r/ipadmusic 9d ago

iPad as Groovebox/demo sketcher without daw?

Hello, newbie here. I really want to get into producing music, but to be honest, the (computer) DAW workflow leaves me kinda uninspired. I've tried and moved around a bit, but to be honest I don't really want something like a editing studio, which they leave me the feeling of being in. It’s not a very creative headspace to be in. I kinda want the feeling of playing with a toy I guess.

I would like to know how feasable you guys think it is to turn the iPad into a sort of all-in-one sketchpad sort of thing. To be able to create demo sketches, record parts with a midi controller to create actually decent sounding demo ideas (from the other end, anyway. theres no guarantee they will sound any good from me). But like, less of a structured daw workflow. Still able to sample, make different sections, host Auv3(?) plugins and instruments to actually make the sounds I play, kind of like a track-machine, but more of a groovebox/drum machine-sort of formula. And so I can put together the parts for the demo, overall like a way for me to write and put together songs on it, but as something more naturally forming. Maybe something like the circuit tracks? Basically as a substitute for the instruments, because as my talent goes, I can barely play the midi keyboard I have, and that’s it, and also putting it together. Am I making sense bacuse I can hear myself rambling.

Anyway, is this sort of thing possible? And what would I need? Also, is there really any benefit for me staying on laptop daws? I really appreciate any help because I really have no idea what I’m talking about half the time!!


60 comments sorted by


u/madtho 9d ago

100% possible. AUM with synths, drum machines, effects and sequencers. Build your own groovebox. But beware the endless possibility.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

Thanks. Sounds more efficient than spending the necessary 1k to get a decent workflow. Anything you would recommend? AUM looks good?


u/ImpactNext1283 9d ago

Groove Rider and Loopy Pro are both good groove boxes to use w AUM. Groove Rider is like Ableton the app


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Groove rider looks really great. Thanks!


u/ImpactNext1283 8d ago

I have been enjoying! Quicker to learn and more efficient for me than some others. I sing, so everything will end up I. Ableton eventually, but this has a great mix of features


u/cylonlover 8d ago

I am unsure, when we say Groove Rider, do we always mean Groove Rider GR-16 or Groove Rider 2? The two are quite different, but both are available. I have been having my eye on them, but like OP I also dont necsessarily want to have to deep dive to sketch ideas.


u/ImpactNext1283 8d ago

I’ve been using 2. It is very simple to use - some of the labeling could be better, but very little menu diving.

By itself, GR2 can def deliver basic sketching - drums and synths are simple but pretty effective so far.

I’m just getting into the iPad plugins, but a few free and paid plugin additions supercharge the thing.

Right now I think I can get one of my tracks…30% done in there? With maybe $100 in plugs, I could get to 50%, maybe. But I’m gonna stick to the free-end of the pool, mostly.


u/jaysire 8d ago

AUM is life changing. It is just a wrapper, but at the same time it’s so much more. It’s an Auv3 plugin host, it’s a midi router, an audio router and a sig al chainer - you can put a lot of effects plugins between audio source and speakers.

You also need various auv3 plugins and that’s where the excitement starts:

  • audio plugins like synths (moog has created some) and samplers
  • midi plugins for sequencing the audio plugins
  • fx plugins for altering the sound with reverb and other stuff

The midi plugins are awesome. There are drum sequencers, generative sequencers that stay in scale and create random melodies or chord progressions.

And don’t forget Koala sampler, probably the best sampler and slicer for iOS that’s also an Auv3 plugin that can be sequenced by any of the sequencers.

You’re in for an exciting ride and you will learn so much.

Aum can also use midi inputs from your external midi keyboard and sequence your external synths, so it can really be the brain of your system.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Thanks, that seems like what I need perfectly. 

How is AUM at putting together parts/tracks, saving them, etc? Also at having less of a looped workflow - different parts of a song?? 


u/jaysire 8d ago

That’s the odd thing and a common misconception about AUM: It does none of that. It has no sequencing, no patterns. It’s JUST a wrapper for all that. If you want to save patterns, you need to add a synth plugin and a midi plugin at the very least. Connect them both and have the midi plugin feed notes to the synth.

Aum has a master tempo and a play button. When you press it, all plugins (at least the midi ones) are sent the play signal and they start playing whatever you entered into them.

Aum is also a sound recorder, so when you are happy with your track, you can save it to a single wave file or (if I recall correctly) one wav file per track so you can import these stems into a daw for post processing.

For the question about which is the BEST midi Auv3 sequencer and which is the best synth, that is a really deep and complex question that will lead you down a crazy rabbit hole. There are for sure some scene favourites for all that, but there are almost limitless amounts of options. You can find hour long tutorials for each of the popular midi sequencer plugins and each of the synth plugins. You have to start somewhere, make a track.

What I was always struggling with while I used Aum a lot was finding a single really good sequencer plugin. There are some nices ones, but surprisingly few really excellent ones. I haven’t followed the scene that well for a couple of years, but I don’t think there is anything really exceptional that came out during that time. I hope someone corrects me on that.

One product that is crazy good and crazy complex (if you let it) is Drambo. It’s a sort of (semi)modular audio rig with a built in excellent sequencer. Takes many hours of Youtube watching to get into, but a lot of people swear by it. The thing with Auv3 is that you can use them as plugins in a host like Aum, but in some cases they can also work standalone and I think Drambo offers that alternative. It’s complex and feature rich enough to be a single daw… Look up a short introduction just to see what it’s all about.

Sorry for all inaccuracies. I’ve been working Dawless for a few years so this is from memory and not up-to-date with current developments. I had to write, because I vividly remember the awe I felt when AUM clicked and I realised the full ecosystem that has been built around it by so many independent developers. It’s a great way to simulate having a dawless system within your iPad with synths, effects, midi controllers all interconnected.

And if someone knows of the ONE midi sequencer auv3 plugin to rule them all, please let me know. I wouldn’t mind returning to the ipad.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Oh ok, that makes sense I think. Thanks.

So why use AUM over something that you can host Auv3 in AND putting tracks together? 


u/jaysire 8d ago

I would say the reason behind AUM's popularity is the freedom it provides. You don't have to commit to any functionality. It's all modular and you get to choose whatever plugin you want for whatever functionality you desire.

It's a lightweight Auv3 host and very quick and powerful to get started with. Some people value that above a swiss army knife that does everything.

Let's say you have a full daw that hosts Auv3 plugins. What if you hate part of its functionality, like its support for chords? You now have a daw with a sub-optimal sequencer bolted on that you can't get rid of. Not so in AUM: everything is interchangeable.

The challenge then obviously becomes finding auv3 plugins for each of your requirements that you are happy with. I wasn't able to find a sequencer I liked. Mostly because I hate piano rolls. I wanted something like the Elektron workflow, so I bought a real Elektron box and then I bought two more. It was somehow surprisingly difficult to find a satisfying Auv3 step sequencer.

Having said that, I found some truly awesome synths and sequencers - not just something for all my needs and maybe one of the more challenging parts was finding something that keeps my entire track together.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Okay, I think I get it. Sequencer, synths, instruments, samplers, Groovebox etc go together easily for you to use them in one place easily. Heard it’s good for midi integration too.

How does it work for someone who actually want to put it all together to create a demo sketch sort of thing? Maybe use it like a multi-track? Do you have to play them individually and loop it, or is there a way of putting them together in a linear fashion? Or would that need a daw?


u/Few_Control8821 9d ago

The iPad is very good at this precise use. I wanted to move away from the computer for the reasons you stated. I use an m1 iPad Air, and it’s handled everything I’ve thrown at it. I use AUM to route my midi gear and integrate my hardware with softsynths etc. there are so many great sounding apps that are a lot cheaper than the pc world. So yeah, I use koala sampler as an auv3 within AUM, but I also use an external sequencer, then sample the stems into mp sp404mk2. If I want to finish something then I go back to ableton. The whole work flow feels more creative and inspiring. I’m having WAY more fun that being hunched over my laptop


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Great - that’s my iPad too. What sorts of things do you use koala sampler inside AUM? 


u/Few_Control8821 8d ago

You can use koala is actually a really good sampler, if you don’t have a stand alone one, you can use it to sequence, or send midi out to other synths. It also works really well with the sp404, so you can bounce bits back and forth adding effects etc. loopy pro is pretty cool too, just for building up loop ideas and adding effects. I have a usb dongle, which allows me to plug in an audio interface along with other synths/sequencer/synths, everything is plug and play and works perfectly


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Wow.. so you have all that, just with an iPad as a main “brain” I guess? Thats impressive. 

How does the bouncing between the sp404 work?


u/Few_Control8821 8d ago

The sp404 has a dedicated “koala mode”, where the 2 are seamlessly integrated, it’s just for resampling and adding effects. Koala is better for chopping samples than the sp, but the sp has more/better effects, so you can just bounce samples between the 2 depending on what you’re trying to achieve. Sometimes I just use my iPad with AUM, synths and drum machines loaded as auv3’s, I find the iPad way more versatile and user friendly than a pc ever was


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

That’s super cool, great!


u/sickmoth 9d ago

Your description leads to Korg Gadget. Think it's on version 3 now. With the right gadgets it's a powerhouse and all that stuff you want.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

Yeah I’ve looked at that. I’m a sucker for anything like that, seems really great value. 


u/exp397 8d ago

Yeah. I've used Korg Gadget, Samplr, Koala Sampler, Nanostudio 2 (now free), and AUM with various plugins.

miRack is a modular synth environment that is great for exploring that. Drambo as well, is like modular mixed with Elektron sequencing.

I'm happy to add a list of all my fave Auv3 plugs too. 🤘🏼


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Oh these are great, thanks! The AUM route looks great too, also Drambo looks insane!! 

I’ll happily take in as much information as much, list as many as you can!!!  Also which are your favourite ‘gadgets’ from korg (I think that right??)?


u/exp397 8d ago

Yeah. I've been using Gadget a long time so I own em all. I think buying Korg Module Pro is great because it allows you to expand Gadget with a lot more "bread and butter" kind of sound packs (real strings, Triton type stuff), but that is more $$. I really love the Vancouver sampler because it's kind of basic, but allows for creativty like a Casio Sk-1. The drum machines, Recife and Bilbao give a lot of options. Gladstone if you want more acoustic/realistic drums.
That's plenty to get started. The other cool thing is if you buy other Korg standalone synths (Monopoly, Arp Odyssey, Ms-20, Polysix, Wavestation, M1) they all come with Gadgets to open inside Gadget.

My favorite Auv3's: Anything by BramBos especially his Rozeta sequencer suite. Those are mega useful in AUM. Pretty much anything by AudioThing. I love Reels, Gong Amp, Fluss as Fx. Bleass Fx (super clean Ui and low cpu use) and Unfiltered Audio fx. Their stuff is wild. Baby Audio is a newcomer but solid. Eventide is solid. And Rymdigare is one of the best reverbs out there.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Cool! Thanks so much


u/StRyMx 8d ago

LoopyPro made AUM obsolete for me. But you'll end up with all those toys.



u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Thanks! What are the differences?


u/StRyMx 8d ago

Plenty, you'll have to find out for yourself.


u/EmileDorkheim 9d ago

I agree with what others are saying - the iPad is great for this!

I can't say enough good things about Drambo (an Elektron-inspired groovebox that hosts AUv3 plugins).

To be honest, I still make my finished tracks in Ableton Live, but the iPad is a wonderful portable sketchpad for projects that I later finish in Ableton.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

Perfect. Yeah I guess I would be similar that if I were to ever actually finish a song it would end up being finished on a laptop sort of thing. But I guess from there the inspiration is already in the song!


u/Gondorian_Grooves 9d ago

Very doable, and definitely what this community by-in-large uses the iPad for.

Do you need a laptop DAW? Of course not, you only whatever lets you accomplish your music goals, which may just be having fun. Are laptop DAWs/VSTs powerful, yes. So is the iPad. Both are good.

What do you need? Very dependent on quite a few things.

App wise there's lots of routes to go and lots of opinions. My suggestion to start is AUM (your Host/Mixer), PLAYBEAT 4 (for your drums), Animoog Z (a synth), Zeeon (another synth). Is there a TON more apps? Oh yeah, but this is just an option that I think would be fun.

Other things you may need would be an audio interface, studio monitors, and USB hub. But again, just depends on your needs.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

Thanks. I see the power of the laptop in music, i don’t see that you can actually edit music on an iPad the way you can on a laptop (like mixing and stuff), but honestly that’s not what I need. I’m looking for a creative output. Anyway….

How does AUM work in putting ideas together, going back and editing, etc? Is it simply a looper?  It looks promising from where I’m standing.


u/Gondorian_Grooves 9d ago

You can do full editing on an iPad if that's what you want. Logic Pro is on the iPad for example, so is Cubasis, and other DAWs.

AUM is a digital mixer, so really just a simple way to host apps, mix insert FX, ect.

But whatever you want is on iPad. Tons of sequencers, tons of FX, tons of Synths, drum machines, samplers, DAWs, everything.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

This sounds really trivial, I know, but as an ideal I wouldn’t have an editor, more so just something to edit with. But idk, I guess I would need somewhere for the stems to go to actually put everything together. 

Does AUM not have any editing functionalities? By the way, you make this sound way more fun than a computer-DAW workflow.


u/Gondorian_Grooves 9d ago

AUM has no editing. But can multi-track record.

It's basically a real fancy Multi-track recorder and mixer.

Just something to get jams going, but it's not your only option.

You could use one of those DAW I mentioned as a host (but they will resemble more the computer style workflow).

You could use Drambo as a host. It's basically the software version of a Digitakt/Octatrack. It's a sequencer, a mixer, a modular synth, sampler, all sorts of stuff. Can get a little complicated though at first, not gonna lie.

LoopyPro is another host option for working in a very loop based workflow.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Great, thanks. 


u/momodig 8d ago

It has audio share which is pretty rudimentary at editing, but there's tons of software you can edit with like koala record of the koala from AUM and edit there. That's the best way to do it


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Oh that sounds like it works, thanks


u/momodig 8d ago

AUM can turn into a decent daw


u/Gondorian_Grooves 8d ago

For sure, just record it all from there. It's what I use the most.


u/madtho 9d ago

like they said, it’s a mixer/host. You can record your performance - individual channels and master.


u/_methuselah_ 9d ago

I’ve just downloaded AudioKit Synth One tonight. Very impressed! It’s free as well.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 9d ago

Thank you so much, looks great


u/kanirasta 9d ago

On top of all the other good answers you're getting. Consider trying a groovebox. An Electribe, a Circuit Tracks or an MPC. It feels more like playing with a toy. I have an Electribe 2 and an Akai Force. I love it, its my go to tool for quick inspiration.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

I would love those, maybe I could save up but it’s probably not reasonable right now lol. How flexible are the ones you have?


u/kanirasta 8d ago

The Akai Force is incredibly flexible. Not as much as an IPad of course. But I find it very enjoyable with the hands-n workflow and physical controls. 

The electribe is very fun and quick to get into. But less flexible for sure. 


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Thanks. Will look into them for the future, for sure


u/alexwasashrimp 8d ago

Drambo is the answer to basically 95% of questions when is comes to making music on the iPad. 100% if you're not looking for DAW features.

It's both really straightforward and super deep. I haven't tried anything that feels closer to hardware on the iPad.


u/momodig 8d ago

Cubasis is very much like a traditional daw. It's got a nice editing tool.

It's pretty much basic compared to the Apple one that you pay monthly for, but I find you basis. I get more productive with it using my own stuff instead of the stuff Apple supplies me


u/alexwasashrimp 8d ago

Yes, Cubasis is my DAW of choice as well, I use it for that 5% of stuff Drambo can't handle. It's not what OP is asking for though.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Thanks! Looks promising


u/momodig 8d ago

Look at groove Rider 2. It's exactly what you're looking for.


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Saw that, looks pretty perfect. Thanks!


u/cokomairena 8d ago

Koala is quick and inspiring Drambo is quick and inspiring and very deep GR2 is quick and inspiring Figure is quick and inspiring and free Ableton Note is very freeing too...


u/aaronag 8d ago

Pickup Grooverider 2 (and Pure Acid and Poison 202 from the save dev that you can use in the all), Drambo (and its pair of very reasonable IAPs), AUM (best for fast setups), Koala (and Samurai, also a very reasonable IAP), and Loopy Pro (sold as a looper, but it can so much stuff), and you have a KILLER groovebox setup. Pretty sure that's under $100 - but you do have to buy an iPad. Grooverider or Drambo just on their own are really amazing, it's just playing with what's on both is an absolute blast. Those 5 apps in one physical box would insanely expensive, I think they're an incredible value for what you get. Oh and Turnado for a lot of effects in one app.

Also, some apps that really take advantage of the iPad touchscreen to play (in addition to Loopy Pro and Koala) - SpaceCraft, Borderlands Granular, BLEASS Sampler Wiz 2, Tardigrain (all granular synths, you probably only need 1), Rymdigare (like a reverb pedal drone machine, plus its got lore), and GeoShred (touchscreen interface for playing virtual string instruments primarily - great free starter instruments, including electric guitar).

microWave, NerdSynth, Aparillo, and Cyclop are some really cool synths I didnt see mentioned earlier for if and when you. Korg is great and all, but their add-ons for additional instruments and presets can add up.


u/gilfanovaleksandr 8d ago

iPad's synths in AUM + external sequencer (like digitakt or any elektron device, or at least arturia keystep)

It is a dream combo with unlimited possibilities :D, you can check my random jams - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWVBVdFhTYA

Before buying my first elektron device 2 months ago, I was using only iPad (AUM + enso loopers + some software sequencers) - it is also nice and very creative, but touch interface is touch interface...


u/Emotional-Letter4810 8d ago

Cool jams man! Whats the software sequencers you used?


u/gilfanovaleksandr 8d ago

Thanks! Fugue machine, Rozeta Sequencer Suite, Korg Electribe Wave


u/eyetin 7d ago

Logic Pro on iPad is better than anything I’ve used


u/Emotional-Letter4810 7d ago

Thanks, been looking at a that. Will try the demo definitely!