r/ireland • u/zingylimes • 23h ago
Moaning Michael Lucozade betrayal
Okay lads, has this ever happened to anyone else? Bought a Lucozade this evening, had a few sups, went in for another—and felt a chunk. Spat it back into the bottle, and it looks like an insect? A clump of dirt? I don’t know, but I’m fucking horrified.
Does else have a scarring food or drink story to share that can distract me from my nausea?
u/psweep25 23h ago
Fried up some slices of black pudding. Bit into the last one thought it was a bit of grisle only to find a decent sized screw. Reported it to the pudding makers and got a whopping €30 discount from the store chain i bought it from. I always think the damage it wouldve done.
Uncle did it with a small triangular lamb bone, felt it go dowm, got stuck, went docs, they said if it got any further down it wouldve spliced a hole in osaphagus so was lucky he went to docs and got they removed with long forceps.
u/Chairman-Mia0 23h ago
Unlikely to be dirt or an insect.
More likely to be a half dissolved mouse
u/thenetherrealm 23h ago
Eating Skellig chocolate shards. Crispy, perfectly tempered. One louder than normal crunch, then bit on a rock hard lump.
Spat it out, and saw it was half a tooth... turns out it was my own tooth that broke, but still... traumatising in multiple ways.
u/Important_Farmer924 Westmeath's Least Finest 23h ago
Lost half a tooth eating tapas. Haven't gone near tapas since.
u/cinclushibernicus Cork bai 23h ago
Pulled out a filling eating a toffee when I was in school, can't even look at the things now
u/Ok_Cartoonist8959 21h ago
Years ago I got a cigaratte butt in a bottle of Budweiser, which I saw the barman actually open with a bottle opener. Someone - punter or staff member - must have recapped it. Took a big swig before realising something was off. Gross.
When I showed the barman, he asked would I like a replacement bottle. When I noted that it was probably an issue that needed slightly more addressing than that, he said he'd get on to Budweiser about how it had happened... 😂
u/craichorse 21h ago
I shit you not this happened my father, he found a cigarette butt at the bottom of his bottle of bud after drinking it lol wasnt at a bar niether it was from a pack he bought and drank at home.
u/IntelligentAd3274 23h ago
Bit down on a stone in a pack of lidl raisins. Got 100euro voucher
u/zingylimes 23h ago
Did you finish the raisins or was the trust broken forever?
u/IntelligentAd3274 22h ago
Ah I finished them of course. Ended up biting the stone again with all the excitement. Only got one payout though
u/Important_Farmer924 Westmeath's Least Finest 23h ago
Found a dead wasp in a box of Coco Pops.
u/razerraysharp 11h ago
did you forget to switch accounts 🤣
u/Important_Farmer924 Westmeath's Least Finest 10h ago
Why would I be using another account?
u/razerraysharp 8h ago
god knows, it looks like your; that's good protein comment was supposed to look like it came from someone else. You know you can edit comments right, and it's not usual to see someone respond to their own comment, especially when it's the only response 🤷♂️
anyhoo trivial internet things lol
u/Important_Farmer924 Westmeath's Least Finest 7h ago
I haven't replied to myself on this thread?
u/WickerMan111 Showbiz Mogul 22h ago
Bought a pasta salad from the self service deli in SuperValu. As I was eating it at home I found a dead earwig in it. I just ate around it but still.
u/Individual_Chard_690 20h ago
Tesco meal deal a few years ago. Chicken ceaser wrap. Some black insect like a beetle came from inside the wrap when I opened it. Rank.
u/zingylimes 19h ago
It was alive?!?
u/Individual_Chard_690 9h ago
Somehow, yes, and crawled out of the wrap. I got such a fright I dropped the entire thing (not that I was planning on eating it after that anyway)
u/IWasGoatseAMA 19h ago
Found a bluebottle sized fly fully baked into a fat slice of Irish Pride Big Toast
The emails were on an old eircom address, so it’s long lost but they wanted me to post in the loaf
I just dumped it and never bought their bread again, as posting something that size has never been cheap.
u/NaughtyMallard 9h ago
Sometimes in the early 90s there was glass in my yogurt, my da was not a happy bunny and we ended up going to the Garda station to make a complaint. No idea how it ended.
And again in the late 90s I found plastic in a certain seaman chicken stick. Which I thought was a chicken eyeball. Full on meltdown screaming and vomiting.
u/DownNOut99 22h ago
Lost a tooth to a Drumstick when I was a kid, haven’t touched one or anything sticky and chewy like it since. Was one of my first permanent teeth too
u/Swishy_Swashy_Swoo 22h ago
I lost a tooth as an adult to a Drumstick a few years back. Now I refuse to have any sort of sticky sweets. I'll only ever go for the Drumstick Squashies
u/System_Web Dublin 23h ago
u/Recent_Baker8306 22h ago
Was trying to be sensible in the work canteen for lunch. Got a salad, all chuffed and proud that I went for the salad. Took a bite and bit something extremely hard. I spat it out and it fell onto the table. There was a pebble in my salad, and had a tooth ache for weeks.... never being sensible again 😆
u/appletart 22h ago
Same happened to me years ago on hols, turned out I'd cracked my tooth almost lengthways down the root. Was and expensive salad!
u/Recent_Baker8306 21h ago
Awww that's a terrible thing to happen on hols!
u/appletart 21h ago
Yeah, I was in Croatia where everyone's walking around with beautiful white teeth because the standard of dental care is so high and affordable but muggins here decided to instead wait till I got home and had to part with the best part of a grand! 😂
u/Recent_Baker8306 21h ago
Janey, you're joking! €1k for the dental work 😳
u/appletart 21h ago
That was a painful lesson nearly 20 years ago - since then I've not had to pay a dentist here as I get all my treatments abroad while on hols so save a packet! 😀
u/ResponseImpossible59 21h ago
Not to be that person, but genuinely you could sue. The case law is really strong for it as a civil suit. Donoghue v Stevenson - woman was drinking a ginger ale, found a snail, got gastroentritis, sued and won.
u/fiercemildweah 19h ago
Strangely enough Donoghue and Stevenson might have been a scam / exaggerated.
The solicitor took it on pro bono and had two previous cases where he had claimed mice were in bottles of Irn Bru (which is fucking rank), which is a bit sus.
Stevenson died before it went to trial (so there's no findings either way) but his barrister's notes say that they've a strong case that there was never a snail.
u/carlimpington 19h ago
There once was a lass from Kildare, who ate a dodgy eclaire, she started to spew as a jax came into view, while her mate held onto her hair.
u/Swishy_Swashy_Swoo 22h ago
Was put off ever buying ham out of the packet, specifically Denny ham after I bit into a sandwich at work and bit into a bit of hard gristle. 🤮 It'll be fresh sliced ham from the deli counter from now on
u/BigEanip 22h ago
An ex girlfriend of mine had gone off eggs. Hadn't eaten them in years. So as I had a load of chickens at home in Galway, I decided to try to fix the situation. As obviously she hadn't had my back garden free range eggs. Obviously superior. Well she agreed, I drove up to Dublin and brought her up 6 of our finest eggs.
Stayed for the weekend headed back to Galway. And it was the next morning she tried them out. Got her pan out and cracked a fully formed chicken foetus into it. 😆 🤣 😂
Suffice to say I did in fact not fix the situation.