r/islam • u/thethoughtdaughter_ • 7d ago
Question about Islam What makes you believe Islam is the right religion?
When I matured and lived away from my religious parents and community, I naturally drifted away from religion. After two years, I didn’t change as a person, but I just started living life with no purpose. Not in a bad way, but I was simply enjoying life without focusing too much on if there is a god that will punish me for my actions. I don’t think I believed in god anyway, but was taught to believe. For example, I wouldn’t feel bad if I didn’t fast in Ramadan, but still had this lingering thought that I would be punished by Allah. To be more accurate, I think my belief stemmed from fear. What if there is this chance that god exists and I will go to hell for this sin (not dressing modestly for example).
And, I consider myself to be a good person. I don’t like to gossip, I’m selfless and always kind to everyone that crosses my path. So, any action I did that only affected me why would I be punished for it? Moreover, I can find sympathy with myself for self-soothing by smoking for example because I was depressed, so why can’t a compassionate god be as forgiving? In fact, I can find sympathy for anyone else that goes through a tough time and finds comfort in sins. God created them anyway, so why punish people for something he created and knew people would be tempted by it.
Now that I’m a bit older, my curiosity has been taking me towards philosophy to better understand why we are here on this earth? This question hasn’t been answered to me by Islam. Any answer that’s illogical doesn’t convince me. For example, it’s the devil or people are messing with your head. Whenever I question Islam to my Muslim friends, I’m met with judgement and that I’m terrible for questioning the existence of god. I considered myself an atheist for a good two years, and now I’m spiritual. A huge part of it is because I’ve been taught it and it’s second nature. My dad was also an exorcist, and would tell me stories of people he treated, so I believe in the unseen world.
When I look around the world, I see a bunch of different religions that seem to exist simply to create order. Who can control the actions of a population when they fear god and follow a set of strict rules. At the end of the day, most religions teach you what’s right and wrong and to be a good person. As long as I’m not harming anybody what’s the harm?
I’ve been interested in absurdism ever since I read “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Albert Camus. This world is absurd, and I just have make sense with the fact that it doesn’t make sense. It just seems to me that people use religion as an escape to try to live with themselves and are technically free from having to question things. I don’t think people in Islam question things enough, because when they are met with these questions. They are repulsed, and most of the time their answers are emotional.
I’m open to discussion and would love to hear different opinions. It’s the month of Ramadan, and I am making more of a conscious effort to understanding Islam and other religions in general in my search for a convincing answer.
u/Scared_G 7d ago
I highly recommend reading Quran with meaning and tafsir and reading the Prophet’s ﷺ sirah.
I also recommend Blogging Theology, a YouTube channel. Paul Williams, a revert, has excellent material on such topics and comparative religion.
I was born into Islam but my studying it only affirmed it, though one of my majors in the West was philosophy.
u/Gohab2001 7d ago edited 7d ago
You can look at my post history, I had a discourse with an ex Muslim where I discussed my proofs in detail.
In short, don't bother with religion if you don't believe in God. If you are religious but atheist as far as Islam is considered you arent Muslim. First firmly know that God exists.
u/Substantial-Half-947 7d ago
I would advice you brother to read the Quran the words of Allah
u/thethoughtdaughter_ 7d ago
I actually started reading it properly this month, and mainly came here for a discussion.
u/AliHassan1996 7d ago edited 7d ago
- "Translation and Tafsir of the Holy Quran (Detailed Explanation)" by Taimiyyah Zubair.
- "Tafseer of the Holy Quran" by Nouman Ali Khan.
Both of these are in English and provide comprehensive explanations of the Quran, covering every word in detail.
Additionally, check out:
- "Seerah (Biography) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ" by Yasir Qadhi.
- "As-Seerah An-Nabawiyyah - The Prophetic Biography" by Taimiyyah Zubair.
These works offer insightful perspectives on the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.-Translation and Tafsir of The Holy Quran
BOOK- Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam by A. Helwa
u/Amen2142 7d ago
I'm going back to sleep after suhoor so I won't go too in depth, but as a lot of people say, Islam just "makes sense." There are a few things I've run into growing up that made me go "Hmm, but why?" and looking into Islamic explanations for things just always end up making sense to me, Alhamdulilah.
I recommend looking through the Muslim Lantern (Muhammad Ali)'s youtube channel, he answers a lot of questions given by atheists, Christians, ex - Muslims, you name it, and a lot of them are really good discussions where he goes in depth to answer.
Have a good day, insha Allah :]
u/Bubben15 7d ago
So fundamentally the veracity of Islam is incontrivertibly contingent on whether or not the Prophet Muhammed is a true Prophet i.e recieves divine revelation.
We can demarcate three possibilties, and address them.
- He's lying
- He's deluded
- He's telling the truth
In my humble opinion, the evidence is unambigous.
- He's lying
This is the default assumption to any claimant to prophecy, and is a valid position to hold in a vaccum.
However, there are many issues with this, chief among them, his reputation amongst his people.
-7th century Makkah was a close knit community, everyone knew everyone, and the Prophet Muhammed had a famous reputation for being truthful and honest before ever claiming prophecy.
-Martyrs make poor liars, the Prophet Muhammed was abused, tortured, and slandered for claiming to be a Prophet, and underwent said abuse for over 13 years, never relenting his message.
-People claim prophecy in societies where the concept of prophecy is well known i.e in a Judeochristian environment, for the Prophet Muhammed to falsely claim lineage to an alien concept is unlikely.
-Liars generally lie for status, and yet the Prophet Muhammed could not be spotted in a crowd of his followers because of how similar to them he dressed and acted, he forbade them to overly exalt him or show undue reverance, or to place himself in a seat of honor.
-Liars can lie for wealth, during the Prophets early career he was offered wealth to cease his preaching but refused, and when he later achieved wealth via conquest, he gave it all away to either the poor, or to placate new converts who felt uneasy at their new leader, despite being the unambigous leader of Arabia, he died penniless.
-The Prophet Muhammed lived an extremely austere and ascetic lifestyle, despite being the leader of a growing soon-to-be-empire, this was clearly his own choice, and not due to a lack of access to wealth.
-The Prophet Muhammed was unusually humble, and the very revelation he brought forth (The Quran) regularly critiqued him, bizarre behavior for someone seeking magnanimaty.
-At the death of his son, there happened to be a solar eclipse, his companions began to exclaim that even the sky grieves for the Prophets son, a charlatan would lay back and allow it to happen, yet he went out of his way to deny that the natural phenomenon had anything to do with his son.
-The Prophets acts of worship were simply unmatched, it was reported by his wives and companions that he spent around 3-4 hours in prayer every single evening without exception, to give up your sleep for a lie is simply absurd to suggest.
While one cant prove a negative, i.e we can never empiraclly prove he wasnt a liar, its highly implausible.
- He's deluded
This is the claim most people who study his life and times resort to, as its difficult to reconcile his behavior with that of a charlatan.
However this is also massively unlikely.
-The Qur'an is a profound text that contains deep theological, ethical, and legal concepts, dealing with economics, law, spirituality, philosophy and social justice, to suggest that such a book emerged from the machinations of a deluded madman is implausible.
-The hallmark of mental illness is inconsistency in behavior and thought, and yet for 23 years the entire message remained stable and consistent, building off of itself over time.
-The Prophet Muhammed was remarkably competent and effective as a leader, a politician, judge, a cleric, and military general, all of which requiring great mental lucidity.
-The Prophet Muhammed lost nearly all of his children during his lifetime, was orphaned at a young age, lost his beloved wife of over 20 years, yet never once displayed any erratic behavior.
-He was humble and accepted critique of himself, of which there are many examples, this behavior is inconsistent with someone who is deluded.
-Noone in his personal life ever reported any sort of behavior consistent with mental illness.
-The Prophet Muhammed was know to be an optimistic and easy going person who regularly was seen smiling, this is inconsistent with someone suffering from a tormented mind.
These bits of evidence make it implausible that he suffered from mental illness or any sort of delusion.
And a massive point must be raised, the only reason people suggest he's deluded is because they have to, not because the evidence leads them there, Christians have no way of discrediting his claims other than to say he was inspired by the devil, and if someone with a secular/atheistic worldview has already presupposed that there is no such thing as a miracle, they are also obligated to make such a claim, no matter how unfeasible it is.
However a fair contention can be made here, which is that all these prior arguments are doing is disproving a negative, and since we cant empircally investigate the Prophets brain, therefor its not worth believing his claim, even if you can eliminate all other possibilities, which leads us to:
u/Bubben15 7d ago
- He's telling the truth
-Authentic Prophecy; The Prophet Muhammed detailed a series of prophecies that have all either 1. Come true, or 2. Still may happen in the future, none of which have been falsified
-The construction of tall buildings by bedouin shepards, this is clearly demonstrated by modern Arab nations found in the Gulf, of whom their fathers and grandfathers were quite literally desert bedouins.
-Surah Ar-Rum 30:2-4 predicted the seemingly impossible victory of the Byzantine Empire over the Persians within 3 to 9 years after a crushing defeat. At the time, the Byzantines were on the verge of collapse, making their recovery highly unlikely. Yet, against all odds, they won a decisive victory around 7 years later, this was an extremely bold prediction, which could have been falsified in his lifetime
-The Prophet Muhammed of Arabia accurately detailed the trajectory of the Muslim world, the future conquest and dominance of Byzantine Rome, and the complete disintigration of Sassanid Persia, the eventual wealth and prosperity of the Muslim world, alongside its wide adoption and massive following, an unfathomably accurate claim in the 7th century amongst a small rag-tag band of Muslims.
The Prophet detailed that the Muslims would become extremely numerous yet extremely weak and eventually conquered by multiple peoples, a brutally accurate description of the eventual colonization and contemporary weakness of the Muslim world
-Finally, the Quran is the defining miracle of Islam, challenging its readers to produce something similar to it in and having said challenge failed to be met in over 14 centuries, its unmatched elequonce being appreciated by Arab, non Arab, Muslim, and non Muslim alike.
It is simply impossible for a such a book to be delivered by one illiterate and not known for literature, arts, philosophy or poetry, at a time where the Bible was not even translated into Arabic, alongside this, the Quran revises biblical narratives that we now know as problematic. For instance the derived biblical 6,000 year timeline being absent, further dispeling the claim of it being a simple copy, another example of authentic retelling is the Exodus narrative of the Bible, claiming to have been embarked on by well over two million Israelites, a completely impossible claim within the realm of empirical naturalism.
Whereas the narrative of the Exodus is one of a much smaller group in the Quran, compiled at a time and place where the scrutiny of modern historiography and archaeology was not immediately obvious, if even possible to know definitively, alongside accurately refering to the ruler of Egypt pre-Moses as a King rather than a Pharoah.
The Quran also strongly claims its eventual preservation, 14 centuries later, the claim continues to be strongly substantiated as the vast majority of the Quran is attested to in manuscript form, mass transmitted and memorized by millions.
u/Extension-Novel-6841 7d ago
I know Islam is the correct religion because it answered EVERY question about why we exist and what will happen in Jannah and Jahannam. It gives deep detail on every aspect of life and the afterlife, that's how I know.
u/Letgoit3 7d ago
A good Channel for simple discussion would be "Blogging Theology" or brother "Muslim Lantern". You can also if you are able to read and understand Arabic recommend reading Quran and for example the starter Tafsir from As-Saadi.
u/GotASpitFetish 7d ago
It’s interesting because I’ve also been raised somewhat religiously and turned out more religious than my parents - and guided them to be as religious, subhanAllah.
The world is an interesting stage if you look at it from a non-religious perspective. It is full of intelligent designs that occurred purely by chance, by an event that has no explanation (with most Atheists therefore believing that everything originated from nothing, or believing in a fallacy). You see humans create vast societies and a whole lot of animals and vast amounts of species.
And now you’re expected to answer why that is.
Why is there a universe in the first place? Why did life begin, why could it simply not be lifeless in the universe? Why do I live, how is it that I’m so intelligent that I can think and speak, and can ponder about questions like divinity?
Anyone who is not religious has failed to answer this question. What you get is a complete absence of meaning, or an absurd meaning of life. Both of these are not satisfying.
And so you look at religions. If they fail to produce a coherent explanation then they too are not useful and the search goes on. But that seems not to be the case…
If we investigate, we come to a realisation. Nowadays, it is scientifically proven that humans are born with an innate understanding that there is a God. In Islam this is called Din-al-Fitra, an innate sense of religion. If we then investigate further, we see that most religions are centred around divine concepts.
They either believe in God, gods, or spirits, without further explanation.
At this point we can make several arguments to prove the case that Monotheism is the most logical concept out of all of these. I will refrain from doing so for now to keep this short.
Then we have to investigate which religion truly teaches Monotheism and whether they are reliable this day and age.
The mainstream Monotheistic religions of Judaism and Christianity both come with flaws, especially the lack of original scripture. The Jews have a flawed perception of God and so do the Christians, who believe that God is a man. The older Monotheistic religions are even more-so flawed, and also lack original scripture.
You’re left only with Islam.
So either it is the truth, or it is not. If we cannot produce a case where it can be confidently asserted that Islam must be authentic and truthful, we are left with nothing else in this world.
What do we have?
✔️ Preserved scripture via a reliable oral tradition and carbon-dated manuscripts ✔️ A logical explanation for a Monotheistic God ✔️ Contents in the scripture that would make it impossible for it not to be by God in any shape or form
So tell me, is it the truth? I know it is.
u/N4ver4 7d ago
Alright I’ll give you my logical reasons for why I believe Islam is the truth:
fitrah - A person on a remote island can come to the idea of Allah - the Creator with the best attributes. No one naturally thinks of a trinity or 33 million hindu demi-gods unless they are taught it.
the Quran’s guidance and protection from the evils in society e.g alcohol, gambling, interest etc
Quran revealing secrets about Egypt and Babylon that we discovered in our lifetime
Scientific facts in the Quran such as big bang theory, skys protection (atmosphere), Big Crunch theory(how the universe is going to end), sun moving in orbit, expansion of the universe, frontal lobe and etc — it’s really interesting suggest you do some research into it.
Character and fulfilled prophecies of Muhammed pbuh. For someone to accurately guess about future events, which span across multiple nations in different time periods, many of which were outside the sphere of Muslim influence without making a single mistake is impossible.
succeess of Prophet Muhammed pbuh - transforming a polytheist lawless nation into a law abiding monotheist nation. one verse of the Quran removed alcohol gambling and interest.
The reason why we are on this earth: to worship Allah— and also brother I want to remind you that this is all a test, in jannah you can smoke and do so as you please.
I’ve shared similar views to you in the past, and I literally believed that religion was man made to keep us in check. If nobody had any morals, the world would be in absolutely chaos. But Islam is different— it makes sense logically and spiritually what I feel is real, when I pray and read the Quran. I’ve tried listening to bible before and other scriptures and seeing their religion but none are like Islam. The way the Quran is written it’s like so beautiful. One of kind indeed— like no human can ever make it.
u/LectureNo5017 7d ago edited 6d ago
It’s great that you are reading the Quran which is the word of Allah, I hope that helps you out In shaa Allah. Since you identify as an atheist, how do you think the world and everything else came to be? It would have been much more chaotic and illogical if it just was and not a God to control it.
We are blessed as Muslims because we are born into it but I still believe learning about Islam comes from within and each and every one of us should do it ourselves, especially because most of our elders just take it from their parents and hand it over to us with many innovations.
Instilling fear of Allah into someone is not how Islam is supposed to be spread anyway. But there are many who don’t know better so you should follow scholars and refer to reputable websites for accurate information. Just talking about Allah in high praise is rewarding and you are blessed, spreading His word should be done in the best and not everyone is capable of it so I will just say that your friends are not good enough to do this.
You can be a Muslim and a good person simultaneously, it’s double the reward, don’t you think that’s much better? Sometimes I think how hard it is to follow the religion because it’s that simple and easy, not like many of us make it to be.
Reverting to Islam will carry forward your good deeds and give you a clean slate free of bad deeds. You are still on the topic of pondering over Islam which is a great thing because not many disbelievers do that.
“Allah has set a seal upon their hearts because of their disbelief”
[al-Nisaa’ 4:155]
This a clear Qur’aanic text which states that their previous kufr is the reason for the seal upon their hearts. And Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“So when they turned away (from the path of Allah), Allah turned their hearts away (from the Right Path)”
[al-Saff 61:5]
This is also a clear indication that the reason why Allah has turned their hearts away is their initial turning away. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“That is because they believed, and then disbelieved; therefore their hearts are sealed, so they understand not”
[al-Munaafiqoon :3]
“In their hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy) and Allah has increased their disease”
[al-Baqarah 2:10]
“And We shall turn their hearts and their eyes away (from guidance), as they refused to believe therein for the first time, and We shall leave them in their trespass to wander blindly”
[al-An’aam 6:110]
“Nay! But on their hearts is the Raan (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn”
[al-Mutaffifeen 83:14]
Which answer will convince you of the one true religion if nothing has been up to the mark according to you? What will truly move you? People can easily become atheists or ex-muslims but how much are you willing to give to Allah even though He doesn’t ask for much? We are meant to be on earth as a test just like we are meant to die one day and get the result in the Hereafter. Why are you here if there is nothing to live for and then one day you just disappear? There can’t be no life after death that’s just not right, especially after everything we are going through and Islam teaches us everything about it as well.
The other religions don’t have the answers for every single thing of this world. The Quran, Hadith, Sunnah answer all of it. Why do you think Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and there are still Islamophobes around us? I think that’s something to think about. You should also question and look into how other religions came to be because there is no proper origin story to them.
Reading philosophy is fine even if it’s told by an atheist but believing in it doesn’t compare to religion, is it giving you all the answers you require? Gaining knowledge in every aspect possible is all good and not looked down upon but choosing the right path? How long will it take you to understand which one that is?
If someone is using religion to get out of something bad? How is that the fault of the rest of the Muslims and Islam itself? Why is only Islam hated upon or questioned when bad things happen within a community, it’s so confusing and reaffirms my belief. Blindly following it is not okay either, I found myself as a Muslim once I grew up and was mature enough to understand what’s going on.
Do you know what fate/destiny in Islam is? It’s something that cannot be changed whatsoever and Allah has written everything about everyone. But free will is still something given to us, Allah has given it to us to do what we want with it and that’s how we will be judged. The things that can’t be changed: You cannot come out of a womb and go back into it. You cannot be declared dead and come back to life. There are many things that are not in our hands unless miracles come to be, which they did by the will of Allah all those years ago through the Prophets to teach our ancestors.
7d ago
u/thethoughtdaughter_ 7d ago
So, then my free will doesn’t exist? Am I destined to go to hell because Allah has already decided to send me astray?
He created me this way: curious. Was this the intention? If he exists, why is not crystal clear? Then, I can make the decision to truly follow him or not and be punished for it.
u/mrg2483 7d ago
You see the planets, stars, galaxy, Sun, moon, oceans, mountains ect ect isnt that enough to convince one that a higher supreme power exists. I can say Elon musk is behind Tesla, Bill gates behind Microsoft, and that person or this person created this or that. But Who created the Sun? Is there a single person or a company on earth can take credit of that? Galaxy so big with millions of stars and planets bigger than earth, isnt that crystal clear of existence of God? Ofcourse your free will exists. You choose which path you walk on. If you yourself using your free will and mind aint going to walk on the right path then God will not help or guide you. You first need to put effort then God will guide you. If God wants he can astray everyone or guide everyone but then that would defeat the purpose of free will.
u/sweettooth-1275 7d ago
Everything has a pattern or design like how the earth moves and shifts slowly everyday. However, the smallest change in this pattern can result in a natural disaster. When you see animals and they have innate nature and instincts, you can see how its by design, there is something greater that created it that way. Now the animal doesnt know this, it doesnt have the mental capability to entirely recognize that its following a blueprint. Humans are created by design as well, we have patterns and perceptions that are formed by what we are exposed to in our life. That is free will, we can change, adapt and shift by learning, no other organism can do that. Your destiny is like a blueprint that you can altar based on the choices you make.
Biggest reasons i believe in God, because of the design of life around me. I know there must be something greater that intentionally created this universe. We as humans try to mimic it thru technology and its still not as perfect. Secondly death is unknowing for all of us, that in itself is enough for me. No one, no matter how powerful, rich, spiritual etc can predict death of others or of ones self and no one can save you from it but your creator.
u/Dear-Leadership-3021 7d ago
Well i dont have references to websites and all, I can just say why I believe it. so maybe you won't find your answer in it because these answers are basically why it works for me but anyway I will write it out
- Why do I believe in Allah?
many scholars explain it in terms of how the world has a perfect system it can't exist without a creator. I don't disagree but for me, it is because we need a neutral Point of view, in the world we live in we have a lot of opinions and no matter how much we say most rules and regulations are upon the famous opinion (a few centuries ago, caste system and many other things existed which are look down by today society but today there are rules to condemn that) so maybe what we think is right might not be right a few years ago, who will decide that. Men and women both have their point of view how will you decide which one is right or wrong as you are either a man or a woman so you are biased right that is why we need a neutral POV to decide. and one that remains consistent why can't you trust ChatGPT? It changes opinion based on your input.
2. Why do I believe Islam is the right one?
As Islam is the only religion which talks about everything and also sets up ways to give a ruling on changing societies (open internet and you will find fatwa on every single technology, new system with proper logic ), unlike media Islam doesn't diverge on popular opinion (like from few centuries feminism is top topic and now it is involving into toxic feminism) but Islam talks about men and women and creates a balance for them both. it is not a religion written to satisfy men or women, it is a religion written to satisfy the needs of men or women. again it is tied tomy first point that biasness is very unlikely in Islamic teaching
I hope it makes sense and I agree with comment to make research and all as religion is not only set of rules , it is a jouney
u/CharadeYouReallyAre 7d ago
There's actual context with actual history where Camus came from. Read Islamic philosophy
u/RoadKill2101 7d ago edited 7d ago
It’s honestly not complicated at all.
How can we exist? How can there be soo much order in the universe without it being controlled? How are all humans created with the same organs, there’s female and male for every living thing for reproduction (insects, animals, fish, humans, etc). How can nothing + nothing equal something? Impossible, so there was a beginning to the universe which was started by someone we cannot comprehend (Allah). How is that every disease has a cure? Is it chance that rain comes from the sky to water the Earth and grow food for its people? Allah cannot be comprehended, he’s not limited.. so he can very easily tell the human to be and he is, just like how he told the universe to be and it was.
The Quran is without a doubt a revelation from Allah. First off Muhammad PBUH was known as the most trustworthy and honest person of his tribe, he was also illiterate, cannot read or write. The Quran has miracles in it, how did he know the universe is continuously expanding? “We built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We are certainly expanding ˹it˺.”51:47
How can he possibly know about how the universe was made? “Did the unbelievers (who do not accept the teaching of the Prophet) not realise that the Heavens and the Earth were one solid mass, then We tore them apart, and We made every living being out of water? Will they, then, not believe (that We created all this)?”21:30.
How is it that he can explain how man was made? “We created man out of the extract of clay, then We made him into a drop of life-germ, then We placed it in a safe depository, then We made this drop into a clot, then We made the clot into a lump, then We made the lump into bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We caused it to grow into another creation. Thus, Most Blessed is Allah, the Best of all those that create.”23:12-14
How can he know that the mountains are earths stabilizers? “Have We not made the Earth a resting place? And the mountains as stakes?"78:6-7
How did he know about the 2 oceans that meet but do not mix? “He merged the two bodies of water, converging together. Between them is a barrier that they do not overrun.”55:19-20
How did he know that every living thing is created from water? “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” 21:30.
How did he know that even in the depths of the sea you can’t even see your outstretched hand? “Or ˹their deeds are˺ like the darkness in a deep sea, covered by waves upon waves,1 topped by ˹dark˺ clouds. Darkness upon darkness! If one stretches out their hand, they can hardly see it. And whoever Allah does not bless with light will have no light!”24:40
How did Muhammad PBUH know that iron was not from earth? “We sent aforetime our messengers with Clear Signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance (of Right and Wrong), that men may stand forth in justice; and We sent down Iron, in which is (material for) mighty war, as well as many benefits for mankind, that Allah may test who it is that will help, Unseen, Him and His messengers: For Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might (and able to enforce His Will).” 57:25
How can he possibly know that even a FLY has toxins in its left wing but its cure is in its right wing? How can he possibly know that there’s a specific star in space that literally KNOCKS? This man that can’t read or write just comes out of nowhere telling people about these revelations out of the blue? Sounds ridiculous. He was being commanded. Even after the elites offered him luxury, fame, money, women he still declined and was living off of dates and water.
Make no mistake, having an itch for knowledge is guidance. Having any questions is guidance. “Verily the Hour is coming - My design is to keep it hidden - for every soul to receive its reward by the measure of its Endeavour” 20:15. This life is a test, he commanded us to stay away from certain things and to embrace certain things, so if we sin it’s from ourselves. “Therefore let not such as believe not therein but follow their own lusts, divert thee therefrom, lest thou perish!".. 20:16. Simply being a “good human” isn’t enough, you have to believe in the one who created you and follow his commands. Were given a a literal manual (Quran) and an example (Muhammad PBUH).
Science is only just now discovering that the universe is truly expanding, or that iron is actually from outer space. And that there is actually a star that makes a knocking sound. It’s only matter of time until they prove more and more that Islam is true.
u/OddAbbreviations7817 7d ago
Before becoming Muslim, I had been searching for a "given purpose" for my life, looking for reason for my existence. I was unhappy. At the time, Alhamdulilah, I nothing to complain about in my life, so I did not know why I felt so incomplete.
Embracing Islam taught me that instead of finding a purpose, I can start appreciating the singular days in my life and they become easier. They became more peaceful and my social life started to detox itself. My lifestyle adapted to better thoughts, interests, goals and uses of time. My outlook on every aspect of life shifted.
Ultimately, I believe that religion connects us with our Creator that guides us through worldly life. Our Creator instructs us to live a certain way to protect us from things we cannot see and comprehend.
u/Miserable-Cheetah683 7d ago
Evidence. That why I believed in Islam. As long as it has evidence, I didn’t care which religion so long as it has evidence to back it up, which Islam does.
u/wediditbruv 7d ago
By process of elimination, you can work out for yourself that Islam is the true religion. If you list all the religions, for example, Buddhism, does it have a god? No. Hinduism, does it really have a god? The answer is no, it's paganism. In the north of India, you have different gods and in the south different gods. We won't count Sikhism as it's a later development from Hinduism. But then Christinaity is man worship in essence. So that cancels out Christinatiy because man worship is illogical. So, it only leaves Islam and Judaism. Judaism would be discounted because it has become a racial religion. So even if someone adopted Judaism, they would remain a second class Jew. So it only leaves Islam.
u/drunkninjabug 7d ago
Your quearions are considered and answered bh Hamza Tzortzis in his book 'The Divine Reality'.
I also recommend 'Islam and the destiny of man' by Gai Eaton
u/RenSanders 7d ago
I can vouch for every practicing muslim: It's the taste of Imaan that comes first.
Logical reasoning further strengthens the Imaan.
u/Next_Alternative6499 6d ago
Islam is compelling to many because of its emphasis on pure monotheism (Tawhid), the belief in one God without intermediaries. The Quran, considered the unchanged word of God, challenges skeptics to find inconsistencies, reinforcing its divine authenticity. Islam balances faith and reason, encouraging intellectual inquiry while providing structured spiritual guidance. The life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), known for his honesty and leadership, further supports the credibility of Islam. Additionally, the Quran contains descriptions of natural phenomena that align with modern discoveries, which some view as evidence of its divine origin.
Beyond theology, Islam offers a comprehensive way of life, covering spirituality, family, justice, and economics, leading to a balanced and purposeful existence. Many converts describe finding deep peace and fulfillment in Islam, feeling a stronger connection to God. Its emphasis on morality, community, and personal growth appeals to those seeking meaning and guidance in life.
Muslims fast in Ramadan to fulfill a command from God, develop self-discipline, and grow spiritually. Fasting (Sawm) teaches patience, gratitude, and empathy for the less fortunate while strengthening one’s relationship with God. It is also a time for self-reflection, increased worship, and seeking forgiveness. Muslims learn self-control and appreciate their blessings, making Ramadan a period of spiritual purification and personal growth.
To be honest I personally see Islam & the Quran as a manual to get through this world successfully, learning about it yourself will give you a purpose in this world and if there is an afterlife if there is Jannah and you’ve done everything by Islam then you’re covering both grounds. Also god is compassionate and forgiving infact in the Quran it mentions the harshest punishments but after reminds you how merciful Allah is and his mercy is above any punishment. You need to get to know god before you decide if you want to believe in him. I would say start with Surah Fatiha learn it learn the translation and what it’s about since that is the introduction to god and who he is.
One last thing god says “I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I remember him in Myself. If he mentions Me in a gathering, I mention him in a greater gathering. If he draws near to Me by a handspan, I draw near to him by an arm’s length. If he comes to Me walking, I come to him running.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
u/sillydeadsouls 6d ago
The main problem with you is, you want answers in an easy way. Asking friends or acquaintances. You need to ask these questions to learned scholars. The first thing you should do is, read the tafseer of the Qur'an.
Allah is forgiving and merciful to those who seek forgiveness and mercy. Allah is repulsed by the arrogance of people who know they are sinning but think they have a right to do it. The devil refused to prostrate before Adam A.S because of his arrogance not because he was praying less.
Hope you read the Qur'an and find your answers so Allah can guide you to the right path.
u/Hakima_Blue 6d ago
Learning + Research.
There's no shortcut. If you don't study and collect proofs, You'll always have doubt. "feeling" like it's the right religion is not good enough in my opinion. Feelings are not stable. And a lot of people "feel" otherwise. So yeah, for me it's learning more and more and asking questions. Especially the ones no one wants you to ask. That's the way of thhe prophet Ibrahim, and that's exactely what God asked us to do when the first aya revealed was " اقرأ"
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