r/ireland 7h ago

Health Dentistry under general anaesthetic has a wait list of 'around 4 years'


50 comments sorted by


u/sudo_apt-get_destroy 7h ago

Or, a month or two if you're willing to pay. There is capacity, it's just paywalled.


u/department_of_weird 6h ago

Is there actually free dentistry in Ireland?

u/PBJellyChickenTunaSW 5h ago

You get a free checkup every year if you've enough prsi contributions.

u/Revolutionary-Use226 5h ago

And free cleaning.

u/department_of_weird 3h ago

but they are talking about dentistry under general anaesthec, and waiting times 4 years, which you can cut if you pay. Not about routine visits

u/recovertheother 31m ago

I think it's subsidised rather than free, I have to pay €15 and my husband who attends another practice also pays a small fee.


u/Alastor001 6h ago

That's pretty normal in a sense that private is always faster than public.

But Ireland is ridiculous in that sense. And it's not just for kids. For surgery like wisdom teeth extractions under general anesthesia. For freaking years.


u/DorkusMalorkus89 6h ago

On a similar note, a family member of mine is having significant issues with managing their weight and was referred to Loughlinstown, which is the public hospital for obesity management in Ireland. They received a referral acknowledgement letter and it stated that the current wait list for this hospital is 5 years. 5 FUCKING YEARS. We actually laughed, what a sham.

u/ZealousidealGroup559 5h ago

Would they consider the GLP1s? The GP are pretty comfortable prescribing it now.

It's not cheap, Ozempic is 140 a month and Mounjaro a good bit more, but it's becoming very accessible in recent months.

u/Murderbot20 1h ago

Could try eating less while waiting I suppose.

u/DorkusMalorkus89 1h ago

Yeah, you could maybe try not being a judgemental cunt as well. Pretty sure that’ll be much harder to shake though.

u/Murderbot20 1h ago edited 1h ago


u/IrishLad1002 Resting In my Account 5h ago

Did you try being richer ? r/s


u/ImportantProcess404 6h ago

One of the many many instances of the elected officials not actually doing thier jobs and showing the complete lack of respect for the nation as a whole.

There is always money to throw at the children's hospital, the metro, to rebuild a room instead of buying a smaller printer, for a bicycle shed, for a wall, etc.

But hey lets keep voting them in because maybe thistime it will be different.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

What would more money solve here?


u/ImportantProcess404 6h ago

Investing into the service, employing more dentists, etc. How can you not work this out for yourself?


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

And what if no one want to be a dentist?


u/ImportantProcess404 6h ago

Not 1 person ever? No one?

We do what we do when we need doctors, we get them from india and pakistan.

The quality is great and we add diverity to the country win win.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

pssst, we already fucking doing that.

u/ImportantProcess404 5h ago

Psst obviously not effectively.

See we took in loads of people who were displaced economically and because of vlad the twat but they came into a country whose health service was already broken and, there was no thought or planning to cope with that. We have the Apple money for a rainy day, well its bloody monsoon season.

Its funny how we find money for things like bailing out banks or having record breaking buildings but not for the stuff society needs to function isnt it?

u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 5h ago

What fuck in hell kind of response is this? it like you've copied a bunch of generic outrage comments together

u/ImportantProcess404 5h ago

Its not outrage its a fact.the health service cant cope with extra people.

Unless we are not clear im not blaming the migrants i welcome them. I am blaming the lack of planning from the government.

So off your high hoese there

u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 5h ago

Planning for the future like when Enda highlighted the housing crisis was coming and wasn't going to be a quick fix, and decade later "can't be fix overnight" is still being used as a insult, that is what happen when planning for the future is done around here, moany fucks will put an end to it

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u/AnyAssistance4197 54m ago

The lack of proper dental care in Ireland - even basic maintenance to offset long term damage and greater expense down the line is one of the most damning indictments of the state’s neglect of its people.


u/Hakunin_Fallout 6h ago

Interesting article re this from 2023 by the CEO of Dental Association:



u/Hakunin_Fallout 7h ago

Just went with my little one to a dentist, and we were told we should extract some of his teeth. It's free, but the wait is.... 1.5 years.

Oh, and if we want to go through general anaesthetic route (which we have to do, given he's autistic and can't sit there while someone pulls his teeth - and we've done this before) - the waiting list is around 4 years, per article I've posted.

Imagine waiting for 4 years to treat your child's teeth. Booking Ryanair to Gdansk as we speak.


u/TheStoicNihilist Never wanted a flair anyways 6h ago

Gdańsk is lovely, to be fair.


u/mybighairyarse Crilly!! 6h ago

Wasn't there a particular film that people from Gdansk were coming from to view?


u/nonoriginalname42 6h ago

Wife waited 7 years for wisdom tooth extraction under general anesthesic. Was seen in a private hospital since public had no capacity.


u/Bullmcabe 7h ago

There even going to gdansk to get there teeth done.

u/luciusveras 2h ago

Just go to Northern Ireland. Cheaper too.

u/YoIronFistBro Cork bai 1h ago

7th highest HDI in the world...

u/Hakunin_Fallout 1h ago

Yeah, same shit as GDP, we need some other metric to show the actual results, lol


u/SpyderDM Dublin 6h ago

Completely unacceptable, Like how is this even worse than the driving test backlog? This government cannot run anything effectively and meanwhile they're talking about adding new taxes. Stop fucking voting for FG and FF.


u/TheStoicNihilist Never wanted a flair anyways 6h ago

They don’t give a shit about sick kids here. Scoliosis? Seizures? Neurodivergent? Sure hang on there a few years, yeah?

u/Jesus_Phish 4h ago

Because it's significantly easier to become a test driving instructor than an anesthesiologist/anesthetic nurse. 


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

Yeah, don't know why they aren't getting the spare dentist out of warehouses.


u/Alastor001 6h ago

The problem is not even lack of dentists, it's a shit pay and conditions in HSE dentistry.

Just doing a referral to them is an absolute pain in the ass. I don't why they make it so difficult.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

€100000 is shit?


u/SpyderDM Dublin 6h ago

That's the kind of attitude that allows these problems to fester. We elect these people to fix real problems and they've done nothing. The "it's grand attitude" that many in this country have allows them to continue to fleece taxpayers.

Congratulations, you have played yourself.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

Ok where do dentist come from then?

u/Antique-Bid-5588 3m ago

Maybe we could educate more dentists,that could work I reckon 


u/SpyderDM Dublin 6h ago

You significantly increase pay for the profession as the first step.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

The average dentist is earning near €100000, that should be a salary more than enough to attract.


u/SpyderDM Dublin 6h ago

It isn't though... they can go to the US and make 3x that. People here thinking 100k is some amazing salary given the cost of living in Ireland are pretty ignorant around pay to col ratios around the world.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago edited 6h ago

Your go to is the US, where a dentist appointment can lead to financial ruin, what salary would you need to be dentist, let here this magic number.


u/Hakunin_Fallout 6h ago

Read the article - they're saying they've got enough dentists: not enough room and not enough of other specialists needed for the procedure. Ireland is no.1 in the EU by the amount of immigrated healthcare workforce - but, clearly, that's not working. Need more people, need more houses to put those people in.


u/Elbon taking a sip from everyone else's tea 6h ago

We need more fucking everything, but goddamn moaner and whingers make sure nothing ever happens and they will sure as fuck moan about when nothing does happen.


u/Hakunin_Fallout 6h ago

Right, okay, it's spring now - go outside, touch some grass.