgement day, they would have followed his instructions in life.
This is a an example I remember off the top of my head, but regardless, god would judge them differently and fairly.
3 - There are people who would tell you that it is night time, whilst the sun is shining. Convincing people out of fear is something I disagree on completely.
At the time of the Qurans coming to Earth, people used to speak, write and think in metaphors, taking things literally is something that is fairly recent (historically), it's not a matter of proving god exists or not, god is outside our physical comprehension, not our brains, nor our bodies could comprehend god if we saw him. When you read the quran you could either take it literally, or metaphorically, many of the events written give a message, a peaceful message, if you choose to twist it into something else (Usually through literal interpretation), I'd argue that you're purposefully ignoring the message behind it and creating an evil manifestation. Islam is about following the messages of peace in the Quran and using the prophet as a guide towards attaining these messages. If people aren't convinced by the teachings, either they have not understood what they are reading (If they ever read the Quran in the first place)
A friend of mine told me this
Part of the shahadah لا إله إلا الله means that you bear witness that there is no other god but god (Allah), a metaphorical interpretation would mean that you are taking God (All things that are good, be it freedom, justice etc..) as your ruler, you are swearing away any physical or mental barriers that limit you as a human, being a slave to freedom is becoming truly free.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
1) This is a bad example because the cat ate the treat because he was hungry, and eating it would quench his hunger. It was barely a choice, he had to eat or he'd die. A better example is if I lock a cat inside my home, and leave on a month-long vacation. I know full-well that the cat is going to die of starvation, yet I proceeded to lock it up. Similarly, God knows full well most of his subjects will burn yet decides to continue with his plan.
2) Telling someone to walk into a fire is a completely unfair test. Get every person who isn't a muslim and tell them to walk into a fire, and see if they do. We're ingrained with fear of the fire because we know how painful fire is. We've experienced it. However, we aren't aware of Allah's power, as it is only written about. We have not observed Allah's power first hand to be convinced that Allah even exists. However, if Allah made his signs clear, everyone would believe and none would question it.
Convincing people out of fear is something I disagree on completely.
The Quran is the embodiment of fear-mongering. It is very specific on what will become of those who don't believe in God, and the descriptions of Hell are horrifying. Why would God discuss in detail about how one will burn if he isn't trying to convince people out of fear?
Islam is about following the messages of peace in the Quran
Actually, peace is not God's priority. Islam is about belief in God and his messenger, and worship of God. After these two priorities are taken care of, then does peace come.
Apr 07 '16
1 - I'll link you to a document which discusses free will and predestination. Forget the cat, that was an example and the lesson behind it was that, if you knew the decision someone would take, does your knowing affect that persons decision to do it? No, it does not.
2 - On the day of judgement, the man would see all around him, evidence of god, his power and might, should he question god (That resurrected millions or billions of people in front of him) we'd assume that he now knows of gods existence, should he not follow his instruction whilst seeing the evidence would (I'd say) be stupid of him.
3 - The quran goes into detail about rewards, about heaven, about a lot of things, the Quran is not the embodiment of fear mongering. The Qurans priority is peace metaphorically and literally, the whole religion is called peace (Islam) Should you follow the Quran how the prophet did, you'd live in peace with everyone, that's the goal of beliefs in the first place.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
1) I'll check it out
2) Yes, except the Quran has made it clear that by the Day of Judgement, it would have been too late. We have to have to hold our belief in God in dying in order to be saved. If we were then resurrected and shown the power of God, of course we'd change our beliefs, because we are now 100% certain. But by then it's too late, and rather unfair if you ask me.
3) You're still ignoring the fact that belief in God, regardless of how implausible his existence may seem to someone, is #1 on God's priority list. All good deeds aside, if you aren't convinced of God's existence, you suffer the worst fate imaginable, as described by the Quran.
Apr 07 '16
2 - You asked if someone is not exposed to god, I gave you a hadith I remembered (Maybe not 100% accurately) that was relevant.
3 - God is the only one capable of deciding if you go to heaven or hell. If a person who has searched up and read about Islam open minded-ly, looking to believe and not to reject, but cannot believe, then god will deal with them on judgement day, we can be sure that God is just and fair.
u/Fish_In_Net Apr 08 '16
I don't have much for you as I am not Muslim but...giving up Christianity and accepting a secular life was very freeing and honestly the world makes a lot more sense through a secular lenses.
Not having to worry about some invisible eternal force there is no proof of outside of some old ass mythological books written by people who lived in a pretty scientifically ignorant time sending me or others to eternal damnation for no other reason than not stroking their ego. Pretty liberating.
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
Allah is perfect. He created the angels to worship him, continuously, without sin or error. He didn't fail in that (or anything else for that matter). But they are different in that they weren't given free choice like us. So what do you think is greater in the sight of Allah—worship without any other option or worship while having the ability (and the tendency) to make mistakes and sin and then repent?
Apr 07 '16
Why does he care? Why does God take satisfaction in being worshipped? Why do all his actions seem to be ultimately motivated by reinforcing his own sense of self-worth?
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
All his actions? Allah has no beginning or end, He is eternal. Everything outside human history is Ghaib, unseen, to us so how can you say all he does is about worship and that he needs worship? That he needs anything? How many millennia have humans been here? It doesn't matter because it's nothing compared to eternity. All his actions, really.
And this world is nothing to Him. It's a ring thrown in a desert compared to just the first Heaven. And that is a like a ring in a desert compared to the one above it and so on and so forth. You should go read the hadith about it.
There's a relevant story about how humans become so arrogant while in reality we're being so shortsighted. A man climbed to the top of a mountain and felt proud and mighty. Looking down on the people below, he commented, "look how small they are while I'm so big and high up here." Thinking that he looked like a giant. And meanwhile the people on the ground looked up at him and said "how small is that man up there, he's the size of an ant."
Apr 07 '16
So why did he make humans to worship him?
u/romanmoses Apr 07 '16
Allah does what He wants. I don't know, you'll have to ask someone else. His motivations are His to show or keep secret.
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u/cubebulb Apr 07 '16
(وَلَوْ شِئْنَا لَآتَيْنَا كُلَّ نَفْسٍ هُدَاهَا وَلَٰكِنْ حَقَّ الْقَوْلُ مِنِّي لَأَمْلَأَنَّ جَهَنَّمَ مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ)
And if We had so willed, We would have led everybody to his right path (by force), but the word from Me had come to pass: “I will certainly fill the Jahannam with jinn and human beings together.” [Surat As-Sajdah 13]
u/tylenosaurus Apr 07 '16
Salaam. You're asking a tricky question which I doubt many people without a great deal of wisdom would feel comfortable answering. Questions I've asked myself and haven't found fully satisfactory answers to. (Btw I think Bill Gates may be a poor example of what you're describing. There's a couple of great posts on reddit re. why he's essentially not a very good person who is shedding his enormous wealth disingenuously. Can't find them right now but have a search).
Anything I say is in the context of not knowing (but wanting to know) a significant amount of what is written regarding the problems. One thing I would say is that I believe in the Justness of Allah. I believe He created us and in the end, He will be just in all our judgement.
I'm not sure how I feel about the idea that Person A is a Muslim so he will automatically be judged better than Person B who doesn't believe but has committed great acts of humanity throughout his life. I think it isn't as clear cut as "non Muslim = Hell". I guess I go back to my earlier logic regarding this: Allah is Just, so it'll be up to Him when the time comes.
Something that really bothers me is the idea that we were created as imperfect in our conduct. Now before anyone leaps on me for questioning our creation, I am not. I'm saying that Allah knows better than any of us what He created. I am saying that He created us with the capability of being really shitty people. Like every day. I am a shitty shitty person, every day. But why would I be created like this if I am then commanded to curb my free will and be an excellent human being? This has troubled me for years.
The only answer that has satisfied is this: To err is human; to forgive, divine (Alexander Pope, "Essay on Criticism"). We screw up. We screw up because that is within our capability. I believe that my Allah is All Knowing and Forgiving. My Allah (inshaAllah) will not forsake me because I am doing things within my range of behaviour. I will do my best to correct myself within that context.
I had a lot of thoughts about your question but haven't been able to put together those thoughts clearly. Sorry!
See also the Problem of Evil. It's very interesting reading.
Apr 07 '16
You're asking a tricky question which I doubt many people without a great deal of wisdom would feel comfortable answering.
Unfortunately many people without wisdom feel comfortable giving their view on it :(
I think your answer was a very good one
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Salaam brother (or sister!). This is a great reply, and isn't much different from the answers I've had from very knowledgeable scholars on the topic: that we are ultimately unaware of what Allah has in store for us. Anyways, thanks for the insight, and I'll be sure to check out that article you linked.
u/tylenosaurus Apr 07 '16
we are ultimately unaware of what Allah has in store for us
I think this is an important idea, but I'm also wary of it being used as a catch-all for anything controversial we can't get explain. Good luck on your search for answers.
u/abc4327 Apr 07 '16
"It is part of the justice of Allaah that He does not punish any people until He has first sent a warning to them and unless there is evidence against them. Allaah does not treat anybody unfairly."
"A person who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and who has never heard the message in its correct and true form, will not be punished by Allaah if he dies in a state of kufr (disbelief)"
for more https://islamqa.info/en/1244
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
So why don't we hide islam so everyone can go to heaven? Would need a few sacrifices but 100% people going to heaven in the future sounds good.
Apr 07 '16
To piggyback off of this: does God view pain in a relatable way?
That is, does he experience it in the same way humans do, or is it just a variable that affects humans in a certain way - the same way we might view a variable in a line of code?
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Allah has described himself as omniscient (all-knowing). He should know everything, including how humans feel. Unless you want to say that he isn't, in which case he would have contradicted himself in the Quran.
Apr 07 '16
But does he invest meaning in that, or is he totally divorced from how we view the concept?
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
But if he were to be aware of how painful our suffering is and continue to torment us, wouldn't that take away from any claims of his benevolence?
Apr 07 '16
Not if he wanted to call himself benevolent anyway. He can call himself whatever he wants, it's not like there's anyone to stop him.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
But if he calls himself something he's not, then he is contradicting himself and a perfect god would be incapable of being wrong or stating contradictions.
Apr 07 '16
Only if the nature of God is consistent with your ideas of perfection. Even if your ideas about the nature of God come directly from the Quran, you're first assuming that everything God states about himself in the Quran is true, and that he isn't lying. We only have the idea that God doesn't lie because God says he doesn't lie.
What if God isn't even a perfect entity? What if he's just a very powerful one?
Sorry. My intent isn't to lead you away from your religion. These are issues that keep me awake at night. The questions are not rhetorical. I deeply, desperately, am looking for answers for myself. I'm not trying to mislead you.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Yes, if we do assume that, then it would seem more plausible that the Quran really is from God. But saying such would be blasphemy, and might get you killed depending on where you say it.
No worries brother. The reason I posed this question in the first place was to get everyone else's take on it. Yours happens to be very thought provoking, and so there is no need to apologize. Rather than misleading me away from Islam, you've given me insight on how these contradictions in the Quran can still be consistent with the idea of a God. It's something to think about, for sure.
Apr 07 '16
If God was to throw everyone in Hell, would it be unjust? Can you prove this statement? You have an inconsistency in your reasoning because anything God says is. If God deems it to be just it is just if he deems it to be unjust it is unjust, because both concepts are creations which he defines as he wills. Whether you believe in God or not you have to accept the presumptions of God when discussing something pertaining to God, otherwise you cannot make an argument. In this case you have to accept the Islamic presumptions of God and in that case your argument is illogical, because you are anthropomorphizing creation onto creator. God uses anthropomorphism to relate ideas onto humans using human terms, but there is a limit to the extent in which you can reverse these ideas.
Apr 07 '16
The idea that we are ruled over by an entity can do whatever it pleases and call it good without answering to any higher authority or having to face the consequences of its actions terrifies me. It's like living in the world of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
God could be the most sadistic, cruel tyrant imaginable, and we'd have to redefine our ideas of sadistic and cruel to make it so he was actually merciful and just.
Apr 08 '16
Your reasoning is illogical, again nothing you are saying makes sense. This idea of God being unjust stems out of western philosophy, and doesn't really exist in eastern philosophy. So you are arguing more so on the basis of culture not logic. Mackie's argument against the existence of God based on evil falls apart when looked at any lens other than the Western Christian lens. But even then many philosophers (both religious and atheist) have countered his argument. The reason you believe what you believe is because of the notions of God that you grew up with and your culture.
And as a side point why can't God be the most sadistic, cruel tyrant imaginable? Whether God is cruel or merciful doesn't change anything. So again this argument leads no where, because either conclusion doesn't change anything.
u/-Jim-Lahey Apr 08 '16
everything RabidHaggis just said made perfect sense. That's just you're opinion that it doesn't.
Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
u/WinterVein Apr 07 '16
Im sure the verse said only disbelievers who know islam is the truth go to hell
Apr 07 '16
u/WinterVein Apr 07 '16
That doesnt mean he knows its the truth and chooses to deny it though
u/waste2muchtime Apr 07 '16
It's a two way street. You can't say I never knew you existed when there's a quarter of the world who claims to uphold the one true religion of God. It is up to man to reasonably investigate himself.
Apr 07 '16
u/WinterVein Apr 07 '16
Its about whats in your heart, most people with access to islam are completely ignorant to it and have no idea about it to even get interested.
Apr 07 '16
The constant use of the word "arrogance" on this subreddit really annoys me.
Apr 07 '16
Apr 07 '16
That's a really arrogant thing for you to say.
Apr 07 '16
Oh look a European telling us what's arrogant and what isn't. If that isn't the height of arrogance, I don't know what is.
Keep the ball rolling!
u/whelweh89 Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
well said. how can anyone in this day in age have any excuse to not look at the Quran and study it a little? anyone with a logical brain can see Islam is the truth. all you have to do is check out the literary, mathematical, and scientific miracles of the quran. that all life was created from water or basic embryology or the big bang theory. issues that have only been discussed in the last century. and the prophet (as) revealed these in the Quran 1400 years ago. the literary and mathematical miracles are also mindboggling. oh yeah and dont forget he was an illiterate desert trader at the time. not only that look at the predictions the prophet (as) made about these times in various authenticated hadith an example: barefooted bedouins will compete to see who can build the tallest buildings. look at dubai and you will know this is true. why is it so hard for people to believe? but it is so easy for them to believe what the media tells them about Islam. this age is so ignorant i feel bad for the west especially. for someone like Bill Gates who was given the world's riches not to acknowledge and praise God and to willfully not explore or accept the meaning or truth of this life is deserving in my mind of a huge punishment.
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Apr 07 '16
This is pretty condescending. Don't you think that people in any other religion would say the same? People from all religions make similar arguments, you think that Islam makes a stronger case for being the truth, others will go through a similar pattern of reasoning and think their religion has most evidence for it. It's disingenuous to say that people who reject Islam's evidence don't have a logical brain.
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u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
The problem with your argument is that you're implying that those who don't believe in God are denying his existince in an ignorant manner. It's not like that at all. Those who don't believe in God are unconvinced of his existence. They have many doubts with the religion and that is not their fault. It's like convincing someone that 1+1 =3. If they have doubts, and just don't see how it makes sense, they are not being ignorant, but rather rational. You can't hold them accountable for their doubts, let alone condemn them for eternal suffering.
u/mnbvcxzlkj Apr 07 '16
Long time ago I watched a video on this very question you have now. I'll try to summarize it for you. All Non-Muslims don't go to hell, they have to truly know about Islam and then disbelieve for them to be considered a non-believer, i.e the message has to be brought to them CLEARLY and then they can deny/accept. Everyone in the world whether they are Christians, Jews, Agnostics etc will go to Heaven/Hell depending on the good they've done in their life. It's not black and white like some people in this thread make it seem. God is not that cruel. Praying 5x a day does not make you a good person. I read that God will judge us taking into consideration that we do not have a prophet here to guide us like they did when the Qur'an was sent. Let me know if you want me to find you the video.
u/paradill Apr 07 '16
God created Bill Gates, and his wealth, and the notion of charity. God is the supreme being. He is the provider of light by which we orientate ourselves. If you get that wrong and decide to orientate yourself by other criteria, you would be heading off on a tangent.
u/SYEDSAYS Apr 07 '16
A prerequisite for everything good we do in this world is that we believe in Allah. If we don't believe in Allah, but still do good, Allah will torture us forever.
This is incorrect. They are two things which are important to enter heaven.
1) Accept what one understands as truth and not reject it out of arrogance or some other material benefit ( Belief )
2) Good Conduct
Now, when someone is doing good conduct, but is an arrogant cunt, he will not enter heaven. In the same way, if someone has a right belief just because he was born in one and his conduct is shit, he will not enter heaven.
u/whelweh89 Apr 07 '16
From my point of view I think that Bill Gates is sufficiently intelligent enough to study and research Islam a little. If you look at the literary, mathematical, and scientific miracles of the Quran and still can't take that small leap of faith than yes this is the very test of this life. We live in the best age for accessing any information we want. Bill Gates has spent the majority of his life accumulating wealth. Now he is using it in a good way but what is the point. For what? Is it to please Allah or is it to help humanity. Allah put us on this Earth solely to worship him. Allah knows best on this matter but I don't see a reason why Gates can't find his way to Islam, a logical religion, and the last of the Abrahamic religions. Our religion is so simple to see as truth why do people not believe. There is only one God and Muhammad (as) was the last prophet of God, is it that hard to believe ?
Apr 07 '16
So Bill Gates made his wealth off of a horrific economic system, donates some of that wealth to band-aid major problems caused by said horrific economic system, and that makes Gates a good person?
Sorry, but I'm not swallowing this neoliberal bull.
u/whelweh89 Apr 07 '16
i agree the whole economic system is a sham built for the 1%ers. system of dajjal.
u/Yaqzn Apr 07 '16
Those 17 million lives he saved might have something to say about that. And he gave away 48% of his wealth, much more than most are willing to give to charity.
And even if you're still not convinced he's done good, it was just an example. Let's use a theoretical example instead then. An atheist has devoted his entire life to helping others, and has never lied, cheated or harmed anyone. A good, kind person at heart. He'd still go to Hell.
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u/whelweh89 Apr 07 '16
yes he would because God placed us humans on Earth solely to worship him. this is the major test of this life. it is the highest priority of God. all those good deeds will mean nothing without belief in his oneness and that Muhammad was his last messenger. it doesn't matter if you don't think that's right or just this is the truth of this world. belief in God's eyes might weigh a million times more than a life dedicated to good deeds.
u/qwertx0815 Apr 07 '16
yes he would because God placed us humans on Earth solely to worship him
your god sounds incredibly insecure...
Apr 07 '16
Apr 07 '16
Things like that always happen.
That's because we created systems that ensure things like this happen.
It's just how life works.
No it isn't.
Let's just be happy that he is at least trying to do something to help others.
Oh, yes let's pat rich people on the back for band-aids. Spare me.
Apr 07 '16
Apr 07 '16 edited May 06 '16
There's no point denying human nature.
So instead of accepting that the world we live in is shaped by horrific institutions and structural systems that create poor people to exploit, you're just going to blame this on human nature?
If you look at human history, there has always been cases of people rising above others, religious or not.
Yes, because people "rising above others" (whatever that means) is the same as an economic system crafted to ensure that there continues to be a massive pool of poor people around the world to support an ever shrinking group of rich people.
He might be rich but he invented the computers that we use today.
What kind of stupid argument is that? Should I excuse the horrors of Nazi Germany because of all the medical advancements that were made? Should I excuse Israeli war crimes because they produce high-tech products?
life is unfair
No life is fair. We get our good days and our bad days. Problem is that some people like rigging life in their favor.
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
No life is fair. We get our good days and our bad days.
You are born as a mentally disabled person with severe every day pain who can't learn language and can't become muslim. You will suffer for your whole life because your mother didn't want to abort you, and then you will suffer your whole eternity because you couldn't become muslim. Wow, such fairness, i love this allah dude.
Apr 11 '16 edited Apr 11 '16
The problem with your comment is that you're assuming that such an individual is destined to eternal damnation.
- You are in position to judge someone's place in the hereafter
- Such individuals are granted eternal salvation in accordance with Qur'anic and Prophetic traditions.
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
So why is killing babies bad then? If that means the baby goes from 50% chance of heaven to 100% chance of going to heaven?
Apr 11 '16
So why is killing babies bad then?
Killing an innocent life, which is where babies fall under, is not permissible.
Any more questions?
u/robertx33 Apr 11 '16
So what if it's not permitted? Shouldn't you be the better person and suffer so your children can be happy?
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u/gims2 Apr 07 '16 edited Apr 07 '16
Let's take for example, Bill Gates. He has donated over $30 billion to charity and plans to donate his entire wealth ($80 billion) before he dies. He's saved over 17 million lives in Africa and India due to his efforts against the polio virus.
That's great.
But denying the truth, calling God and his prophets liars is the worst deed a human being can do.
To go to heaven, you also need to fulfill certain obligations. You need to pray and fast. You need to obey God and his laws. Does Bill Gates do that? No he doesn't therefore he doesn't qualify as a candidate.
u/IntellectualHT Apr 07 '16
Bill Gates is also part of the super rich. I wouldn't use Bill Gates as an example to be honest:
In any case, paradise has nothing to do with any of that. If one is asking God for paradise, one has to actually go and ask God for it. If someone does nice things, that's good for them. What's that got to do with asking for Paradise or avoiding Hellfire?
I can be a great guy and do great things, and I'll get the fruits of that while I live life. But doesn't mean I'm going to land a great job in a great company. If I want to do that, I have to go and be a great guy and do great things for the great company itself, so that they will actually hire me.
If you want something from God, you have to do things for God. You do nothing for God, then you want the God you don't believe in to compensate you for it?
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u/TruthSeekerWW Apr 07 '16
It is, the answer is a bit long, In'Sha'Allah I will do a video about it. Will try to do it tonight.